Trump Is Sued in Death of Capitol Police Officer After Jan. 6

They are inconsequential as far as a court is concerned. It's like saying Jim Jordan thinks that Trump was in no way responsible for 1/6. What does it matter what he thinks? The only thing that matters in a court are facts, and there are no facts that Trump in anyway had to do with those breaking into the Capitol.
Quoting Gym Jordan would be up to the Defense if they felt his opinion would help their case. This is not a criminal case. If it wasn't for the actions DJT took, Jan 6th and all the deaths and injuries that occurred during the riot/attack would not have happened.
The bitch doesn't stand a chance. Not only can't Trump be tied to the event as even partly or solely responsible, but the guy didn't even die as a result of the riot that day. She gets nothing.
Even if he died as a result of the riot, how does that mean that Trump... what? He all by himself caused the riot and is responsible for EVERYTHING that came from it?

Wht kind of idiot lawyer told these people they had a case?
Quoting Gym Jordan would be up to the Defense if they felt his opinion would help their case. This is not a criminal case. If it wasn't for the actions DJT took, Jan 6th and all the deaths and injuries that occurred during the riot/attack would not have happened.

So then nobody should have any rallies anymore to avoid such a possibility? Why don't we just get a constitutional amendment against free speech and the right to assembly if that's the direction we have to go?

The idea of rights is to protect US citizens from retaliation by the government, and here you are saying a court of law should find Trump guilty for exercising his rights. That defeats the purpose of having rights. And yes, I know, you're a leftist, you hate our Constitution, but until we decide to get rid of it, it's still the law of the land. That's why this phony lawsuit isn't going anywhere. The Constitution forbids it.
Why don't we just get a constitutional amendment against free speech
Trumpyberra can't hide behind the 1st.

"The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president," he said, "and having that belief was a foreseeable consequence of the growing crescendo of false statements, conspiracy theories and reckless hyperbole which the defeated president kept shouting into the largest megaphone on planet Earth."

Yer favorite Majority leader....

The idea of rights is to protect US citizens from retaliation by the government, and here you are saying a court of law should find Trump guilty for exercising his rights.
Trumpybear was a President who fomented an attack on another branch of Government as a form of intimidation to stop the Constitutional process of counting of the EC votes.
I know, you're a leftist, you hate our Constitution, but until we decide to get rid of it, it's still the law of the land.

Funny coming from a New Republican, who supported halting the once proud tradition of non-violent transfers of power by ignoring the Constitution and seeking to install the certified loser of the 2020 elections.
If Obama isn’t charged for the murder of Dallas cops by a BLM radical, if Bernie Sanders isnt charged for his supporter who shot up the GOP softball game, or if Kamala Harris isn’t charged for encouraging BLM violence during riots… then Trump should t be charged for anything.

We've been over this.

If one person listens to your words, and does something crazy, that's on them.

If hundreds of people listen to your words after you organized an event for them to act out, then that's on you.
rumpyberra can't hide behind the 1st.

"The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president," he said, "and having that belief was a foreseeable consequence of the growing crescendo of false statements, conspiracy theories and reckless hyperbole which the defeated president kept shouting into the largest megaphone on planet Earth."

Yer favorite Majority leader....

Again, WTF does it matter what he thinks? Do you see him a Jesus Christ or something where he can't be wrong? It doesn't matter what he thinks; not in a court of law, not by any real Republican, nobody. A court of law does not judge on what somebody's opinion is. Do you even understand how our justice and court systems work?

Trumpybear was a President who fomented an attack on another branch of Government as a form of intimidation to stop the Constitutional process of counting of the EC votes.

Show me where he "fomented" an attack. All he did was have a rally, that's it. Furthermore because the invasion started before he even finished his speech, it was an entirely different group than those who were at the rally.

Funny coming from a New Republican, who supported halting the once proud tradition of non-violent transfers of power by ignoring the Constitution and seeking to install the certified loser of the 2020 elections.

I defy you to show me one post of mine where I supported the attack.
WTF does it matter what he thinks?
His statement is not all opinion "having that belief was a foreseeable consequence of the growing crescendo of false statements, conspiracy theories and reckless hyperbole which the defeated president kept shouting into the largest megaphone on planet Earth.

Donnies False statements, conspiracy theories and reckless hyperbole can all be proven with facts in court.

Show me where he "fomented" an attack.

He called his flock on that specify day for a reason. He lit the flame and sent the MOB to the Capitol. It was a multiprong attack involving illegally pressuring the VP to claim unconstitutional powers to throw out certified election results and ec votes from certain states.

show me one post of mine where I supported the attack.
Your pretense that it was just a rally is a denial of the reality of the assault on several fronts. On our institutions as well as traditions that made our Democratic Republic successful and the envy of the world during our transfers of power from one party to the other.
Donnies False statements, conspiracy theories and reckless hyperbole can all be proven with facts in court.

No, it's a matter of opinion. If he felt the election was stolen then there were no lies or conspiracy theories. Again, free speech. How people react to what he believed is not his repsonsibility nor is he liable for how they reacted. That's on them.

He called his flock on that specify day for a reason. He lit the flame and sent the MOB to the Capitol. It was a multiprong attack involving illegally pressuring the VP to claim unconstitutional powers to throw out certified election results and ec votes from certain states.

He said it in his speech. Go to the Capitol and urge (not be violent) your representatives not to certify the election. I dare you to find anything in his speech where he told them to break any laws or hurt other people.

Your pretense that it was just a rally is a denial of the reality of the assault on several fronts. On our institutions as well as traditions that made our Democratic Republic successful and the envy of the world during our transfers of power from one party to the other.

So in other words you can't find anywhere where I said I supported the invasion. Do you know how I know that? Because I don't and never did support it.
No, it's a matter of opinion. If he felt the election was stolen then there were no lies or conspiracy theories
But what exactly is the legal theory of “willful ignorance”? There has been much scholarly writing about this doctrine, in particular, is an excellent law review article authored by Alexander F. Sarch, which defines this doctrine as the following:

When a defendant is charged with some crime requiring knowledge of some fact, but the defendant deliberately avoided learning whether the fact in question obtained, it is common practice among federal courtsto give so-called willful ignorance instructions. Such instructions tell the jury that it may find the knowledge element for the crime to be satisfied by the defendant’s willful ignorance of the relevant fact (also called the inculpatory proposition).

To cast this doctrine in another light, again quoting Sarch: “… juries may find a defendant to have possessed the requisite knowledge for a given crime merely on the ground that he was willfully ignorant of the relevant fact”.

The Supreme Court and all federal courts of appeals have adopted a version of this doctrine in one form or another. On one hand, certain of these appeals courts require proof of an existing motive for remaining in ignorance besides proving the elements of (1) having suspicions about the fact of which knowledge is required; and (2) deliberately refraining from investigating the existence of the relevant fact.
Fuck him. I shall play a song for him on my violin.

Tiny violn for an even tinier brain. How fitting.
Trumpyberra can't hide behind the 1st.

"The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president," he said, "and having that belief was a foreseeable consequence of the growing crescendo of false statements, conspiracy theories and reckless hyperbole which the defeated president kept shouting into the largest megaphone on planet Earth."

Yer favorite Majority leader....

Trumpybear was a President who fomented an attack on another branch of Government as a form of intimidation to stop the Constitutional process of counting of the EC votes.

Funny coming from a New Republican, who supported halting the once proud tradition of non-violent transfers of power by ignoring the Constitution and seeking to install the certified loser of the 2020 elections.
funny how you liberals are always giddy about some R being held to account for something he didn't even DO! And yet when it comes to provable and actually proven crimes that Ds have done (Hunter laptop, a gvt "servant" [ha ha] threatening someone in a foreign country that if he doesn't end an investigation into his son's nefarious business dealings, he won't get American taxpayer money anymore.. we get crickets from you..

It's amazing what these leftists try to blame Trump for. Half of the things Dementia is Fn up in this country they're still blaming Trump for, two years out of office. It's like when they constantly bring up Reagan and blame him for events taking place today. The guys been out of office 35 years now.

"The best part about being a Democrat is never having to say it was your fault."
Ray from Cleveland
Dems are LYING lowlife creeps so no surprising.
funny how you liberals are always giddy about some R being held to account for something he didn't even DO! And yet when it comes to provable and actually proven crimes that Ds have done (Hunter laptop, a gvt "servant" [ha ha] threatening someone in a foreign country that if he doesn't end an investigation into his son's nefarious business dealings, he won't get American taxpayer money anymore.. we get crickets from you..


Mitch McConnell is not a liberal. Charge Hunter Biden if they find a crime and let him have his day in court. Obama, the EU, and the IMF all wanted the prosecutor removed because he wasn't prosecuting the former owner of Burisma, before the loan guarantees were approved. Do you know how foreign policy works? Mulvaney wasn't wrong. Quid Pro Quo.
Wht kind of idiot lawyer told these people they had a case?

The kind that it took this idiot two years to find to try to sue an ex-president for because her boyfriend died the day after fighting with a crowd because they wanted accountability and representation from their unaccountable and unrepresentative government after Trump told them to go peacefully.

By that measure, the roughly 200,000 fentanyl deaths that have occurred since Biden took office and opened the border all have murder cases against Joe! :smoke:
They should sue Pelosi, McConnell, and Ray Epps. Pelosi turned down the National Guard. This is all about greed and it should be dismissed.

WASHINGTON — The longtime partner of a Capitol Police officer who died after the Jan. 6 attack sued former President Donald J. Trump and two Capitol rioters on Thursday, arguing that his death was a “direct and foreseeable consequence” of their roles in the mob violence that day.

The suit, filed in Federal District Court for the District of Columbia just before the second anniversary of the attack, seeks at least $10 million in damages each from Mr. Trump and two men accused of assaulting the officer, Brian D. Sicknick, with chemical spray on Jan. 6, George Tanios and Julian Elie Khater. Mr. Khater pleaded guilty in the assault, and Mr. Tanios pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges.

“The horrific events of Jan. 6, 2021, including Officer Sicknick’s tragic, wrongful death, were a direct and foreseeable consequence of the defendants’ unlawful actions,” the suit said, adding that “the defendants are responsible for the injury and destruction that followed.”

Officer Sicknick died the day after the attack, but the Washington medical examiner ruled that it was from natural causes — multiple strokes that occurred hours after the mob confrontation — and prosecutors shied away from linking his death to the assault. But the medical examiner also said that “all that transpired played a role in his condition,” and the Capitol Police consider his death a “line of duty” fatality.
Did you read the last paragraph? It's not good for Trump:
But the medical examiner also said that “all that transpired played a role in his condition,” and the Capitol Police consider his death a “line of duty” fatality.
By that measure, the roughly 200,000 fentanyl deaths that have occurred since Biden took office and opened the border all have murder cases against Joe! :smoke:
Biden, Harris and Dems in congress should be charged and locked up.
This will be laughed out of court. He died of a stroke the following day. Trump has zero to do with this.
It's the medical examiner versus some nickname in a message board
But the medical examiner also said that “all that transpired played a role in his condition,” and the Capitol Police consider his death a “line of duty” fatality.
But what exactly is the legal theory of “willful ignorance”? There has been much scholarly writing about this doctrine, in particular, is an excellent law review article authored by Alexander F. Sarch, which defines this doctrine as the following:

To cast this doctrine in another light, again quoting Sarch: “… juries may find a defendant to have possessed the requisite knowledge for a given crime merely on the ground that he was willfully ignorant of the relevant fact”.

The Supreme Court and all federal courts of appeals have adopted a version of this doctrine in one form or another. On one hand, certain of these appeals courts require proof of an existing motive for remaining in ignorance besides proving the elements of (1) having suspicions about the fact of which knowledge is required; and (2) deliberately refraining from investigating the existence of the relevant fact.

So where is the Trump indictment on this theory? There is none. Trump was expressing what he believed and still believes, that the election was stolen. Even if Trump thought that he was wrong and he'd say otherwise, that is his constitutional right to do so. Biden lies almost every time he's in public. He's allowed to lie. That's his right as an American.

Even if Trump could not get past that, the plaintiff in this case would have to prove that her husbands stroke was Trump's fault. Now, if this man was not physical fit to do the job, or had a hanging medical condition he knew nothing about, Trump is not responsible for that. He would have had a stroke even if 1/6 never happened and he stood around watching one of the television sets that day. You won't find a doctor in the country that would testify if 1/6 had not happened, this guy would be alive today because that's now how strokes work. It would be like if that football player that dropped from a heart attack tried to sue the NFL. It's not their fault.

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