Trump is taking hydroxychloroquine !

Perhaps she should concern herself with cleaning the shit off the streets of her drug addicted, AIDS infested city.
Pelosi is a scag.

I doubt Trump takes her judgement very seriously at all.

Trump should have her busted for practicing medicine without a license.

I still chuckle at his little MAC air lift move that left Schumer and Piglosi foaming at the mouth for days.
She was just triggering him. He is morbidly obese and that is a fact, not judgment.
That's rich......considering the fact that Hillary Clinton can't do stairs without assistance.
Noth sure what Hillary has to do with Donald Trump's weight and height ratio in determining a medical analysis of his obesity.
It has everything to do with it.

You support electing a woman that had to be carried around because of extremely poor health, but you feel you can make fun of Trump’s health as if it's a liability. Even though Trump can run circles around anyone in his staff right now.

It just comes off as retarded and petty. Especially since every time he gets out and plays golf, you trouser-snakes think he should be attacked for exercising.

Make up your fricken minds.
Oh please. How Trump performance in last 3 years and up to this point? About F. Anybody can be far better than Trump.

You are playing like a victim. Did we asked Donnie to take hydroxichloroquine to be laughed at? He did that to himself.

Nancy Pelosi has led a chorus of surprise and alarm after Donald Trump said he was taking the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine to ward off coronavirus.

Trump’s own government has warned that the drug should only be administered for Covid-19 in a hospital or research setting due to potentially fatal side effects.

The US House Speaker did not mince her words when she was asked on CNN about the president’s decision.

“He’s our president, and I would rather he not be taking something that has not been approved by the scientists, especially in his age group and his, shall we say, weight group ... morbidly obese, they say,” she said.

People are laughing but he aint dead yet. Maybe there is something to it.
The problem with the treatment is it only costs 50 cents per dose and Dr Fauci doesn't hold a patent on of course....he wants to ban it's use.

Trump's own CDC, and his own FDA both advise not to use it for Covid-19 because it can kill you.
Yeah....I see their point....except for the fact it's been in use for over 100 years...and nobody's ever complained about it there's that......

No. The side effects have been known for a long time, but the benefits for some diseases make it worth the risk. There are no benefits for Covid-19. My cardiologist is some sort of big shot in the local Republican party, but even he advises against it's use for his patients. That's one example of a right winger behaving ethically in one case, but they are very rare.
Yes.....the side-effects have been known because of the fact that hydocxy has been used for decades. Well done, Sherlock.

And I wouldn't take your advice even if you claimed that your doctor invented the shit.

I've had it up to my eyeballs with lying Democrats trying to destroy the motherfucjing economy BTW.

Your tantrums are quite entertaining.
Not a tantrum.
The problem with you is you can't win an election without cheating.
You can't win an argument without lying.
You can't stand America so you want to screw it up.
I think this latest hoax is just showing everyone just how messed up you people are and they're going to vote accordingly, which is why Democrats want open borders. Because anyone who has been alive and living in the US can see now what you turds have to offer. Life is going to become very unpleasant for folks like you this year. Trust me.
Really? 1. Trump and Fox News trained you very well. Nobody wants an open border.

2. Cheating? You may want to go back who cheated.
and hes been taking it along with zink for nearly 2 weeks ! he just announced this during the news conference today ! he says he was prescribed the drug by the WH doctor and not only is he taking it many many front line workers and doctors are taking it and prescribing the drug to patients with good results ! if it comes out that this drug is an effective treatment for covid 19 and also a preventative from catching the virus dem governors with high death tolls that blocked the drugs being prescribed to patients will have a lot to answer for ! now the POTUS also said that its for healthy people in the early stages of the virus not those close to death or with severe underlying conditions . he aid he is also taking the drug in a low dose .
As soon as he said it I just knew that would get all demodumbass bowels in an uproar. LOL
Hey I’m all for it. I hope he dies.
Is it not incumbent upon the President of the United States to lead by example in times of crisis?

This isn't about him... it's about the example he's setting for the simplest-minded amongst his cult-audience who are likely to mimic his drug consumption.

This isn't about him... it's about the President of the United States sending a message that Scientists and Doctors know less about Infectious Diseases than he does.

Jesus Christ... stop making excuses for that ignorant, arrogant, foolish Creature.
Frivolously taking a drug shown to be useless for preventing or remediating COVOD-19 is an irresponsible abandonment of that example-setting principle.
Almost every ER doctor in America is taking this drug To prevent getting sick.. do some Research


Hor$e$hit... link, please...
You guys do realize this drug has been around for decades it’s not a new untested drug. If he is taking the drug with his doctors approval fine his choice it’s not hurting you or forcing anyone else to take it. As far as the experts go they can’t even agree on how much wearing a mask helps even DR Fauci contradicted himself on that a few times.

if it is to be taken - it is recommended the patient be in a hospital under strict supervision. i can't see donny's MD giving it to him. i think he's bullshitting.
Like everyone else in the Whitehouse tRump's Dr. is just there to spout the party line. We have no way of knowing whether he's telling the truth or not.

Remember the Dr who evaluated his health before the election?
Is there any reason why you, personally, would not take hydroxychloroquine?

....besides TDS (there is no evidence that it will kill TDS patients)
Because it can cause heart attacks and death.

So you think it will give you a heart attack and kill you?


Who brainwashed you into believing that? The same authority figure that brainwashed you into believing that smoking marijuana will turn you into a Mr. Hyde?

Can, not will.

Learn to read, Jethro.
Zinc is KNOWN to help the immune system.

In tiny doses, which don't need to be supplemented.

Why do you clowns reject SCIENCE?

In large doses, zinc is known for permanently destroying the sense of smell. I suppose that explains the miasma of many Trump cultists. They can't smell themselves any longer.

and hes been taking it along with zink for nearly 2 weeks ! he just announced this during the news conference today ! he says he was prescribed the drug by the WH doctor and not only is he taking it many many front line workers and doctors are taking it and prescribing the drug to patients with good results ! if it comes out that this drug is an effective treatment for covid 19 and also a preventative from catching the virus dem governors with high death tolls that blocked the drugs being prescribed to patients will have a lot to answer for ! now the POTUS also said that its for healthy people in the early stages of the virus not those close to death or with severe underlying conditions . he aid he is also taking the drug in a low dose .

He probably got the "zink" and hydroxy off of Alex Jones website...:)
I mean, the guy sells everything else.

I'm sorry, what were we talking about that was political about this?
Hint, it may be effective if prescribed and taken after you've been diagnosed with the virus.
Here is the White House physician's response..
Seems contradiction to your "Hint"...
India adopts use of Hydroxychloroquine for prevention of COVID19 in Health workers
India's COVID-19 numbers.
View attachment 338569

View attachment 338563View attachment 338563
I heard this early April from my friend in India. It will be very interesting to see the results. Actually I’m tracking this study 2 of 400 mg on day one then 400 mg once a week for 7 weeks. That is a very heavy dosage of HCQ started March 26, 2020 for 10,000 workers. I only pray that these are healthy with no health problems.

Separately. At the same time Brazil is having a problems with prescribing HCQ with Covid-19 patients.

Brazilian chloroquine study halted after high dose proved lethal for some patients | Brazil | The Guardian

The Brazilian study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Network Open (Jama), was halted by a safety monitoring board before even one-quarter of the planned 440 patients were enrolled. Eighty-one patients with Covid-19 or suspected Covid-19 were given a daily regimen of chloroquine. The randomized clinical trial separated the patients into a high-dose and a low-dose group.
Researchers planned to assess their outcomes after 28 days.
But after 13 days, six of 40 patients in the low-dose group had died, compared with 16 of 41 patients in the high-dose group. Furthermore, five patients in the high-dose group had underlying heart disease, three of whom died.

This is the same problem we have here in US.
It just so happens that tens of thousands of people take HCQ daily for various illnesses. It's been used for over 60 years and it's anti-viral properties were found at least 15 years ago.
Since the White House has be infected by people with the virus, Trump's physician suggested that he take HCQ and zinc prophylactically.
Good idea. Since the HCQ and Zn in treating Covid-19 patients has been successful why not use it. Actually he is not the first leader to take the drug.
Strangely no one made a peep when the Prime Minister of the UK Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson was felled by the virus no one said a word when he was treated with the HCQ, AZT and Zn cocktail.
It find it strangely bazaar that this drug has become so political in America especially when it is now being widely used in Italy, Spain, Turkey and indeed China to treat the virus.
Tell us is it the fact that Trump is using the drug or the fact that you'd prefer that he get the virus or both?

Sorry Doc you got all so mixed up with your opinion. Maybe you are missing something? Trumps took it as preventative maintenance.

1. HCQ are taking it for years. True. But those are the patients with Malaria and Lupus. Meaning they are sick. That has nothing to do with with Covid-19. NOTHING.
2. Did they say anybody else in WH taking HCQ? No even Pence when his secretary was tested + of Covid-19.
3. Boris was hospitalized with Covid-19. He was given HCQ. NOT as a preventative maintenance as Trump trying to push.
4. Those countries you mentioned used HCQ in a hospital. But NEVER as a preventative maintenance (PM). And you purposely ignored THOUSAND still died of CV-19 despite the heavy usages of HCQ. If it’s really a cure then we should not be seeing these much death. Don’t you think?

Actually ALL the study of HCQ never mentioned using it as a PM.
5. Trump proved himself a very ignorant and dumb president. This is a meds that you don’t know if it will save you or not. But it can cause a serious damage to your heart or it can kill you.

So what the hell is the point of taking it as PM?

Just curious...Where did you get this FACT: " THOUSAND still died of CV-19 despite the heavy usages of HCQ"
Please provide the LINK for the above statement.
That’s the reasons I put a numbers. Which one do you want? This is funny. I responded to your post and you are asking for a link.

Nancy Pelosi has led a chorus of surprise and alarm after Donald Trump said he was taking the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine to ward off coronavirus.

Trump’s own government has warned that the drug should only be administered for Covid-19 in a hospital or research setting due to potentially fatal side effects.

The US House Speaker did not mince her words when she was asked on CNN about the president’s decision.

“He’s our president, and I would rather he not be taking something that has not been approved by the scientists, especially in his age group and his, shall we say, weight group ... morbidly obese, they say,” she said.

People are laughing but he aint dead yet. Maybe there is something to it.
Isn't this the woman who told everyone go to China town and hug a chink?

1. Are you proving that all your post is as fake just like your video?

2. Pelosi visited here constituents in China Town SF eating ice cream........ So tell me. Is there a law prohibiting her visiting her constituents? Did she violated anything? Since when a law maker or any government officials has to be criticized when visiting her/his area?

If Senator like Rubio visited his constituents having a beer in Florida. Is that a problem?

If Senator Cruz visited his constituents having a beer in Texas. Is that a problem?

So why in the hell people like you have a problem if Pelosi visited her constituents eating ice cream?

Just because a president makes a dumb ignorant comments. Doesn’t mean it’s right.


FACTS not made up crap like you have done!

Now I did a google search on "Pelosi eats ice cream" 1,130,000 results.... But most of the results were like the below... she wasn't eating with her
constituents as you write. What she did was eat in front of her $24,000 refrigerator. SEE the facts!
of Democrat Speaker Nancy Pelosi (net worth $196 Million) talking about eating expensive ice cream from her $24,000 Fridge -- after shutting down the economy and causing 22 Million unemployed. 4/21/20, 8:47 AM
So where did you get this further LIE??? "Pelosi visited here constituents in China Town SF eating ice cream"

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi toured San Francisco's Chinatown Monday to send a message.
She said there's no reason tourists or locals should be staying away from the area because of coronavirus concerns.
As Pelosi walked from the Golden Gate Fortune Cookie Factory to lunch at a dim sum restaurant, she hugged friends and waved to onlookers. She downplayed the racism issue, saying she understands people are concerned about China – the epicenter of the novel coronavirus.

NOW DUMMY! Where did she eat ice cream?

But see you and your ilk constantly, frequently, ALL THE get so screwed up because you believe the MSM you don't seem to do any verification
on your own! Come on... you truly aren't that DUMB are you?
It just so happens that tens of thousands of people take HCQ daily for various illnesses. It's been used for over 60 years and it's anti-viral properties were found at least 15 years ago.
Since the White House has be infected by people with the virus, Trump's physician suggested that he take HCQ and zinc prophylactically.
Good idea. Since the HCQ and Zn in treating Covid-19 patients has been successful why not use it. Actually he is not the first leader to take the drug.
Strangely no one made a peep when the Prime Minister of the UK Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson was felled by the virus no one said a word when he was treated with the HCQ, AZT and Zn cocktail.
It find it strangely bazaar that this drug has become so political in America especially when it is now being widely used in Italy, Spain, Turkey and indeed China to treat the virus.
Tell us is it the fact that Trump is using the drug or the fact that you'd prefer that he get the virus or both?

Sorry Doc you got all so mixed up with your opinion. Maybe you are missing something? Trumps took it as preventative maintenance.

1. HCQ are taking it for years. True. But those are the patients with Malaria and Lupus. Meaning they are sick. That has nothing to do with with Covid-19. NOTHING.
2. Did they say anybody else in WH taking HCQ? No even Pence when his secretary was tested + of Covid-19.
3. Boris was hospitalized with Covid-19. He was given HCQ. NOT as a preventative maintenance as Trump trying to push.
4. Those countries you mentioned used HCQ in a hospital. But NEVER as a preventative maintenance (PM). And you purposely ignored THOUSAND still died of CV-19 despite the heavy usages of HCQ. If it’s really a cure then we should not be seeing these much death. Don’t you think?

Actually ALL the study of HCQ never mentioned using it as a PM.
5. Trump proved himself a very ignorant and dumb president. This is a meds that you don’t know if it will save you or not. But it can cause a serious damage to your heart or it can kill you.

So what the hell is the point of taking it as PM?

Just curious...Where did you get this FACT: " THOUSAND still died of CV-19 despite the heavy usages of HCQ"
Please provide the LINK for the above statement.
That’s the reasons I put a numbers. Which one do you want? This is funny. I responded to your post and you are asking for a link.
But you are ignoring the QUESTION!!! Where is the link for this statement??
THOUSAND still died of CV-19 despite the heavy usages of HCQ"
and hes been taking it along with zink for nearly 2 weeks ! he just announced this during the news conference today ! he says he was prescribed the drug by the WH doctor and not only is he taking it many many front line workers and doctors are taking it and prescribing the drug to patients with good results ! if it comes out that this drug is an effective treatment for covid 19 and also a preventative from catching the virus dem governors with high death tolls that blocked the drugs being prescribed to patients will have a lot to answer for ! now the POTUS also said that its for healthy people in the early stages of the virus not those close to death or with severe underlying conditions . he said he is also taking the drug in a low dose .

Trump told journalists today that he "thinks" he only has "about two days" left of his hydroxychloroquine.

Once he received all the attention he wanted -- even though the attention was that of an idiot -- it seems Donald has decided the drug was too dangerous, after all.

What a pathetic little man.
Perhaps she should concern herself with cleaning the shit off the streets of her drug addicted, AIDS infested city.
Pelosi is a scag.

I doubt Trump takes her judgement very seriously at all.

Trump should have her busted for practicing medicine without a license.

I still chuckle at his little MAC air lift move that left Schumer and Piglosi foaming at the mouth for days.
Oh please. Trump took it very seriously. Trump retard responded right away.
Trump is a disgusting piece of shit. He even attacked Pelosi for going to China town SF.

Fact is An individual is considered morbidly obese if he or she is 100 pounds over his/her ideal body weight, has a BMI of 40 or more, or 35 or more and experiencing obesity-related health conditions, such as high blood pressure or diabetes.

he is 6-foot-3 and weighs 236 pounds. This would give him a body mass index (BMI) of 29.5, just shy of the “obese” category.
Trump is obese period.
and hes been taking it along with zink for nearly 2 weeks ! he just announced this during the news conference today ! he says he was prescribed the drug by the WH doctor and not only is he taking it many many front line workers and doctors are taking it and prescribing the drug to patients with good results ! if it comes out that this drug is an effective treatment for covid 19 and also a preventative from catching the virus dem governors with high death tolls that blocked the drugs being prescribed to patients will have a lot to answer for ! now the POTUS also said that its for healthy people in the early stages of the virus not those close to death or with severe underlying conditions . he aid he is also taking the drug in a low dose .

He probably got the "zink" and hydroxy off of Alex Jones website...:)
I mean, the guy sells everything else.

I'm sorry, what were we talking about that was political about this?
Hint, it may be effective if prescribed and taken after you've been diagnosed with the virus.
Here is the White House physician's response..
Seems contradiction to your "Hint"...
India adopts use of Hydroxychloroquine for prevention of COVID19 in Health workers
India's COVID-19 numbers.
View attachment 338569

View attachment 338563View attachment 338563
I heard this early April from my friend in India. It will be very interesting to see the results. Actually I’m tracking this study 2 of 400 mg on day one then 400 mg once a week for 7 weeks. That is a very heavy dosage of HCQ started March 26, 2020 for 10,000 workers. I only pray that these are healthy with no health problems.

Separately. At the same time Brazil is having a problems with prescribing HCQ with Covid-19 patients.

Brazilian chloroquine study halted after high dose proved lethal for some patients | Brazil | The Guardian

The Brazilian study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Network Open (Jama), was halted by a safety monitoring board before even one-quarter of the planned 440 patients were enrolled. Eighty-one patients with Covid-19 or suspected Covid-19 were given a daily regimen of chloroquine. The randomized clinical trial separated the patients into a high-dose and a low-dose group.
Researchers planned to assess their outcomes after 28 days.
But after 13 days, six of 40 patients in the low-dose group had died, compared with 16 of 41 patients in the high-dose group. Furthermore, five patients in the high-dose group had underlying heart disease, three of whom died.

This is the same problem we have here in US.

How many of the six and 16 high-dose had COMOBIDITY issues? Were all the 22 deaths of people with NONE of these conditions?
Does your research IDENTIFY those deaths and how many had Pre-existing conditions?
It just so happens that tens of thousands of people take HCQ daily for various illnesses. It's been used for over 60 years and it's anti-viral properties were found at least 15 years ago.
Since the White House has be infected by people with the virus, Trump's physician suggested that he take HCQ and zinc prophylactically.
Good idea. Since the HCQ and Zn in treating Covid-19 patients has been successful why not use it. Actually he is not the first leader to take the drug.
Strangely no one made a peep when the Prime Minister of the UK Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson was felled by the virus no one said a word when he was treated with the HCQ, AZT and Zn cocktail.
It find it strangely bazaar that this drug has become so political in America especially when it is now being widely used in Italy, Spain, Turkey and indeed China to treat the virus.
Tell us is it the fact that Trump is using the drug or the fact that you'd prefer that he get the virus or both?

Sorry Doc you got all so mixed up with your opinion. Maybe you are missing something? Trumps took it as preventative maintenance.

1. HCQ are taking it for years. True. But those are the patients with Malaria and Lupus. Meaning they are sick. That has nothing to do with with Covid-19. NOTHING.
2. Did they say anybody else in WH taking HCQ? No even Pence when his secretary was tested + of Covid-19.
3. Boris was hospitalized with Covid-19. He was given HCQ. NOT as a preventative maintenance as Trump trying to push.
4. Those countries you mentioned used HCQ in a hospital. But NEVER as a preventative maintenance (PM). And you purposely ignored THOUSAND still died of CV-19 despite the heavy usages of HCQ. If it’s really a cure then we should not be seeing these much death. Don’t you think?

Actually ALL the study of HCQ never mentioned using it as a PM.
5. Trump proved himself a very ignorant and dumb president. This is a meds that you don’t know if it will save you or not. But it can cause a serious damage to your heart or it can kill you.

So what the hell is the point of taking it as PM?

Just curious...Where did you get this FACT: " THOUSAND still died of CV-19 despite the heavy usages of HCQ"
Please provide the LINK for the above statement.
That’s the reasons I put a numbers. Which one do you want? This is funny. I responded to your post and you are asking for a link.
But you are ignoring the QUESTION!!! Where is the link for this statement??
THOUSAND still died of CV-19 despite the heavy usages of HCQ"
ARE YOU SERIOUS? You are asking me this question?

Okay let me entertain you Bud. As far as you know and as far as I know and the whole world. Hydroxichloroquine are heavily used with Covid-19 patients in the hospitals.

So look at the number of deaths. Here in US and around the world.
and hes been taking it along with zink for nearly 2 weeks ! he just announced this during the news conference today ! he says he was prescribed the drug by the WH doctor and not only is he taking it many many front line workers and doctors are taking it and prescribing the drug to patients with good results ! if it comes out that this drug is an effective treatment for covid 19 and also a preventative from catching the virus dem governors with high death tolls that blocked the drugs being prescribed to patients will have a lot to answer for ! now the POTUS also said that its for healthy people in the early stages of the virus not those close to death or with severe underlying conditions . he aid he is also taking the drug in a low dose .

He probably got the "zink" and hydroxy off of Alex Jones website...:)
I mean, the guy sells everything else.

I'm sorry, what were we talking about that was political about this?
Hint, it may be effective if prescribed and taken after you've been diagnosed with the virus.
Here is the White House physician's response..
Seems contradiction to your "Hint"...
India adopts use of Hydroxychloroquine for prevention of COVID19 in Health workers
India's COVID-19 numbers.
View attachment 338569

View attachment 338563View attachment 338563
I heard this early April from my friend in India. It will be very interesting to see the results. Actually I’m tracking this study 2 of 400 mg on day one then 400 mg once a week for 7 weeks. That is a very heavy dosage of HCQ started March 26, 2020 for 10,000 workers. I only pray that these are healthy with no health problems.

Separately. At the same time Brazil is having a problems with prescribing HCQ with Covid-19 patients.

Brazilian chloroquine study halted after high dose proved lethal for some patients | Brazil | The Guardian

The Brazilian study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Network Open (Jama), was halted by a safety monitoring board before even one-quarter of the planned 440 patients were enrolled. Eighty-one patients with Covid-19 or suspected Covid-19 were given a daily regimen of chloroquine. The randomized clinical trial separated the patients into a high-dose and a low-dose group.
Researchers planned to assess their outcomes after 28 days.
But after 13 days, six of 40 patients in the low-dose group had died, compared with 16 of 41 patients in the high-dose group. Furthermore, five patients in the high-dose group had underlying heart disease, three of whom died.

This is the same problem we have here in US.

How many of the six and 16 high-dose had COMOBIDITY issues? Were all the 22 deaths of people with NONE of these conditions?
Does your research IDENTIFY those deaths and how many had Pre-existing conditions?
View attachment 338786
What research? I only published what was reported by the Brazilian. If you have a problem discuss it with then.

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