Trump is Terrible for the Economy

The stock market loves those numbers today. Also that the Fed will probably not raise rates the 1st half of 2019.

Yes the markets did...happy day for the markets.

Now all the Trumpians can claim the markets are up for the year! :21::21::21:
Employment Situation Summary

  • Job growth surged by 312,000 in December.
  • Hispanics enjoyed record-low unemployment in December.
  • 419,000 new workers entered the workforce and the labor force participation rate increased to 63.1%.
  • 3.2% wage increase over a year ago (up 0.4% from November), which beats analysts' expectations of 3% for the year.
Let's impeach him....

Trump on the UE numbers...

Don’t believe those phony numbers, When you hear 4.9 and five-per-cent unemployment, the number’s probably twenty-eight, twenty-nine, as high as thirty-five—in fact, I even heard recently forty-two per cent.”


I agree, Trump is a funny, funny man
Employment Situation Summary

  • Job growth surged by 312,000 in December.
  • Hispanics enjoyed record-low unemployment in December.
  • 419,000 new workers entered the workforce and the labor force participation rate increased to 63.1%.
  • 3.2% wage increase over a year ago (up 0.4% from November), which beats analysts' expectations of 3% for the year.
Let's impeach him....

Because Trump was elected to make sure Hispanics enjoyed record-low unemployment???????

They have plenty of jobs. They just don’t exist on paper.

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On the serious side, I am very pleased by the employment figures. Very pleased. So is my portfolio. Today's good news made up for yesterday's bad news, so it comes out even.

Sadly, the stock market is only up by 14 percent since Daffy Donald took office. He tried to claim it was up 30 percent yesterday. He must actually believe his rube herd is incredibly stupid. There's no one who respects their supporters who would spit in their faces like that. You have to believe your followers are really fucking stupid to lie to them like that.

I guess they are that stupid. They prove it every day.
Employment Situation Summary

  • Job growth surged by 312,000 in December.
  • Hispanics enjoyed record-low unemployment in December.
  • 419,000 new workers entered the workforce and the labor force participation rate increased to 63.1%.
  • 3.2% wage increase over a year ago (up 0.4% from November), which beats analysts' expectations of 3% for the year.
Let's impeach him....
Fake news!

Most of those jobs are illegal Mexicans. Really dark brown ones.

Bureau of Labor Statistics is Fake News? How so please?

Ask Trump who said for years they were fake.

He did?
Employment Situation Summary

  • Job growth surged by 312,000 in December.
  • Hispanics enjoyed record-low unemployment in December.
  • 419,000 new workers entered the workforce and the labor force participation rate increased to 63.1%.
  • 3.2% wage increase over a year ago (up 0.4% from November), which beats analysts' expectations of 3% for the year.
Let's impeach him....

Trump on the UE numbers...

Don’t believe those phony numbers, When you hear 4.9 and five-per-cent unemployment, the number’s probably twenty-eight, twenty-nine, as high as thirty-five—in fact, I even heard recently forty-two per cent.”

??? Please Expain ???

Job numbers and unemployed numbers were said to be fake by Trump almost up till the day he won, then they suddenly became real to him.

So the Bureau of Labor Stats is biased and wrong? How?

I don't know, I am not the one that was claiming they were wrong for years only to suddenly change my tune. Tweet Trump and ask him.

So you are arguing just to argue.
Employment Situation Summary

  • Job growth surged by 312,000 in December.
  • Hispanics enjoyed record-low unemployment in December.
  • 419,000 new workers entered the workforce and the labor force participation rate increased to 63.1%.
  • 3.2% wage increase over a year ago (up 0.4% from November), which beats analysts' expectations of 3% for the year.
Let's impeach him....
Fake news!

Most of those jobs are illegal Mexicans. Really dark brown ones.

Bureau of Labor Statistics is Fake News? How so please?

Ask Trump who said for years they were fake.

He did?

Yes he did. Did you just start paying attention to these things the day he was elected?

Trump and the Truth: The Unemployment-Rate Hoax

Fact check: Trump hates the jobless rate until it's his
Trump on the UE numbers...

Don’t believe those phony numbers, When you hear 4.9 and five-per-cent unemployment, the number’s probably twenty-eight, twenty-nine, as high as thirty-five—in fact, I even heard recently forty-two per cent.”

??? Please Expain ???

Job numbers and unemployed numbers were said to be fake by Trump almost up till the day he won, then they suddenly became real to him.

So the Bureau of Labor Stats is biased and wrong? How?

I don't know, I am not the one that was claiming they were wrong for years only to suddenly change my tune. Tweet Trump and ask him.

So you are arguing just to argue.

I am not arguing at all.
Employment Situation Summary

  • Job growth surged by 312,000 in December.
  • Hispanics enjoyed record-low unemployment in December.
  • 419,000 new workers entered the workforce and the labor force participation rate increased to 63.1%.
  • 3.2% wage increase over a year ago (up 0.4% from November), which beats analysts' expectations of 3% for the year.
Let's impeach him....
Fake news!

Most of those jobs are illegal Mexicans. Really dark brown ones.

Bureau of Labor Statistics is Fake News? How so please?

Ask Trump who said for years they were fake.

He did?
He sure did.

You want to see an example?
The LBFR remains unchanged from where it was when Trump took office.


Lesbians, bisexuals, fruits and retards? The subject isn't about leftists G5000, it's about Trump accomplishments. How those accomplishments damage your head is another discussion.
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??? Please Expain ???

Job numbers and unemployed numbers were said to be fake by Trump almost up till the day he won, then they suddenly became real to him.

So the Bureau of Labor Stats is biased and wrong? How?

I don't know, I am not the one that was claiming they were wrong for years only to suddenly change my tune. Tweet Trump and ask him.

So you are arguing just to argue.

I am not arguing at all.

Could it be that he didn't believe it until he got elected and saw the raw data for himself?
Employment Situation Summary

  • Job growth surged by 312,000 in December.
  • Hispanics enjoyed record-low unemployment in December.
  • 419,000 new workers entered the workforce and the labor force participation rate increased to 63.1%.
  • 3.2% wage increase over a year ago (up 0.4% from November), which beats analysts' expectations of 3% for the year.
Let's impeach him....
Fake news!

Most of those jobs are illegal Mexicans. Really dark brown ones.

Bureau of Labor Statistics is Fake News? How so please?

Ask Trump who said for years they were fake.

He did?
He sure did.

You want to see an example?

But you disagree with him? Or do you agree with him? Or are you arguing just to argue?
The stock market loves those numbers today. Also that the Fed will probably not raise rates the 1st half of 2019.

Yes the markets did...happy day for the markets.

Now all the Trumpians can claim the markets are up for the year! :21::21::21:


So the man cannot win. If the news was bad and markets were down he'd get blasted. If the markets are up he gets blasted.
If anyone is unemployed, it’s because they don’t have the skills for the jobs they want, or aren’t willing to check their egos. Get two fucking jobs. I’m working 32 years as an adult, and several as a kid. I also work part time on weekends, because I like to pay my bills, have some extra, and occasionally do something nice for my family. No one came to me with any job proposals. You don’t meet your needs flipping burgers, too bad. It’s not a career unless you own the restaurant and take the risk. No one ever gave me anything. I’m stuck paying taxes like every other legal person.

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Go to 12:05.

"Don't believe those phony numbers when you hear 4.9 and 5 percent unemployment. The number's probably 28, 29, as high as 35. In fact, I even heard recently 42 percent."

The filthy ass Democrats long for the Obama days of increased poverty, decreased family income, ten trillion in debt, dismal economic growth, higher taxes and Illegals streaming across the border.

Thy hate Trump's economic boom, low unemployment and decreased taxes.

That is just the kind of shitheads they are.
On the serious side, I am very pleased by the employment figures. Very pleased. So is my portfolio. Today's good news made up for yesterday's bad news, so it comes out even.

Sadly, the stock market is only up by 14 percent since Daffy Donald took office. He tried to claim it was up 30 percent yesterday. He must actually believe his rube herd is incredibly stupid. There's no one who respects their supporters who would spit in their faces like that. You have to believe your followers are really fucking stupid to lie to them like that.

I guess they are that stupid. They prove it every day.
I give Trump credit for at least trying to bring good jobs back to the US, remember when Obama said those jobs "are not coming back"? Trump is also working to improve trade agreements. Over time the US economy should gain from better trade deals.

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