Trump is Terrible for the Economy


Go to 12:05.

"Don't believe those phony numbers when you hear 4.9 and 5 percent unemployment. The number's probably 28, 29, as high as 35. In fact, I even heard recently 42 percent."

OK but it has gone down under Trump correct? From whatever the baseline was.
On the serious side, I am very pleased by the employment figures. Very pleased. So is my portfolio. Today's good news made up for yesterday's bad news, so it comes out even.

Sadly, the stock market is only up by 14 percent since Daffy Donald took office. He tried to claim it was up 30 percent yesterday. He must actually believe his rube herd is incredibly stupid. There's no one who respects their supporters who would spit in their faces like that. You have to believe your followers are really fucking stupid to lie to them like that.

I guess they are that stupid. They prove it every day.
I give Trump credit for at least trying to bring good jobs back to the US, remember when Obama said those jobs "are not coming back"? Trump is also working to improve trade agreements. Over time the US economy should gain from better trade deals.

80 percent of the jobs lost over the past few decades have been automated out of existence. Obama was honest about that. Trump isn't. He lied to the coal workers about bringing their jobs back. Those jobs are gone forever.

We are actually manufacturing more goods than ever before. It just takes less workers to do it. That's a giant credit to capitalism, but it sucks to be the guy who has been replaced by a robot.

That's why I say the solution to our future is education. We need to train our kids for the jobs of tomorrow, not the jobs of their fathers.

Any politician who promises to "bring your jobs back" and then doesn't retool our education system is a fucking asshole of the worst sort. That is not someone who will make America great again. He is the opposite.

Go to 12:05.

"Don't believe those phony numbers when you hear 4.9 and 5 percent unemployment. The number's probably 28, 29, as high as 35. In fact, I even heard recently 42 percent."

OK but it has gone down under Trump correct? From whatever the baseline was.

The eight year momentum of rising employment has continued under Trump, yes.

Trump was elected on third base and claims he hit a triple.


Go to 12:05.

"Don't believe those phony numbers when you hear 4.9 and 5 percent unemployment. The number's probably 28, 29, as high as 35. In fact, I even heard recently 42 percent."

OK but it has gone down under Trump correct? From whatever the baseline was.

The eight year momentum of rising employment has continued under Trump, yes.

Trump was elected on third base and claims he hit a triple.


Was he on third base or on first because the economy was in recovery mode with record low interest rates for a long time.
On the serious side, I am very pleased by the employment figures. Very pleased. So is my portfolio. Today's good news made up for yesterday's bad news, so it comes out even.

Sadly, the stock market is only up by 14 percent since Daffy Donald took office. He tried to claim it was up 30 percent yesterday. He must actually believe his rube herd is incredibly stupid. There's no one who respects their supporters who would spit in their faces like that. You have to believe your followers are really fucking stupid to lie to them like that.

I guess they are that stupid. They prove it every day.
I give Trump credit for at least trying to bring good jobs back to the US, remember when Obama said those jobs "are not coming back"? Trump is also working to improve trade agreements. Over time the US economy should gain from better trade deals.

80 percent of the jobs lost over the past few decades have been automated out of existence. Obama was honest about that. Trump isn't. He lied to the coal workers about bringing their jobs back. Those jobs are gone forever.

We are actually manufacturing more goods than ever before. It just takes less workers to do it. That's a giant credit to capitalism, but it sucks to be the guy who has been replaced by a robot.

That's why I say the solution to our future is education. We need to train our kids for the jobs of tomorrow, not the jobs of their fathers.

Any politician who promises to "bring your jobs back" and then doesn't retool our education system is a fucking asshole of the worst sort. That is not someone who will make America great again. He is the opposite.

I agree. Automation is a threat and an even bigger one when you raise the min wage.
On the serious side, I am very pleased by the employment figures. Very pleased. So is my portfolio. Today's good news made up for yesterday's bad news, so it comes out even.

Sadly, the stock market is only up by 14 percent since Daffy Donald took office. He tried to claim it was up 30 percent yesterday. He must actually believe his rube herd is incredibly stupid. There's no one who respects their supporters who would spit in their faces like that. You have to believe your followers are really fucking stupid to lie to them like that.

I guess they are that stupid. They prove it every day.
I give Trump credit for at least trying to bring good jobs back to the US, remember when Obama said those jobs "are not coming back"? Trump is also working to improve trade agreements. Over time the US economy should gain from better trade deals.

Possibly. I don't think jobs are coming back. Corporations may expand in the US, and wages may rise. We'll see. Thus far the tax cuts are not paying for themselves, and the gop has blown another hole in the deficits despite having full employment.
Job numbers and unemployed numbers were said to be fake by Trump almost up till the day he won, then they suddenly became real to him.

So the Bureau of Labor Stats is biased and wrong? How?

I don't know, I am not the one that was claiming they were wrong for years only to suddenly change my tune. Tweet Trump and ask him.

So you are arguing just to argue.

I am not arguing at all.

Could it be that he didn't believe it until he got elected and saw the raw data for himself?

What makes you think he has seen the raw data? What gives you the idea he could understand the raw data?
Would it kill you to just admit that like all politicians Trump was just taking out of his ass?

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The stock market loves those numbers today. Also that the Fed will probably not raise rates the 1st half of 2019.

Yes the markets did...happy day for the markets.

Now all the Trumpians can claim the markets are up for the year! :21::21::21:


So the man cannot win. If the news was bad and markets were down he'd get blasted. If the markets are up he gets blasted.

Who is blasting him?

When did you get so defensive of Trump?

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The stock market loves those numbers today. Also that the Fed will probably not raise rates the 1st half of 2019.

Yes the markets did...happy day for the markets.

Now all the Trumpians can claim the markets are up for the year! :21::21::21:


So the man cannot win. If the news was bad and markets were down he'd get blasted. If the markets are up he gets blasted.

Who is blasting him?

When did you get so defensive of Trump?

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You are and don't deflect. You've been trashing him since I've been on these boards so how does he win with someone like you? I am genuinly curious.
So the Bureau of Labor Stats is biased and wrong? How?

I don't know, I am not the one that was claiming they were wrong for years only to suddenly change my tune. Tweet Trump and ask him.

So you are arguing just to argue.

I am not arguing at all.

Could it be that he didn't believe it until he got elected and saw the raw data for himself?

What makes you think he has seen the raw data? What gives you the idea he could understand the raw data?
Would it kill you to just admit that like all politicians Trump was just taking out of his ass?

Sent from my iPhone using

Because he is a multi billionaire?
On the serious side, I am very pleased by the employment figures. Very pleased. So is my portfolio. Today's good news made up for yesterday's bad news, so it comes out even.

Sadly, the stock market is only up by 14 percent since Daffy Donald took office. He tried to claim it was up 30 percent yesterday. He must actually believe his rube herd is incredibly stupid. There's no one who respects their supporters who would spit in their faces like that. You have to believe your followers are really fucking stupid to lie to them like that.

I guess they are that stupid. They prove it every day.
I give Trump credit for at least trying to bring good jobs back to the US, remember when Obama said those jobs "are not coming back"? Trump is also working to improve trade agreements. Over time the US economy should gain from better trade deals.

80 percent of the jobs lost over the past few decades have been automated out of existence. Obama was honest about that. Trump isn't. He lied to the coal workers about bringing their jobs back. Those jobs are gone forever.

We are actually manufacturing more goods than ever before. It just takes less workers to do it. That's a giant credit to capitalism, but it sucks to be the guy who has been replaced by a robot.

That's why I say the solution to our future is education. We need to train our kids for the jobs of tomorrow, not the jobs of their fathers.

Any politician who promises to "bring your jobs back" and then doesn't retool our education system is a fucking asshole of the worst sort. That is not someone who will make America great again. He is the opposite.

I agree. Automation is a threat and an even bigger one when you raise the min wage.

I have been educating my kids for the future. I have told them the jobs and opportunities which will exist. I spend every evening at dinner preparing them for the real world and the future.
On the serious side, I am very pleased by the employment figures. Very pleased. So is my portfolio. Today's good news made up for yesterday's bad news, so it comes out even.

Sadly, the stock market is only up by 14 percent since Daffy Donald took office. He tried to claim it was up 30 percent yesterday. He must actually believe his rube herd is incredibly stupid. There's no one who respects their supporters who would spit in their faces like that. You have to believe your followers are really fucking stupid to lie to them like that.

I guess they are that stupid. They prove it every day.
I give Trump credit for at least trying to bring good jobs back to the US, remember when Obama said those jobs "are not coming back"? Trump is also working to improve trade agreements. Over time the US economy should gain from better trade deals.

80 percent of the jobs lost over the past few decades have been automated out of existence. Obama was honest about that. Trump isn't. He lied to the coal workers about bringing their jobs back. Those jobs are gone forever.

We are actually manufacturing more goods than ever before. It just takes less workers to do it. That's a giant credit to capitalism, but it sucks to be the guy who has been replaced by a robot.

That's why I say the solution to our future is education. We need to train our kids for the jobs of tomorrow, not the jobs of their fathers.

Any politician who promises to "bring your jobs back" and then doesn't retool our education system is a fucking asshole of the worst sort. That is not someone who will make America great again. He is the opposite.

I agree. Automation is a threat and an even bigger one when you raise the min wage.

I have been educating my kids for the future. I have told them the jobs and opportunities which will exist. I spend every evening at dinner preparing them for the real world and the future.

We agree. Once 5G hits (less than 18 mos.) current cell phones will need to be upgraded but more importantly now self driving cars will become very viable. In seven years, self driving cars will be everywhere. They will be adopted as quickly as HD TVs were. Technology is moving at lightning speed.

Go to 12:05.

"Don't believe those phony numbers when you hear 4.9 and 5 percent unemployment. The number's probably 28, 29, as high as 35. In fact, I even heard recently 42 percent."

OK but it has gone down under Trump correct? From whatever the baseline was.

The eight year momentum of rising employment has continued under Trump, yes.

Trump was elected on third base and claims he hit a triple.


Was he on third base or on first because the economy was in recovery mode with record low interest rates for a long time.

I wrote a lot of posts about Obama's neglect of getting the country back on its feet and focusing on Obamacare instead when I came to this forum.

I also wrote a topic several years ago about the Fed's bond bubble doomsday machine. You can read it here: The Fed's Bond Bubble Doomsday Machine

Trump is benefiting from the momentum of the Fed's policies. He hasn't done anything himself to stoke the economy. His claims are bullshit.

When Trump does interfere in the markets, he behaves like an old school Democrat, which is what he is. For instance, his protectionist tariffs. And as soon as he started his moronic trade war, the stock market's growth stopped dead in its tracks.

So like I said in another topic, Trump was elected on third base and he's trying to steal second!
On the serious side, I am very pleased by the employment figures. Very pleased. So is my portfolio. Today's good news made up for yesterday's bad news, so it comes out even.

Sadly, the stock market is only up by 14 percent since Daffy Donald took office. He tried to claim it was up 30 percent yesterday. He must actually believe his rube herd is incredibly stupid. There's no one who respects their supporters who would spit in their faces like that. You have to believe your followers are really fucking stupid to lie to them like that.

I guess they are that stupid. They prove it every day.
I give Trump credit for at least trying to bring good jobs back to the US, remember when Obama said those jobs "are not coming back"? Trump is also working to improve trade agreements. Over time the US economy should gain from better trade deals.

80 percent of the jobs lost over the past few decades have been automated out of existence. Obama was honest about that. Trump isn't. He lied to the coal workers about bringing their jobs back. Those jobs are gone forever.

We are actually manufacturing more goods than ever before. It just takes less workers to do it. That's a giant credit to capitalism, but it sucks to be the guy who has been replaced by a robot.

That's why I say the solution to our future is education. We need to train our kids for the jobs of tomorrow, not the jobs of their fathers.

Any politician who promises to "bring your jobs back" and then doesn't retool our education system is a fucking asshole of the worst sort. That is not someone who will make America great again. He is the opposite.

Not that I want to debate you on economics, you know that topic well, but Trump is actively working to bring jobs back to the US Which manufacturers are bringing the most jobs back to America?

1. agreed that automation reduces jobs
2. agreed that job training for new jobs, instead of a college education, is a good idea for many
3. AAPL to open new manufacturing plant (not China or India) Ground broken on Foxconn's first US factory, rumored to supply iPhone screens for Apple
On the serious side, I am very pleased by the employment figures. Very pleased. So is my portfolio. Today's good news made up for yesterday's bad news, so it comes out even.

Sadly, the stock market is only up by 14 percent since Daffy Donald took office. He tried to claim it was up 30 percent yesterday. He must actually believe his rube herd is incredibly stupid. There's no one who respects their supporters who would spit in their faces like that. You have to believe your followers are really fucking stupid to lie to them like that.

I guess they are that stupid. They prove it every day.
I give Trump credit for at least trying to bring good jobs back to the US, remember when Obama said those jobs "are not coming back"? Trump is also working to improve trade agreements. Over time the US economy should gain from better trade deals.

80 percent of the jobs lost over the past few decades have been automated out of existence. Obama was honest about that. Trump isn't. He lied to the coal workers about bringing their jobs back. Those jobs are gone forever.

We are actually manufacturing more goods than ever before. It just takes less workers to do it. That's a giant credit to capitalism, but it sucks to be the guy who has been replaced by a robot.

That's why I say the solution to our future is education. We need to train our kids for the jobs of tomorrow, not the jobs of their fathers.

Any politician who promises to "bring your jobs back" and then doesn't retool our education system is a fucking asshole of the worst sort. That is not someone who will make America great again. He is the opposite.

I agree. Automation is a threat and an even bigger one when you raise the min wage.

I have been educating my kids for the future. I have told them the jobs and opportunities which will exist. I spend every evening at dinner preparing them for the real world and the future.

We agree. Once 5G hits (less than 18 mos.) current cell phones will need to be upgraded but more importantly now self driving cars will become very viable. In seven years, self driving cars will be everywhere. They will be adopted as quickly as HD TVs were. Technology is moving at lightning speed.

Yes, self driving cars are precisely one of the things I have talked about with my kids. I think I even started a topic about it on this forum. A lot of things I bring up at the dinner table become topics on this forum. :lol:

I explained to my kids that because of self driving cars, there will be less truck drivers, cabbies, etc. A million jobs will be lost.

Self driving cars are more efficient. We use our cars for only 2 hours a day. In the future, people won't own cars any more. They will have a subcription, just like with their cell phones. You will have a subscription for a car to pick you up at 7 am every day and drive you to work, and then to pick you up at work at 2 and take you home (the work week will be 30 hours). That same car will then drop off and pick up other subscribers.

And like cell phones, you can buy features. Will you want to occupy the car alone or are you willing to carpool? And so forth.

By the time my kids are my age, people who know how to drive a car will be as rare as people today who know how to ride a horse.

So who do my kids want to be in that scenario?

They want to be the guy/gal who owns the car service. Or they will want to own stock in that car service. And so they will be looking for those opportunities.

And here's another thing. Because no one will own a car, then houses will no longer have driveways or garages. Think of the consequences of that!
You are and don't deflect. You've been trashing him since I've been on these boards so how does he win with someone like you? I am genuinly curious.

When Trump does something I approve of, I give him credit. When he does things I do not agree with, I say so. I have no problem doing either.

I do not give any POTUS credit for job numbers, they do not create jobs. I also do not get a hot and bothered by a single good month of job numbers, but I am very happy the market did well today.

When you first came here you had a sense of humor, what happened to it?
I don't know, I am not the one that was claiming they were wrong for years only to suddenly change my tune. Tweet Trump and ask him.

So you are arguing just to argue.

I am not arguing at all.

Could it be that he didn't believe it until he got elected and saw the raw data for himself?

What makes you think he has seen the raw data? What gives you the idea he could understand the raw data?
Would it kill you to just admit that like all politicians Trump was just taking out of his ass?

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Because he is a multi billionaire?

Being a multi billionaire gives him the ability to read and understand raw data? Is that a joke?

Go to 12:05.

"Don't believe those phony numbers when you hear 4.9 and 5 percent unemployment. The number's probably 28, 29, as high as 35. In fact, I even heard recently 42 percent."

OK but it has gone down under Trump correct? From whatever the baseline was.

The eight year momentum of rising employment has continued under Trump, yes.

Trump was elected on third base and claims he hit a triple.


Was he on third base or on first because the economy was in recovery mode with record low interest rates for a long time.

I wrote a lot of posts about Obama's neglect of getting the country back on its feet and focusing on Obamacare instead when I came to this forum.

I also wrote a topic several years ago about the Fed's bond bubble doomsday machine. You can read it here: The Fed's Bond Bubble Doomsday Machine

Trump is benefiting from the momentum of the Fed's policies. He hasn't done anything himself to stoke the economy. His claims are bullshit.

When Trump does interfere in the markets, he behaves like an old school Democrat, which is what he is. For instance, his protectionist tariffs. And as soon as he started his moronic trade war, the stock market's growth stopped dead in its tracks.

So like I said in another topic, Trump was elected on third base and he's trying to steal second!

I respectfully disagree. Trump since in office has given businesses confidence that the administration is business friendly. That has helped a lot as well. He is not all good but he is not all bad either. The military contractors have seen a significant uptick. I have a good friend who runs a military contract company and he is killing it.
On the serious side, I am very pleased by the employment figures. Very pleased. So is my portfolio. Today's good news made up for yesterday's bad news, so it comes out even.

Sadly, the stock market is only up by 14 percent since Daffy Donald took office. He tried to claim it was up 30 percent yesterday. He must actually believe his rube herd is incredibly stupid. There's no one who respects their supporters who would spit in their faces like that. You have to believe your followers are really fucking stupid to lie to them like that.

I guess they are that stupid. They prove it every day.
I give Trump credit for at least trying to bring good jobs back to the US, remember when Obama said those jobs "are not coming back"? Trump is also working to improve trade agreements. Over time the US economy should gain from better trade deals.

80 percent of the jobs lost over the past few decades have been automated out of existence. Obama was honest about that. Trump isn't. He lied to the coal workers about bringing their jobs back. Those jobs are gone forever.

We are actually manufacturing more goods than ever before. It just takes less workers to do it. That's a giant credit to capitalism, but it sucks to be the guy who has been replaced by a robot.

That's why I say the solution to our future is education. We need to train our kids for the jobs of tomorrow, not the jobs of their fathers.

Any politician who promises to "bring your jobs back" and then doesn't retool our education system is a fucking asshole of the worst sort. That is not someone who will make America great again. He is the opposite.

Not that I want to debate you on economics, you know that topic well, but Trump is actively working to bring jobs back to the US Which manufacturers are bringing the most jobs back to America?

1. agreed that automation reduces jobs
2. agreed that job training for new jobs, instead of a college education, is a good idea for many
3. AAPL to open new manufacturing plant (not China or India) Ground broken on Foxconn's first US factory, rumored to supply iPhone screens for Apple

That Foxconn factory in Wisconsin is going to break a lot of hearts. Time and space don't permit me to explain. But anyone who knows the trends of moden manufacturing knows what I mean.

The rubes in Wisconsin gave Foxconn massive tax breaks. They borrowed hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars to pay for those tax breaks. Hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars they will be paying off for 30 years, decades after Foxconn has shut down that factory when TV technology advances in a few years. A TV factory can't retool without gutting it from wall to wall. It will be easier for Foxconn to just create a new factory somewhere else when that day comes.

It's a horribly bad deal.

I don't know if Trump is too stupid to know that, or if his heart is really in the right place. Regardless, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

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