Trump is the ultimate fail for pandemic responses, while China did a great job.

The Trump enabled virus will continue to spread in the US. Trump is a failure.
You see this quoted opinion, this is a communist Chinese tool, just as the entire democratic party happens to be, the latter most likely enthusiastically supportive of China's war against the United States. Regardless, the above tool, and all like-minded tools of the communist regime, are weapons of China's war against the US!

I have been asking a question for over two months now, finally last night FNC's Tucker Carlson asked it to, specifically the question is as follows, knowing as we now know that the virus isn't 2-3 times more contagious than flu, but rather 6-7 times more so, just how is it that the CCP manages to keep its vast, massively over-populated urban centers coronavirus free?

As Carlson noted, the Wuhan lockdown still allowed about 5-million people in and out of Wuhan both before, and after the lockdown, most went elsewhere in China, but many went global as we say. Looking to New York City as our benchmark, and then outward from there, we see the unstoppable, impossibly rapid spread of the virus outward into the entire United States, and folks such was just in four weeks time with most travel to China being barred!

How is this possible, how is it that a nation of 1.6 billion tightly packed into sardine like urban centers is virtually free of the virus, whilst all other continents are being overrun? Keep in mind that the WHO is now known to have deliberately mislead CDC/NIH as to the nature of the virus, and that its director, Tedros what fuck his name, is revealed as an obvious pawn of the CCP. Why any man or women with a three digit IQ can easily ascertain the obvious from this, with the obvious being intentions, and in this case all evidence screams "intentional attack, intentional attack!"

Folks, China is not a sophisticated nation, most of them live quite primitively, sure certain city centers project sophistication, but that is all for show & tell as we say, most of China, particularly its medical capabilities, still revolve around witch doctors and folk medicine. Yet they have seemingly stopped this virus dead in its tracks, all while actively deceiving the rest of the world, most especially the USA, as to the true nature of what it was that was loosed upon them, this deception included the absolute total and enthusiastic support of the WHO and its director!

Folks I have told many that they are simply not being cynical enough about the CCP, the CCP are utterly alien to the western mentality, they are the most murderous, psychopathic creatures ever spawned upon the earth, and they are exactly the type of people willing and able to launch a weapon of mass destruction in this very fashion. Back to that question of Carlson's, which I have been asking about for over two months now, how is it they managed to prevent the rest of their massively over-populated nation from descending into a coronavirus cauldron? Great mitigation technique? Not a fucking chance, vaccination for most of their population with the intentional withholding of same from the population of Wuhan, so best to craft a narrative of plausible deniability?


Trump is a total failure. Period. Look at the results of what he did anddidn’t do.

1. Prove to us that democrats are supportive of war against United States. Prove it.

2. Prove that the democrats are communist against US. Prove it.

3. Prove where the 5 millions going in and out of Wuhan. Prove it.

4. As far as China‘a primitiveness even high school students will tell you that.

5. China’s medicine part of what you said is true but most are totally wrong. In 2017 - 2018 363,341 and 2028-19 369,548 Chinese students are enrolled here in US. Most of their high educated citizens are educated here in US. We make $billions from these people.

6. We know for decades that China is very secretive and cannot be trusted. So WHY are we acting surprised and so stupid? So the Chinese lied is that mean there’s no CV in China? So we just sit back and point to China?

There is no smoking gun pointing to a cover-up by China's ruling Communist Party. But intentional or not, there is reason to believe that more people died of COVID-19 than the official tally, which stood at 3,312 at the end of Tuesday. The same applies to the 81,554 confirmed cases, now exceeded by the U.S., Italy and Spain.

The health system in Wuhan, the city where three-fourths of China's victims died, was overwhelmed at the peak of the outbreak. Hospitals overflowed, patients with symptoms were sent home and there weren't enough kits to test everyone. In any country, getting a complete picture in the fog of war is virtually impossible.
This is a president who doesn’t give a shit of what he is saying as long as he save his ego. And his ratings.

if you have evidence of this I will pay you $10,000. Bet???
1. Trump rallies keep saying the democrats the democrats the democrats. Feb. 20,2020 Coronavirus is a Democrat new hoax. This is the president of United States talking bad against his own people. Who the FUCK do
that to his own people? Trump.
2. Ratings?

. What difference does it make how it got there? .

Obama sent blankets through Poland to help hide their origin and mix them with other aid from other countries!! He was so afraid of Putin. Now do you understand. Obama was afraid to send blankets directly to Ukraine.
This is the president of United States talking bad against his own people.
you mean talking bad against the Democratic opposition which is expected to do and supposed to do. See how easily you are defeated?
Wrong again. Who in the world do that to his own people? But Trump. I’m sure you like that. Think again why democrats treat Trump this way. He demonstrated that he is not qualified to lead this country but displaying his dumb and unfit to lead this country.

This is the reason why you and me and the rest are fighting because of Trump’s unfit behavior.
The Trump enabled virus will continue to spread in the US. Trump is a failure.
You see this quoted opinion, this is a communist Chinese tool, just as the entire democratic party happens to be, the latter most likely enthusiastically supportive of China's war against the United States. Regardless, the above tool, and all like-minded tools of the communist regime, are weapons of China's war against the US!

I have been asking a question for over two months now, finally last night FNC's Tucker Carlson asked it to, specifically the question is as follows, knowing as we now know that the virus isn't 2-3 times more contagious than flu, but rather 6-7 times more so, just how is it that the CCP manages to keep its vast, massively over-populated urban centers coronavirus free?

As Carlson noted, the Wuhan lockdown still allowed about 5-million people in and out of Wuhan both before, and after the lockdown, most went elsewhere in China, but many went global as we say. Looking to New York City as our benchmark, and then outward from there, we see the unstoppable, impossibly rapid spread of the virus outward into the entire United States, and folks such was just in four weeks time with most travel to China being barred!

How is this possible, how is it that a nation of 1.6 billion tightly packed into sardine like urban centers is virtually free of the virus, whilst all other continents are being overrun? Keep in mind that the WHO is now known to have deliberately mislead CDC/NIH as to the nature of the virus, and that its director, Tedros what fuck his name, is revealed as an obvious pawn of the CCP. Why any man or women with a three digit IQ can easily ascertain the obvious from this, with the obvious being intentions, and in this case all evidence screams "intentional attack, intentional attack!"

Folks, China is not a sophisticated nation, most of them live quite primitively, sure certain city centers project sophistication, but that is all for show & tell as we say, most of China, particularly its medical capabilities, still revolve around witch doctors and folk medicine. Yet they have seemingly stopped this virus dead in its tracks, all while actively deceiving the rest of the world, most especially the USA, as to the true nature of what it was that was loosed upon them, this deception included the absolute total and enthusiastic support of the WHO and its director!

Folks I have told many that they are simply not being cynical enough about the CCP, the CCP are utterly alien to the western mentality, they are the most murderous, psychopathic creatures ever spawned upon the earth, and they are exactly the type of people willing and able to launch a weapon of mass destruction in this very fashion. Back to that question of Carlson's, which I have been asking about for over two months now, how is it they managed to prevent the rest of their massively over-populated nation from descending into a coronavirus cauldron? Great mitigation technique? Not a fucking chance, vaccination for most of their population with the intentional withholding of same from the population of Wuhan, so best to craft a narrative of plausible deniability?


Trump is a total failure. Period. Look at the results of what he did anddidn’t do.

1. Prove to us that democrats are supportive of war against United States. Prove it.

2. Prove that the democrats are communist against US. Prove it.

3. Prove where the 5 millions going in and out of Wuhan. Prove it.

4. As far as China‘a primitiveness even high school students will tell you that.

5. China’s medicine part of what you said is true but most are totally wrong. In 2017 - 2018 363,341 and 2028-19 369,548 Chinese students are enrolled here in US. Most of their high educated citizens are educated here in US. We make $billions from these people.

6. We know for decades that China is very secretive and cannot be trusted. So WHY are we acting surprised and so stupid? So the Chinese lied is that mean there’s no CV in China? So we just sit back and point to China?

There is no smoking gun pointing to a cover-up by China's ruling Communist Party. But intentional or not, there is reason to believe that more people died of COVID-19 than the official tally, which stood at 3,312 at the end of Tuesday. The same applies to the 81,554 confirmed cases, now exceeded by the U.S., Italy and Spain.

The health system in Wuhan, the city where three-fourths of China's victims died, was overwhelmed at the peak of the outbreak. Hospitals overflowed, patients with symptoms were sent home and there weren't enough kits to test everyone. In any country, getting a complete picture in the fog of war is virtually impossible.
There is no question the Wuhan toll was far higher than reported, however the question that sparks my curiosity, is just how is it that a nation where 80% of the population rely upon folk medicine as their first line defense against illness and disease, happened to prevent the most virulent pathogen of the last 100 years from raging throughout their entire population of 1.6 billion, all of whom are packed into spectacularly dense urban centers while the most technologically advanced nation in all of human history, with five times fewer citizens could not???

It wasn't via mitigation that such was accomplished, either magical beings stepped in and shielded them, or they just happened to have inoculated the vast majority of their populace well in advance.....
. What difference does it make how it got there? .

Obama sent blankets through Poland to help hide their origin and mix them with other aid from other countries!! He was so afraid of Putin. Now do you understand. Obama was afraid to send blankets directly to Ukraine.
That is so funny. What difference does it make. Show me a proof that Obama sent it through Poland.
The Trump enabled virus will continue to spread in the US. Trump is a failure.
You see this quoted opinion, this is a communist Chinese tool, just as the entire democratic party happens to be, the latter most likely enthusiastically supportive of China's war against the United States. Regardless, the above tool, and all like-minded tools of the communist regime, are weapons of China's war against the US!

I have been asking a question for over two months now, finally last night FNC's Tucker Carlson asked it to, specifically the question is as follows, knowing as we now know that the virus isn't 2-3 times more contagious than flu, but rather 6-7 times more so, just how is it that the CCP manages to keep its vast, massively over-populated urban centers coronavirus free?

As Carlson noted, the Wuhan lockdown still allowed about 5-million people in and out of Wuhan both before, and after the lockdown, most went elsewhere in China, but many went global as we say. Looking to New York City as our benchmark, and then outward from there, we see the unstoppable, impossibly rapid spread of the virus outward into the entire United States, and folks such was just in four weeks time with most travel to China being barred!

How is this possible, how is it that a nation of 1.6 billion tightly packed into sardine like urban centers is virtually free of the virus, whilst all other continents are being overrun? Keep in mind that the WHO is now known to have deliberately mislead CDC/NIH as to the nature of the virus, and that its director, Tedros what fuck his name, is revealed as an obvious pawn of the CCP. Why any man or women with a three digit IQ can easily ascertain the obvious from this, with the obvious being intentions, and in this case all evidence screams "intentional attack, intentional attack!"

Folks, China is not a sophisticated nation, most of them live quite primitively, sure certain city centers project sophistication, but that is all for show & tell as we say, most of China, particularly its medical capabilities, still revolve around witch doctors and folk medicine. Yet they have seemingly stopped this virus dead in its tracks, all while actively deceiving the rest of the world, most especially the USA, as to the true nature of what it was that was loosed upon them, this deception included the absolute total and enthusiastic support of the WHO and its director!

Folks I have told many that they are simply not being cynical enough about the CCP, the CCP are utterly alien to the western mentality, they are the most murderous, psychopathic creatures ever spawned upon the earth, and they are exactly the type of people willing and able to launch a weapon of mass destruction in this very fashion. Back to that question of Carlson's, which I have been asking about for over two months now, how is it they managed to prevent the rest of their massively over-populated nation from descending into a coronavirus cauldron? Great mitigation technique? Not a fucking chance, vaccination for most of their population with the intentional withholding of same from the population of Wuhan, so best to craft a narrative of plausible deniability?


Trump is a total failure. Period. Look at the results of what he did anddidn’t do.

1. Prove to us that democrats are supportive of war against United States. Prove it.

2. Prove that the democrats are communist against US. Prove it.

3. Prove where the 5 millions going in and out of Wuhan. Prove it.

4. As far as China‘a primitiveness even high school students will tell you that.

5. China’s medicine part of what you said is true but most are totally wrong. In 2017 - 2018 363,341 and 2028-19 369,548 Chinese students are enrolled here in US. Most of their high educated citizens are educated here in US. We make $billions from these people.

6. We know for decades that China is very secretive and cannot be trusted. So WHY are we acting surprised and so stupid? So the Chinese lied is that mean there’s no CV in China? So we just sit back and point to China?

There is no smoking gun pointing to a cover-up by China's ruling Communist Party. But intentional or not, there is reason to believe that more people died of COVID-19 than the official tally, which stood at 3,312 at the end of Tuesday. The same applies to the 81,554 confirmed cases, now exceeded by the U.S., Italy and Spain.

The health system in Wuhan, the city where three-fourths of China's victims died, was overwhelmed at the peak of the outbreak. Hospitals overflowed, patients with symptoms were sent home and there weren't enough kits to test everyone. In any country, getting a complete picture in the fog of war is virtually impossible.
There is no question the Wuhan toll was far higher than reported, however the question that sparks my curiosity, is just how is it that a nation where 80% of the population rely upon folk medicine as their first line defense against illness and disease, happened to prevent the most virulent pathogen of the last 100 years from raging throughout their entire population of 1.6 billion, all of whom are packed into spectacularly dense urban centers while the most technologically advanced nation in all of human history, with five times fewer citizens could not???

It wasn't via mitigation that such was accomplished, either magical beings stepped in and shielded them, or they just happened to have inoculated the vast majority of their populace well in advance.....

How in the world you came out of 80% rely on folk medicine?
I quoted your post with several questions. What happened to that?

it’s like here in California we have 40+ millions if you include illegals probably more. Mexicans live in a house or apartments most are crammed but number of deaths is low. Why is that?
Last edited:
I asked you to prove this. What happened?

You are so slow that you need me to prove to you that Democrats voted for open communists Sanders Warren AOC, rather than for, say, the Girl Scouts??? Who the hell do you think they voted for???
You have not given me anything but your opinion. I asked you to prove it. Not a hogwash.
Was there a communist party candidate here in America that they voted for? Who?
The Trump enabled virus will continue to spread in the US. Trump is a failure.
You see this quoted opinion, this is a communist Chinese tool, just as the entire democratic party happens to be, the latter most likely enthusiastically supportive of China's war against the United States. Regardless, the above tool, and all like-minded tools of the communist regime, are weapons of China's war against the US!

I have been asking a question for over two months now, finally last night FNC's Tucker Carlson asked it to, specifically the question is as follows, knowing as we now know that the virus isn't 2-3 times more contagious than flu, but rather 6-7 times more so, just how is it that the CCP manages to keep its vast, massively over-populated urban centers coronavirus free?

As Carlson noted, the Wuhan lockdown still allowed about 5-million people in and out of Wuhan both before, and after the lockdown, most went elsewhere in China, but many went global as we say. Looking to New York City as our benchmark, and then outward from there, we see the unstoppable, impossibly rapid spread of the virus outward into the entire United States, and folks such was just in four weeks time with most travel to China being barred!

How is this possible, how is it that a nation of 1.6 billion tightly packed into sardine like urban centers is virtually free of the virus, whilst all other continents are being overrun? Keep in mind that the WHO is now known to have deliberately mislead CDC/NIH as to the nature of the virus, and that its director, Tedros what fuck his name, is revealed as an obvious pawn of the CCP. Why any man or women with a three digit IQ can easily ascertain the obvious from this, with the obvious being intentions, and in this case all evidence screams "intentional attack, intentional attack!"

Folks, China is not a sophisticated nation, most of them live quite primitively, sure certain city centers project sophistication, but that is all for show & tell as we say, most of China, particularly its medical capabilities, still revolve around witch doctors and folk medicine. Yet they have seemingly stopped this virus dead in its tracks, all while actively deceiving the rest of the world, most especially the USA, as to the true nature of what it was that was loosed upon them, this deception included the absolute total and enthusiastic support of the WHO and its director!

Folks I have told many that they are simply not being cynical enough about the CCP, the CCP are utterly alien to the western mentality, they are the most murderous, psychopathic creatures ever spawned upon the earth, and they are exactly the type of people willing and able to launch a weapon of mass destruction in this very fashion. Back to that question of Carlson's, which I have been asking about for over two months now, how is it they managed to prevent the rest of their massively over-populated nation from descending into a coronavirus cauldron? Great mitigation technique? Not a fucking chance, vaccination for most of their population with the intentional withholding of same from the population of Wuhan, so best to craft a narrative of plausible deniability?


Trump is a total failure. Period. Look at the results of what he did anddidn’t do.

1. Prove to us that democrats are supportive of war against United States. Prove it.

2. Prove that the democrats are communist against US. Prove it.

3. Prove where the 5 millions going in and out of Wuhan. Prove it.

4. As far as China‘a primitiveness even high school students will tell you that.

5. China’s medicine part of what you said is true but most are totally wrong. In 2017 - 2018 363,341 and 2028-19 369,548 Chinese students are enrolled here in US. Most of their high educated citizens are educated here in US. We make $billions from these people.

6. We know for decades that China is very secretive and cannot be trusted. So WHY are we acting surprised and so stupid? So the Chinese lied is that mean there’s no CV in China? So we just sit back and point to China?

There is no smoking gun pointing to a cover-up by China's ruling Communist Party. But intentional or not, there is reason to believe that more people died of COVID-19 than the official tally, which stood at 3,312 at the end of Tuesday. The same applies to the 81,554 confirmed cases, now exceeded by the U.S., Italy and Spain.

The health system in Wuhan, the city where three-fourths of China's victims died, was overwhelmed at the peak of the outbreak. Hospitals overflowed, patients with symptoms were sent home and there weren't enough kits to test everyone. In any country, getting a complete picture in the fog of war is virtually impossible.
There is no question the Wuhan toll was far higher than reported, however the question that sparks my curiosity, is just how is it that a nation where 80% of the population rely upon folk medicine as their first line defense against illness and disease, happened to prevent the most virulent pathogen of the last 100 years from raging throughout their entire population of 1.6 billion, all of whom are packed into spectacularly dense urban centers while the most technologically advanced nation in all of human history, with five times fewer citizens could not???

It wasn't via mitigation that such was accomplished, either magical beings stepped in and shielded them, or they just happened to have inoculated the vast majority of their populace well in advance.....

It’s very strange for you to say you don’t trust the Chinese numbers or information coming out from China.

At the same time you said ....... happened to prevent the most virulent pathogen in last 100 years.
How did you know they prevented it if you don’t trust them?
The Trump enabled virus will continue to spread in the US. Trump is a failure.

Stay in your basement and don't come out.

Be very afaid.

Be very very afraid.

The sniffles are a terrible thing to endure.

Right. 18,000 + has died from “the sniffles”. You’re a moron.

Nobody really knows what those 18,000 died from.

Do try to keep up.
Well, they certainly didn’t overload hospitals and die from “the sniffles”, you unbelievably stupid asshole.
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The Trump enabled virus will continue to spread in the US. Trump is a failure.
You see this quoted opinion, this is a communist Chinese tool, just as the entire democratic party happens to be, the latter most likely enthusiastically supportive of China's war against the United States. Regardless, the above tool, and all like-minded tools of the communist regime, are weapons of China's war against the US!

I have been asking a question for over two months now, finally last night FNC's Tucker Carlson asked it to, specifically the question is as follows, knowing as we now know that the virus isn't 2-3 times more contagious than flu, but rather 6-7 times more so, just how is it that the CCP manages to keep its vast, massively over-populated urban centers coronavirus free?

As Carlson noted, the Wuhan lockdown still allowed about 5-million people in and out of Wuhan both before, and after the lockdown, most went elsewhere in China, but many went global as we say. Looking to New York City as our benchmark, and then outward from there, we see the unstoppable, impossibly rapid spread of the virus outward into the entire United States, and folks such was just in four weeks time with most travel to China being barred!

How is this possible, how is it that a nation of 1.6 billion tightly packed into sardine like urban centers is virtually free of the virus, whilst all other continents are being overrun? Keep in mind that the WHO is now known to have deliberately mislead CDC/NIH as to the nature of the virus, and that its director, Tedros what fuck his name, is revealed as an obvious pawn of the CCP. Why any man or women with a three digit IQ can easily ascertain the obvious from this, with the obvious being intentions, and in this case all evidence screams "intentional attack, intentional attack!"

Folks, China is not a sophisticated nation, most of them live quite primitively, sure certain city centers project sophistication, but that is all for show & tell as we say, most of China, particularly its medical capabilities, still revolve around witch doctors and folk medicine. Yet they have seemingly stopped this virus dead in its tracks, all while actively deceiving the rest of the world, most especially the USA, as to the true nature of what it was that was loosed upon them, this deception included the absolute total and enthusiastic support of the WHO and its director!

Folks I have told many that they are simply not being cynical enough about the CCP, the CCP are utterly alien to the western mentality, they are the most murderous, psychopathic creatures ever spawned upon the earth, and they are exactly the type of people willing and able to launch a weapon of mass destruction in this very fashion. Back to that question of Carlson's, which I have been asking about for over two months now, how is it they managed to prevent the rest of their massively over-populated nation from descending into a coronavirus cauldron? Great mitigation technique? Not a fucking chance, vaccination for most of their population with the intentional withholding of same from the population of Wuhan, so best to craft a narrative of plausible deniability?

Ok nutjob :cuckoo:

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