Trump is the ultimate fail for pandemic responses, while China did a great job.

And you have Trump so in love with Putin. Keep trying. And I’ll give you more.
is he spying for him and giving him our military secrets or giving Ukraine Javilin missiles while Obama refused so as not to offend Putin or interfere with his aggression in Ukraine. See why they say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
We are talking about Trump not Obama try not to deflect.
Do you want me to give you an example how Trump lick Putin boots? Trump believed Putin more than his own intelligence he has hired. A traitor. 3 years after he won the election Trump still dicking who rape our 2016 election blaming the Ukrainian to save Putin. Do you want more?
How is the ban look now?
now it looks like it was a really great idea. Too bad Dims jumped all over him instead of encouraging him to do more
Wrong again. Look at the results the chaos and crisis that we never experience before here in America. All of that are caused by this inept amateur president.
Dims? Like what when he continue to blame and very busy finger pointing democrats.
This is a president who doesn’t give a shit of what he is saying as long as he save his ego. And his ratings.
Do you want me to give you an example how Trump lick Putin boots?
Trump gave Ukraine Javelin missiles [ after Obama refused] to use against Putin. That is not licking Putin's boots in fact the opposite. Simple enough for you to understand now?
Wrong again. Do you know how many times this topic has been discussed? Trump is a moron. The reason why Obama did not send military aid to Ukraine because he doesn’t want to make the war worse as it is. He sent crates and crates of medical supplies and blankets. Those blankets and medical supplies is so powerful that Russia did not advance. If Russia wants to take over the whole Ukraine. It’s a piece of cake easy. Unless US wants to go to WW3 with Russia because of Ukraine.

Show me an example how Obama lick Putin boots.I’ll wait.
Those blankets and medical supplies is so powerful that Russia did not advance.

Actually they wanted Javelins not blankets with which to defend themselves against Putin's attack!! Remember how they kept begging Trump for more missiles and not for more blankets??? See why we say that liberalism is based in pure ignorance?

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