Trump is the ultimate fail for pandemic responses, while China did a great job.

while China did a great job.

I guess a liberal would call infecting the entire world a great job!!

Where is my $10,000? I need that money to buy vodka for Typsicatlover and Markle before they start drinking paint thinner.

Infecting the whole world? Trump infected US about 600,000 and over 28,000 deaths. Good job Mr. Trump.
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  • Sad
Reactions: BWK
The Trump enabled virus will continue to spread in the US. Trump is a failure.
You see this quoted opinion, this is a communist Chinese tool, just as the entire democratic party happens to be, the latter most likely enthusiastically supportive of China's war against the United States. Regardless, the above tool, and all like-minded tools of the communist regime, are weapons of China's war against the US!

I have been asking a question for over two months now, finally last night FNC's Tucker Carlson asked it to, specifically the question is as follows, knowing as we now know that the virus isn't 2-3 times more contagious than flu, but rather 6-7 times more so, just how is it that the CCP manages to keep its vast, massively over-populated urban centers coronavirus free?

As Carlson noted, the Wuhan lockdown still allowed about 5-million people in and out of Wuhan both before, and after the lockdown, most went elsewhere in China, but many went global as we say. Looking to New York City as our benchmark, and then outward from there, we see the unstoppable, impossibly rapid spread of the virus outward into the entire United States, and folks such was just in four weeks time with most travel to China being barred!

How is this possible, how is it that a nation of 1.6 billion tightly packed into sardine like urban centers is virtually free of the virus, whilst all other continents are being overrun? Keep in mind that the WHO is now known to have deliberately mislead CDC/NIH as to the nature of the virus, and that its director, Tedros what fuck his name, is revealed as an obvious pawn of the CCP. Why any man or women with a three digit IQ can easily ascertain the obvious from this, with the obvious being intentions, and in this case all evidence screams "intentional attack, intentional attack!"

Folks, China is not a sophisticated nation, most of them live quite primitively, sure certain city centers project sophistication, but that is all for show & tell as we say, most of China, particularly its medical capabilities, still revolve around witch doctors and folk medicine. Yet they have seemingly stopped this virus dead in its tracks, all while actively deceiving the rest of the world, most especially the USA, as to the true nature of what it was that was loosed upon them, this deception included the absolute total and enthusiastic support of the WHO and its director!

Folks I have told many that they are simply not being cynical enough about the CCP, the CCP are utterly alien to the western mentality, they are the most murderous, psychopathic creatures ever spawned upon the earth, and they are exactly the type of people willing and able to launch a weapon of mass destruction in this very fashion. Back to that question of Carlson's, which I have been asking about for over two months now, how is it they managed to prevent the rest of their massively over-populated nation from descending into a coronavirus cauldron? Great mitigation technique? Not a fucking chance, vaccination for most of their population with the intentional withholding of same from the population of Wuhan, so best to craft a narrative of plausible deniability?


Trump is a total failure. Period. Look at the results of what he did anddidn’t do.

1. Prove to us that democrats are supportive of war against United States. Prove it.

2. Prove that the democrats are communist against US. Prove it.

3. Prove where the 5 millions going in and out of Wuhan. Prove it.

4. As far as China‘a primitiveness even high school students will tell you that.

5. China’s medicine part of what you said is true but most are totally wrong. In 2017 - 2018 363,341 and 2028-19 369,548 Chinese students are enrolled here in US. Most of their high educated citizens are educated here in US. We make $billions from these people.

6. We know for decades that China is very secretive and cannot be trusted. So WHY are we acting surprised and so stupid? So the Chinese lied is that mean there’s no CV in China? So we just sit back and point to China?

There is no smoking gun pointing to a cover-up by China's ruling Communist Party. But intentional or not, there is reason to believe that more people died of COVID-19 than the official tally, which stood at 3,312 at the end of Tuesday. The same applies to the 81,554 confirmed cases, now exceeded by the U.S., Italy and Spain.

The health system in Wuhan, the city where three-fourths of China's victims died, was overwhelmed at the peak of the outbreak. Hospitals overflowed, patients with symptoms were sent home and there weren't enough kits to test everyone. In any country, getting a complete picture in the fog of war is virtually impossible.
There is no question the Wuhan toll was far higher than reported, however the question that sparks my curiosity, is just how is it that a nation where 80% of the population rely upon folk medicine as their first line defense against illness and disease, happened to prevent the most virulent pathogen of the last 100 years from raging throughout their entire population of 1.6 billion, all of whom are packed into spectacularly dense urban centers while the most technologically advanced nation in all of human history, with five times fewer citizens could not???

It wasn't via mitigation that such was accomplished, either magical beings stepped in and shielded them, or they just happened to have inoculated the vast majority of their populace well in advance.....
Because you don't stop a new virus with medicine. You use the age old technique of isolating people so they can't spread it. China has done this before and it works quite well. You order people into their homes and put armed troops on the streets to enforce it. No one wants to be arrested for Crimes Against the People in China.
Your conclusions are ludicrous, 1.6 billion human beings tightly packed into urban centers wherein distance from the next closest dozens of your fellow humans are generally measured in inches, or millimeters is not the recipe for mitigation success, no matter how many men and women with guns stand each corner! Wake up and see truth as it bashes you between eyes filled with ignorance, virologists now believe Wuhan fever is 6-7 times more virulent then seasonal flu, not 2-3 times as first believed.

The virus hangs in air for hours, and can be blown about by the breeze, it has now been established that the very act of breathing itself is all that is required to successfully transmit virus human to human! Look at what has transpired in NYC, then apply that to Chinese cities twice as populated, then factor in the speed of spread across the entire United States and apply such to the expectations in urban dominated China! They didn't mitigate anything, there are no eruptions of the virus of any significance anywhere else in China, and China is a nation where about 1-billion Chinese rely upon folk medicine and witch doctors as first line defense against illness and disease, not MD's and PA's.

We shall apply Occam's razor to this, all things being equal, the simplest answer is most likely the correct answer, and the simplest explanation for absence of pandemic all across what should have been a totally, or near totally defenseless China, is that the virus cannot sweep across China because the populace has already been inoculated against it......
Too many false statement to address them all.
The population density of Wuhan is 4305 persons per square mile far less than Manhattan at 63,000 people per square mile. Even the densest section of Wuhan is less. The population density of China is only slightly more than the EU at 377 people per square mile

Even a very wet cough of Coronavirus will not last more 3 hours in a confined space at a density capable of causing Covid 19 because the droplets dry up. In the open air with a wind, the droplets dry up even more rapidly and wind causes the droplets to disperse reducing the density of virus making it harmless.

Maybe this will address the total ignorance China’s technologies and capabilities. Spaces and crowding that dude keep repeating

chinas industrial complex - Google Search


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Trump sacrificed our safety to me China happy!!!

???? I just explained to you that Democrats called him racist and xenophobic at the end of January when he banned travel from China. You honestly can't understand that????
Trump sacrificed our safety to me China happy!!!

???? I just explained to you that Democrats called him racist and xenophobic at the end of January when he banned travel from China. You honestly can't understand that????
Trump failed because he was racist and xenophobic. Trump said he only closed China, allowing most of the infection came from Europe. Trump Failed to get PPEs, Test kits, Ventitors, containment & treatment ready, so he shut down the economy, jobs & blew $Trillions.

It was more important to Trump to play the bash China card than take care of US citizens. Plus Trump only ran his mouth about closing China, but allowed additional 430,000 to fly here from China.
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As U.S. tops global tally of coronavirus cases, Trump is at odds with reality We have now surpassed China for Coronavirus cases and our population is lower. Go figure. Just proves how well their leadership has tackled this virus with their mandatory quarantines and preparedness. The lack of interest in this pandemic by Trump has taken its toll with loss of life, coupled with all the lies that lead the people in the wrong direction with their preparedness. He told his base it was a hoax for Gods sake, and they said it doesn't exist. Add that with the failure to not declare the defense production act, 9/11 and Pearl Harbor are going to look like a scratch in comparison, if Trump doesn't act, or gets the hell out of the way. Having bidding wars with companies to make masks is insane for example. They are bidding over making money, while people die. To hell with that failure. The defense production act has to happen yesterday. Trump with this ultimate failure of his, has done enough damage already. Can you believe it, he wants everybody to get together to go find the easter bunny, a few Sundays from now because it will be beautiful. In the mean time, people are dropping like flies, because we either are in short supply, or have no masks, gloves, or ventilators. But ha, let's all walk out of church together on easter Sunday and have an easter egg hunt. What a sick, selfish. monster he is.

And you know this how? From Chinese Gov't reports? Any chance the Commies are LYING?
As U.S. tops global tally of coronavirus cases, Trump is at odds with reality We have now surpassed China for Coronavirus cases and our population is lower. Go figure. Just proves how well their leadership has tackled this virus with their mandatory quarantines and preparedness. The lack of interest in this pandemic by Trump has taken its toll with loss of life, coupled with all the lies that lead the people in the wrong direction with their preparedness. He told his base it was a hoax for Gods sake, and they said it doesn't exist. Add that with the failure to not declare the defense production act, 9/11 and Pearl Harbor are going to look like a scratch in comparison, if Trump doesn't act, or gets the hell out of the way. Having bidding wars with companies to make masks is insane for example. They are bidding over making money, while people die. To hell with that failure. The defense production act has to happen yesterday. Trump with this ultimate failure of his, has done enough damage already. Can you believe it, he wants everybody to get together to go find the easter bunny, a few Sundays from now because it will be beautiful. In the mean time, people are dropping like flies, because we either are in short supply, or have no masks, gloves, or ventilators. But ha, let's all walk out of church together on easter Sunday and have an easter egg hunt. What a sick, selfish. monster he is.

You idiot.... We have constitutional rights the Chinese people have no rights at all. The government sealed off whole villages and starved them out do you think Trump would be able to do that here you stupid childish little fuck?


BWK admires the communists. He’s using this as an example of communism being “better” than the West.
Great, your non-argument attacking me without substance proves to us what a loser you are. Carry on with your losing tradition. You never say shit.
Without substance? Funny how you won’t call the leftwing leaders in Europe failures when their situation is much worse than the US.
Lol! Say that again. :auiqs.jpg:
As U.S. tops global tally of coronavirus cases, Trump is at odds with reality We have now surpassed China for Coronavirus cases and our population is lower. Go figure. Just proves how well their leadership has tackled this virus with their mandatory quarantines and preparedness. The lack of interest in this pandemic by Trump has taken its toll with loss of life, coupled with all the lies that lead the people in the wrong direction with their preparedness. He told his base it was a hoax for Gods sake, and they said it doesn't exist. Add that with the failure to not declare the defense production act, 9/11 and Pearl Harbor are going to look like a scratch in comparison, if Trump doesn't act, or gets the hell out of the way. Having bidding wars with companies to make masks is insane for example. They are bidding over making money, while people die. To hell with that failure. The defense production act has to happen yesterday. Trump with this ultimate failure of his, has done enough damage already. Can you believe it, he wants everybody to get together to go find the easter bunny, a few Sundays from now because it will be beautiful. In the mean time, people are dropping like flies, because we either are in short supply, or have no masks, gloves, or ventilators. But ha, let's all walk out of church together on easter Sunday and have an easter egg hunt. What a sick, selfish. monster he is.

And you know this how? From Chinese Gov't reports? Any chance the Commies are LYING?
No, from our own. Try again.
There is no smoking gun pointing to a cover-up by China's ruling Communist Party.

just total homicidal incompetence by infecting the entire world!!
:laughing0301: You think China is bad,? Have you been to the US? And Trump had a three month head start to do something, totally fucked it up, and you want to talk about China?
The Trump enabled virus will continue to spread in the US. Trump is a failure.
You see this quoted opinion, this is a communist Chinese tool, just as the entire democratic party happens to be, the latter most likely enthusiastically supportive of China's war against the United States. Regardless, the above tool, and all like-minded tools of the communist regime, are weapons of China's war against the US!

I have been asking a question for over two months now, finally last night FNC's Tucker Carlson asked it to, specifically the question is as follows, knowing as we now know that the virus isn't 2-3 times more contagious than flu, but rather 6-7 times more so, just how is it that the CCP manages to keep its vast, massively over-populated urban centers coronavirus free?

As Carlson noted, the Wuhan lockdown still allowed about 5-million people in and out of Wuhan both before, and after the lockdown, most went elsewhere in China, but many went global as we say. Looking to New York City as our benchmark, and then outward from there, we see the unstoppable, impossibly rapid spread of the virus outward into the entire United States, and folks such was just in four weeks time with most travel to China being barred!

How is this possible, how is it that a nation of 1.6 billion tightly packed into sardine like urban centers is virtually free of the virus, whilst all other continents are being overrun? Keep in mind that the WHO is now known to have deliberately mislead CDC/NIH as to the nature of the virus, and that its director, Tedros what fuck his name, is revealed as an obvious pawn of the CCP. Why any man or women with a three digit IQ can easily ascertain the obvious from this, with the obvious being intentions, and in this case all evidence screams "intentional attack, intentional attack!"

Folks, China is not a sophisticated nation, most of them live quite primitively, sure certain city centers project sophistication, but that is all for show & tell as we say, most of China, particularly its medical capabilities, still revolve around witch doctors and folk medicine. Yet they have seemingly stopped this virus dead in its tracks, all while actively deceiving the rest of the world, most especially the USA, as to the true nature of what it was that was loosed upon them, this deception included the absolute total and enthusiastic support of the WHO and its director!

Folks I have told many that they are simply not being cynical enough about the CCP, the CCP are utterly alien to the western mentality, they are the most murderous, psychopathic creatures ever spawned upon the earth, and they are exactly the type of people willing and able to launch a weapon of mass destruction in this very fashion. Back to that question of Carlson's, which I have been asking about for over two months now, how is it they managed to prevent the rest of their massively over-populated nation from descending into a coronavirus cauldron? Great mitigation technique? Not a fucking chance, vaccination for most of their population with the intentional withholding of same from the population of Wuhan, so best to craft a narrative of plausible deniability?


Trump is a total failure. Period. Look at the results of what he did anddidn’t do.

1. Prove to us that democrats are supportive of war against United States. Prove it.

2. Prove that the democrats are communist against US. Prove it.

3. Prove where the 5 millions going in and out of Wuhan. Prove it.

4. As far as China‘a primitiveness even high school students will tell you that.

5. China’s medicine part of what you said is true but most are totally wrong. In 2017 - 2018 363,341 and 2028-19 369,548 Chinese students are enrolled here in US. Most of their high educated citizens are educated here in US. We make $billions from these people.

6. We know for decades that China is very secretive and cannot be trusted. So WHY are we acting surprised and so stupid? So the Chinese lied is that mean there’s no CV in China? So we just sit back and point to China?

There is no smoking gun pointing to a cover-up by China's ruling Communist Party. But intentional or not, there is reason to believe that more people died of COVID-19 than the official tally, which stood at 3,312 at the end of Tuesday. The same applies to the 81,554 confirmed cases, now exceeded by the U.S., Italy and Spain.

The health system in Wuhan, the city where three-fourths of China's victims died, was overwhelmed at the peak of the outbreak. Hospitals overflowed, patients with symptoms were sent home and there weren't enough kits to test everyone. In any country, getting a complete picture in the fog of war is virtually impossible.
There is no question the Wuhan toll was far higher than reported,
According to who, you?
however the question that sparks my curiosity, is just how is it that a nation where 80% of the population rely upon folk medicine as their first line defense against illness and disease, happened to prevent the most virulent pathogen of the last 100 years from raging throughout their entire population of 1.6 billion, all of whom are packed into spectacularly dense urban centers while the most technologically advanced nation in all of human history, with five times fewer citizens could not???
Because they had enough horse sense to figure out that quarantine was their only hope. Something Trump still doesn't get. And by the way, don't flatter yourself about us being "the most advanced technologically advanced nation in human history." Have you seen China's high speed rail?

It wasn't via mitigation that such was accomplished, either magical beings stepped in and shielded them, or they just happened to have inoculated the vast majority of their populace well in advance.....
Taking another wild shot at your own made up conclusions out of thin air I see. Lol!
I asked you to prove this. What happened?

You are so slow that you need me to prove to you that Democrats voted for open communists Sanders Warren AOC, rather than for, say, the Girl Scouts??? Who the hell do you think they voted for???
No, it's the fact that you are even slower to prove it. In other words "Sanders, Warren, and AOC" are not communists, and you are a liar.
The Trump enabled virus will continue to spread in the US. Trump is a failure.

Stay in your basement and don't come out.

Be very afaid.

Be very very afraid.

The sniffles are a terrible thing to endure.

Right. 18,000 + has died from “the sniffles”. You’re a moron.

Nobody really knows what those 18,000 died from.

Do try to keep up.
:laughing0301: They just died right?
As U.S. tops global tally of coronavirus cases, Trump is at odds with reality We have now surpassed China for Coronavirus cases and our population is lower. Go figure. Just proves how well their leadership has tackled this virus with their mandatory quarantines and preparedness. The lack of interest in this pandemic by Trump has taken its toll with loss of life, coupled with all the lies that lead the people in the wrong direction with their preparedness. He told his base it was a hoax for Gods sake, and they said it doesn't exist. Add that with the failure to not declare the defense production act, 9/11 and Pearl Harbor are going to look like a scratch in comparison, if Trump doesn't act, or gets the hell out of the way. Having bidding wars with companies to make masks is insane for example. They are bidding over making money, while people die. To hell with that failure. The defense production act has to happen yesterday. Trump with this ultimate failure of his, has done enough damage already. Can you believe it, he wants everybody to get together to go find the easter bunny, a few Sundays from now because it will be beautiful. In the mean time, people are dropping like flies, because we either are in short supply, or have no masks, gloves, or ventilators. But ha, let's all walk out of church together on easter Sunday and have an easter egg hunt. What a sick, selfish. monster he is.

China admits they lied about the death toll and revised it up JUST FOR WUHAN up 50%!!!

How well did China really do, stupid fucking OP? They did a really good job AT DUPING YOUR STUPID ASS.
As U.S. tops global tally of coronavirus cases, Trump is at odds with reality We have now surpassed China for Coronavirus cases and our population is lower. Go figure. Just proves how well their leadership has tackled this virus with their mandatory quarantines and preparedness. The lack of interest in this pandemic by Trump has taken its toll with loss of life, coupled with all the lies that lead the people in the wrong direction with their preparedness. He told his base it was a hoax for Gods sake, and they said it doesn't exist. Add that with the failure to not declare the defense production act, 9/11 and Pearl Harbor are going to look like a scratch in comparison, if Trump doesn't act, or gets the hell out of the way. Having bidding wars with companies to make masks is insane for example. They are bidding over making money, while people die. To hell with that failure. The defense production act has to happen yesterday. Trump with this ultimate failure of his, has done enough damage already. Can you believe it, he wants everybody to get together to go find the easter bunny, a few Sundays from now because it will be beautiful. In the mean time, people are dropping like flies, because we either are in short supply, or have no masks, gloves, or ventilators. But ha, let's all walk out of church together on easter Sunday and have an easter egg hunt. What a sick, selfish. monster he is.

China admits they lied about the death toll and revised it up JUST FOR WUHAN up 50%!!!

How well did China really do, stupid fucking OP? They did a really good job AT DUPING YOUR STUPID ASS.
Probably closer to a million. Communists always lie.
The Trump enabled virus will continue to spread in the US. Trump is a failure.
You see this quoted opinion, this is a communist Chinese tool, just as the entire democratic party happens to be, the latter most likely enthusiastically supportive of China's war against the United States. Regardless, the above tool, and all like-minded tools of the communist regime, are weapons of China's war against the US!

I have been asking a question for over two months now, finally last night FNC's Tucker Carlson asked it to, specifically the question is as follows, knowing as we now know that the virus isn't 2-3 times more contagious than flu, but rather 6-7 times more so, just how is it that the CCP manages to keep its vast, massively over-populated urban centers coronavirus free?

As Carlson noted, the Wuhan lockdown still allowed about 5-million people in and out of Wuhan both before, and after the lockdown, most went elsewhere in China, but many went global as we say. Looking to New York City as our benchmark, and then outward from there, we see the unstoppable, impossibly rapid spread of the virus outward into the entire United States, and folks such was just in four weeks time with most travel to China being barred!

How is this possible, how is it that a nation of 1.6 billion tightly packed into sardine like urban centers is virtually free of the virus, whilst all other continents are being overrun? Keep in mind that the WHO is now known to have deliberately mislead CDC/NIH as to the nature of the virus, and that its director, Tedros what fuck his name, is revealed as an obvious pawn of the CCP. Why any man or women with a three digit IQ can easily ascertain the obvious from this, with the obvious being intentions, and in this case all evidence screams "intentional attack, intentional attack!"

Folks, China is not a sophisticated nation, most of them live quite primitively, sure certain city centers project sophistication, but that is all for show & tell as we say, most of China, particularly its medical capabilities, still revolve around witch doctors and folk medicine. Yet they have seemingly stopped this virus dead in its tracks, all while actively deceiving the rest of the world, most especially the USA, as to the true nature of what it was that was loosed upon them, this deception included the absolute total and enthusiastic support of the WHO and its director!

Folks I have told many that they are simply not being cynical enough about the CCP, the CCP are utterly alien to the western mentality, they are the most murderous, psychopathic creatures ever spawned upon the earth, and they are exactly the type of people willing and able to launch a weapon of mass destruction in this very fashion. Back to that question of Carlson's, which I have been asking about for over two months now, how is it they managed to prevent the rest of their massively over-populated nation from descending into a coronavirus cauldron? Great mitigation technique? Not a fucking chance, vaccination for most of their population with the intentional withholding of same from the population of Wuhan, so best to craft a narrative of plausible deniability?


Trump is a total failure. Period. Look at the results of what he did anddidn’t do.

1. Prove to us that democrats are supportive of war against United States. Prove it.

2. Prove that the democrats are communist against US. Prove it.

3. Prove where the 5 millions going in and out of Wuhan. Prove it.

4. As far as China‘a primitiveness even high school students will tell you that.

5. China’s medicine part of what you said is true but most are totally wrong. In 2017 - 2018 363,341 and 2028-19 369,548 Chinese students are enrolled here in US. Most of their high educated citizens are educated here in US. We make $billions from these people.

6. We know for decades that China is very secretive and cannot be trusted. So WHY are we acting surprised and so stupid? So the Chinese lied is that mean there’s no CV in China? So we just sit back and point to China?

There is no smoking gun pointing to a cover-up by China's ruling Communist Party. But intentional or not, there is reason to believe that more people died of COVID-19 than the official tally, which stood at 3,312 at the end of Tuesday. The same applies to the 81,554 confirmed cases, now exceeded by the U.S., Italy and Spain.

The health system in Wuhan, the city where three-fourths of China's victims died, was overwhelmed at the peak of the outbreak. Hospitals overflowed, patients with symptoms were sent home and there weren't enough kits to test everyone. In any country, getting a complete picture in the fog of war is virtually impossible.
There is no question the Wuhan toll was far higher than reported, however the question that sparks my curiosity, is just how is it that a nation where 80% of the population rely upon folk medicine as their first line defense against illness and disease, happened to prevent the most virulent pathogen of the last 100 years from raging throughout their entire population of 1.6 billion, all of whom are packed into spectacularly dense urban centers while the most technologically advanced nation in all of human history, with five times fewer citizens could not???

It wasn't via mitigation that such was accomplished, either magical beings stepped in and shielded them, or they just happened to have inoculated the vast majority of their populace well in advance.....
Because you don't stop a new virus with medicine. You use the age old technique of isolating people so they can't spread it. China has done this before and it works quite well. You order people into their homes and put armed troops on the streets to enforce it. No one wants to be arrested for Crimes Against the People in China.
Your conclusions are ludicrous, 1.6 billion human beings tightly packed into urban centers wherein distance from the next closest dozens of your fellow humans are generally measured in inches, or millimeters is not the recipe for mitigation success, no matter how many men and women with guns stand each corner! Wake up and see truth as it bashes you between eyes filled with ignorance, virologists now believe Wuhan fever is 6-7 times more virulent then seasonal flu, not 2-3 times as first believed.

The virus hangs in air for hours, and can be blown about by the breeze, it has now been established that the very act of breathing itself is all that is required to successfully transmit virus human to human! Look at what has transpired in NYC, then apply that to Chinese cities twice as populated, then factor in the speed of spread across the entire United States and apply such to the expectations in urban dominated China! They didn't mitigate anything, there are no eruptions of the virus of any significance anywhere else in China, and China is a nation where about 1-billion Chinese rely upon folk medicine and witch doctors as first line defense against illness and disease, not MD's and PA's.

We shall apply Occam's razor to this, all things being equal, the simplest answer is most likely the correct answer, and the simplest explanation for absence of pandemic all across what should have been a totally, or near totally defenseless China, is that the virus cannot sweep across China because the populace has already been inoculated against it......
It is true that the virus can exist for up to three hours in the air. However, wind disperses the virus. drys out the droplets that contain it, and destroys the virus. Scientist do not believe it exist atomized; that is it only exist in the air as droplets thus it is unlikely to be blown by the wind or ventilation systems which would dry it out and destroy it. It's transmission rate is less than 2 to 1. If it were atomized the transmission rate would be closer to something like the Measles which is about 13 to 1. Being transmitted on droplets means apartment to apartment transmission in buildings is very unlikely.
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So the liberals said that. Is that why Trump sat and didn’t do anything for 2 months. while he downplayed the crisis supported by his goons at Fox News. Till the body counts. In his rally February 20, 2020 he called it new democrat hoax. Keep trying.

Published February 1, 2020
China slams Trump's coronavirus travel limits: 'Not a gesture of goodwill'
By Joe McDonald, Sam McNeil | Associated Press
On Friday, the United States declared a public health emergency and President Donald Trump and an order barring entry to foreign nationals, other than immediate family of American citizens and permanent residents, who visited China within the last 14 days, which scientists say is the virus’s longest incubation period.

'Unfriendly comments'
China criticized the U.S. controls, which it said contradicted the WHO’s appeal to avoid travel bans, and “unfriendly comments” that Beijing was failing to cooperate.

“Just as the WHO recommended against travel restrictions, the U.S. rushed to go in the opposite way. Certainly not a gesture of goodwill,” said foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying.

WHO Secretary-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in Geneva that despite the emergency declaration, there is “no reason for measures that unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade.”
China slams Trump's coronavirus travel limits: 'Not a gesture of goodwill'
:laughing0301: You think China is bad,? Have you been to the US? And Trump had a three month head start to do something, totally fucked it up, and you want to talk about China?


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