Trump is the ultimate fail for pandemic responses, while China did a great job.

The obvious failure of the U.S. to quarantine, trace and stop spread of the pandemic — compared to China’s remarkable success in these areas — is not primarily due to Trump’s incompetence.

China’s success (after its initial blunders, local cover-ups) was due to Beijing’s difficult decision to take extreme measures that crippled their own economy. It was only possible because of their authoritarian system and the population’s willingness to be mobilized fully under the guidance of the CCP.

The U.S. is simply a different and far more individualist society, unwilling and unable to take equivalent measures. Since this Covid-19 pandemic is not anywhere near as deadly as SARS or Ebola, our far less thorough efforts will probably succeed in controlling the virus “adequately” until treatments or vaccines are developed. We all certainly hope so.

But the statistical differences in spread of the virus and numbers of dead still speak for themselves. The U.S., with its far higher per capital standard of living, its developed medical systems, even with far fewer less densely populated cities, simply could not — in this case — accomplish what the Chinese people and government managed to do.

All the partisan blaming, looking for scapegoats domestically, the fantastic conspiracy mongering and pointing at China’s early failures, these are sad distractions. They should not distract us from recognizing simple reality.
The reality is, our country will and has been suffering more consequences than any other country as a result of our stupidity, and non-existent leadership with the added bonus of pathological lying. Stay tuned, this is liable to be one hell of an infectious explosion brought on by these individualistic demons.

"Looking for scapegoats domestically" is the only true source to mounting a plan against it. You always go to the source of any problem, if that problem stands a chance of being solved. We have to go for the juggler where the leadership is, if we are to beat this. That juggler being Trump. Sources include, lying the entire time about this pandemic and not getting the right number of tests to isolate the infected, taking forever to sign the Protection Defense Act, then not implementing the plan.Then, using people as human guinea pigs by selling PPE supplies to the highest bidder and having states fight amongst themselves. He's using this pandemic to campaign off of with daily press briefings blaming everyone but himself because he's a coward. Then inciting violence to reopen the economy in the face of not having any plan at all. Those are the sources of the problem and those are the challenges. If anyone can prove me wrong, I can't wait to read it.
I despise Trump and most everything he stands for. I just believe it is wrong and counterproductive to consider his managerial incompetence, his divisiveness, his predictable failure to grasp the scope and nature of this pandemic threat ... as being the core problem here.
We'll, if you think Trump is not the "core problem" here, I'm dying to know what is?
The obvious failure of the U.S. to quarantine, trace and stop spread of the pandemic — compared to China’s remarkable success in these areas — is not primarily due to Trump’s incompetence.

China’s success (after its initial blunders, local cover-ups) was due to Beijing’s difficult decision to take extreme measures that crippled their own economy. It was only possible because of their authoritarian system and the population’s willingness to be mobilized fully under the guidance of the CCP.

The U.S. is simply a different and far more individualist society, unwilling and unable to take equivalent measures. Since this Covid-19 pandemic is not anywhere near as deadly as SARS or Ebola, our far less thorough efforts will probably succeed in controlling the virus “adequately” until treatments or vaccines are developed. We all certainly hope so.

But the statistical differences in spread of the virus and numbers of dead still speak for themselves. The U.S., with its far higher per capital standard of living, its developed medical systems, even with far fewer less densely populated cities, simply could not — in this case — accomplish what the Chinese people and government managed to do.

All the partisan blaming, looking for scapegoats domestically, the fantastic conspiracy mongering and pointing at China’s early failures, these are sad distractions. They should not distract us from recognizing simple reality.
There are times when an authoritarian response to danger is called for. And one of those times is when an epidemic threatens the lives of millions of people. Decisions have to made based on evidence and the advice of experts, not guesses, hunches, what is most likely to win votes or please various segments of the population.

The only methods available to us that will stop the epidemic are those that will deny the virus a host. Since the virus can only exist hours or at most a few days without a host, these methods, quarantining, PPE protection, and other methods of isolating people are very straight forward and will work if implemented properly. However, none of these methods come without hardships. The democratic process can not be used successful in determining how to fight the battle against the virus any more than it can be used in determining how a war is to be waged.
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Reactions: BWK
The obvious failure of the U.S. to quarantine, trace and stop spread of the pandemic — compared to China’s remarkable success in these areas — is not primarily due to Trump’s incompetence.

China’s success (after its initial blunders, local cover-ups) was due to Beijing’s difficult decision to take extreme measures that crippled their own economy. It was only possible because of their authoritarian system and the population’s willingness to be mobilized fully under the guidance of the CCP.

The U.S. is simply a different and far more individualist society, unwilling and unable to take equivalent measures. Since this Covid-19 pandemic is not anywhere near as deadly as SARS or Ebola, our far less thorough efforts will probably succeed in controlling the virus “adequately” until treatments or vaccines are developed. We all certainly hope so.

But the statistical differences in spread of the virus and numbers of dead still speak for themselves. The U.S., with its far higher per capital standard of living, its developed medical systems, even with far fewer less densely populated cities, simply could not — in this case — accomplish what the Chinese people and government managed to do.

All the partisan blaming, looking for scapegoats domestically, the fantastic conspiracy mongering and pointing at China’s early failures, these are sad distractions. They should not distract us from recognizing simple reality.
The reality is, our country will and has been suffering more consequences than any other country as a result of our stupidity, and non-existent leadership with the added bonus of pathological lying. Stay tuned, this is liable to be one hell of an infectious explosion brought on by these individualistic demons.

"Looking for scapegoats domestically" is the only true source to mounting a plan against it. You always go to the source of any problem, if that problem stands a chance of being solved. We have to go for the juggler where the leadership is, if we are to beat this. That juggler being Trump. Sources include, lying the entire time about this pandemic and not getting the right number of tests to isolate the infected, taking forever to sign the Protection Defense Act, then not implementing the plan.Then, using people as human guinea pigs by selling PPE supplies to the highest bidder and having states fight amongst themselves. He's using this pandemic to campaign off of with daily press briefings blaming everyone but himself because he's a coward. Then inciting violence to reopen the economy in the face of not having any plan at all. Those are the sources of the problem and those are the challenges. If anyone can prove me wrong, I can't wait to read it.
I despise Trump and most everything he stands for. I just believe it is wrong and counterproductive to consider his managerial incompetence, his divisiveness, his predictable failure to grasp the scope and nature of this pandemic threat ... as being the core problem here.
Without a source, the problem will never go away. That's just the way it is. He is holding us back from what desperately needs to happen, and we all know what that is. Without massive testing, how can we isolate this virus? Answer, you can't. And now that everyone is going to be partying, shopping, and working together, we all know what is going to happen. It's a Kamikaze mission and we know it. And why is the source of this problem, (Trump) doing this? Simple, it's a strategy for his campaign, and his own pocket. And he has a large swath of willing idiots and heartless ass holes who will take a ride on Hale Bopp whenever Trump tells them to. These supporters are individualists who could give two shits about someone else's fate, because Trump has them convinced they are immune, and they already don't care about the other guy anyway, so they were already willing dopes to start with.
Trump is currently telling the states there's enough test kits. That is simple not good enough. Either there is no agreement between the states and federal goverment as to what enough means or there is still is some other problems that have to be worked out. Since the epidemic spans the country and involves every state and has international consequences, the federal government has to provide leadership. Just saying you have enough. It's not my responsibility and walk away is not going to fly. With that type of leadership this epidemic will go on for years and will cost millions of lives and many trillions of dollars.
  • Love
Reactions: BWK
The obvious failure of the U.S. to quarantine, trace and stop spread of the pandemic — compared to China’s remarkable success in these areas — is not primarily due to Trump’s incompetence.

China’s success (after its initial blunders, local cover-ups) was due to Beijing’s difficult decision to take extreme measures that crippled their own economy. It was only possible because of their authoritarian system and the population’s willingness to be mobilized fully under the guidance of the CCP.

The U.S. is simply a different and far more individualist society, unwilling and unable to take equivalent measures. Since this Covid-19 pandemic is not anywhere near as deadly as SARS or Ebola, our far less thorough efforts will probably succeed in controlling the virus “adequately” until treatments or vaccines are developed. We all certainly hope so.

But the statistical differences in spread of the virus and numbers of dead still speak for themselves. The U.S., with its far higher per capital standard of living, its developed medical systems, even with far fewer less densely populated cities, simply could not — in this case — accomplish what the Chinese people and government managed to do.

All the partisan blaming, looking for scapegoats domestically, the fantastic conspiracy mongering and pointing at China’s early failures, these are sad distractions. They should not distract us from recognizing simple reality.
The reality is, our country will and has been suffering more consequences than any other country as a result of our stupidity, and non-existent leadership with the added bonus of pathological lying. Stay tuned, this is liable to be one hell of an infectious explosion brought on by these individualistic demons.

"Looking for scapegoats domestically" is the only true source to mounting a plan against it. You always go to the source of any problem, if that problem stands a chance of being solved. We have to go for the juggler where the leadership is, if we are to beat this. That juggler being Trump. Sources include, lying the entire time about this pandemic and not getting the right number of tests to isolate the infected, taking forever to sign the Protection Defense Act, then not implementing the plan.Then, using people as human guinea pigs by selling PPE supplies to the highest bidder and having states fight amongst themselves. He's using this pandemic to campaign off of with daily press briefings blaming everyone but himself because he's a coward. Then inciting violence to reopen the economy in the face of not having any plan at all. Those are the sources of the problem and those are the challenges. If anyone can prove me wrong, I can't wait to read it.
I despise Trump and most everything he stands for. I just believe it is wrong and counterproductive to consider his managerial incompetence, his divisiveness, his predictable failure to grasp the scope and nature of this pandemic threat ... as being the core problem here.
Without a source, the problem will never go away. That's just the way it is. He is holding us back from what desperately needs to happen, and we all know what that is. Without massive testing, how can we isolate this virus? Answer, you can't. And now that everyone is going to be partying, shopping, and working together, we all know what is going to happen. It's a Kamikaze mission and we know it. And why is the source of this problem, (Trump) doing this? Simple, it's a strategy for his campaign, and his own pocket. And he has a large swath of willing idiots and heartless ass holes who will take a ride on Hale Bopp whenever Trump tells them to. These supporters are individualists who could give two shits about someone else's fate, because Trump has them convinced they are immune, and they already don't care about the other guy anyway, so they were already willing dopes to start with.
Trump is currently telling the states there's enough test kits. That is simple not good enough. Either there is no agreement between the states and federal goverment as to what enough means or there is still is some other problems that have to be worked out. Since the epidemic spans the country and involves every state and has international consequences, the federal government has to provide leadership. Just saying you have enough. It's not my responsibility and walk away is not going to fly. With that type of leadership this epidemic will go on for years and will cost millions of lives and many trillions of dollars.
He said we had enough tests well over a month ago. Trump is a proven liar.
We'll, if you think Trump is not the "core problem" here, I'm dying to know what is?

China. Why is this impossible for you to grasp?
If you truly think China is the "core problem", you are either high on meth and your brain is fried, or you were never privileged enough in your life to engage with any human being lessons involving critical thinking. Therefore, your brain never received the exercise it needed to think up even the simplest of thought processes. China isn't going to solve this problem for us. We have to. Therefore, our own leadership is the "core problem." If you can't see that, you shouldn't even be discussing this. You don't possess the wherewithal to think clearly on this. Please stop embarrassing yourself.
The obvious failure of the U.S. to quarantine, trace and stop spread of the pandemic — compared to China’s remarkable success in these areas — is not primarily due to Trump’s incompetence.

China’s success (after its initial blunders, local cover-ups) was due to Beijing’s difficult decision to take extreme measures that crippled their own economy. It was only possible because of their authoritarian system and the population’s willingness to be mobilized fully under the guidance of the CCP.

The U.S. is simply a different and far more individualist society, unwilling and unable to take equivalent measures. Since this Covid-19 pandemic is not anywhere near as deadly as SARS or Ebola, our far less thorough efforts will probably succeed in controlling the virus “adequately” until treatments or vaccines are developed. We all certainly hope so.

But the statistical differences in spread of the virus and numbers of dead still speak for themselves. The U.S., with its far higher per capital standard of living, its developed medical systems, even with far fewer less densely populated cities, simply could not — in this case — accomplish what the Chinese people and government managed to do.

All the partisan blaming, looking for scapegoats domestically, the fantastic conspiracy mongering and pointing at China’s early failures, these are sad distractions. They should not distract us from recognizing simple reality.
The reality is, our country will and has been suffering more consequences than any other country as a result of our stupidity, and non-existent leadership with the added bonus of pathological lying. Stay tuned, this is liable to be one hell of an infectious explosion brought on by these individualistic demons.

"Looking for scapegoats domestically" is the only true source to mounting a plan against it. You always go to the source of any problem, if that problem stands a chance of being solved. We have to go for the juggler where the leadership is, if we are to beat this. That juggler being Trump. Sources include, lying the entire time about this pandemic and not getting the right number of tests to isolate the infected, taking forever to sign the Protection Defense Act, then not implementing the plan.Then, using people as human guinea pigs by selling PPE supplies to the highest bidder and having states fight amongst themselves. He's using this pandemic to campaign off of with daily press briefings blaming everyone but himself because he's a coward. Then inciting violence to reopen the economy in the face of not having any plan at all. Those are the sources of the problem and those are the challenges. If anyone can prove me wrong, I can't wait to read it.
I despise Trump and most everything he stands for. I just believe it is wrong and counterproductive to consider his managerial incompetence, his divisiveness, his predictable failure to grasp the scope and nature of this pandemic threat ... as being the core problem here.
Without a source, the problem will never go away. That's just the way it is. He is holding us back from what desperately needs to happen, and we all know what that is. Without massive testing, how can we isolate this virus? Answer, you can't. And now that everyone is going to be partying, shopping, and working together, we all know what is going to happen. It's a Kamikaze mission and we know it. And why is the source of this problem, (Trump) doing this? Simple, it's a strategy for his campaign, and his own pocket. And he has a large swath of willing idiots and heartless ass holes who will take a ride on Hale Bopp whenever Trump tells them to. These supporters are individualists who could give two shits about someone else's fate, because Trump has them convinced they are immune, and they already don't care about the other guy anyway, so they were already willing dopes to start with.
Trump is currently telling the states there's enough test kits. That is simple not good enough. Either there is no agreement between the states and federal goverment as to what enough means or there is still is some other problems that have to be worked out. Since the epidemic spans the country and involves every state and has international consequences, the federal government has to provide leadership. Just saying you have enough. It's not my responsibility and walk away is not going to fly. With that type of leadership this epidemic will go on for years and will cost millions of lives and many trillions of dollars.
I totally agree.
The obvious failure of the U.S. to quarantine, trace and stop spread of the pandemic — compared to China’s remarkable success in these areas — is not primarily due to Trump’s incompetence.

China’s success (after its initial blunders, local cover-ups) was due to Beijing’s difficult decision to take extreme measures that crippled their own economy. It was only possible because of their authoritarian system and the population’s willingness to be mobilized fully under the guidance of the CCP.

The U.S. is simply a different and far more individualist society, unwilling and unable to take equivalent measures. Since this Covid-19 pandemic is not anywhere near as deadly as SARS or Ebola, our far less thorough efforts will probably succeed in controlling the virus “adequately” until treatments or vaccines are developed. We all certainly hope so.

But the statistical differences in spread of the virus and numbers of dead still speak for themselves. The U.S., with its far higher per capital standard of living, its developed medical systems, even with far fewer less densely populated cities, simply could not — in this case — accomplish what the Chinese people and government managed to do.

All the partisan blaming, looking for scapegoats domestically, the fantastic conspiracy mongering and pointing at China’s early failures, these are sad distractions. They should not distract us from recognizing simple reality.
The reality is, our country will and has been suffering more consequences than any other country as a result of our stupidity, and non-existent leadership with the added bonus of pathological lying. Stay tuned, this is liable to be one hell of an infectious explosion brought on by these individualistic demons.

"Looking for scapegoats domestically" is the only true source to mounting a plan against it. You always go to the source of any problem, if that problem stands a chance of being solved. We have to go for the juggler where the leadership is, if we are to beat this. That juggler being Trump. Sources include, lying the entire time about this pandemic and not getting the right number of tests to isolate the infected, taking forever to sign the Protection Defense Act, then not implementing the plan.Then, using people as human guinea pigs by selling PPE supplies to the highest bidder and having states fight amongst themselves. He's using this pandemic to campaign off of with daily press briefings blaming everyone but himself because he's a coward. Then inciting violence to reopen the economy in the face of not having any plan at all. Those are the sources of the problem and those are the challenges. If anyone can prove me wrong, I can't wait to read it.
I despise Trump and most everything he stands for. I just believe it is wrong and counterproductive to consider his managerial incompetence, his divisiveness, his predictable failure to grasp the scope and nature of this pandemic threat ... as being the core problem here.
Without a source, the problem will never go away. That's just the way it is. He is holding us back from what desperately needs to happen, and we all know what that is. Without massive testing, how can we isolate this virus? Answer, you can't. And now that everyone is going to be partying, shopping, and working together, we all know what is going to happen. It's a Kamikaze mission and we know it. And why is the source of this problem, (Trump) doing this? Simple, it's a strategy for his campaign, and his own pocket. And he has a large swath of willing idiots and heartless ass holes who will take a ride on Hale Bopp whenever Trump tells them to. These supporters are individualists who could give two shits about someone else's fate, because Trump has them convinced they are immune, and they already don't care about the other guy anyway, so they were already willing dopes to start with.
Trump is currently telling the states there's enough test kits. That is simple not good enough. Either there is no agreement between the states and federal goverment as to what enough means or there is still is some other problems that have to be worked out. Since the epidemic spans the country and involves every state and has international consequences, the federal government has to provide leadership. Just saying you have enough. It's not my responsibility and walk away is not going to fly. With that type of leadership this epidemic will go on for years and will cost millions of lives and many trillions of dollars.
He said we had enough tests well over a month ago. Trump is a proven liar.
They never seem to explain what is enough? Obviously the states and the Trump administration disagree. What the president should be doing is working with the states to come to an agreement as to what degree of testing is to done and thus the number of test kits that are enough. However, that might prove to be a bad political move for the president so he sticks with his current message of there're enough test kits and it's not my problem.
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The obvious failure of the U.S. to quarantine, trace and stop spread of the pandemic — compared to China’s remarkable success in these areas — is not primarily due to Trump’s incompetence.

China’s success (after its initial blunders, local cover-ups) was due to Beijing’s difficult decision to take extreme measures that crippled their own economy. It was only possible because of their authoritarian system and the population’s willingness to be mobilized fully under the guidance of the CCP.

The U.S. is simply a different and far more individualist society, unwilling and unable to take equivalent measures. Since this Covid-19 pandemic is not anywhere near as deadly as SARS or Ebola, our far less thorough efforts will probably succeed in controlling the virus “adequately” until treatments or vaccines are developed. We all certainly hope so.

But the statistical differences in spread of the virus and numbers of dead still speak for themselves. The U.S., with its far higher per capital standard of living, its developed medical systems, even with far fewer less densely populated cities, simply could not — in this case — accomplish what the Chinese people and government managed to do.

All the partisan blaming, looking for scapegoats domestically, the fantastic conspiracy mongering and pointing at China’s early failures, these are sad distractions. They should not distract us from recognizing simple reality.
The reality is, our country will and has been suffering more consequences than any other country as a result of our stupidity, and non-existent leadership with the added bonus of pathological lying. Stay tuned, this is liable to be one hell of an infectious explosion brought on by these individualistic demons.

"Looking for scapegoats domestically" is the only true source to mounting a plan against it. You always go to the source of any problem, if that problem stands a chance of being solved. We have to go for the juggler where the leadership is, if we are to beat this. That juggler being Trump. Sources include, lying the entire time about this pandemic and not getting the right number of tests to isolate the infected, taking forever to sign the Protection Defense Act, then not implementing the plan.Then, using people as human guinea pigs by selling PPE supplies to the highest bidder and having states fight amongst themselves. He's using this pandemic to campaign off of with daily press briefings blaming everyone but himself because he's a coward. Then inciting violence to reopen the economy in the face of not having any plan at all. Those are the sources of the problem and those are the challenges. If anyone can prove me wrong, I can't wait to read it.
I despise Trump and most everything he stands for. I just believe it is wrong and counterproductive to consider his managerial incompetence, his divisiveness, his predictable failure to grasp the scope and nature of this pandemic threat ... as being the core problem here.
Without a source, the problem will never go away. That's just the way it is. He is holding us back from what desperately needs to happen, and we all know what that is. Without massive testing, how can we isolate this virus? Answer, you can't. And now that everyone is going to be partying, shopping, and working together, we all know what is going to happen. It's a Kamikaze mission and we know it. And why is the source of this problem, (Trump) doing this? Simple, it's a strategy for his campaign, and his own pocket. And he has a large swath of willing idiots and heartless ass holes who will take a ride on Hale Bopp whenever Trump tells them to. These supporters are individualists who could give two shits about someone else's fate, because Trump has them convinced they are immune, and they already don't care about the other guy anyway, so they were already willing dopes to start with.
Trump is currently telling the states there's enough test kits. That is simple not good enough. Either there is no agreement between the states and federal goverment as to what enough means or there is still is some other problems that have to be worked out. Since the epidemic spans the country and involves every state and has international consequences, the federal government has to provide leadership. Just saying you have enough. It's not my responsibility and walk away is not going to fly. With that type of leadership this epidemic will go on for years and will cost millions of lives and many trillions of dollars.
He said we had enough tests well over a month ago. Trump is a proven liar.
They never seem to explain what is enough? Obviously the states and the Trump administration disagree. What the president should be doing is working with the states to come to an agreement as to what degree of testing is to done and thus the number of test kits that are enough. However, that might prove to be a bad political move for the president so he sticks with his current message of there're enough test kits and it's not my problem.
Which will cost thousands of lives, and confirms once again what I have been saying. Trump is on a genocide campaign thinking it will get him more votes. He doesn't care about the problem. He cares about votes. Anyone with a functioning brain knows just through common horse sense, that in order to isolate this virus, you have to know who is sick and who are the asymptomatic carriers. It's the only way. Problem is, Trump already put his foot in his mouth telling us we didn't need that many tests, and he lied to us about us getting tested if we wanted. He put himself in a box, and the citizens are paying with their lives.
The coronavirus outbreak could have started as early as mid-September, and the Chinese city of Wuhan may not be where it began, a scientist looking at the origins of the disease has said.

Throw in the towel TROLL.

You said you heard that it started in September. YOUR OWN SOURCE is dated 4/17/2020, YESTERDAY.

Please show us all where I ever said I trust the Chinese. If we didn't learn of it until January and neither China nor the WHO admitted that Coronavirus existed and when they did announce its existence, they said that it could not be transmitted between humans.


Back to the topic. PAY ATTENTION.

China is one of the top 15 dirtiest country in the world. We are at the 90 cleanest country.

Wuhan is located inside Hubei province with populations of 11+ millions. The numbers of 84k+ infected with CV and deaths of 4K+ is very IMPOSSIBLE to believe. Those numbers are just inside the Hubei province. REPEAT the ONLY in Hubei. How is that even possible? Chinese travels heavily all over. What happened to the Chinese to the north, south, east, west or neighboring provinces with 1.6 billion population? This is like the CV only happening in Washington state and they didn’t travel.

US. We are one of the cleanest.By far we are cleaner than China. We have infections all over US and more deaths than China. Forget that Trump screwed up. It’s almost unbelievable that we have more infections and deaths than China.

Are you with me?

You believe that we have more infections and fatalities than China? How cute!


And you keep giving me your funny rating. I don’t give those kinds of ratings. I looked at those as weakling posters.

What is that supposed to mean? It’s like I hit your face no it doesn’t hurt. So you gave you me a smile. I know it hurts because you took the time to give me your coward attention.

I look at these arguments like in the boxing ring. Many times when a fighter got hit big in the face..Then give his opponent a big smile. NO it doesn’t hurt. It does hurt..

When a boxer got knocked down.. They get up quick look at his opponents smiling. No it doesn’t hurt. It does hurt. That is how I viewed these funny ratings.

It only mean posters like you Markle that you are very weak.

In general I really don’t understand all these funny ratings or thumbs down. It only means:

A. You are hurt. Running away.

B. You are a COWARD that you don’t have the guts to face me. Or zero rebuttal.

C. It makes you feel like you’ve done something big for nothing.

D. You talk too much when confronted you stick your middle finger. Then run.

BOTTOM LINE like you Markle you are very weak, and ignorant.
We'll, if you think Trump is not the "core problem" here, I'm dying to know what is?

China. Why is this impossible for you to grasp?
If you truly think China is the "core problem", you are either high on meth and your brain is fried, or you were never privileged enough in your life to engage with any human being lessons involving critical thinking. Therefore, your brain never received the exercise it needed to think up even the simplest of thought processes. China isn't going to solve this problem for us. We have to. Therefore, our own leadership is the "core problem." If you can't see that, you shouldn't even be discussing this. You don't possess the wherewithal to think clearly on this. Please stop embarrassing yourself.

Thank you BWK.
But you believe the Chinese numbers and dates. LOL. You are so confused.

Please show us all where I ever said that I believe the numbers and dates from China.

How does that make me confused?
The obvious failure of the U.S. to quarantine, trace and stop spread of the pandemic — compared to China’s remarkable success in these areas — is not primarily due to Trump’s incompetence.

China’s success (after its initial blunders, local cover-ups) was due to Beijing’s difficult decision to take extreme measures that crippled their own economy. It was only possible because of their authoritarian system and the population’s willingness to be mobilized fully under the guidance of the CCP.

The U.S. is simply a different and far more individualist society, unwilling and unable to take equivalent measures. Since this Covid-19 pandemic is not anywhere near as deadly as SARS or Ebola, our far less thorough efforts will probably succeed in controlling the virus “adequately” until treatments or vaccines are developed. We all certainly hope so.

But the statistical differences in spread of the virus and numbers of dead still speak for themselves. The U.S., with its far higher per capital standard of living, its developed medical systems, even with far fewer less densely populated cities, simply could not — in this case — accomplish what the Chinese people and government managed to do.

All the partisan blaming, looking for scapegoats domestically, the fantastic conspiracy mongering and pointing at China’s early failures, these are sad distractions. They should not distract us from recognizing simple reality.
The reality is, our country will and has been suffering more consequences than any other country as a result of our stupidity, and non-existent leadership with the added bonus of pathological lying. Stay tuned, this is liable to be one hell of an infectious explosion brought on by these individualistic demons.

"Looking for scapegoats domestically" is the only true source to mounting a plan against it. You always go to the source of any problem, if that problem stands a chance of being solved. We have to go for the juggler where the leadership is, if we are to beat this. That juggler being Trump. Sources include, lying the entire time about this pandemic and not getting the right number of tests to isolate the infected, taking forever to sign the Protection Defense Act, then not implementing the plan.Then, using people as human guinea pigs by selling PPE supplies to the highest bidder and having states fight amongst themselves. He's using this pandemic to campaign off of with daily press briefings blaming everyone but himself because he's a coward. Then inciting violence to reopen the economy in the face of not having any plan at all. Those are the sources of the problem and those are the challenges. If anyone can prove me wrong, I can't wait to read it.
I despise Trump and most everything he stands for. I just believe it is wrong and counterproductive to consider his managerial incompetence, his divisiveness, his predictable failure to grasp the scope and nature of this pandemic threat ... as being the core problem here.
Without a source, the problem will never go away. That's just the way it is. He is holding us back from what desperately needs to happen, and we all know what that is. Without massive testing, how can we isolate this virus? Answer, you can't. And now that everyone is going to be partying, shopping, and working together, we all know what is going to happen. It's a Kamikaze mission and we know it. And why is the source of this problem, (Trump) doing this? Simple, it's a strategy for his campaign, and his own pocket. And he has a large swath of willing idiots and heartless ass holes who will take a ride on Hale Bopp whenever Trump tells them to. These supporters are individualists who could give two shits about someone else's fate, because Trump has them convinced they are immune, and they already don't care about the other guy anyway, so they were already willing dopes to start with.
Trump is currently telling the states there's enough test kits. That is simple not good enough. Either there is no agreement between the states and federal goverment as to what enough means or there is still is some other problems that have to be worked out. Since the epidemic spans the country and involves every state and has international consequences, the federal government has to provide leadership. Just saying you have enough. It's not my responsibility and walk away is not going to fly. With that type of leadership this epidemic will go on for years and will cost millions of lives and many trillions of dollars.
He said we had enough tests well over a month ago. Trump is a proven liar.
They never seem to explain what is enough? Obviously the states and the Trump administration disagree. What the president should be doing is working with the states to come to an agreement as to what degree of testing is to done and thus the number of test kits that are enough. However, that might prove to be a bad political move for the president so he sticks with his current message of there're enough test kits and it's not my problem.
Which will cost thousands of lives, and confirms once again what I have been saying. Trump is on a genocide campaign thinking it will get him more votes. He doesn't care about the problem. He cares about votes. Anyone with a functioning brain knows just through common horse sense, that in order to isolate this virus, you have to know who is sick and who are the asymptomatic carriers. It's the only way. Problem is, Trump already put his foot in his mouth telling us we didn't need that many tests, and he lied to us about us getting tested if we wanted. He put himself in a box, and the citizens are paying with their lives.
And when the cases start increasing, he's going to blame the governors. Has this guy ever taken any responsibility for his fuckups?
And when the cases start increasing, he's going to blame the governors. Has this guy ever taken any responsibility for his fuckups?

It's the governor's responsibility. President Donald Trump has issued guidelines for the various states, each of which has different needs and each of which has differing degrees of infections.

So far, as you know, President Trump hasn't messed up, but I'll let you know when he does.
And when the cases start increasing, he's going to blame the governors. Has this guy ever taken any responsibility for his fuckups?

It's the governor's responsibility. President Donald Trump has issued guidelines for the various states, each of which has different needs and each of which has differing degrees of infections.

So far, as you know, President Trump hasn't messed up, but I'll let you know when he does.
Tell that to the 48,000 dead in just 8 weeks from a democratic hoax, just the flu.
China's DisneyLand is open at sold out capacity with visitors enjoying life. No evidence of mass graves or millions dead in China as Trumptards love to claim. China only lost 4,600 citizens.

Here in the USA 81,000 dead citizens & climbing!!! We are shut down with infections & shortages everywhere. I can't get toilet paper, meat for barbeque, a N95-N100 mask to use to fly on an airliner, or get tested for Covid-19.

We are in a failed state with mass graves, 30+ million more unemployed, 60 million uninsured during the worst pandemic in 100 years, shortages everywhere & soaring Debt, Deficits & Trade Deficits!!! Every year under Trump China imports less from US & exports more to US.
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China's DisneyLand is open at sold out capacity with visitors enjoying life. No evidence of mass graves or millions dead in China as Trumptards love to claim. China only lost 4,600 citizens.

You are such a good party (Communist) member to believe China, population over 1 BILLION, has had only 4,600 citizens die from the virus. How cute!

Are you aware that everything, cellphones, everything was shut down around the Wuhan Institute of Virology back in November? Why?

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