Trump just announced a National Program to Arm Trained School Personnel

This guy is the BOSS.

This is the very best deterrent possible.
Some here said it was an unthinkable idea.
That's because in their minds a better idea is to nullify the 2nd Amendment.

Trump will do what the one before never could. Great President.

Aww fer fucs sake is it to much to ask for a link?
I know this is going to be radical but my feelings are to restrict access to the campus to begin with. We do it at airports and government buildings. Why not schools?

Yes, there are firearms that metal detectors cannot see but they are single shot and would eliminate the kind of slaughters we have seen.

A fence, controlled entrances, and armed guards are one hell of a lot less expensive than the life of one innocent child.

Barriers in Israel is part of the defense system at the schools.

“Barricade, barricade. Are desks movable? Is the teacher’s desk movable? Can they barricade inside of 20 seconds? If the shooter gets in, the kids should take whatever they’ve got and attack. They can’t just sit there frozen or they will die. America does earthquake drills, why not active shooter drills? More kids have been killed by shooters than earthquakes.”

Barricading works, says Goldstein.In an active shooter situation, where a gunman is roaming a campus, five minutes is a lifetime, enough time for law enforcement to get to the scene. “In those five minutes, the shooter will have to move from class to class, reload, clear malfunctions, all that stuff takes time. And during gunfire lulls, kids must be taught to do something. Don’t freeze.Moving once gets you out of that deer-in-headlights space. Take command of the classroom.”

There is no other way, says Goldstein, and “sometimes children must take matters into their own hands.If the school has no proper security – two guards in case one gets shot, and no active shooter protocol, and no doors to withstand an attack – then the child needs to run as fast as they can AWAY from the shooter.”

Because right now, America is the deer-in-headlights. Gun control debates are a distraction and impractical, and criminals ignore laws anyway.Crazy people are obviously not being dealt with properly – students at Parkland even predicted this would happen.

More at link. This makes total sense.

President Trump: Have Education Department Mandate Active Shooter Protocols

Lawrence Meyers - Israel Figured Out How to Prevent School Shootings 40 Years Ago-It's Time the US Followed Suit
Trump wins?

1) the gorsasth supreme Court lay up.

2) A deficit financed tax cut for himself passed in the middle of the night while the ink was still wet.

3) Lowest rated president of all time just one year in.

WTF, over?

Have you stopped trying to appear even remotely literate?
This guy is the BOSS.

This is the very best deterrent possible.
Some here said it was an unthinkable idea.
That's because in their minds a better idea is to nullify the 2nd Amendment.

Trump will do what the one before never could. Great President.
Trump is an idiot.

This proposal is idiotic.

Not only will it fail to keep students safe, but it will result in more student deaths, shot by armed teachers who have no idea what they’re doing – regardless the ‘training.’

Just don't give guns to the liberal teachers.

Liberal teachers won't touch them for fear that they will become conservatives on contact.

I reckon maybe they'll be catching the next psycho's bullets then. Don't let it be said they weren't given opportunity.
This guy is the BOSS.

This is the very best deterrent possible.
Some here said it was an unthinkable idea.
That's because in their minds a better idea is to nullify the 2nd Amendment.

Trump will do what the one before never could. Great President.

Unfunded and stupid.

Yes, we know all about your and your ilk.

Whose "we"?

The sane.

You don't know them.
if teachers are that weak wtf are they doing in our schools to begin with

You've just hit on a good point.
The Left is not only dumbing down America...but also creating one of the worlds weakest, cry baby societies of entitled morons who demand $15.00 per hour for working at McDonalds and who live with mommy and daddy into their 30's.

The people who founded this nation must be turning in their graves to see how readily all these indoctrinated kids are to so readily hand over the protection put in place for them via the Constitution in exchange for a little government promised security.

These gun atrocities ARE A RESULT of Leftist policies and now that they've wrecked the nation, they demand that the Right fix THEIR mess by dropping our Constitutional protections and rights.
This guy is the BOSS.

This is the very best deterrent possible.
Some here said it was an unthinkable idea.
That's because in their minds a better idea is to nullify the 2nd Amendment.

Trump will do what the one before never could. Great President.

Unfunded and stupid.

Yes, we know all about your and your ilk.

Whose "we"?

The sane.

You don't know them.

Oh, but you have proved so many times in oh so many posts that you do not fall into that category at all.
Trump wins?

1) the gorsasth supreme Court lay up.

2) A deficit financed tax cut for himself passed in the middle of the night while the ink was still wet.

3) Lowest rated president of all time just one year in.

WTF, over?

Have you stopped trying to appear even remotely literate?

Don't get all butt hurt tory. You're the one with a twitter shithole president who has to use notes to remind himself to "hear".
Trump wins?

1) the gorsasth supreme Court lay up.

2) A deficit financed tax cut for himself passed in the middle of the night while the ink was still wet.

3) Lowest rated president of all time just one year in.

WTF, over?

Have you stopped trying to appear even remotely literate?

Don't get all butt hurt tory. You're the one with a twitter shithole president who has to use notes to remind himself to "hear".

Go to bed Otto! You're drunk!
Who's going to pay for training and arming teachers?

Who's going to pay for the resulting wrongful death lawsuits?


Trump Needed A Reminder To Empathize With Parkland Survivors

So, Trump even needed a cheat-sheet to pretend to give a shit while talking to the kids about their dead classmates.
This guy is the BOSS.

This is the very best deterrent possible.
Some here said it was an unthinkable idea.
That's because in their minds a better idea is to nullify the 2nd Amendment.

Trump will do what the one before never could. Great President.
No way that retarded monkey Drumpf thought this up.

Do what Obama never could? Like be ranked dead last among all the POTUS that have ever existed?
1. Who is going to pay for them?

2. What if they want to unionize and want benefits and Republicans say no. You want to hand them a gun and tell them to go protect the children?

3. What if they hire a crazy who wants to "break the record".

4. What if they shoot a student and then claim they were "scared" of the student?

5. What if they are told to take down a student in the red shirt and shoot every student in a red shirt?

6. Can you pay them enough to be the first "target"?

You could go on and on.

But for the party from the land of tards that know there are already too many guns, all they hear is, "Yea, more guns. That will fix everything".
/——-/ Well your What ifs have failed us for the last few decades. Time for something new.
Just have a trained cop sitting in every classroom then.

Pay him overtime. Why so hard other than educational expenses have just increased!

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