Trump Keeps Snowflakes Foaming At The Mouth With Doses Of REALITY

Hardly anybody defended Nixon. I was 13 when he resigned!

I just gave you the link. People just like you defended Nixon.

Here is another

A forgotten lesson of Watergate: conservatives may rally around Trump

That’s because the Watergate affair turned conservative skeptics of Richard Nixon into hardcore supporters, drawing out the immediate crisis and deepening divisions in the long term. Conservatives at the time refashioned the scandal into a tale of Democratic hypocrisy and media hostility — a narrative that many Republicans have adopted once again to explain away the emerging Trump scandal.[...]

Watergate, of all things, brought conservatives back into the fold. The emerging scandal absorbed the administration not long after Nixon’s second term began. For a generation of mainstream journalists, the scandal would confirm the power of the press to serve as a check on corruption, no matter how powerful the perpetrator. For conservatives, however, the scandal and the press’s role in prosecuting it looked much different. They saw the press as trying to undo the decisive results of the 1972 election. And if the media was so terrified of Nixon, then maybe there was something to the man after all.[...]

As the rest of the nation followed the unfolding story of corruption and cover-ups, the Watergate-as-liberal-conspiracy narrative quickly took hold in conservative media. After listening to the Lyons interview, Paul Harvey, the radio personality, repeated the attack in his nationally syndicated broadcast. How, he wondered, could the American people accept an all-powerful media capable of turning “a prosecution into a persecution”? And when Sen. Jesse Helms appeared on Manion’s show, he railed against “the incredible New York Times-Washington Post syndicate, which controls to a large degree what the American people will read and learn.”

You guys need a new playbook.

Can you wake up and smell the coffee? Nixon left office 43 years ago, when I was a teenager. Nothing compares to anything going on today, despite your pathetic mental meanderings.
Nothing compares ?? Firing Comey Bashing Mueller NY Times Wash Post all media... repeating 16 times no conspiracy The man is guilty as sin ,just a matter of time to nail the SOB
And more good news admiral ,,Time is on our side ,We have 3 years to get the corrupt pos And more good news We might keep getting on his case even after he leaves Sorta like your AH's did with Hillary for 30 years

What is Trump's corruption?
You're in the same closet as Bri Watch out,,he's an ass man lol
The only real collusion i see, is the Clinton Campaign purchasing a despicable phony Russian dossier on Trump. There was clear collusion with the Russians on Clinton's part. But regardless, the whole thing is a Clinton/Democrat witch hunt farce. The 'investigation' has already been comprised as well. Some of Mueller's top 'investigators' have close ties with Clinton/Democrats. It's been compromised. Time to wrap the farce up.

Typical dishonest Trump supporter. The dossier had nothing to do with Russia except for the fact that Steele used some of his Russian contacts to get information. Also DOJ guidelines do allow employees to give money to political campaigns. That is the only connection. The only farce is you and the other dishonest Trump supporters who are willing to smear out law enforcement agencies to protect your Fuerher.

She clearly colluded with the Russians. How can you deny that? If you really are so outraged over 'Collusion', you should acknowledge and condemn Clinton's collusion with the Russians. But i suspect you really aren't outraged over 'Collusion' at all. You just hate Donald Trump. You're an irrational hater at this point. It is what it is.
The hell with collusion It's obstruction of justice that can take him down ,,",Methinks he doth protest too much"

Oh now y'all gotta start moving those goal posts, huh? The 'investigation' has been compromised. Time to wrap the farce up. The only serious 'Collusion', was perpetrated by the Clinton Campaign. Her Campaign paid for a despicable phony Russian dossier on Trump. She needs to be held accountable.

Spoken like a true Trump Kool-aid guzzler.
See my previous post on this page and the article from Psychology Today addressing Trumpsters. It’s a BINGO!

The Clinton Campaign did collude with the Russians. That's just fact. I think y'all are the ones who are nuts. You're living in stubborn denial. But regardless, y'all are now just moving the goal posts on this 'investigation.' Now they're digging into Trump's financial history and other things that have nothing to do with 'Russian Collusion.'

The whole thing is a witch hunt farce. And it's been compromised as well. Some of Mueller's top investigators have been proven to have close ties with Clinton and the Democratic Party. It's time to wrap the farce up. Period, end of story.
Typical dishonest Trump supporter. The dossier had nothing to do with Russia except for the fact that Steele used some of his Russian contacts to get information. Also DOJ guidelines do allow employees to give money to political campaigns. That is the only connection. The only farce is you and the other dishonest Trump supporters who are willing to smear out law enforcement agencies to protect your Fuerher.

She clearly colluded with the Russians. How can you deny that? If you really are so outraged over 'Collusion', you should acknowledge and condemn Clinton's collusion with the Russians. But i suspect you really aren't outraged over 'Collusion' at all. You just hate Donald Trump. You're an irrational hater at this point. It is what it is.

She colluded with the Russians and that is why they hacked the DNC servers and fenced it to wikileaks. That logic clearly shows you and other Trump supporters are irrational. My opinion of him follows what a majority of people think about him.

Our buddy Putin helped us keep that witch out of the White House, Trump should probably award him a medal.

Yeah, i thank the Lord and Putin everyday. Imagine the damage Hitlery would have done to our country. Imagine her appointing Supreme Court Justices. If the Democrat conspiracy theories are true, i would have to say Mr. Putin helped save our nation. I'd be forever grateful.
You’ve seen Trump fumble and stumble his way thru 11 months.
You’ve seen him lie multiple times per day every day and you still support him.
He watches TV 8-10 hours a day neglecting the country and you still support him.
But you have the racist white supremacist president you always dreamed of so you ignore the chaos and incompetence.

Calm down kid. That's just hateful Democrat Fake News talkin. Trump's doing all i ask of him. I don't expect Presidents to be 'saviors.' I just expect them to fight hard. And Trump's definitely delivering on that. All he needs to do to satisfy me now, is appoint 1 or 2 more Supreme Court Justices.

Once you secure the Supreme Court, you run the show. The courts decide everything nowadays. And I cringe whenever i think about the Justices Clinton would have appointed. That would have been the final blow to our country. So, i just need him to get the Supreme Court locked down. If he can do that, he will have done everything i've asked of him. I wish him all the best.
Typical dishonest Trump supporter. The dossier had nothing to do with Russia except for the fact that Steele used some of his Russian contacts to get information. Also DOJ guidelines do allow employees to give money to political campaigns. That is the only connection. The only farce is you and the other dishonest Trump supporters who are willing to smear out law enforcement agencies to protect your Fuerher.

She clearly colluded with the Russians. How can you deny that? If you really are so outraged over 'Collusion', you should acknowledge and condemn Clinton's collusion with the Russians. But i suspect you really aren't outraged over 'Collusion' at all. You just hate Donald Trump. You're an irrational hater at this point. It is what it is.
The hell with collusion It's obstruction of justice that can take him down ,,",Methinks he doth protest too much"

Oh now y'all gotta start moving those goal posts, huh? The 'investigation' has been compromised. Time to wrap the farce up. The only serious 'Collusion', was perpetrated by the Clinton Campaign. Her Campaign paid for a despicable phony Russian dossier on Trump. She needs to be held accountable.

Spoken like a true Trump Kool-aid guzzler.
See my previous post on this page and the article from Psychology Today addressing Trumpsters. It’s a BINGO!

The Clinton Campaign did collude with the Russians. That's just fact. I think y'all are the ones who are nuts. You're living in stubborn denial. But regardless, y'all are now just moving the goal posts on this 'investigation.' Now they're digging into Trump's financial history and other things that have nothing to do with 'Russian Collusion.'

The whole thing is a witch hunt farce. And it's been compromised as well. Some of Mueller's top investigators have been proven to have close ties with Clinton and the Democratic Party. It's time to wrap the farce up. Period, end of story.
We have 3 more years to hang trump and your party
She clearly colluded with the Russians. How can you deny that? If you really are so outraged over 'Collusion', you should acknowledge and condemn Clinton's collusion with the Russians. But i suspect you really aren't outraged over 'Collusion' at all. You just hate Donald Trump. You're an irrational hater at this point. It is what it is.
The hell with collusion It's obstruction of justice that can take him down ,,",Methinks he doth protest too much"

Oh now y'all gotta start moving those goal posts, huh? The 'investigation' has been compromised. Time to wrap the farce up. The only serious 'Collusion', was perpetrated by the Clinton Campaign. Her Campaign paid for a despicable phony Russian dossier on Trump. She needs to be held accountable.

Spoken like a true Trump Kool-aid guzzler.
See my previous post on this page and the article from Psychology Today addressing Trumpsters. It’s a BINGO!

The Clinton Campaign did collude with the Russians. That's just fact. I think y'all are the ones who are nuts. You're living in stubborn denial. But regardless, y'all are now just moving the goal posts on this 'investigation.' Now they're digging into Trump's financial history and other things that have nothing to do with 'Russian Collusion.'

The whole thing is a witch hunt farce. And it's been compromised as well. Some of Mueller's top investigators have been proven to have close ties with Clinton and the Democratic Party. It's time to wrap the farce up. Period, end of story.
We have 3 more years to hang trump and your party

3 more, although probably 7 more. But good for you, probably the most work you've done in the last 20 years.
The hell with collusion It's obstruction of justice that can take him down ,,",Methinks he doth protest too much"

Oh now y'all gotta start moving those goal posts, huh? The 'investigation' has been compromised. Time to wrap the farce up. The only serious 'Collusion', was perpetrated by the Clinton Campaign. Her Campaign paid for a despicable phony Russian dossier on Trump. She needs to be held accountable.

Spoken like a true Trump Kool-aid guzzler.
See my previous post on this page and the article from Psychology Today addressing Trumpsters. It’s a BINGO!

The Clinton Campaign did collude with the Russians. That's just fact. I think y'all are the ones who are nuts. You're living in stubborn denial. But regardless, y'all are now just moving the goal posts on this 'investigation.' Now they're digging into Trump's financial history and other things that have nothing to do with 'Russian Collusion.'

The whole thing is a witch hunt farce. And it's been compromised as well. Some of Mueller's top investigators have been proven to have close ties with Clinton and the Democratic Party. It's time to wrap the farce up. Period, end of story.
We have 3 more years to hang trump and your party

3 more, although probably 7 more. But good for you, probably the most work you've done in the last 20 years.
work your fingers to the bone ,whadda you get ,,,bony song
I wonder if the 35 million snowflakes that voted for Hillary actually believed they might die if Trump became president
On the eve of 2018 Mueller said it is going to be a long year in regards to his investigation ... which means he has decided to drag his witch hunt out as long as possible.

He obviously hopes it hoes past the 2018 elections and Democrats take the House ...

... because if that doesn't happen and his investigation stops he knows he could face his own Special Counsel investigation and indictment...
I just gave you the link. People just like you defended Nixon.

Here is another

A forgotten lesson of Watergate: conservatives may rally around Trump

That’s because the Watergate affair turned conservative skeptics of Richard Nixon into hardcore supporters, drawing out the immediate crisis and deepening divisions in the long term. Conservatives at the time refashioned the scandal into a tale of Democratic hypocrisy and media hostility — a narrative that many Republicans have adopted once again to explain away the emerging Trump scandal.[...]

Watergate, of all things, brought conservatives back into the fold. The emerging scandal absorbed the administration not long after Nixon’s second term began. For a generation of mainstream journalists, the scandal would confirm the power of the press to serve as a check on corruption, no matter how powerful the perpetrator. For conservatives, however, the scandal and the press’s role in prosecuting it looked much different. They saw the press as trying to undo the decisive results of the 1972 election. And if the media was so terrified of Nixon, then maybe there was something to the man after all.[...]

As the rest of the nation followed the unfolding story of corruption and cover-ups, the Watergate-as-liberal-conspiracy narrative quickly took hold in conservative media. After listening to the Lyons interview, Paul Harvey, the radio personality, repeated the attack in his nationally syndicated broadcast. How, he wondered, could the American people accept an all-powerful media capable of turning “a prosecution into a persecution”? And when Sen. Jesse Helms appeared on Manion’s show, he railed against “the incredible New York Times-Washington Post syndicate, which controls to a large degree what the American people will read and learn.”

You guys need a new playbook.

Can you wake up and smell the coffee? Nixon left office 43 years ago, when I was a teenager. Nothing compares to anything going on today, despite your pathetic mental meanderings.
Nothing compares ?? Firing Comey Bashing Mueller NY Times Wash Post all media... repeating 16 times no conspiracy The man is guilty as sin ,just a matter of time to nail the SOB
And more good news admiral ,,Time is on our side ,We have 3 years to get the corrupt pos And more good news We might keep getting on his case even after he leaves Sorta like your AH's did with Hillary for 30 years

What is Trump's corruption?
You're in the same closet as Bri Watch out,,he's an ass man lol

You can't list any Trump corruption, obviously
She clearly colluded with the Russians. How can you deny that? If you really are so outraged over 'Collusion', you should acknowledge and condemn Clinton's collusion with the Russians. But i suspect you really aren't outraged over 'Collusion' at all. You just hate Donald Trump. You're an irrational hater at this point. It is what it is.
The hell with collusion It's obstruction of justice that can take him down ,,",Methinks he doth protest too much"

Oh now y'all gotta start moving those goal posts, huh? The 'investigation' has been compromised. Time to wrap the farce up. The only serious 'Collusion', was perpetrated by the Clinton Campaign. Her Campaign paid for a despicable phony Russian dossier on Trump. She needs to be held accountable.

Spoken like a true Trump Kool-aid guzzler.
See my previous post on this page and the article from Psychology Today addressing Trumpsters. It’s a BINGO!

The Clinton Campaign did collude with the Russians. That's just fact. I think y'all are the ones who are nuts. You're living in stubborn denial. But regardless, y'all are now just moving the goal posts on this 'investigation.' Now they're digging into Trump's financial history and other things that have nothing to do with 'Russian Collusion.'

The whole thing is a witch hunt farce. And it's been compromised as well. Some of Mueller's top investigators have been proven to have close ties with Clinton and the Democratic Party. It's time to wrap the farce up. Period, end of story.
We have 3 more years to hang trump and your party

Thanks for admitting the Mewler appointment is nothing more than a witch hunt.
Can you wake up and smell the coffee? Nixon left office 43 years ago, when I was a teenager. Nothing compares to anything going on today, despite your pathetic mental meanderings.
Nothing compares ?? Firing Comey Bashing Mueller NY Times Wash Post all media... repeating 16 times no conspiracy The man is guilty as sin ,just a matter of time to nail the SOB
And more good news admiral ,,Time is on our side ,We have 3 years to get the corrupt pos And more good news We might keep getting on his case even after he leaves Sorta like your AH's did with Hillary for 30 years

What is Trump's corruption?
You're in the same closet as Bri Watch out,,he's an ass man lol

You can't list any Trump corruption, obviously
get back in that closet Trumps middle name is corruption
Nothing compares ?? Firing Comey Bashing Mueller NY Times Wash Post all media... repeating 16 times no conspiracy The man is guilty as sin ,just a matter of time to nail the SOB
And more good news admiral ,,Time is on our side ,We have 3 years to get the corrupt pos And more good news We might keep getting on his case even after he leaves Sorta like your AH's did with Hillary for 30 years

What is Trump's corruption?
You're in the same closet as Bri Watch out,,he's an ass man lol

You can't list any Trump corruption, obviously
get back in that closet Trumps middle name is corruption
I thought you were going to put me on ignore.
And more good news admiral ,,Time is on our side ,We have 3 years to get the corrupt pos And more good news We might keep getting on his case even after he leaves Sorta like your AH's did with Hillary for 30 years

What is Trump's corruption?
You're in the same closet as Bri Watch out,,he's an ass man lol

You can't list any Trump corruption, obviously
get back in that closet Trumps middle name is corruption
I thought you were going to put me on ignore.
I put nobody on ignore just said I wouldn't post to you This will be my last until you admit Trump is an AH
What is Trump's corruption?
You're in the same closet as Bri Watch out,,he's an ass man lol

You can't list any Trump corruption, obviously
get back in that closet Trumps middle name is corruption
I thought you were going to put me on ignore.
I put nobody on ignore just said I wouldn't post to you This will be my last until you admit Trump is an AH
He is an asshole, but he's our asshole.
The wind from liberals' head spinning 'round and 'round this morning feels as strong as gale force winds in a hurricane, and there is enough foam coming from snowflake mouths for the CDC to issue a precautionary 'Rabies Epidemic' Warning' after what President Trump just said...

-- President Donald Trump

The most awesome thing about that comment is IT IS 100% CORRECT. :p

Of course there was no 'collusion' committed by President Trump, but, as he says, 'COLLUSION' IS NOT EVEN A CRIME!

'Collusion' is a made-up political propaganda-generated term created specifically to give 'weight' to the false liberal claims / campaign that President Trump engaged in SOMETHING illegal designed to 'steal' the 2016 election.

The truly remarkable and hypocritical fact about this claim by Democrats is that their false claim is EXACTLY what they did, what released DNC e-mails exposed the Democrats / Hillary did during the election:
- Evidence exists showing Hillary and the DNC she 'owned' rigged the DNC primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, illegally used information acquired by an ex-British Spy through a company working for the Russians in a US election (a CRIME), etc. ... YET (PERHAPS AS A DISTRACTION) THEY HAVE ACCUSED THE GOP OF DOING EXACTLY WHAT EVIDENCE SHOWS THEY HAVE DONE....

Then there is what Obama himself stated - EVERY potential administration coming in gets a head-start by contacting and communicating with foreign reps....
-- Hmm, interesting how the Democrats suddenly blamed at election time - once Hillary lost - Trump for the RUSSIAN HACKING / INTERFERENCE COMEY AND OBAMA KNEW ABOUT / KNEW WAS GOIING ON SINCE 2014 YET DID NOTHING ABOUT.

But what chaps snowflakes' ass the most is that what Trump said is TRUE ' 'Collusion' is not illegal.

Even if it was, Mueller and the Democrats have found NOTHING...because there is NOTHING to find.

Trump: Even if there was collusion with Russia, 'it’s not a crime'

Clearly the Trump campaign was willing to accept help from anyone including Russia and that is a fact. Also these meetings occurred before Trump won. Whether it is illegal or not is something that neither Trump nor you know. The fact is that the Trump campaign engaged in unethical conduct to beat Clinton. Whether it is criminal. we will see. Americans recognize the implications and they want it looked at.

You are a hypocrite. The DNC e-mails were hacked by the Russians and then false information was mixed in. In 1 instance of false information, the letterhead of a Democrat Senator was forged. The goal was to inflame partisans against Clinton should she win. There is no evidence the Democrat primaries were rigged. You offer no proof of it and continue to use it. Clinton got 55% of the primary vote so why should she not have gotten the nomination. She also did not engage in any election fraud. Again more fiction. Also the company that produced the dossier was not working for the Russians.

You use the avatar of Captain America but you have more in common with Benedict Arnold. You defame America for your cheap partisan gain.

Why you projectionist, arrogant LYING, LYING hypocrite; you liberals are the self-loathing-American traitors who have BABY TANTRUM reactions to securing our borders and putting American interests first! You liberals are so willing to sell this country to the religion of endless human rights atrocities, Islam, which has been declaring war on American since the 1780's, you're the biggest traitors in the history of any country on earth! Jesus, you guys are disgusting. The dregs of the 3rd world are more important to you creatures than fellow Americans. EVERYTHING you said is a well-proven lie.

You are the arrogant, lying bastard. The fact is that Trump is not a conservative and neither are you. If Reagan was alive, you would be calling him a liberal. You are a racist bastard. I do not nor do the majority of Americans support a wall and they overwhelmingly support DACA. Believing in Islam does not make you a terrorist Herr Hitler. Compromise is not a dirty word. You are the treaitor to this country. Take your garbage and GO TO HELL.

You subhuman c*ntbag, I've READ the Quran and STUDIED this religious bloodbath for six YEARS, you bowel-hemorrhaged turd. It was founded by a mass-murdering pedophile and has a 100% track record of rape, death and human rights atrocities everywhere it goes, you toilet-bowl floatie with a mind criss-crossed with sewer-pipes. Anyone can Google enough information on the religion you cocksuck, you cancer-deserver, to see it's 100% TRUE! You're entitled to you own opinions but NOT your own facts, you criss-crossing of broken sewer lines. Piece of filth. You flyblown walking disease, who sadistcally sexually gets off on fellow Westerns being killed by muslim violence. You are the most TYPICAL Obama asshole-licker I've seen. You are pure, lying evil.
You're in the same closet as Bri Watch out,,he's an ass man lol

You can't list any Trump corruption, obviously
get back in that closet Trumps middle name is corruption
I thought you were going to put me on ignore.
I put nobody on ignore just said I wouldn't post to you This will be my last until you admit Trump is an AH
He is an asshole, but he's our asshole.
Ok You redeemed yourself,,,,,,slightly
She clearly colluded with the Russians. How can you deny that? If you really are so outraged over 'Collusion', you should acknowledge and condemn Clinton's collusion with the Russians. But i suspect you really aren't outraged over 'Collusion' at all. You just hate Donald Trump. You're an irrational hater at this point. It is what it is.
The hell with collusion It's obstruction of justice that can take him down ,,",Methinks he doth protest too much"

Oh now y'all gotta start moving those goal posts, huh? The 'investigation' has been compromised. Time to wrap the farce up. The only serious 'Collusion', was perpetrated by the Clinton Campaign. Her Campaign paid for a despicable phony Russian dossier on Trump. She needs to be held accountable.

Spoken like a true Trump Kool-aid guzzler.
See my previous post on this page and the article from Psychology Today addressing Trumpsters. It’s a BINGO!

The Clinton Campaign did collude with the Russians. That's just fact. I think y'all are the ones who are nuts. You're living in stubborn denial. But regardless, y'all are now just moving the goal posts on this 'investigation.' Now they're digging into Trump's financial history and other things that have nothing to do with 'Russian Collusion.'

The whole thing is a witch hunt farce. And it's been compromised as well. Some of Mueller's top investigators have been proven to have close ties with Clinton and the Democratic Party. It's time to wrap the farce up. Period, end of story.
We have 3 more years to hang trump and your party

Right, it's only about 'Party before Country' for y'all hater wingnuts. That's what i've been saying.
The hell with collusion It's obstruction of justice that can take him down ,,",Methinks he doth protest too much"

Oh now y'all gotta start moving those goal posts, huh? The 'investigation' has been compromised. Time to wrap the farce up. The only serious 'Collusion', was perpetrated by the Clinton Campaign. Her Campaign paid for a despicable phony Russian dossier on Trump. She needs to be held accountable.

Spoken like a true Trump Kool-aid guzzler.
See my previous post on this page and the article from Psychology Today addressing Trumpsters. It’s a BINGO!

The Clinton Campaign did collude with the Russians. That's just fact. I think y'all are the ones who are nuts. You're living in stubborn denial. But regardless, y'all are now just moving the goal posts on this 'investigation.' Now they're digging into Trump's financial history and other things that have nothing to do with 'Russian Collusion.'

The whole thing is a witch hunt farce. And it's been compromised as well. Some of Mueller's top investigators have been proven to have close ties with Clinton and the Democratic Party. It's time to wrap the farce up. Period, end of story.
We have 3 more years to hang trump and your party

3 more, although probably 7 more. But good for you, probably the most work you've done in the last 20 years.

Ha, spot on. Nice. :rofl:
The hell with collusion It's obstruction of justice that can take him down ,,",Methinks he doth protest too much"

Oh now y'all gotta start moving those goal posts, huh? The 'investigation' has been compromised. Time to wrap the farce up. The only serious 'Collusion', was perpetrated by the Clinton Campaign. Her Campaign paid for a despicable phony Russian dossier on Trump. She needs to be held accountable.

Spoken like a true Trump Kool-aid guzzler.
See my previous post on this page and the article from Psychology Today addressing Trumpsters. It’s a BINGO!

The Clinton Campaign did collude with the Russians. That's just fact. I think y'all are the ones who are nuts. You're living in stubborn denial. But regardless, y'all are now just moving the goal posts on this 'investigation.' Now they're digging into Trump's financial history and other things that have nothing to do with 'Russian Collusion.'

The whole thing is a witch hunt farce. And it's been compromised as well. Some of Mueller's top investigators have been proven to have close ties with Clinton and the Democratic Party. It's time to wrap the farce up. Period, end of story.
We have 3 more years to hang trump and your party

3 more, although probably 7 more. But good for you, probably the most work you've done in the last 20 years.
I retired about 11 years ago Did well enough that if my kids didn't want to work ever again they wouldn't have to Fortunately they were brought up better than that and as Dems
Just get the Supreme Court. If Trump does that, it's Game Over for the Anti-American Globalists. They'll be done for many years to come. Trump will have saved our nation. He will have done all i've asked of him.

GO TRUMP! :dance:

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