Trump Keeps Snowflakes Foaming At The Mouth With Doses Of REALITY

The hell with collusion It's obstruction of justice that can take him down ,,",Methinks he doth protest too much"

Oh now y'all gotta start moving those goal posts, huh? The 'investigation' has been compromised. Time to wrap the farce up. The only serious 'Collusion', was perpetrated by the Clinton Campaign. Her Campaign paid for a despicable phony Russian dossier on Trump. She needs to be held accountable.

Spoken like a true Trump Kool-aid guzzler.
See my previous post on this page and the article from Psychology Today addressing Trumpsters. It’s a BINGO!

The Clinton Campaign did collude with the Russians. That's just fact. I think y'all are the ones who are nuts. You're living in stubborn denial. But regardless, y'all are now just moving the goal posts on this 'investigation.' Now they're digging into Trump's financial history and other things that have nothing to do with 'Russian Collusion.'

The whole thing is a witch hunt farce. And it's been compromised as well. Some of Mueller's top investigators have been proven to have close ties with Clinton and the Democratic Party. It's time to wrap the farce up. Period, end of story.
We have 3 more years to hang trump and your party

Right, it's only about 'Party before Country' for y'all hater wingnuts. That's what i've been saying.
It should always be country first But the party that best takes care of it's poorest is the greater party We''ll leave that decision up to you as to which party that is
Oh now y'all gotta start moving those goal posts, huh? The 'investigation' has been compromised. Time to wrap the farce up. The only serious 'Collusion', was perpetrated by the Clinton Campaign. Her Campaign paid for a despicable phony Russian dossier on Trump. She needs to be held accountable.

Spoken like a true Trump Kool-aid guzzler.
See my previous post on this page and the article from Psychology Today addressing Trumpsters. It’s a BINGO!

The Clinton Campaign did collude with the Russians. That's just fact. I think y'all are the ones who are nuts. You're living in stubborn denial. But regardless, y'all are now just moving the goal posts on this 'investigation.' Now they're digging into Trump's financial history and other things that have nothing to do with 'Russian Collusion.'

The whole thing is a witch hunt farce. And it's been compromised as well. Some of Mueller's top investigators have been proven to have close ties with Clinton and the Democratic Party. It's time to wrap the farce up. Period, end of story.
We have 3 more years to hang trump and your party

3 more, although probably 7 more. But good for you, probably the most work you've done in the last 20 years.

Ha, spot on. Nice. :rofl:
Sorry guy but doing way better in retirement than the 40 some odd years I owned my own business
Just get the Supreme Court. If Trump does that, it's Game Over for the Anti-American Globalists. They'll be done for many years to come. Trump will have saved our nation. He will have done all i've asked of him.

GO TRUMP! :dance:
LOL you signed his kma loyalty pledge too Shame on you
Oh now y'all gotta start moving those goal posts, huh? The 'investigation' has been compromised. Time to wrap the farce up. The only serious 'Collusion', was perpetrated by the Clinton Campaign. Her Campaign paid for a despicable phony Russian dossier on Trump. She needs to be held accountable.

Spoken like a true Trump Kool-aid guzzler.
See my previous post on this page and the article from Psychology Today addressing Trumpsters. It’s a BINGO!

The Clinton Campaign did collude with the Russians. That's just fact. I think y'all are the ones who are nuts. You're living in stubborn denial. But regardless, y'all are now just moving the goal posts on this 'investigation.' Now they're digging into Trump's financial history and other things that have nothing to do with 'Russian Collusion.'

The whole thing is a witch hunt farce. And it's been compromised as well. Some of Mueller's top investigators have been proven to have close ties with Clinton and the Democratic Party. It's time to wrap the farce up. Period, end of story.
We have 3 more years to hang trump and your party

3 more, although probably 7 more. But good for you, probably the most work you've done in the last 20 years.
I retired about 11 years ago Did well enough that if my kids didn't want to work ever again they wouldn't have to Fortunately they were brought up better than that and as Dems

Good for you, fortunately the new tax bill doubles the estate tax exemption.
Conspiracy is obstruction of justice...
what about bribery? we're talking rosie "O" type bribes...if you find the question to be to tough and are thinking about trying the liberal comapany line of "trump is an elected official rosie is not" [here is the part you were not briefed on how to handle by the media] she was trying to bribe public officials
Spoken like a true Trump Kool-aid guzzler.
See my previous post on this page and the article from Psychology Today addressing Trumpsters. It’s a BINGO!

The Clinton Campaign did collude with the Russians. That's just fact. I think y'all are the ones who are nuts. You're living in stubborn denial. But regardless, y'all are now just moving the goal posts on this 'investigation.' Now they're digging into Trump's financial history and other things that have nothing to do with 'Russian Collusion.'

The whole thing is a witch hunt farce. And it's been compromised as well. Some of Mueller's top investigators have been proven to have close ties with Clinton and the Democratic Party. It's time to wrap the farce up. Period, end of story.
We have 3 more years to hang trump and your party

3 more, although probably 7 more. But good for you, probably the most work you've done in the last 20 years.
I retired about 11 years ago Did well enough that if my kids didn't want to work ever again they wouldn't have to Fortunately they were brought up better than that and as Dems

Good for you, fortunately the new tax bill doubles the estate tax exemption.
lol unfortunately I don't quite need the double ,,,,
Nothing compares ?? Firing Comey Bashing Mueller NY Times Wash Post all media... repeating 16 times no conspiracy The man is guilty as sin ,just a matter of time to nail the SOB
And more good news admiral ,,Time is on our side ,We have 3 years to get the corrupt pos And more good news We might keep getting on his case even after he leaves Sorta like your AH's did with Hillary for 30 years

What is Trump's corruption?
You're in the same closet as Bri Watch out,,he's an ass man lol

You can't list any Trump corruption, obviously
get back in that closet Trumps middle name is corruption
You still haven't listed any Trump corruption.
Oh now y'all gotta start moving those goal posts, huh? The 'investigation' has been compromised. Time to wrap the farce up. The only serious 'Collusion', was perpetrated by the Clinton Campaign. Her Campaign paid for a despicable phony Russian dossier on Trump. She needs to be held accountable.

Spoken like a true Trump Kool-aid guzzler.
See my previous post on this page and the article from Psychology Today addressing Trumpsters. It’s a BINGO!

The Clinton Campaign did collude with the Russians. That's just fact. I think y'all are the ones who are nuts. You're living in stubborn denial. But regardless, y'all are now just moving the goal posts on this 'investigation.' Now they're digging into Trump's financial history and other things that have nothing to do with 'Russian Collusion.'

The whole thing is a witch hunt farce. And it's been compromised as well. Some of Mueller's top investigators have been proven to have close ties with Clinton and the Democratic Party. It's time to wrap the farce up. Period, end of story.
We have 3 more years to hang trump and your party

Right, it's only about 'Party before Country' for y'all hater wingnuts. That's what i've been saying.
It should always be country first But the party that best takes care of it's poorest is the greater party We''ll leave that decision up to you as to which party that is

Sorry, turd, but dispensing the most swag to moochers isn't what makes a party great. The very phrase is non-sensical. It's like asking what makes a criminal gang "great?"
Conspiracy is obstruction of justice...
what about bribery? we're talking rosie "O" type bribes...if you find the question to be to tough and are thinking about trying the liberal comapany line of "trump is an elected official rosie is not" [here is the part you were not briefed on how to handle by the media] she was trying to bribe public officials

So arrest her. Why isn't Trump's DOJ pursuing her? Does Rosie O'Donnell's alleged crime excuse potential conspiracy or obstruction of justice by Trump or his administration?

Good luck with the Rosie thing though...
And more good news admiral ,,Time is on our side ,We have 3 years to get the corrupt pos And more good news We might keep getting on his case even after he leaves Sorta like your AH's did with Hillary for 30 years

What is Trump's corruption?
You're in the same closet as Bri Watch out,,he's an ass man lol

You can't list any Trump corruption, obviously
get back in that closet Trumps middle name is corruption
You still haven't listed any Trump corruption.
In a court of law there might not be any But in the court
And more good news admiral ,,Time is on our side ,We have 3 years to get the corrupt pos And more good news We might keep getting on his case even after he leaves Sorta like your AH's did with Hillary for 30 years

What is Trump's corruption?
You're in the same closet as Bri Watch out,,he's an ass man lol

You can't list any Trump corruption, obviously
get back in that closet Trumps middle name is corruption
You still haven't listed any Trump corruption.
Maybe not in a court of law bri but in the court of public opinion he's an ass a vile snake
What is Trump's corruption?
You're in the same closet as Bri Watch out,,he's an ass man lol

You can't list any Trump corruption, obviously
get back in that closet Trumps middle name is corruption
You still haven't listed any Trump corruption.
In a court of law there might not be any But in the court
What is Trump's corruption?
You're in the same closet as Bri Watch out,,he's an ass man lol

You can't list any Trump corruption, obviously
get back in that closet Trumps middle name is corruption
You still haven't listed any Trump corruption.
Maybe not in a court of law bri but in the court of public opinion he's an ass a vile snake

You mistake snowflake opinion for public opinion. You just admitted there is no corruption. Trump has committed no crimes.
You're in the same closet as Bri Watch out,,he's an ass man lol

You can't list any Trump corruption, obviously
get back in that closet Trumps middle name is corruption
You still haven't listed any Trump corruption.
In a court of law there might not be any But in the court
You're in the same closet as Bri Watch out,,he's an ass man lol

You can't list any Trump corruption, obviously
get back in that closet Trumps middle name is corruption
You still haven't listed any Trump corruption.
Maybe not in a court of law bri but in the court of public opinion he's an ass a vile snake

You mistake snowflake opinion for public opinion. You just admitted there is no corruption. Trump has committed no crimes.
He's had teams of lawyers protecting him his whole life while he screwed most everyone he did business with including banks
You're in the same closet as Bri Watch out,,he's an ass man lol

You can't list any Trump corruption, obviously
get back in that closet Trumps middle name is corruption
You still haven't listed any Trump corruption.
In a court of law there might not be any But in the court
You're in the same closet as Bri Watch out,,he's an ass man lol

You can't list any Trump corruption, obviously
get back in that closet Trumps middle name is corruption
You still haven't listed any Trump corruption.
Maybe not in a court of law bri but in the court of public opinion he's an ass a vile snake

You mistake snowflake opinion for public opinion. You just admitted there is no corruption. Trump has committed no crimes.
BRI I'm completely satisfied that you know he's an ass hole albeit yours I can't ask for more than that

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