Trump King of Nepotism

Neil Austen

Gold Member
Jun 5, 2019
Nepotism at its most disgusting. Ivanka Trump slammed for role as unofficial diplomat at the G20. Did the American people elect his repugnant over privileged family as well when they voted for Trump? How are even Trump supporters OK with this? May as well say death to democracy and enter a new reign of a dictatorship or monarchy with this kind of family privileges.
Repugnant over privileged?

You mean like that meat puppet faggot with a neutered shaved wookie for a "wife" that used to wear shit that looked like tacky curtains?

Where were you for that? Never mind, I know exactly where you were.


Nepotism at its most disgusting. Ivanka Trump slammed for role as unofficial diplomat at the G20. Did the American people elect his repugnant over privileged family as well when they voted for Trump? How are even Trump supporters OK with this? May as well say death to democracy and enter a new reign of a dictatorship or monarchy with this kind of family privileges.

they are poorly educated & just simply don't care. & trump plays them like a fiddle to keep 'em.

Nepotism at its most disgusting. Ivanka Trump slammed for role as unofficial diplomat at the G20. Did the American people elect his repugnant over privileged family as well when they voted for Trump? How are even Trump supporters OK with this? May as well say death to democracy and enter a new reign of a dictatorship or monarchy with this kind of family privileges.

Most disgusting.


Man, worst case of Trump-envy I've ever seen!

Bet you beat off to this picture.
She has a college degree and ran her own business. She was an official member of the team and led an all-female group of economists/businesspeople.
Nepotism at its most disgusting. Ivanka Trump slammed for role as unofficial diplomat at the G20. Did the American people elect his repugnant over privileged family as well when they voted for Trump? How are even Trump supporters OK with this? May as well say death to democracy and enter a new reign of a dictatorship or monarchy with this kind of family privileges.

Ivanka is an UNPAID, senior advisor to the President. Obama had his Old Lady doing official actions, if you'll recall.

I'm sure the Big O would have had his children do the same if they were adults, especially if Obama was married to a broad who was ineligible for the Presidency in her own right.
Nepotism at its most disgusting. Ivanka Trump slammed for role as unofficial diplomat at the G20. Did the American people elect his repugnant over privileged family as well when they voted for Trump? How are even Trump supporters OK with this? May as well say death to democracy and enter a new reign of a dictatorship or monarchy with this kind of family privileges.
As long as President Trump puts a couple more REP SCJ on the bench and another hundred lower court REP judges on the bench he can get rid of Pence and put Ivanka in the VP's office for all I care. He can drive Kim around the White house grounds in a golf cart and they can eat Big Macs in the Oval office. Maybe the odd french fry on the carpet of the oval office instead of burning holes in the carpet with dropped cigarettes like BONOBO did.

The Obamas were acting like they were the king and queen of some african shit hole country.
Bonobo's tranny wife even liked to wear 'slave belts'.
GOD knows what the decor was in the President's living quarters was. I heard it took a professional cleaning company a week to get rid of the smell!
There's no nepotism. There is only mindless Trump hate.

No wonder psychiatrists are finding Trump hate a serious mental illness.
Nepotism at its most disgusting. Ivanka Trump slammed for role as unofficial diplomat at the G20. Did the American people elect his repugnant over privileged family as well when they voted for Trump? How are even Trump supporters OK with this? May as well say death to democracy and enter a new reign of a dictatorship or monarchy with this kind of family privileges.
Trump the petty tinpot dictator.
Nepotism at its most disgusting. Ivanka Trump slammed for role as unofficial diplomat at the G20. Did the American people elect his repugnant over privileged family as well when they voted for Trump? How are even Trump supporters OK with this? May as well say death to democracy and enter a new reign of a dictatorship or monarchy with this kind of family privileges.

Most disgusting.

View attachment 267411

Man, worst case of Trump-envy I've ever seen!

Bet you beat off to this picture.
Money !!! I'm telling you.

Nepotism at its most disgusting. Ivanka Trump slammed for role as unofficial diplomat at the G20. Did the American people elect his repugnant over privileged family as well when they voted for Trump? How are even Trump supporters OK with this? May as well say death to democracy and enter a new reign of a dictatorship or monarchy with this kind of family privileges.
As long as President Trump puts a couple more REP SCJ on the bench and another hundred lower court REP judges on the bench he can get rid of Pence and put Ivanka in the VP's office for all I care. He can drive Kim around the White house grounds in a golf cart and they can eat Big Macs in the Oval office. Maybe the odd french fry on the carpet of the oval office instead of burning holes in the carpet with dropped cigarettes like BONOBO did.

The Obamas were acting like they were the king and queen of some african shit hole country.
Bonobo's tranny wife even liked to wear 'slave belts'.
GOD knows what the decor was in the President's living quarters was. I heard it took a professional cleaning company a week to get rid of the smell!
It was worse than that. The entire white house was closed for 17 days for cleaning, disinfecting and extermination.
Nepotism at its most disgusting. Ivanka Trump slammed for role as unofficial diplomat at the G20. Did the American people elect his repugnant over privileged family as well when they voted for Trump? How are even Trump supporters OK with this? May as well say death to democracy and enter a new reign of a dictatorship or monarchy with this kind of family privileges.
Trump the petty tinpot dictator.

tinpot rusted orange.
It served no purpose having Ivanka Trump at the summit. It’s like a pattern with the President. He does something intentionally controversial to goad someone into attacking him.
It served no purpose having Ivanka Trump at the summit. It’s like a pattern with the President. He does something intentionally controversial to goad someone into attacking him.

or he's just plain cray cray.
It served no purpose having Ivanka Trump at the summit. It’s like a pattern with the President. He does something intentionally controversial to goad someone into attacking him.

Ivanka Trump is a senior advisor to President Donald J. Trump. What's possibly wrong with her learning the business?

She may well want to become to become President herself- do you have a problem with a broad serving as President?
It served no purpose having Ivanka Trump at the summit. It’s like a pattern with the President. He does something intentionally controversial to goad someone into attacking him.

Ivanka Trump is a senior advisor to President Donald J. Trump. What's possibly wrong with her learning the business?

She may well want to become to become President herself- do you have a problem with a broad serving as President?

I have a problem with nepotism regardless of who the President is.
Nepotism at its most disgusting. Ivanka Trump slammed for role as unofficial diplomat at the G20. Did the American people elect his repugnant over privileged family as well when they voted for Trump? How are even Trump supporters OK with this? May as well say death to democracy and enter a new reign of a dictatorship or monarchy with this kind of family privileges.

First off, Trump can send whom ever he wants. That's part of being president. You don't elect a delegation to go be a diplomat.

So how can you say Democracy isn't working, when someone we elected, puts someone in a position that isn't elected?

Do you think at all, before you talk out of your butt on this forum?

Sending unelected people on Diplomatic missions is normal.

A perfect example in my book, is Carter. Here's a guy that not only was not in elected office, but has a history of clear failure in diplomacy. Yet Clinton sent him to North Korea.... which turned out to be another failure by the way. The whole point was to stop NK from getting nukes. Now they have nukes. Pure and total failure.

But at least in that instance, Carter was asked to go to NK by that idiot Clinton.

Carter went to Egypt, Peru, Nicaragua, and a number of other places, without any authorization at all to speak for the US government.

At least Ivanka is going with authorization to go.

So Carter is much worse than anything Trump is doing, and no this isn't an attack on Democracy. Grow up.

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