Trump KISSING CHINA'S ASS is a slap in the face to all who voted for him.

He blamed China for over a year....until he visited China lol

This is what Trump always does, talks trash till he is face to face and then he kisses their ass.

He did it before the election when he didn’t have the balls to bring up paying for his wall when he visited Mexico

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Does this mean Mexico is NOT paying for the wall? I know Donnie deal faker is getting China to pay for it.

Of course Mexico is not paying for the wall, they never were and never will. That is just a lie that Trump told his followers so they would cheer louder. If you pay attention you will notice that everything Trump does is about getting praise and adoration at that moment.
I voted for The Donald and am very happy he is making a great deal after years of Presidents who were incompetent and or intentionally screwed the American citizen! China is great again! Now it America's turn. MAGA.
Trump is being an adult.

Have you tried negotiating with someone you don't like? Walking into the meeting you are calling the person a stupid bitch/asshole etc, but once you walk into the room you use nicer words and tone it way down.

Trump isn't going to get everything he wants/promised but if he gets something to bring back most of his supporters (adults as well) will be at least ok with it.

I think the reason Trump toned it down is because Xi decided to host a dinner for him in the Forbidden City. First time any foreign leader has been hosted there since the formation of the People's Republic of China (1949).

Stroke Trump's ego and give him something to brag about, and the narcissist is putty in his hands.

Every President and world leader is a narcissist.

Rush Limbaugh described the difference between how people who like Trump and the people who don't like Trump view him:

"Trump supporters take him seriously not literally and none Trump supporters take him literally not seriously"

Most Trump supporters I know have realistic expectations. We know that both the Republicans and Democrats are against him so we hoped he could get stuff rolled back, but if he can just hold things back and make the people in DC angry and miserable is good enough for us.
Gosh, what silly, petty criticism. Have you ever heard of being diplomatic? Ever heard of putting on a good front in public so that you have more leverage in private? Ever heard of being a gracious guest and not arguing in front of the whole world?

Of course, you and other Trump haters would be attacking him for being undiplomatic and harming our relations if he were being undiplomatic and were confronting the Chinese publicly.

Nothing he does will please you because you have no objectivity and are blinded by hateful partisanship.
Gosh, what silly, petty criticism. Have you ever heard of being diplomatic? Ever heard of putting on a good front in public so that you have more leverage in private? Ever heard of being a gracious guest and not arguing in front of the whole world?

Of course, you and other Trump haters would be attacking him for being undiplomatic and harming our relations if he were being undiplomatic and were confronting the Chinese publicly.

Nothing he does will please you because you have no objectivity and are blinded by hateful partisanship.

Really? Do you think Trump's tweets about China and N. Korea were diplomatic and putting on a good front in public so that you have more leverage in private?

Hate to tell you................but there is a record of Chump's tweets.

And most of them are anything BUT diplomatic.
I remember trump saying that when the time came for him to talk business with the chinese president, he wouldn't stoop and bow and suck up to the guy and spend all the taxpayers money on banquets like obama did. Oh no, he would call up mcdonalds and have some big macs delivered and get down to business. Guess there aren't any mcdonalds in beijing or wherever it was they met.
Gosh, what silly, petty criticism. Have you ever heard of being diplomatic? Ever heard of putting on a good front in public so that you have more leverage in private? Ever heard of being a gracious guest and not arguing in front of the whole world?

Of course, you and other Trump haters would be attacking him for being undiplomatic and harming our relations if he were being undiplomatic and were confronting the Chinese publicly.

Nothing he does will please you because you have no objectivity and are blinded by hateful partisanship.

I voted for trump over hilary, still would. He was the least worst of two crummy choices. Trump being diplomatic? Not his style, in case you haven't noticed.
He blamed China for over a year....until he visited China lol

No...he is saying he can't blame them for taking advantage of the situation, not that the are innocent.
You must be reading CNN or something.
He also said "no more" of the free ride they have been getting.
China's getting a "free ride?" Trump always says stuff like that, but then doesn't do anything about it. He's still in NATO. We're still in NAFTA. He's grumbled about Japan and So. Korea not paying their way, yet we continue on the same course.
No one should be listening to anything he says anymore.
Your naivete is only exceeded by your ignorance.

Maybe you should go back and look at the changes in NATO. Maybe you should go back and look at the changes in SEATO. Maybe you should go back and look at the changes in trade with Canada and Mexico - and that's with just the THREAT of dropping out of NAFTA.

The list goes on and on.

He's undoing years of damage - and you either intentionally choose to ignore those accomplishments, or you are sadly lacking in world perspective.

Either is a crime.
The Russians are a bigger problem now. Did they try to manipulate the election, maybe both candidates were attacked.
Face it .... Russian collusion is immaterial. You want to make a big fuss over nothing.
He blamed China for over a year....until he visited China lol

No...he is saying he can't blame them for taking advantage of the situation, not that the are innocent.
You must be reading CNN or something.
He also said "no more" of the free ride they have been getting.
That is the way I read it. You can’t blame China for taking advantage if obummer sat on his ass and allowed it to happen. Score one for the Donald. Then Schumer pipes up and says “well. I blame China” so then I thinks then, why the fuck didn't you do something about it.

What a crock of shit.
Ever since Richard Nixon opened up China, China as been getting good treatment from both Republican and Democratic presidents. China really started producing most of the cheaper apparel and technological goods that Americans have been purchasing for decades in the 1980s.
Do you ever do any research, before you post?
Secondly, Trump's actions are enabling China enhance their position, not only in Asia, but also the world. All while the US's position as a leader has diminished.
Also, I agree with those who have commented that China, like Saudi Arabia, are playing Trump. They make him feel loved and important, gush all over him, Trump just eats that stuff up, it's a well known fact.
Given the number who disagree vociferously with you, I would say it's not a "well known fact".

We can be sure, however, that it is a liberal talking point - repeated ad nauseum without proof or justification.
I voted for him and I don't see it that way.

He blamed the US for being so stupid with our trade agreements. He repeatedly said he had great respect for China and that they were smart.

Yeah he said that when he was face to face...AFTER he talked shit for a whole year.
He blamed China for over a year....until he visited China lol
Just like he was going to work to lower Pharmaceutical prices until he met with Big Pharma in the Oval Office.
Has anyone heard of him even mentioning it since?
Trump has turned into the same political whore that his supporters believed he never would.
Trump is being an adult.

Have you tried negotiating with someone you don't like? Walking into the meeting you are calling the person a stupid bitch/asshole etc, but once you walk into the room you use nicer words and tone it way down.

Trump isn't going to get everything he wants/promised but if he gets something to bring back most of his supporters (adults as well) will be at least ok with it.

I think the reason Trump toned it down is because Xi decided to host a dinner for him in the Forbidden City. First time any foreign leader has been hosted there since the formation of the People's Republic of China (1949).

Stroke Trump's ego and give him something to brag about, and the narcissist is putty in his hands.
"I think the reason Trump toned it down is because ..."

I think you don't think at all.
If Trump voters aren't being wildly b!tch slapped by Trump, they aren't happy.
If Trump voters aren't being wildly b!tch slapped by Trump, they aren't happy.

You know, you're right ....

Every time I feel safer walking down the street, every time I see another criminal illegal immigrant driven out of the country, every time I see the new balance in my stock accounts, every time I see another sleazy politician driven out of office, every time I see the Democrat Party practice self-immolation, I just cry out ..

"Donny!! Do it again! Bitch slap me again, Trumpy!! I love it! Hit me with another winner, Donald!!"
I voted for him and I don't see it that way.

He blamed the US for being so stupid with our trade agreements. He repeatedly said he had great respect for China and that they were smart.

He also accused China of stealing America's intellectual property.

Trump orders probe of China's intellectual property practices

Which is about the only charge in trade that is true.

Everybody knows how to deal with Trump - appeal to his ego, tell him he's the greatest ever, and he stops attacking him and says that they're awesome. Meanwhile, back home, his supporters pretty much believe everything he tells them.

Great negotiator! :lol: hilarioius

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