Trump: Largest Debt per year by any President

Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Saying "Obama: Added $8.588 trillion" does not take in to account how much of that amount was due to factors out of his control, like inheriting a deep recession. One we could have recovered faster from if not for Repub sabotage.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!

You're so stupid.

U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009. When Did Obama take Office?

Do your own math.
He inherited a good economy and took credit for it.
Obama inherited a disaster. Trump inherited a good economy and drastically increased deficits our children will have to pay for.

neither is true. you are a victim of the lying media
They are both true.

Obama inherited an economy that was working, then in 08 we had a market correction driven by bad democrat mortgage policy.

Trump inherited an economy that was working slowly, then his policies caused it to boom.

Then the Chinese virus hit-------------no one in the USA is responsible for that, the Chinese caused it and the entire world should make them pay
Obama inherited a shitstorm. Forbes magazine said that Trumps' success was a carry over from the Obama administration.
You admit Trump was successful? That’s a good first step.
We did well until trump policy started kicking in.

yeah, the lowest unemployment rate in history and the highest stock market and the cancellation of bad trade deals was just terrible for the country. and to meet face to face with Kim of NK, how awful. to put the most sanctions ever on Russia and Iran, destroyed our country, right?

This country has needed a business approach for many years, we finally have it and will have it for at least another 4 years. Hopefully by 2024 the entire country will realize what a failure the dem/lib policies have been and will forever reject the dem commies.
Trump’s business approach (Republican MONEY greed) and neglecting his scientific & medical advisors is the cause of the current USA pandemic severity, which in turn is LOSING MONEY for vast number of citizens!
Trump & his Republican cronies own the Executive policies that did NOT mitigate the widespread health AND business DISASTER the pandemic initiated.
No prudent foresight or oversight of the current financial mess that Trump is mostly responsible for, like in the lack of foresight by Republicans that resulted in the 2008 financial crisis.

House was Republican in January? Oh....

I agree on 2008. So now we blame Trump for 2008 too? TDS
Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Saying "Obama: Added $8.588 trillion" does not take in to account how much of that amount was due to factors out of his control, like inheriting a deep recession. One we could have recovered faster from if not for Repub sabotage.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!

You're so stupid.

U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009. When Did Obama take Office?

Do your own math.
He inherited a good economy and took credit for it.
Obama inherited a disaster. Trump inherited a good economy and drastically increased deficits our children will have to pay for.

neither is true. you are a victim of the lying media
They are both true.

Obama inherited an economy that was working, then in 08 we had a market correction driven by bad democrat mortgage policy.

Trump inherited an economy that was working slowly, then his policies caused it to boom.

Then the Chinese virus hit-------------no one in the USA is responsible for that, the Chinese caused it and the entire world should make them pay
Obama inherited a shitstorm. Forbes magazine said that Trumps' success was a carry over from the Obama administration.
You admit Trump was successful? That’s a good first step.
We did well until trump policy started kicking in.
Who is "we"?

LOL --- you mean ISIS and Black Lives Matter? They flourished under BHO.
We all did quite well. Now the antisemites are flourishing.
Like Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib? Indeed. They even kicked Alan Dershowitz out of the party.
No like those guys chanting at the right wing rally.
Those guys are unemployed trailer park trash not actual Congresspersons.
Well yes they are. But the right has congresspersons too.
That are over antisemites? List em.

View attachment 325735

AOC is one too, btw just not an Islamist.
Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Saying "Obama: Added $8.588 trillion" does not take in to account how much of that amount was due to factors out of his control, like inheriting a deep recession. One we could have recovered faster from if not for Repub sabotage.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!

You're so stupid.

U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009. When Did Obama take Office?

Do your own math.
He inherited a good economy and took credit for it.
Obama inherited a disaster. Trump inherited a good economy and drastically increased deficits our children will have to pay for.

neither is true. you are a victim of the lying media
They are both true.

Obama inherited an economy that was working, then in 08 we had a market correction driven by bad democrat mortgage policy.

Trump inherited an economy that was working slowly, then his policies caused it to boom.

Then the Chinese virus hit-------------no one in the USA is responsible for that, the Chinese caused it and the entire world should make them pay
Obama inherited a shitstorm. Forbes magazine said that Trumps' success was a carry over from the Obama administration.
You admit Trump was successful? That’s a good first step.
We did well until trump policy started kicking in.

yeah, the lowest unemployment rate in history and the highest stock market and the cancellation of bad trade deals was just terrible for the country. and to meet face to face with Kim of NK, how awful. to put the most sanctions ever on Russia and Iran, destroyed our country, right?

This country has needed a business approach for many years, we finally have it and will have it for at least another 4 years. Hopefully by 2024 the entire country will realize what a failure the dem/lib policies have been and will forever reject the dem commies.
Unemployment rate was going down for years before trump. What did we get from trump policy? Trillion dollar deficits.
It was at record lows? No. Wages were rising? No.

Much better under Trump. He is a much better president than BHO. If BHO was so strong, Clinton would have won as he said "she was the most qualified candidate in history"....people laughed out loud and voted for someone who never held political office.
You live in fantasy land. The little wage growth is from min wage increases. That isn’t trump policy. Trillion dollar deficits are trump policy,
Trillion dollar deficits are due to entitlements. No President can cure that without attacking them or jacking up tax rates by 50%.
What new entitlements we have with trump? Didn’t realize we got a bunch of new ones that drastically increased deficits. Please share.
Not new. Never said new. You're making stuff up now. I know you're elderly but learn to read. We spend too much on SS, Medicare and Medicaid.
So there is no new ones but deficits went from $600 billion to over a trillion. Gee I guess it must be something else then. Like maybe hurting revenue with tax cuts and huge increase in military spending.
Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Saying "Obama: Added $8.588 trillion" does not take in to account how much of that amount was due to factors out of his control, like inheriting a deep recession. One we could have recovered faster from if not for Repub sabotage.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!

You're so stupid.

U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009. When Did Obama take Office?

Do your own math.
He inherited a good economy and took credit for it.
Obama inherited a disaster. Trump inherited a good economy and drastically increased deficits our children will have to pay for.

neither is true. you are a victim of the lying media
They are both true.

Obama inherited an economy that was working, then in 08 we had a market correction driven by bad democrat mortgage policy.

Trump inherited an economy that was working slowly, then his policies caused it to boom.

Then the Chinese virus hit-------------no one in the USA is responsible for that, the Chinese caused it and the entire world should make them pay
Obama inherited a shitstorm. Forbes magazine said that Trumps' success was a carry over from the Obama administration.
You admit Trump was successful? That’s a good first step.
We did well until trump policy started kicking in.
Who is "we"?

LOL --- you mean ISIS and Black Lives Matter? They flourished under BHO.
We all did quite well. Now the antisemites are flourishing.
Like Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib? Indeed. They even kicked Alan Dershowitz out of the party.
No like those guys chanting at the right wing rally.
Those guys are unemployed trailer park trash not actual Congresspersons.
Well yes they are. But the right has congresspersons too.
That are over antisemites? List em.

View attachment 325735

AOC is one too, btw just not an Islamist.
Fake News

This is the same McCarthy who took to Twitter in October 2018 to accuse three Jewish billionaires — George Soros, Tom Steyer, and Michael Bloomberg — of trying to “buy” the midterms. He posted his tweet just a day after Soros received a pipe bomb at his home in New York.

Steyer called the tweet “straight-up anti-Semitic.” McCarthy, though, continues to refuse to apologize for it, saying he did nothing wrong. So why did he delete it? And why isn’t Trump calling on him to resign from Congress too? - WEAK!!! Zero to do with Judaism. Soros is an atheist and I had zero idea Steyer was Jewish. Never even stated he was.

"I condemn white nationalism and anti-Semitism wherever it happens," Scalise replied. "And for anybody who thinks it's exclusive to any political party, you're fooling yourself. It happens all around us and we need to call it out when we see it. That's the important thing: wherever you see it. And I've been vocal in calling it out in both parties by the way."

Scalise then moved onto the topic of Israel, saying, "What's important is that we recognize Israel is a Jewish state."

Gohmert: Right about Soros. I am Jew and I agree Soros is a traitor.

Gaetz: Again Soros. Soros is not a Jew. He is a Jew like Sanders.

King: He sucks and I condemn him.

I am a Jew and Soros hates me. I condemn Soros like I condemn ISIS. That is how much vitriol I have toward him.
Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Saying "Obama: Added $8.588 trillion" does not take in to account how much of that amount was due to factors out of his control, like inheriting a deep recession. One we could have recovered faster from if not for Repub sabotage.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!

You're so stupid.

U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009. When Did Obama take Office?

Do your own math.
He inherited a good economy and took credit for it.
Obama inherited a disaster. Trump inherited a good economy and drastically increased deficits our children will have to pay for.

neither is true. you are a victim of the lying media
They are both true.

Obama inherited an economy that was working, then in 08 we had a market correction driven by bad democrat mortgage policy.

Trump inherited an economy that was working slowly, then his policies caused it to boom.

Then the Chinese virus hit-------------no one in the USA is responsible for that, the Chinese caused it and the entire world should make them pay
Obama inherited a shitstorm. Forbes magazine said that Trumps' success was a carry over from the Obama administration.
You admit Trump was successful? That’s a good first step.
We did well until trump policy started kicking in.

yeah, the lowest unemployment rate in history and the highest stock market and the cancellation of bad trade deals was just terrible for the country. and to meet face to face with Kim of NK, how awful. to put the most sanctions ever on Russia and Iran, destroyed our country, right?

This country has needed a business approach for many years, we finally have it and will have it for at least another 4 years. Hopefully by 2024 the entire country will realize what a failure the dem/lib policies have been and will forever reject the dem commies.
Unemployment rate was going down for years before trump. What did we get from trump policy? Trillion dollar deficits.
It was at record lows? No. Wages were rising? No.

Much better under Trump. He is a much better president than BHO. If BHO was so strong, Clinton would have won as he said "she was the most qualified candidate in history"....people laughed out loud and voted for someone who never held political office.
You live in fantasy land. The little wage growth is from min wage increases. That isn’t trump policy. Trillion dollar deficits are trump policy,
Trillion dollar deficits are due to entitlements. No President can cure that without attacking them or jacking up tax rates by 50%.
What new entitlements we have with trump? Didn’t realize we got a bunch of new ones that drastically increased deficits. Please share.
Not new. Never said new. You're making stuff up now. I know you're elderly but learn to read. We spend too much on SS, Medicare and Medicaid.
So there is no new ones but deficits went from $600 billion to over a trillion. Gee I guess it must be something else then. Like maybe hurting revenue with tax cuts and huge increase in military spending.
Duh. Our population is aging. 10,000 people turn 62 daily. Baby Boomers are old. Like you. We are also living longer.

Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Saying "Obama: Added $8.588 trillion" does not take in to account how much of that amount was due to factors out of his control, like inheriting a deep recession. One we could have recovered faster from if not for Repub sabotage.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!

You're so stupid.

U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009. When Did Obama take Office?

Do your own math.
He inherited a good economy and took credit for it.
Obama inherited a disaster. Trump inherited a good economy and drastically increased deficits our children will have to pay for.

neither is true. you are a victim of the lying media
They are both true.

Obama inherited an economy that was working, then in 08 we had a market correction driven by bad democrat mortgage policy.

Trump inherited an economy that was working slowly, then his policies caused it to boom.

Then the Chinese virus hit-------------no one in the USA is responsible for that, the Chinese caused it and the entire world should make them pay
Obama inherited a shitstorm. Forbes magazine said that Trumps' success was a carry over from the Obama administration.
You admit Trump was successful? That’s a good first step.
We did well until trump policy started kicking in.

yeah, the lowest unemployment rate in history and the highest stock market and the cancellation of bad trade deals was just terrible for the country. and to meet face to face with Kim of NK, how awful. to put the most sanctions ever on Russia and Iran, destroyed our country, right?

This country has needed a business approach for many years, we finally have it and will have it for at least another 4 years. Hopefully by 2024 the entire country will realize what a failure the dem/lib policies have been and will forever reject the dem commies.
Unemployment rate was going down for years before trump. What did we get from trump policy? Trillion dollar deficits.
It was at record lows? No. Wages were rising? No.

Much better under Trump. He is a much better president than BHO. If BHO was so strong, Clinton would have won as he said "she was the most qualified candidate in history"....people laughed out loud and voted for someone who never held political office.
You live in fantasy land. The little wage growth is from min wage increases. That isn’t trump policy. Trillion dollar deficits are trump policy,
Trillion dollar deficits are due to entitlements. No President can cure that without attacking them or jacking up tax rates by 50%.
What new entitlements we have with trump? Didn’t realize we got a bunch of new ones that drastically increased deficits. Please share.
Not new. Never said new. You're making stuff up now. I know you're elderly but learn to read. We spend too much on SS, Medicare and Medicaid.
So there is no new ones but deficits went from $600 billion to over a trillion. Gee I guess it must be something else then. Like maybe hurting revenue with tax cuts and huge increase in military spending.
Duh. Our population is aging. 10,000 people turn 62 daily. Baby Boomers are old. Like you. We are also living longer.

And people are dying. Funny how deficits were so much lower till we got trump policy.
Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Saying "Obama: Added $8.588 trillion" does not take in to account how much of that amount was due to factors out of his control, like inheriting a deep recession. One we could have recovered faster from if not for Repub sabotage.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!

You're so stupid.

U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009. When Did Obama take Office?

Do your own math.
He inherited a good economy and took credit for it.
Obama inherited a disaster. Trump inherited a good economy and drastically increased deficits our children will have to pay for.

neither is true. you are a victim of the lying media
They are both true.

Obama inherited an economy that was working, then in 08 we had a market correction driven by bad democrat mortgage policy.

Trump inherited an economy that was working slowly, then his policies caused it to boom.

Then the Chinese virus hit-------------no one in the USA is responsible for that, the Chinese caused it and the entire world should make them pay
Obama inherited a shitstorm. Forbes magazine said that Trumps' success was a carry over from the Obama administration.
You admit Trump was successful? That’s a good first step.
We did well until trump policy started kicking in.

yeah, the lowest unemployment rate in history and the highest stock market and the cancellation of bad trade deals was just terrible for the country. and to meet face to face with Kim of NK, how awful. to put the most sanctions ever on Russia and Iran, destroyed our country, right?

This country has needed a business approach for many years, we finally have it and will have it for at least another 4 years. Hopefully by 2024 the entire country will realize what a failure the dem/lib policies have been and will forever reject the dem commies.
Trump’s business approach (Republican MONEY greed) and neglecting his scientific & medical advisors is the cause of the current USA pandemic severity, which in turn is LOSING MONEY for vast number of citizens!
Trump & his Republican cronies own the Executive policies that did NOT mitigate the widespread health AND business DISASTER the pandemic initiated.
No prudent foresight or oversight of the current financial mess that Trump is mostly responsible for, like in the lack of foresight by Republicans that resulted in the 2008 financial crisis.

House was Republican in January? Oh....

I agree on 2008. So now we blame Trump for 2008 too? TDS
Who said “we” blame Trump for 2008?
Republicans were in EXECUTIVE/Administrative control in 2008, as they are now.
The Republicans OWN the terrible management of BOTH financial crises.
Trump is the top boss over the CDC, which had many staff eliminated by him since he took office.
Not very smart, in hindsight or foresight!
Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Saying "Obama: Added $8.588 trillion" does not take in to account how much of that amount was due to factors out of his control, like inheriting a deep recession. One we could have recovered faster from if not for Repub sabotage.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!

You're so stupid.

U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009. When Did Obama take Office?

Do your own math.
He inherited a good economy and took credit for it.
Obama inherited a disaster. Trump inherited a good economy and drastically increased deficits our children will have to pay for.

neither is true. you are a victim of the lying media
They are both true.

Obama inherited an economy that was working, then in 08 we had a market correction driven by bad democrat mortgage policy.

Trump inherited an economy that was working slowly, then his policies caused it to boom.

Then the Chinese virus hit-------------no one in the USA is responsible for that, the Chinese caused it and the entire world should make them pay
Obama inherited a shitstorm. Forbes magazine said that Trumps' success was a carry over from the Obama administration.
You admit Trump was successful? That’s a good first step.
We did well until trump policy started kicking in.

yeah, the lowest unemployment rate in history and the highest stock market and the cancellation of bad trade deals was just terrible for the country. and to meet face to face with Kim of NK, how awful. to put the most sanctions ever on Russia and Iran, destroyed our country, right?

This country has needed a business approach for many years, we finally have it and will have it for at least another 4 years. Hopefully by 2024 the entire country will realize what a failure the dem/lib policies have been and will forever reject the dem commies.
Unemployment rate was going down for years before trump. What did we get from trump policy? Trillion dollar deficits.
It was at record lows? No. Wages were rising? No.

Much better under Trump. He is a much better president than BHO. If BHO was so strong, Clinton would have won as he said "she was the most qualified candidate in history"....people laughed out loud and voted for someone who never held political office.
You live in fantasy land. The little wage growth is from min wage increases. That isn’t trump policy. Trillion dollar deficits are trump policy,
Trillion dollar deficits are due to entitlements. No President can cure that without attacking them or jacking up tax rates by 50%.
What new entitlements we have with trump? Didn’t realize we got a bunch of new ones that drastically increased deficits. Please share.
Not new. Never said new. You're making stuff up now. I know you're elderly but learn to read. We spend too much on SS, Medicare and Medicaid.
So there is no new ones but deficits went from $600 billion to over a trillion. Gee I guess it must be something else then. Like maybe hurting revenue with tax cuts and huge increase in military spending.
Duh. Our population is aging. 10,000 people turn 62 daily. Baby Boomers are old. Like you. We are also living longer.

And people are dying. Funny how deficits were so much lower till we got trump policy.
Not at the same rate as those moving to our entitlement programs. What would you do? Raise taxes? We have a spend problem not a revenue problem. So before Trump we didn't have deficits? Do you blame Congress at all? I agree with you that deficits suck.
Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Saying "Obama: Added $8.588 trillion" does not take in to account how much of that amount was due to factors out of his control, like inheriting a deep recession. One we could have recovered faster from if not for Repub sabotage.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!

You're so stupid.

U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009. When Did Obama take Office?

Do your own math.
He inherited a good economy and took credit for it.
Obama inherited a disaster. Trump inherited a good economy and drastically increased deficits our children will have to pay for.

neither is true. you are a victim of the lying media
They are both true.

Obama inherited an economy that was working, then in 08 we had a market correction driven by bad democrat mortgage policy.

Trump inherited an economy that was working slowly, then his policies caused it to boom.

Then the Chinese virus hit-------------no one in the USA is responsible for that, the Chinese caused it and the entire world should make them pay
Obama inherited a shitstorm. Forbes magazine said that Trumps' success was a carry over from the Obama administration.
You admit Trump was successful? That’s a good first step.
We did well until trump policy started kicking in.

yeah, the lowest unemployment rate in history and the highest stock market and the cancellation of bad trade deals was just terrible for the country. and to meet face to face with Kim of NK, how awful. to put the most sanctions ever on Russia and Iran, destroyed our country, right?

This country has needed a business approach for many years, we finally have it and will have it for at least another 4 years. Hopefully by 2024 the entire country will realize what a failure the dem/lib policies have been and will forever reject the dem commies.
Trump’s business approach (Republican MONEY greed) and neglecting his scientific & medical advisors is the cause of the current USA pandemic severity, which in turn is LOSING MONEY for vast number of citizens!
Trump & his Republican cronies own the Executive policies that did NOT mitigate the widespread health AND business DISASTER the pandemic initiated.
No prudent foresight or oversight of the current financial mess that Trump is mostly responsible for, like in the lack of foresight by Republicans that resulted in the 2008 financial crisis.

House was Republican in January? Oh....

I agree on 2008. So now we blame Trump for 2008 too? TDS
Who said “we” blame Trump for 2008?
Republicans were in EXECUTIVE/Administrative control in 2008, as they are now.
The Republicans OWN the terrible management of BOTH financial crises.
Trump is the top boss over the CDC, which had many staff eliminated by him since he took office.
Not very smart, in hindsight or foresight!
Both? COVID-19 is their fault? How so? That CDC rhetoric has been debunked. Isn't Congress Democrat? I did not see on mention of CDC or COVID in Democrat debates or Congress bills. Did you?
Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Saying "Obama: Added $8.588 trillion" does not take in to account how much of that amount was due to factors out of his control, like inheriting a deep recession. One we could have recovered faster from if not for Repub sabotage.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!

You're so stupid.

U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009. When Did Obama take Office?

Do your own math.
He inherited a good economy and took credit for it.
Obama inherited a disaster. Trump inherited a good economy and drastically increased deficits our children will have to pay for.

neither is true. you are a victim of the lying media
They are both true.

Obama inherited an economy that was working, then in 08 we had a market correction driven by bad democrat mortgage policy.

Trump inherited an economy that was working slowly, then his policies caused it to boom.

Then the Chinese virus hit-------------no one in the USA is responsible for that, the Chinese caused it and the entire world should make them pay
Obama inherited a shitstorm. Forbes magazine said that Trumps' success was a carry over from the Obama administration.
You admit Trump was successful? That’s a good first step.
We did well until trump policy started kicking in.

yeah, the lowest unemployment rate in history and the highest stock market and the cancellation of bad trade deals was just terrible for the country. and to meet face to face with Kim of NK, how awful. to put the most sanctions ever on Russia and Iran, destroyed our country, right?

This country has needed a business approach for many years, we finally have it and will have it for at least another 4 years. Hopefully by 2024 the entire country will realize what a failure the dem/lib policies have been and will forever reject the dem commies.
Unemployment rate was going down for years before trump. What did we get from trump policy? Trillion dollar deficits.
It was at record lows? No. Wages were rising? No.

Much better under Trump. He is a much better president than BHO. If BHO was so strong, Clinton would have won as he said "she was the most qualified candidate in history"....people laughed out loud and voted for someone who never held political office.
You live in fantasy land. The little wage growth is from min wage increases. That isn’t trump policy. Trillion dollar deficits are trump policy,
Trillion dollar deficits are due to entitlements. No President can cure that without attacking them or jacking up tax rates by 50%.
What new entitlements we have with trump? Didn’t realize we got a bunch of new ones that drastically increased deficits. Please share.
Not new. Never said new. You're making stuff up now. I know you're elderly but learn to read. We spend too much on SS, Medicare and Medicaid.
So there is no new ones but deficits went from $600 billion to over a trillion. Gee I guess it must be something else then. Like maybe hurting revenue with tax cuts and huge increase in military spending.
Duh. Our population is aging. 10,000 people turn 62 daily. Baby Boomers are old. Like you. We are also living longer.

And people are dying. Funny how deficits were so much lower till we got trump policy.
Not at the same rate as those moving to our entitlement programs. What would you do? Raise taxes? We have a spend problem not a revenue problem. So before Trump we didn't have deficits? Do you blame Congress at all? I agree with you that deficits suck.
How did Obama keep them lower? We probably should raise some taxes. I blame the whole government. But the huge increase is trump policy. He hurt revenue with tax cuts and increased military spending. Gdp didn’t increase and deficits did.
Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Saying "Obama: Added $8.588 trillion" does not take in to account how much of that amount was due to factors out of his control, like inheriting a deep recession. One we could have recovered faster from if not for Repub sabotage.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!

You're so stupid.

U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009. When Did Obama take Office?

Do your own math.
He inherited a good economy and took credit for it.
Obama inherited a disaster. Trump inherited a good economy and drastically increased deficits our children will have to pay for.

neither is true. you are a victim of the lying media
They are both true.

Obama inherited an economy that was working, then in 08 we had a market correction driven by bad democrat mortgage policy.

Trump inherited an economy that was working slowly, then his policies caused it to boom.

Then the Chinese virus hit-------------no one in the USA is responsible for that, the Chinese caused it and the entire world should make them pay
Obama inherited a shitstorm. Forbes magazine said that Trumps' success was a carry over from the Obama administration.
You admit Trump was successful? That’s a good first step.
We did well until trump policy started kicking in.

yeah, the lowest unemployment rate in history and the highest stock market and the cancellation of bad trade deals was just terrible for the country. and to meet face to face with Kim of NK, how awful. to put the most sanctions ever on Russia and Iran, destroyed our country, right?

This country has needed a business approach for many years, we finally have it and will have it for at least another 4 years. Hopefully by 2024 the entire country will realize what a failure the dem/lib policies have been and will forever reject the dem commies.
Unemployment rate was going down for years before trump. What did we get from trump policy? Trillion dollar deficits.
It was at record lows? No. Wages were rising? No.

Much better under Trump. He is a much better president than BHO. If BHO was so strong, Clinton would have won as he said "she was the most qualified candidate in history"....people laughed out loud and voted for someone who never held political office.
You live in fantasy land. The little wage growth is from min wage increases. That isn’t trump policy. Trillion dollar deficits are trump policy,
Trillion dollar deficits are due to entitlements. No President can cure that without attacking them or jacking up tax rates by 50%.
What new entitlements we have with trump? Didn’t realize we got a bunch of new ones that drastically increased deficits. Please share.
Not new. Never said new. You're making stuff up now. I know you're elderly but learn to read. We spend too much on SS, Medicare and Medicaid.
So there is no new ones but deficits went from $600 billion to over a trillion. Gee I guess it must be something else then. Like maybe hurting revenue with tax cuts and huge increase in military spending.
Duh. Our population is aging. 10,000 people turn 62 daily. Baby Boomers are old. Like you. We are also living longer.

And people are dying. Funny how deficits were so much lower till we got trump policy.
Not at the same rate as those moving to our entitlement programs. What would you do? Raise taxes? We have a spend problem not a revenue problem. So before Trump we didn't have deficits? Do you blame Congress at all? I agree with you that deficits suck.
How did Obama keep them lower? We probably should raise some taxes. I blame the whole government. But the huge increase is trump policy. He hurt revenue with tax cuts and increased military spending. Gdp didn’t increase and deficits did.
He spent a lot less on the military and there were fewer people on entitlements. Again, population is aging rapidly and eclipsing those dying. So you blame the House as well. Excellent. Is the House Democrat or Republican?
Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Saying "Obama: Added $8.588 trillion" does not take in to account how much of that amount was due to factors out of his control, like inheriting a deep recession. One we could have recovered faster from if not for Repub sabotage.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!

You're so stupid.

U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009. When Did Obama take Office?

Do your own math.
He inherited a good economy and took credit for it.
Obama inherited a disaster. Trump inherited a good economy and drastically increased deficits our children will have to pay for.

neither is true. you are a victim of the lying media
They are both true.

Obama inherited an economy that was working, then in 08 we had a market correction driven by bad democrat mortgage policy.

Trump inherited an economy that was working slowly, then his policies caused it to boom.

Then the Chinese virus hit-------------no one in the USA is responsible for that, the Chinese caused it and the entire world should make them pay
Obama inherited a shitstorm. Forbes magazine said that Trumps' success was a carry over from the Obama administration.
You admit Trump was successful? That’s a good first step.
We did well until trump policy started kicking in.

yeah, the lowest unemployment rate in history and the highest stock market and the cancellation of bad trade deals was just terrible for the country. and to meet face to face with Kim of NK, how awful. to put the most sanctions ever on Russia and Iran, destroyed our country, right?

This country has needed a business approach for many years, we finally have it and will have it for at least another 4 years. Hopefully by 2024 the entire country will realize what a failure the dem/lib policies have been and will forever reject the dem commies.
Unemployment rate was going down for years before trump. What did we get from trump policy? Trillion dollar deficits.
It was at record lows? No. Wages were rising? No.

Much better under Trump. He is a much better president than BHO. If BHO was so strong, Clinton would have won as he said "she was the most qualified candidate in history"....people laughed out loud and voted for someone who never held political office.
You live in fantasy land. The little wage growth is from min wage increases. That isn’t trump policy. Trillion dollar deficits are trump policy,
Trillion dollar deficits are due to entitlements. No President can cure that without attacking them or jacking up tax rates by 50%.
What new entitlements we have with trump? Didn’t realize we got a bunch of new ones that drastically increased deficits. Please share.
Not new. Never said new. You're making stuff up now. I know you're elderly but learn to read. We spend too much on SS, Medicare and Medicaid.
So there is no new ones but deficits went from $600 billion to over a trillion. Gee I guess it must be something else then. Like maybe hurting revenue with tax cuts and huge increase in military spending.
Duh. Our population is aging. 10,000 people turn 62 daily. Baby Boomers are old. Like you. We are also living longer.

And people are dying. Funny how deficits were so much lower till we got trump policy.
Not at the same rate as those moving to our entitlement programs. What would you do? Raise taxes? We have a spend problem not a revenue problem. So before Trump we didn't have deficits? Do you blame Congress at all? I agree with you that deficits suck.
How did Obama keep them lower? We probably should raise some taxes. I blame the whole government. But the huge increase is trump policy. He hurt revenue with tax cuts and increased military spending. Gdp didn’t increase and deficits did.
He spent a lot less on the military and there were fewer people on entitlements. Again, population is aging rapidly and eclipsing those dying. So you blame the House as well. Excellent. Is the House Democrat or Republican?
Most the damage was done when the government was all repub. Again the huge gains are clearly from the tax cuts hurting revenue and trumps huge increase in military spending. You are a number jockey, it’s easy math.
Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Saying "Obama: Added $8.588 trillion" does not take in to account how much of that amount was due to factors out of his control, like inheriting a deep recession. One we could have recovered faster from if not for Repub sabotage.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!

You're so stupid.

U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009. When Did Obama take Office?

Do your own math.
He inherited a good economy and took credit for it.
Obama inherited a disaster. Trump inherited a good economy and drastically increased deficits our children will have to pay for.

neither is true. you are a victim of the lying media
They are both true.

Obama inherited an economy that was working, then in 08 we had a market correction driven by bad democrat mortgage policy.

Trump inherited an economy that was working slowly, then his policies caused it to boom.

Then the Chinese virus hit-------------no one in the USA is responsible for that, the Chinese caused it and the entire world should make them pay
Obama inherited a shitstorm. Forbes magazine said that Trumps' success was a carry over from the Obama administration.
You admit Trump was successful? That’s a good first step.
We did well until trump policy started kicking in.

yeah, the lowest unemployment rate in history and the highest stock market and the cancellation of bad trade deals was just terrible for the country. and to meet face to face with Kim of NK, how awful. to put the most sanctions ever on Russia and Iran, destroyed our country, right?

This country has needed a business approach for many years, we finally have it and will have it for at least another 4 years. Hopefully by 2024 the entire country will realize what a failure the dem/lib policies have been and will forever reject the dem commies.
Unemployment rate was going down for years before trump. What did we get from trump policy? Trillion dollar deficits.
It was at record lows? No. Wages were rising? No.

Much better under Trump. He is a much better president than BHO. If BHO was so strong, Clinton would have won as he said "she was the most qualified candidate in history"....people laughed out loud and voted for someone who never held political office.
You live in fantasy land. The little wage growth is from min wage increases. That isn’t trump policy. Trillion dollar deficits are trump policy,
Trillion dollar deficits are due to entitlements. No President can cure that without attacking them or jacking up tax rates by 50%.
What new entitlements we have with trump? Didn’t realize we got a bunch of new ones that drastically increased deficits. Please share.
Not new. Never said new. You're making stuff up now. I know you're elderly but learn to read. We spend too much on SS, Medicare and Medicaid.
So there is no new ones but deficits went from $600 billion to over a trillion. Gee I guess it must be something else then. Like maybe hurting revenue with tax cuts and huge increase in military spending.
Duh. Our population is aging. 10,000 people turn 62 daily. Baby Boomers are old. Like you. We are also living longer.

And people are dying. Funny how deficits were so much lower till we got trump policy.
Not at the same rate as those moving to our entitlement programs. What would you do? Raise taxes? We have a spend problem not a revenue problem. So before Trump we didn't have deficits? Do you blame Congress at all? I agree with you that deficits suck.
How did Obama keep them lower? We probably should raise some taxes. I blame the whole government. But the huge increase is trump policy. He hurt revenue with tax cuts and increased military spending. Gdp didn’t increase and deficits did.
He spent a lot less on the military and there were fewer people on entitlements. Again, population is aging rapidly and eclipsing those dying. So you blame the House as well. Excellent. Is the House Democrat or Republican?
Most the damage was done when the government was all repub. Again the huge gains are clearly from the tax cuts hurting revenue and trumps huge increase in military spending. You are a number jockey, it’s easy math.
When was the most recent budget passed? Was the House Republican or Democrat? If we didn't lower corp tax rates we would have had more corporate inversions. What you're ignoring is the trade war. Let's see how that plays out.
Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Saying "Obama: Added $8.588 trillion" does not take in to account how much of that amount was due to factors out of his control, like inheriting a deep recession. One we could have recovered faster from if not for Repub sabotage.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!

You're so stupid.

U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009. When Did Obama take Office?

Do your own math.
He inherited a good economy and took credit for it.
Obama inherited a disaster. Trump inherited a good economy and drastically increased deficits our children will have to pay for.

neither is true. you are a victim of the lying media
They are both true.

Obama inherited an economy that was working, then in 08 we had a market correction driven by bad democrat mortgage policy.

Trump inherited an economy that was working slowly, then his policies caused it to boom.

Then the Chinese virus hit-------------no one in the USA is responsible for that, the Chinese caused it and the entire world should make them pay
Obama inherited a shitstorm. Forbes magazine said that Trumps' success was a carry over from the Obama administration.
You admit Trump was successful? That’s a good first step.
We did well until trump policy started kicking in.

yeah, the lowest unemployment rate in history and the highest stock market and the cancellation of bad trade deals was just terrible for the country. and to meet face to face with Kim of NK, how awful. to put the most sanctions ever on Russia and Iran, destroyed our country, right?

This country has needed a business approach for many years, we finally have it and will have it for at least another 4 years. Hopefully by 2024 the entire country will realize what a failure the dem/lib policies have been and will forever reject the dem commies.
Unemployment rate was going down for years before trump. What did we get from trump policy? Trillion dollar deficits.
It was at record lows? No. Wages were rising? No.

Much better under Trump. He is a much better president than BHO. If BHO was so strong, Clinton would have won as he said "she was the most qualified candidate in history"....people laughed out loud and voted for someone who never held political office.
You live in fantasy land. The little wage growth is from min wage increases. That isn’t trump policy. Trillion dollar deficits are trump policy,
Trillion dollar deficits are due to entitlements. No President can cure that without attacking them or jacking up tax rates by 50%.
What new entitlements we have with trump? Didn’t realize we got a bunch of new ones that drastically increased deficits. Please share.
Not new. Never said new. You're making stuff up now. I know you're elderly but learn to read. We spend too much on SS, Medicare and Medicaid.
So there is no new ones but deficits went from $600 billion to over a trillion. Gee I guess it must be something else then. Like maybe hurting revenue with tax cuts and huge increase in military spending.
Duh. Our population is aging. 10,000 people turn 62 daily. Baby Boomers are old. Like you. We are also living longer.

And people are dying. Funny how deficits were so much lower till we got trump policy.
It’s (not) funny that Republicans want “less government”, yet the last US President who lowered Federal debt was a Democrat (Clinton).
Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Saying "Obama: Added $8.588 trillion" does not take in to account how much of that amount was due to factors out of his control, like inheriting a deep recession. One we could have recovered faster from if not for Repub sabotage.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!

You're so stupid.

U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009. When Did Obama take Office?

Do your own math.
He inherited a good economy and took credit for it.
Obama inherited a disaster. Trump inherited a good economy and drastically increased deficits our children will have to pay for.

neither is true. you are a victim of the lying media
They are both true.

Obama inherited an economy that was working, then in 08 we had a market correction driven by bad democrat mortgage policy.

Trump inherited an economy that was working slowly, then his policies caused it to boom.

Then the Chinese virus hit-------------no one in the USA is responsible for that, the Chinese caused it and the entire world should make them pay
Obama inherited a shitstorm. Forbes magazine said that Trumps' success was a carry over from the Obama administration.
You admit Trump was successful? That’s a good first step.
We did well until trump policy started kicking in.

yeah, the lowest unemployment rate in history and the highest stock market and the cancellation of bad trade deals was just terrible for the country. and to meet face to face with Kim of NK, how awful. to put the most sanctions ever on Russia and Iran, destroyed our country, right?

This country has needed a business approach for many years, we finally have it and will have it for at least another 4 years. Hopefully by 2024 the entire country will realize what a failure the dem/lib policies have been and will forever reject the dem commies.
Unemployment rate was going down for years before trump. What did we get from trump policy? Trillion dollar deficits.
It was at record lows? No. Wages were rising? No.

Much better under Trump. He is a much better president than BHO. If BHO was so strong, Clinton would have won as he said "she was the most qualified candidate in history"....people laughed out loud and voted for someone who never held political office.
You live in fantasy land. The little wage growth is from min wage increases. That isn’t trump policy. Trillion dollar deficits are trump policy,
Trillion dollar deficits are due to entitlements. No President can cure that without attacking them or jacking up tax rates by 50%.
What new entitlements we have with trump? Didn’t realize we got a bunch of new ones that drastically increased deficits. Please share.
Not new. Never said new. You're making stuff up now. I know you're elderly but learn to read. We spend too much on SS, Medicare and Medicaid.
So there is no new ones but deficits went from $600 billion to over a trillion. Gee I guess it must be something else then. Like maybe hurting revenue with tax cuts and huge increase in military spending.
Duh. Our population is aging. 10,000 people turn 62 daily. Baby Boomers are old. Like you. We are also living longer.

And people are dying. Funny how deficits were so much lower till we got trump policy.
It’s (not) funny that Republicans want “less government”, yet the last US President who lowered Federal debt was a Democrat (Clinton).
I was only born in 1980 so forgive my ignorance but did he not benefit from the .com era?
Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Saying "Obama: Added $8.588 trillion" does not take in to account how much of that amount was due to factors out of his control, like inheriting a deep recession. One we could have recovered faster from if not for Repub sabotage.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!

You're so stupid.

U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009. When Did Obama take Office?

Do your own math.
He inherited a good economy and took credit for it.
Obama inherited a disaster. Trump inherited a good economy and drastically increased deficits our children will have to pay for.

neither is true. you are a victim of the lying media
They are both true.

Obama inherited an economy that was working, then in 08 we had a market correction driven by bad democrat mortgage policy.

Trump inherited an economy that was working slowly, then his policies caused it to boom.

Then the Chinese virus hit-------------no one in the USA is responsible for that, the Chinese caused it and the entire world should make them pay
Obama inherited a shitstorm. Forbes magazine said that Trumps' success was a carry over from the Obama administration.
You admit Trump was successful? That’s a good first step.
We did well until trump policy started kicking in.

yeah, the lowest unemployment rate in history and the highest stock market and the cancellation of bad trade deals was just terrible for the country. and to meet face to face with Kim of NK, how awful. to put the most sanctions ever on Russia and Iran, destroyed our country, right?

This country has needed a business approach for many years, we finally have it and will have it for at least another 4 years. Hopefully by 2024 the entire country will realize what a failure the dem/lib policies have been and will forever reject the dem commies.
Unemployment rate was going down for years before trump. What did we get from trump policy? Trillion dollar deficits.
It was at record lows? No. Wages were rising? No.

Much better under Trump. He is a much better president than BHO. If BHO was so strong, Clinton would have won as he said "she was the most qualified candidate in history"....people laughed out loud and voted for someone who never held political office.
You live in fantasy land. The little wage growth is from min wage increases. That isn’t trump policy. Trillion dollar deficits are trump policy,
Trillion dollar deficits are due to entitlements. No President can cure that without attacking them or jacking up tax rates by 50%.
What new entitlements we have with trump? Didn’t realize we got a bunch of new ones that drastically increased deficits. Please share.
Not new. Never said new. You're making stuff up now. I know you're elderly but learn to read. We spend too much on SS, Medicare and Medicaid.
So there is no new ones but deficits went from $600 billion to over a trillion. Gee I guess it must be something else then. Like maybe hurting revenue with tax cuts and huge increase in military spending.
Duh. Our population is aging. 10,000 people turn 62 daily. Baby Boomers are old. Like you. We are also living longer.

And people are dying. Funny how deficits were so much lower till we got trump policy.
Not at the same rate as those moving to our entitlement programs. What would you do? Raise taxes? We have a spend problem not a revenue problem. So before Trump we didn't have deficits? Do you blame Congress at all? I agree with you that deficits suck.
How did Obama keep them lower? We probably should raise some taxes. I blame the whole government. But the huge increase is trump policy. He hurt revenue with tax cuts and increased military spending. Gdp didn’t increase and deficits did.
He spent a lot less on the military and there were fewer people on entitlements. Again, population is aging rapidly and eclipsing those dying. So you blame the House as well. Excellent. Is the House Democrat or Republican?
Most the damage was done when the government was all repub. Again the huge gains are clearly from the tax cuts hurting revenue and trumps huge increase in military spending. You are a number jockey, it’s easy math.
When was the most recent budget passed? Was the House Republican or Democrat? If we didn't lower corp tax rates we would have had more corporate inversions. What you're ignoring is the trade war. Let's see how that plays out.
The damage was done before the most recent. Funny how hard you try to dodge the real cause. We got nothing from the Corp tax cuts, they were a failure. Trade war is more failed trump policy. It hurt manufacturing, nothing more.
Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Saying "Obama: Added $8.588 trillion" does not take in to account how much of that amount was due to factors out of his control, like inheriting a deep recession. One we could have recovered faster from if not for Repub sabotage.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!

You're so stupid.

U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009. When Did Obama take Office?

Do your own math.
He inherited a good economy and took credit for it.
Obama inherited a disaster. Trump inherited a good economy and drastically increased deficits our children will have to pay for.

neither is true. you are a victim of the lying media
They are both true.

Obama inherited an economy that was working, then in 08 we had a market correction driven by bad democrat mortgage policy.

Trump inherited an economy that was working slowly, then his policies caused it to boom.

Then the Chinese virus hit-------------no one in the USA is responsible for that, the Chinese caused it and the entire world should make them pay
Obama inherited a shitstorm. Forbes magazine said that Trumps' success was a carry over from the Obama administration.
You admit Trump was successful? That’s a good first step.
We did well until trump policy started kicking in.

yeah, the lowest unemployment rate in history and the highest stock market and the cancellation of bad trade deals was just terrible for the country. and to meet face to face with Kim of NK, how awful. to put the most sanctions ever on Russia and Iran, destroyed our country, right?

This country has needed a business approach for many years, we finally have it and will have it for at least another 4 years. Hopefully by 2024 the entire country will realize what a failure the dem/lib policies have been and will forever reject the dem commies.
Unemployment rate was going down for years before trump. What did we get from trump policy? Trillion dollar deficits.
It was at record lows? No. Wages were rising? No.

Much better under Trump. He is a much better president than BHO. If BHO was so strong, Clinton would have won as he said "she was the most qualified candidate in history"....people laughed out loud and voted for someone who never held political office.
You live in fantasy land. The little wage growth is from min wage increases. That isn’t trump policy. Trillion dollar deficits are trump policy,
Trillion dollar deficits are due to entitlements. No President can cure that without attacking them or jacking up tax rates by 50%.
What new entitlements we have with trump? Didn’t realize we got a bunch of new ones that drastically increased deficits. Please share.
Not new. Never said new. You're making stuff up now. I know you're elderly but learn to read. We spend too much on SS, Medicare and Medicaid.
So there is no new ones but deficits went from $600 billion to over a trillion. Gee I guess it must be something else then. Like maybe hurting revenue with tax cuts and huge increase in military spending.
Duh. Our population is aging. 10,000 people turn 62 daily. Baby Boomers are old. Like you. We are also living longer.

And people are dying. Funny how deficits were so much lower till we got trump policy.
It’s (not) funny that Republicans want “less government”, yet the last US President who lowered Federal debt was a Democrat (Clinton).
I was only born in 1980 so forgive my ignorance but did he not benefit from the .com era?
He was fiscally responsible.
Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Saying "Obama: Added $8.588 trillion" does not take in to account how much of that amount was due to factors out of his control, like inheriting a deep recession. One we could have recovered faster from if not for Repub sabotage.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!

You're so stupid.

U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009. When Did Obama take Office?

Do your own math.
He inherited a good economy and took credit for it.
Obama inherited a disaster. Trump inherited a good economy and drastically increased deficits our children will have to pay for.

neither is true. you are a victim of the lying media
They are both true.

Obama inherited an economy that was working, then in 08 we had a market correction driven by bad democrat mortgage policy.

Trump inherited an economy that was working slowly, then his policies caused it to boom.

Then the Chinese virus hit-------------no one in the USA is responsible for that, the Chinese caused it and the entire world should make them pay
Obama inherited a shitstorm. Forbes magazine said that Trumps' success was a carry over from the Obama administration.

Forbes magazine said that Trumps' success was a carry over from the Obama administration.

The magazine? Or was it a writer for Forbes?

Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Saying "Obama: Added $8.588 trillion" does not take in to account how much of that amount was due to factors out of his control, like inheriting a deep recession. One we could have recovered faster from if not for Repub sabotage.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!

You're so stupid.

U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009. When Did Obama take Office?

Do your own math.
He inherited a good economy and took credit for it.
Obama inherited a disaster. Trump inherited a good economy and drastically increased deficits our children will have to pay for.

neither is true. you are a victim of the lying media
They are both true.

Obama inherited an economy that was working, then in 08 we had a market correction driven by bad democrat mortgage policy.

Trump inherited an economy that was working slowly, then his policies caused it to boom.

Then the Chinese virus hit-------------no one in the USA is responsible for that, the Chinese caused it and the entire world should make them pay
Obama inherited a shitstorm. Forbes magazine said that Trumps' success was a carry over from the Obama administration.
You admit Trump was successful? That’s a good first step.
We did well until trump policy started kicking in.

yeah, the lowest unemployment rate in history and the highest stock market and the cancellation of bad trade deals was just terrible for the country. and to meet face to face with Kim of NK, how awful. to put the most sanctions ever on Russia and Iran, destroyed our country, right?

This country has needed a business approach for many years, we finally have it and will have it for at least another 4 years. Hopefully by 2024 the entire country will realize what a failure the dem/lib policies have been and will forever reject the dem commies.
Unemployment rate was going down for years before trump. What did we get from trump policy? Trillion dollar deficits.
It was at record lows? No. Wages were rising? No.

Much better under Trump. He is a much better president than BHO. If BHO was so strong, Clinton would have won as he said "she was the most qualified candidate in history"....people laughed out loud and voted for someone who never held political office.
You live in fantasy land. The little wage growth is from min wage increases. That isn’t trump policy. Trillion dollar deficits are trump policy,
Trillion dollar deficits are due to entitlements. No President can cure that without attacking them or jacking up tax rates by 50%.
What new entitlements we have with trump? Didn’t realize we got a bunch of new ones that drastically increased deficits. Please share.
Not new. Never said new. You're making stuff up now. I know you're elderly but learn to read. We spend too much on SS, Medicare and Medicaid.
So there is no new ones but deficits went from $600 billion to over a trillion. Gee I guess it must be something else then. Like maybe hurting revenue with tax cuts and huge increase in military spending.
Duh. Our population is aging. 10,000 people turn 62 daily. Baby Boomers are old. Like you. We are also living longer.

And people are dying. Funny how deficits were so much lower till we got trump policy.
Not at the same rate as those moving to our entitlement programs. What would you do? Raise taxes? We have a spend problem not a revenue problem. So before Trump we didn't have deficits? Do you blame Congress at all? I agree with you that deficits suck.
How did Obama keep them lower? We probably should raise some taxes. I blame the whole government. But the huge increase is trump policy. He hurt revenue with tax cuts and increased military spending. Gdp didn’t increase and deficits did.
He spent a lot less on the military and there were fewer people on entitlements. Again, population is aging rapidly and eclipsing those dying. So you blame the House as well. Excellent. Is the House Democrat or Republican?
Most the damage was done when the government was all repub. Again the huge gains are clearly from the tax cuts hurting revenue and trumps huge increase in military spending. You are a number jockey, it’s easy math.
When was the most recent budget passed? Was the House Republican or Democrat? If we didn't lower corp tax rates we would have had more corporate inversions. What you're ignoring is the trade war. Let's see how that plays out.
The damage was done before the most recent. Funny how hard you try to dodge the real cause. We got nothing from the Corp tax cuts, they were a failure. Trade war is more failed trump policy. It hurt manufacturing, nothing more.
I disagree they were a failure. You cannot comprehend that we have an expense problem not a revenue problem. Show me our revenue before and after tax cuts.
Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Saying "Obama: Added $8.588 trillion" does not take in to account how much of that amount was due to factors out of his control, like inheriting a deep recession. One we could have recovered faster from if not for Repub sabotage.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!

You're so stupid.

U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009. When Did Obama take Office?

Do your own math.
He inherited a good economy and took credit for it.
Obama inherited a disaster. Trump inherited a good economy and drastically increased deficits our children will have to pay for.

neither is true. you are a victim of the lying media
They are both true.

Obama inherited an economy that was working, then in 08 we had a market correction driven by bad democrat mortgage policy.

Trump inherited an economy that was working slowly, then his policies caused it to boom.

Then the Chinese virus hit-------------no one in the USA is responsible for that, the Chinese caused it and the entire world should make them pay
Obama inherited a shitstorm. Forbes magazine said that Trumps' success was a carry over from the Obama administration.
You admit Trump was successful? That’s a good first step.
We did well until trump policy started kicking in.

yeah, the lowest unemployment rate in history and the highest stock market and the cancellation of bad trade deals was just terrible for the country. and to meet face to face with Kim of NK, how awful. to put the most sanctions ever on Russia and Iran, destroyed our country, right?

This country has needed a business approach for many years, we finally have it and will have it for at least another 4 years. Hopefully by 2024 the entire country will realize what a failure the dem/lib policies have been and will forever reject the dem commies.
Unemployment rate was going down for years before trump. What did we get from trump policy? Trillion dollar deficits.
It was at record lows? No. Wages were rising? No.

Much better under Trump. He is a much better president than BHO. If BHO was so strong, Clinton would have won as he said "she was the most qualified candidate in history"....people laughed out loud and voted for someone who never held political office.
You live in fantasy land. The little wage growth is from min wage increases. That isn’t trump policy. Trillion dollar deficits are trump policy,
Trillion dollar deficits are due to entitlements. No President can cure that without attacking them or jacking up tax rates by 50%.
What new entitlements we have with trump? Didn’t realize we got a bunch of new ones that drastically increased deficits. Please share.
Not new. Never said new. You're making stuff up now. I know you're elderly but learn to read. We spend too much on SS, Medicare and Medicaid.
So there is no new ones but deficits went from $600 billion to over a trillion. Gee I guess it must be something else then. Like maybe hurting revenue with tax cuts and huge increase in military spending.
Duh. Our population is aging. 10,000 people turn 62 daily. Baby Boomers are old. Like you. We are also living longer.

And people are dying. Funny how deficits were so much lower till we got trump policy.
It’s (not) funny that Republicans want “less government”, yet the last US President who lowered Federal debt was a Democrat (Clinton).
I was only born in 1980 so forgive my ignorance but did he not benefit from the .com era?
He was fiscally responsible.
Examples? Was it not under him that Greenspan created the program of 0% down so that everyone could own a house?

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