Trump lawyer: Mueller improperly obtained transition documents in Russia probe

For all we know, it's just Flynn's transition emails with others, of which Flynn gave permission for the FBI investigators to read his email correspondences as part of Flynn's cooperation in exchange for his plea deal....
Mueller asked the GSA, the GSA gave them the emails. That's entirely legit for Mueller. If someone did wrong, it's the GSA, but the GSA is reaffirming that they made the right call. And Mueller's team is composed of the best legal minds in the nation. You know they've done their homework, every "i" dotted and "t" crossed. In comparison, the Trump team is a pack of clowns. The funny thing is how the weepy Trumptards here actually believe the clowns. So what if the clowns have lied to them every time before? Being a Trumptard means you're incapable of learning.

So, what's really happening here? The corrupt Trumpflakes here are faking another story in a lame attempt to discredit Mueller. Ho hum. It's not working. Nobody outside of their Stalinist cult believes a word of it. America overwhelmingly backs Mueller.

This is another reason why the Trump team is freaking out. You know some of the underlings testified/lied the way they did because they thought Mueller didn't have their emails. Now Mueller has the written evidence that they lied in their testimony, and they are so screwed. They either turn or go to jail, and the Trump team knows this.

The other funny thing? Trumptards having the nerve to whine about stolen emails. Hypocrisy is so ingrained the Trumptards, they no longer even realize when they're being hypocrites.
GSA failed to note the emails were privileged and had protections requiring a warrant, which they did not get... Fruit of the poisonous tree. Both the GSA and Muellers team were aware of the requirements and the status of the material. No excuse for this. Now you loose all the so called "evidence" you thought you had. And you lose everything that was gleaned or learned from that information leading you.. The root poisons the whole..

Laughing my ass off at this. 1st year Law students are taught about making this simple mistake.... And and the experienced Mueller team was either to arrogant to follow the law or stupid..

Dumbass, Trump has NO CLAIM against Meuller. EVEN IF TRUE the claim is ENTIRELY against the custodian of the documents who released them - GSA.

I know you don’t like Mueller because he is cleaning a swamp you love, but the inconvenient fact for Trumpsters is that Mueller is conducting his investigation lawfully so far as we know. PERIOD.
My instincts tell me Mueller, doesn't want the investigation to turn inward and become an investigation into him, his methods and his choices for his team. This may end sooner than some expect as he realizes that quite possibly he's been duped by his own team and possibly some outside political influences.

There is also a feeling that the loss in Alabama is a major wakeup call to the GOP. I bet you noone felt Moore would lose even as his own party suggested he wasn't a good choice. When he lost, it was a message "you can lose ANY state now", even though this was a special case, and possibly even dirty politics. So they are going to rally around Trump possibly more than they might have a few months ago as they are staring at the reminder of how American was governed just a year earlier, where they had no power.

Mueller really has a pristine record of service for his country, so I cant imagine he would do anything than what is right at this point in his life. Even if that means admitting errors of taking "bad counsel" from others. Whatever the truth is, expose it, charge or move on and allow the country to be governed in peace.
i hope so. i just want someone to be honest and hold us all to the letter of the law, not the whim of the politician. but it needs to be equal for all sides. otherwise it's only going to get worse.
For all we know, it's just Flynn's transition emails with others, of which Flynn gave permission for the FBI investigators to read his email correspondences as part of Flynn's cooperation in exchange for his plea deal....
pretty sure if it were that simple it would have been verified as such by now.

my problem is if he got them illegally then we need to follow that process and if that disallows evidence, so be it. follow the law, not the desire.

anti-trump people won't care how anything is gotten if it will take him down. that is a very dangerous ground to be on but again, they just don't care.
So was a warrant produced?
I don't know for certain, but from what was being reported... it was the government's property...He requested it from the office that maintains government emails...I believe they said the GAO....gvt accountability office or something like that? Maybe he served them with a subpoena??? The investigation team is not leaking how they did it, just that they did it legally....

And if by law it required a warrant, then Mueller got a warrant....because he may have needed to use the information he was requesting, in a court of law at a later date.
That’s the lefts version.
:lol: if you say so....

a prosecutors goal is to prosecute, Willow....they know the law and rules, inside out....

Trump's lawyer did not file a complaint in the Courts over it, he simply sent a letter to congress about it and never in the letter did he state it was illegal for the emails to be gotten... in the letter to the republican congress criiters from his Lawyer...

It was just the Trumpettes following their right wing Trump Media, claimed it was...they made that up....yes, fake news....

Does your presidential pick ever stop shouting and whining like a 3 year old???
You have whined so loud you no longer can hear yourself. If it was a criminal investigation it requires a warrant. Was one issued? Yes? Or No?
if one was required for the government to read government emails, then yes, a warrant was issued. The investigation said ''they followed the LEGAL process to obtain the emails''
And, Trump disagrees. Now the other side needs to produce that warrant.
  1. Demonize your opponents. Lie like crazy, but demonize anyone who criticises or questions your lies. 'Liar in Chief 'Rump Doctrine.
  1. Demonize your opponents. Lie like crazy, but demonize anyone who criticises or questions your lies. 'Liar in Chief 'Rump Doctrine.
dude - you don't see what CNN and the liberals are doing - this exact same thing.

shame people know that tactic too well and simply continuing to say it's the other side doesn't work anymore.
  1. Demonize your opponents. Lie like crazy, but demonize anyone who criticises or questions your lies. 'Liar in Chief 'Rump Doctrine.
What are ewe libtards doing if not demonizing. You are a bunch of gutter rats against everything that would help this country get out of the cluster fuck obummer left!. Obama and his Iran deal. Did you know he let them run drugs into the US? Told the DEA to take no action?
For all we know, it's just Flynn's transition emails with others, of which Flynn gave permission for the FBI investigators to read his email correspondences as part of Flynn's cooperation in exchange for his plea deal....
pretty sure if it were that simple it would have been verified as such by now.

my problem is if he got them illegally then we need to follow that process and if that disallows evidence, so be it. follow the law, not the desire.

anti-trump people won't care how anything is gotten if it will take him down. that is a very dangerous ground to be on but again, they just don't care.
I agree that it should be done legally and there is no doubt that Mueller did it LEGALLY, however they were acquired...he is an upstanding law enforcement man and knows the letter of the law upside down and inside out.... and he has no intention of messing up this case with a technicality.

so Trump can whine all he wants about it being unfair.... and all that jazz....

it means nothing if the investigators followed the law (which I'm certain they did)....if they did not, (which is highly unlikely) then they can't use the info to prosecute.
For all we know, it's just Flynn's transition emails with others, of which Flynn gave permission for the FBI investigators to read his email correspondences as part of Flynn's cooperation in exchange for his plea deal....
pretty sure if it were that simple it would have been verified as such by now.

my problem is if he got them illegally then we need to follow that process and if that disallows evidence, so be it. follow the law, not the desire.

anti-trump people won't care how anything is gotten if it will take him down. that is a very dangerous ground to be on but again, they just don't care.
I agree that it should be done legally and there is no doubt that Mueller did it LEGALLY, however they were acquired...he is an upstanding law enforcement man and knows the letter of the law upside down and inside out.... and he has no intention of messing up this case with a technicality.

so Trump can whine all he wants about it being unfair.... and all that jazz....

it means nothing if the investigators followed the law (which I'm certain they did)....if they did not, (which is highly unlikely) then they can't use the info to prosecute.
It is not fair, it is biased. All his investigators are donors and democrats! And ewe expect us to believe it is fair?
  1. Demonize your opponents. Lie like crazy, but demonize anyone who criticises or questions your lies. 'Liar in Chief 'Rump Doctrine.
dude - you don't see what CNN and the liberals are doing - this exact same thing.

shame people know that tactic too well and simply continuing to say it's the other side doesn't work anymore.
No, it is the "What about..." excuse and defense that has become old and obsolete
For all we know, it's just Flynn's transition emails with others, of which Flynn gave permission for the FBI investigators to read his email correspondences as part of Flynn's cooperation in exchange for his plea deal....
pretty sure if it were that simple it would have been verified as such by now.

my problem is if he got them illegally then we need to follow that process and if that disallows evidence, so be it. follow the law, not the desire.

anti-trump people won't care how anything is gotten if it will take him down. that is a very dangerous ground to be on but again, they just don't care.
I agree that it should be done legally and there is no doubt that Mueller did it LEGALLY, however they were acquired...he is an upstanding law enforcement man and knows the letter of the law upside down and inside out.... and he has no intention of messing up this case with a technicality.

so Trump can whine all he wants about it being unfair.... and all that jazz....

it means nothing if the investigators followed the law (which I'm certain they did)....if they did not, (which is highly unlikely) then they can't use the info to prosecute.
if it turns out this is more incorrect news, great. if not, then whatever he found as i understand it is thrown out. my overall problem with the investigation so far is that it keeps suffering from "scope creep" and drifting into other areas.

as for trump "whining" - he's already said he has no plans to fire him.
Trump: I'm not considering firing special counsel Mueller

but so many people - such as yourself illustrated in your own commentary - are biased that seeing things for right or wrong is going to have a spin on it and there's where we drift off to bad areas.
  1. Demonize your opponents. Lie like crazy, but demonize anyone who criticises or questions your lies. 'Liar in Chief 'Rump Doctrine.
dude - you don't see what CNN and the liberals are doing - this exact same thing.

shame people know that tactic too well and simply continuing to say it's the other side doesn't work anymore.
No, it is the "What about..." excuse and defense that has become old and obsolete
you mean like the left calling anyone who disagrees with them:


and anything else you can by shifting to instant extreme? and if this isn't to discredit or cover your own flaws, then why do it?

don't answer. i just flushed and have had enough shit for this am.
  1. Demonize your opponents. Lie like crazy, but demonize anyone who criticises or questions your lies. 'Liar in Chief 'Rump Doctrine.
What are ewe libtards doing if not demonizing. You are a bunch of gutter rats against everything that would help this country get out of the cluster fuck obummer left!. Obama and his Iran deal. Did you know he let them run drugs into the US? Told the DEA to take no action?
Obama left you with an unemployment rate in the 4% range from being 10%, a stock market that rose +300% in his 8 years, a running budget deficit that was $1.5 trillion a year down to $400 billion a year..... :rolleyes:
  1. Demonize your opponents. Lie like crazy, but demonize anyone who criticises or questions your lies. 'Liar in Chief 'Rump Doctrine.
dude - you don't see what CNN and the liberals are doing - this exact same thing.

shame people know that tactic too well and simply continuing to say it's the other side doesn't work anymore.
No, it is the "What about..." excuse and defense that has become old and obsolete
you mean like the left calling anyone who disagrees with them:


and anything else you can by shifting to instant extreme? and if this isn't to discredit or cover your own flaws, then why do it?

don't answer. i just flushed and have had enough shit for this am.
All of those things are represented in today's Republican Party, particularly the Liar in Chief's faction.
Republicans see red when dems demonize?? A lesson learned from our republican frauds Guess they didnt see the 5 or 6 republicans bashing Mueller on TV yesterday His boss Rosenstein in essence told them they were FOS A Marine that went to war injured ,,a great American a Republican all his life and these scum bash him I don't need mods down my neck but I'd love to tell you repubs what I really think
  1. Demonize your opponents. Lie like crazy, but demonize anyone who criticises or questions your lies. 'Liar in Chief 'Rump Doctrine.
What are ewe libtards doing if not demonizing. You are a bunch of gutter rats against everything that would help this country get out of the cluster fuck obummer left!. Obama and his Iran deal. Did you know he let them run drugs into the US? Told the DEA to take no action?
Obama left you with an unemployment rate in the 4% range from being 10%, a stock market that rose +300% in his 8 years, a running budget deficit that was $1.5 trillion a year down to $400 billion a year..... :rolleyes:
how much cash did obama print anyway?
Republicans see red when dems demonize?? A lesson learned from our republican frauds Guess they didnt see the 5 or 6 republicans bashing Mueller on TV yesterday His boss Rosenstein in essence told them they were FOS A Marine that went to war injured ,,a great American a Republican all his life and these scum bash him I don't need mods down my neck but I'd love to tell you repubs what I really think
yea, because eddie, the liberals would never bash or demonize someone.

now - do you want the videos are can you let this go as human nature now?
  1. Demonize your opponents. Lie like crazy, but demonize anyone who criticises or questions your lies. 'Liar in Chief 'Rump Doctrine.
dude - you don't see what CNN and the liberals are doing - this exact same thing.

shame people know that tactic too well and simply continuing to say it's the other side doesn't work anymore.
No, it is the "What about..." excuse and defense that has become old and obsolete
you mean like the left calling anyone who disagrees with them:


and anything else you can by shifting to instant extreme? and if this isn't to discredit or cover your own flaws, then why do it?

don't answer. i just flushed and have had enough shit for this am.
All of those things are represented in today's Republican Party, particularly the Liar in Chief's faction.
so - you first yell and scream that the right calls people these names and demonizes others.

then you now say they are all those things and are in fact calling them the extreme names you were blaming on them just the post before.

dude, you just went total dumbass in 1 post.


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