Trump lawyer: Mueller improperly obtained transition documents in Russia probe

Trump's lawyers KNOW it was not illegal for Mueller to get these emails as part of the investigation in to the russian interference.

His lawyer sent the letter to congress right wing critters, and congress can do noting about legal or illegal acts....

If the Trump Lawyers actually believed it was illegal to get the Trump transition team emails used on the government server, then they would have filed an injunction to STOP Mueller from going any further with them.... in the Courts/before a judge.
Yeah...I'm sure the fake news networks will claim that he's changed his story.
This is called muddying the waters with bullshit.
so again, what was improper. kindly site statutes and caselaw.
FYI this is the 3rd thread posted this topic, though it looks like you were First!!

Mueller asked for permission from the email account holders or used the appropriate process in a Criminal Investigation to obtain them....

THAT, straight from the investigation team.

The president and the president's team are under CRIMINAL investigation.
So was a warrant produced?

you wouldn't know about it. there's no requirement they disclose it to you or the Donald.

you're welcome.
FYI this is the 3rd thread posted this topic, though it looks like you were First!!

Mueller asked for permission from the email account holders or used the appropriate process in a Criminal Investigation to obtain them....

THAT, straight from the investigation team.

The president and the president's team are under CRIMINAL investigation.
So was a warrant produced?

you wouldn't know about it. there's no requirement they disclose it to you or the Donald.

you're welcome.
I don’t recall asking ewe!
So, Trumptards, if Trump has the law on his side, why hasn't his legal team challenged anything in court? I mean, that's what normal people do when the law is on their side.

Instead, the trump team ... wrote a letter to congress and the media. That's what people do when they have nothing, and are trying to fake a scandal.

Trumpflakes, this is where you run. You always run. It's what defines you.

Some of you should try to pull an Angus. That's where you fake a story about what liberals believe, being you're too gutless to address what liberals actually say. Then, when the liberals just ignore your weeping act, you can declare victory and run.
FYI this is the 3rd thread posted this topic, though it looks like you were First!!

Mueller asked for permission from the email account holders or used the appropriate process in a Criminal Investigation to obtain them....

THAT, straight from the investigation team.

The president and the president's team are under CRIMINAL investigation.
So was a warrant produced?

you wouldn't know about it. there's no requirement they disclose it to you or the Donald.

you're welcome.
Certainly not when it is a part of an official Counter Intelligence Investigation and a Criminal investigation....

The way the Trump team found out about it, is staffers that were questioned by the Investigators this past week, were asked questions by the investigators that they could only be known by reading the emails from the govt files.
FYI this is the 3rd thread posted this topic, though it looks like you were First!!

Mueller asked for permission from the email account holders or used the appropriate process in a Criminal Investigation to obtain them....

THAT, straight from the investigation team.

The president and the president's team are under CRIMINAL investigation.
So was a warrant produced?

you wouldn't know about it. there's no requirement they disclose it to you or the Donald.

you're welcome.
Certainly not when it is a part of an official Counter Intelligence Investigation and a Criminal investigation....

The way the Trump team found out about it, is staffers that were questioned by the Investigators this past week, were asked questions by the investigators that they could only be known by reading the emails from the govt files.

they had every right to get documents and test the honesty of the people they were questioning. and if they were given a warrant it means a federal judge had cause to believe that a crime occurred and that there was a likelihood that they wouldn't be candid.
FYI this is the 3rd thread posted this topic, though it looks like you were First!!

Mueller asked for permission from the email account holders or used the appropriate process in a Criminal Investigation to obtain them....

THAT, straight from the investigation team.

The president and the president's team are under CRIMINAL investigation.
So was a warrant produced?
I don't know for certain, but from what was being reported... it was the government's property...He requested it from the office that maintains government emails...I believe they said the GAO....gvt accountability office or something like that? Maybe he served them with a subpoena??? The investigation team is not leaking how they did it, just that they did it legally....

And if by law it required a warrant, then Mueller got a warrant....because he may have needed to use the information he was requesting, in a court of law at a later date.
FYI this is the 3rd thread posted this topic, though it looks like you were First!!

Mueller asked for permission from the email account holders or used the appropriate process in a Criminal Investigation to obtain them....

THAT, straight from the investigation team.

The president and the president's team are under CRIMINAL investigation.
So was a warrant produced?
I don't know for certain, but from what was being reported... it was the government's property...He requested it from the office that maintains government emails...I believe they said the GAO....gvt accountability office or something like that? Maybe he served them with a subpoena??? The investigation team is not leaking how they did it, just that they did it legally....

And if by law it required a warrant, then Mueller got a warrant....because he may have needed to use the information he was requesting, in a court of law at a later date.
That’s the lefts version.
One of the great Americans ,a marine who went to war and was injured And the lowlife shit for brains republicans and trump try to pull him down F all of you traitors
FYI this is the 3rd thread posted this topic, though it looks like you were First!!

Mueller asked for permission from the email account holders or used the appropriate process in a Criminal Investigation to obtain them....

THAT, straight from the investigation team.

The president and the president's team are under CRIMINAL investigation.
So was a warrant produced?
I don't know for certain, but from what was being reported... it was the government's property...He requested it from the office that maintains government emails...I believe they said the GAO....gvt accountability office or something like that? Maybe he served them with a subpoena??? The investigation team is not leaking how they did it, just that they did it legally....

And if by law it required a warrant, then Mueller got a warrant....because he may have needed to use the information he was requesting, in a court of law at a later date.
That’s the lefts version.
:lol: if you say so....

a prosecutors goal is to prosecute, Willow....they know the law and rules, inside out....

Trump's lawyer did not file a complaint in the Courts over it, he simply sent a letter to congress about it and never in the letter did he state it was illegal for the emails to be gotten... in the letter to the republican congress criiters from his Lawyer...

It was just the Trumpettes following their right wing Trump Media, claimed it was...they made that up....yes, fake news....

Does your presidential pick ever stop shouting and whining like a 3 year old???
And then there's this crappola
Lawmakers scrambling to lock up Republican support for the tax reform bill added a complicated provision late in the process -- one that would provide a multimillion-dollar windfall to real estate investors such as President Donald Trump.

The change, which would allow real estate businesses to take advantage of a new tax break that’s planned for partnerships, limited liability companies and other so-called “pass-through” businesses, combined elements of House and Senate legislation in a new way. Its beneficiaries are clear, tax experts say, and they include a president who’s said that the tax legislation wouldn’t help him financially.

“This last-minute provision will significantly benefit the ultra-wealthy real estate investor, including the president and lawmakers on both sides of the aisle, resulting in a timely tax-reduction gift for the holidays,” said Harvey Bezozi, a certified public accountant and the founder of “Ordinary people who invest in rental real estate will also benefit.”

James Repetti, a tax law professor at Boston College Law School, said: “This is a windfall for real estate developers like Trump.”

The revision might also bring tax benefits to several members of Congress, according to financial disclosures they’ve filed that reflect ownership of pass-through firms with real estate holdings. One such lawmaker, Republican Senator Bob Corker of Tennessee, who’d voted against an earlier version of the legislation, said on Friday that he would support the revised legislation.

Corker said in an interview on Saturday that his change of heart had nothing to do with the added benefit for real estate investors. On Sunday he wrote to Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch seeking an explanation for how the provision came to be included in the final bill after being asked about it by a reporter.
One of the great Americans ,a marine who went to war and was injured And the lowlife shit for brains republicans and trump try to pull him down F all of you traitors
The republican party has become the opposite of patriots.
My instincts tell me Mueller, doesn't want the investigation to turn inward and become an investigation into him, his methods and his choices for his team. This may end sooner than some expect as he realizes that quite possibly he's been duped by his own team and possibly some outside political influences.

There is also a feeling that the loss in Alabama is a major wakeup call to the GOP. I bet you noone felt Moore would lose even as his own party suggested he wasn't a good choice. When he lost, it was a message "you can lose ANY state now", even though this was a special case, and possibly even dirty politics. So they are going to rally around Trump possibly more than they might have a few months ago as they are staring at the reminder of how American was governed just a year earlier, where they had no power.

Mueller really has a pristine record of service for his country, so I cant imagine he would do anything than what is right at this point in his life. Even if that means admitting errors of taking "bad counsel" from others. Whatever the truth is, expose it, charge or move on and allow the country to be governed in peace.

Not too worried for Mueller, the Trump lawyers have acted like children for a while...

Even the removal last week means nothing... They are investigators, they can have opinions... Ken Starr had one during the Clinton investigations... But Mueller rightfully dismissed him from the team.

Trump's lawyers have said some laughful stuff at this stage...
Uh oh...someone is about to be shit-canned!
This could be just the reason needed..haha
Trump lawyer: Mueller improperly obtained transition documents in Russia probe

Anything that is on a government email address (.gov) - is accessible either by request or through legal means.

Mueller’s investigators obtained the emails from the General Services Administration, a federal agency that stored the material, rather than request them from Trump’s still-existing transition group, Trump for America, Kory Langhofer, the group’s general counsel, said in a letter sent to two congressional committees. Transition officials signed agreements that warn them that materials kept on the government servers are subject to monitoring and auditing, Loewentritt told Buzzfeed, and there’s no expectation of privacy. Late Saturday, Mueller’s spokesman, Peter Carr, said the special counsel’s office has followed the law when it has obtained documents during its investigation.
Trump criticizes how Mueller obtained transition emails, says no plans to fire special counsel

You people are so hypocritical. There you were praising a felony for hacking into DNC databases for emails,--and now you're outraged because Mueller obtained emails legally.--:badgrin:
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FYI this is the 3rd thread posted this topic, though it looks like you were First!!

Mueller asked for permission from the email account holders or used the appropriate process in a Criminal Investigation to obtain them....

THAT, straight from the investigation team.

The president and the president's team are under CRIMINAL investigation.
So was a warrant produced?
I don't know for certain, but from what was being reported... it was the government's property...He requested it from the office that maintains government emails...I believe they said the GAO....gvt accountability office or something like that? Maybe he served them with a subpoena??? The investigation team is not leaking how they did it, just that they did it legally....

And if by law it required a warrant, then Mueller got a warrant....because he may have needed to use the information he was requesting, in a court of law at a later date.
That’s the lefts version.
:lol: if you say so....

a prosecutors goal is to prosecute, Willow....they know the law and rules, inside out....

Trump's lawyer did not file a complaint in the Courts over it, he simply sent a letter to congress about it and never in the letter did he state it was illegal for the emails to be gotten... in the letter to the republican congress criiters from his Lawyer...

It was just the Trumpettes following their right wing Trump Media, claimed it was...they made that up....yes, fake news....

Does your presidential pick ever stop shouting and whining like a 3 year old???
You have whined so loud you no longer can hear yourself. If it was a criminal investigation it requires a warrant. Was one issued? Yes? Or No?
My instincts tell me Mueller, doesn't want the investigation to turn inward and become an investigation into him, his methods and his choices for his team. This may end sooner than some expect as he realizes that quite possibly he's been duped by his own team and possibly some outside political influences.

There is also a feeling that the loss in Alabama is a major wakeup call to the GOP. I bet you noone felt Moore would lose even as his own party suggested he wasn't a good choice. When he lost, it was a message "you can lose ANY state now", even though this was a special case, and possibly even dirty politics. So they are going to rally around Trump possibly more than they might have a few months ago as they are staring at the reminder of how American was governed just a year earlier, where they had no power.

Mueller really has a pristine record of service for his country, so I cant imagine he would do anything than what is right at this point in his life. Even if that means admitting errors of taking "bad counsel" from others. Whatever the truth is, expose it, charge or move on and allow the country to be governed in peace.

Not too worried for Mueller, the Trump lawyers have acted like children for a while...

Even the removal last week means nothing... They are investigators, they can have opinions... Ken Starr had one during the Clinton investigations... But Mueller rightfully dismissed him from the team.

Trump's lawyers have said some laughful stuff at this stage...
FYI this is the 3rd thread posted this topic, though it looks like you were First!!

Mueller asked for permission from the email account holders or used the appropriate process in a Criminal Investigation to obtain them....

THAT, straight from the investigation team.

The president and the president's team are under CRIMINAL investigation.
So was a warrant produced?
I don't know for certain, but from what was being reported... it was the government's property...He requested it from the office that maintains government emails...I believe they said the GAO....gvt accountability office or something like that? Maybe he served them with a subpoena??? The investigation team is not leaking how they did it, just that they did it legally....

And if by law it required a warrant, then Mueller got a warrant....because he may have needed to use the information he was requesting, in a court of law at a later date.
That’s the lefts version.
:lol: if you say so....

a prosecutors goal is to prosecute, Willow....they know the law and rules, inside out....

Trump's lawyer did not file a complaint in the Courts over it, he simply sent a letter to congress about it and never in the letter did he state it was illegal for the emails to be gotten... in the letter to the republican congress criiters from his Lawyer...

It was just the Trumpettes following their right wing Trump Media, claimed it was...they made that up....yes, fake news....

Does your presidential pick ever stop shouting and whining like a 3 year old???
You have whined so loud you no longer can hear yourself. If it was a criminal investigation it requires a warrant. Was one issued? Yes? Or No?
if one was required for the government to read government emails, then yes, a warrant was issued. The investigation said ''they followed the LEGAL process to obtain the emails''

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