Trump lawyer: Mueller improperly obtained transition documents in Russia probe

If the investigation was legitimate, Mueller wouldn’t have staffed it EXCLUSIVELY with Hillary supporters and DONORS.

8 of 16 investigators gave to the HIllary campaign.

0 of 16 investigators gave to the Trump campaign.

Seems oddly biased, doesn’t it?

A jury would find that interesting.
The alt right densa meming and screaming yet losing.

Nothing new.
Trump lawyer: Mueller inappropriately obtained transition team emails

Time to shut down this democrat in disguise! Nothing more than a witch hunt from the beginning anyways...having people working on BOTH this case and the Clinton case that hated Trump and loved Clinton and more keeps flowing out. I am hearing that President Trump is gonna can this prick before Christmas now THAT would be an awesome Christmas present! The tears and butthurt that would follow would be beautiful!
Please fire that prick! Would be a GREAT christmas present for Americans! Time to end this witch hunt and time for democrats to put on their big boy britches and figure out WHY 3 blue states went RED this time....or don't and we win even bigger in 2020
Even the Dims know this is a bullshit witch hunt.

I’d love to see Mueller go to trial with this tripe.

The biased investigators are enough to raise a reasonable doubt.

Fidelity Bravery Integrity.

Mueller acted within the law, and if he can get Trump's lawyers telling porkies to the press, that will give the government more leeway.

Wait a minute...I thought accusations were as good as convictions with you nut-jobs?
Different story today?
Your type of comments are why Moore lost and Trump is gonna get hammered. American is no longer putting up with Alt Right densa logic.

Nah, actually Moore lost because he was framed by your corrupt know, that same group of fucked up folks that rig their own elections.
Um, I'm pretty sure Trump is doing all the hammering...ask all your LefTard buddies that have been pissing themselves daily since January 20th.
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Since Hillary lost because the election was rigged by Putin, she’ll run again in 2020, right?

If you don’t want Hillary to run in 2020, you are a racist misogynist homophobic transphobic Islamaphobic White Supremacist.
Anyone wants to read about how corrupt,egotistical,immoral,unethical and just plain IDIOTIC the Clinton campaign was run read Donna Brazile's book Hacks.
Since Hillary lost because the election was rigged by Putin, she’ll run again in 2020, right?

If you don’t want Hillary to run in 2020, you are a racist misogynist homophobic transphobic Islamaphobic White Supremacist.

She could barely make it to her car without using her Life Alert during the last election...what's that old corrupt hag gonna be like in 2020?
Since Hillary lost because the election was rigged by Putin, she’ll run again in 2020, right?

If you don’t want Hillary to run in 2020, you are a racist misogynist homophobic transphobic Islamaphobic White Supremacist.

She could barely make it to her car without using her Life Alert during the last election...what's that old corrupt hag gonna be like in 2020?

Wow, you hate women.
Trump lawyer: Mueller inappropriately obtained transition team emails

Time to shut down this democrat in disguise! Nothing more than a witch hunt from the beginning anyways...having people working on BOTH this case and the Clinton case that hated Trump and loved Clinton and more keeps flowing out. I am hearing that President Trump is gonna can this prick before Christmas now THAT would be an awesome Christmas present! The tears and butthurt that would follow would be beautiful!
He's dirty, no doubt about it
If Trump fires the corrupt asshole the Democrats will be screaming coverup.
Trump lawyer: Mueller inappropriately obtained transition team emails

Time to shut down this democrat in disguise! Nothing more than a witch hunt from the beginning anyways...having people working on BOTH this case and the Clinton case that hated Trump and loved Clinton and more keeps flowing out. I am hearing that President Trump is gonna can this prick before Christmas now THAT would be an awesome Christmas present! The tears and butthurt that would follow would be beautiful!

Because a Trump lawyer said so? Funny...
Trump lawyer: Mueller inappropriately obtained transition team emails

Time to shut down this democrat in disguise! Nothing more than a witch hunt from the beginning anyways...having people working on BOTH this case and the Clinton case that hated Trump and loved Clinton and more keeps flowing out. I am hearing that President Trump is gonna can this prick before Christmas now THAT would be an awesome Christmas present! The tears and butthurt that would follow would be beautiful!

Because a Trump lawyer said so? Funny...
The Mueller investigation is literally imploding....

The Russia Investigation Circus Is Over. Will There Be A Parade?

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