Trump: Looking Into Declaring ANTIFA A Terrorist Organization


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified

If they aren’t a terrorist organization then I don’t know what is.

And if you’re going to argue, answer me this: If you heard ANTIFA was going to be at a location you planned to take your family to, would you still go?

But he refuses to declare white supremacist groups terror organizations. And they have killed people.
Oh look another lame ass distraction from his complete failure as president.

Trump is a fucking bozo.
View attachment 271478

If they aren’t a terrorist organization then I don’t know what is.

And if you’re going to argue, answer me this: If you heard ANTIFA was going to be at a location you planned to take your family to, would you still go?

He should declare the kkk a terrorist organization. You know, because white supremacist scum are actually the ones committing terrorist acts.

Who is stupider than Donald and his trumpkins?

Answer: no one
View attachment 271478

If they aren’t a terrorist organization then I don’t know what is.

And if you’re going to argue, answer me this: If you heard ANTIFA was going to be at a location you planned to take your family to, would you still go?

He should declare the kkk a terrorist organization. You know, because white supremacist scum are actually the ones committing terrorist acts.

Who is stupider than Donald and his trumpkins?

Answer: no one
Oh really!
ANTIFA is certainly organized, angry and violent. I experienced some rage from the alt-left today on twitter and I now understand how ANTIFA can survive, there are some outright crazy sob's on the left.

The way they throw around allegations of racism and the like against others, it's not based on sound, rational logic. They are from the movie the Crazies. Bloody nuts, and sometimes as has been seen, bloody violent too.
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View attachment 271478

If they aren’t a terrorist organization then I don’t know what is.

And if you’re going to argue, answer me this: If you heard ANTIFA was going to be at a location you planned to take your family to, would you still go?


I think, in this light, we should declare Trump, his cabinet and his followers all a Terrorist Organization.
Identity Evropa/American Identity Movement (they haven’t killed anyone but they go around assaulting and punching people like Antifa so seems they ought to be labeled like Antifa)
Vanguard America
Oh look another lame ass distraction from his complete failure as president.

Trump is a fucking bozo.
Oh looky! Another sock puppet!
Project much?
Hilarious watching you Leftards gasp in desperation post Mueller.
Why? Mueller pretty much confirmed Trump committed a crime.
You mean Andrew Weissmann who went to Clinton’s fail party and cried? Lol
Rightwing Logic: create false moral equivalencies between groups that actually try and even succeed in killing people and groups that cause mayhem.
Trump: Looking Into Declaring ANTIFA A Terrorist Organization

They ARE a terrorist organization. I don't know what they are waiting for.

But he refuses to declare white supremacist groups terror organizations. And they have killed people.

Wow. Your ignorance is astounding. Antifa is beating people up and causing damage in cities and on campuses all across America.

There are not enough white supremacists to fill my bathroom.

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

— Martin Niemöller

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