Trump made Romney crawl. Held out a piece of candy, then snatched it away.

Reminds me of a terrible thing I did as a kid. My brother was about two and I was a little older. I held out an M&M and got him to open his mouth waiting for the delicious piece of chocolate candy. I put it closer and closer to his mouth and just when he thought I was going to give it to him, I put it in my own mouth and ate it.

He looked so tragic, I gave him the rest of the bag. I felt terribly guilty I did that to my brother.

Trump held that piece of SOS candy to Romney. Getting closer and closer. Making Romney crawl. And just when Romney was crawling on his stomach, mouth open, Trump snatched it away.

And laughed and laughed and laughed..............

So, you elected a guy as president with the mentality of a 4 year old... well done.

Better than electing a woman with the mentality that it was hers without needing to work for it.

She didn't work for it? She didn't spend an entire career working for it?



She was handed everything she got.

I don't like the woman, but you're talking complete bullshit.
Reminds me of a terrible thing I did as a kid. My brother was about two and I was a little older. I held out an M&M and got him to open his mouth waiting for the delicious piece of chocolate candy. I put it closer and closer to his mouth and just when he thought I was going to give it to him, I put it in my own mouth and ate it.

He looked so tragic, I gave him the rest of the bag. I felt terribly guilty I did that to my brother.

Trump held that piece of SOS candy to Romney. Getting closer and closer. Making Romney crawl. And just when Romney was crawling on his stomach, mouth open, Trump snatched it away.

And laughed and laughed and laughed..............

You like so many other repubs are a waste of human skin.
Reminds me of a terrible thing I did as a kid. My brother was about two and I was a little older. I held out an M&M and got him to open his mouth waiting for the delicious piece of chocolate candy. I put it closer and closer to his mouth and just when he thought I was going to give it to him, I put it in my own mouth and ate it.

He looked so tragic, I gave him the rest of the bag. I felt terribly guilty I did that to my brother.

Trump held that piece of SOS candy to Romney. Getting closer and closer. Making Romney crawl. And just when Romney was crawling on his stomach, mouth open, Trump snatched it away.

And laughed and laughed and laughed..............

So, you elected a guy as president with the mentality of a 4 year old... well done.

Better than electing a woman with the mentality that it was hers without needing to work for it.

She didn't work for it? She didn't spend an entire career working for it?



She was handed everything she got.

I don't like the woman, but you're talking complete bullshit.

What did she ever 'work' for?

First Lady of Arkansas?
Married into the job

Married into the job

Instead of working to win her seat in (Red) Arkansas, she carpet bagged to (Blue) New York, where her status as FLOTUS and last name guaranteed her the seat.

Secretary of State?

prize in the bottom of the Cracker Jack box for stopping her campaign, (which was also losing) in favor of Obama and possibly a promise POTUS was hers when he left office.

So, no

She hasn't worked for anything in her life
I gave rdean some rabbit turds and told him they were smart pills.
He said, "these taste like crap." You're getting smaaaaarrrrrter.
Reminds me of a terrible thing I did as a kid. My brother was about two and I was a little older. I held out an M&M and got him to open his mouth waiting for the delicious piece of chocolate candy. I put it closer and closer to his mouth and just when he thought I was going to give it to him, I put it in my own mouth and ate it.

He looked so tragic, I gave him the rest of the bag. I felt terribly guilty I did that to my brother.

Trump held that piece of SOS candy to Romney. Getting closer and closer. Making Romney crawl. And just when Romney was crawling on his stomach, mouth open, Trump snatched it away.

And laughed and laughed and laughed..............

I loved it so much. Trump made that turncoat grovel for nothing.

Eff Romney. I voted for him, and he would have been a million times better than Obama...but if Romney got his way, Hillary would be POTUS instead of Trump.

He can slurp feces and cease living.
He can slurp feces and cease living?

How did you find out Trump's plan for your kind?

Really? You opine for the Hildebeast while knowing all the things we learned from the Wikileaks revelations? How her pals were worried that while the masses were still "dumbed down" that they were not being as compliant and that it needed to be addressed didn't give you pause for thought at all??? You are beyond fucking stupid.........seriously.
Reminds me of a terrible thing I did as a kid. My brother was about two and I was a little older. I held out an M&M and got him to open his mouth waiting for the delicious piece of chocolate candy. I put it closer and closer to his mouth and just when he thought I was going to give it to him, I put it in my own mouth and ate it.

He looked so tragic, I gave him the rest of the bag. I felt terribly guilty I did that to my brother.

Trump held that piece of SOS candy to Romney. Getting closer and closer. Making Romney crawl. And just when Romney was crawling on his stomach, mouth open, Trump snatched it away.

And laughed and laughed and laughed..............

You like so many other repubs are a waste of human skin.
So, you elected a guy as president with the mentality of a 4 year old... well done.

Better than electing a woman with the mentality that it was hers without needing to work for it.

She didn't work for it? She didn't spend an entire career working for it?



She was handed everything she got.

I don't like the woman, but you're talking complete bullshit.

What did she ever 'work' for?

First Lady of Arkansas?
Married into the job

Married into the job

Instead of working to win her seat in (Red) Arkansas, she carpet bagged to (Blue) New York, where her status as FLOTUS and last name guaranteed her the seat.

Secretary of State?

prize in the bottom of the Cracker Jack box for stopping her campaign, (which was also losing) in favor of Obama and possibly a promise POTUS was hers when he left office.

So, no

She hasn't worked for anything in her life

Don't leave out the fact that she is up to her armpits in a pedo child sex trafficking ring out of Haiti.......that's a "biggie" to me......
So, you elected a guy as president with the mentality of a 4 year old... well done.

Better than electing a woman with the mentality that it was hers without needing to work for it.

She didn't work for it? She didn't spend an entire career working for it?



She was handed everything she got.

I don't like the woman, but you're talking complete bullshit.

What did she ever 'work' for?

First Lady of Arkansas?
Married into the job

Married into the job

Instead of working to win her seat in (Red) Arkansas, she carpet bagged to (Blue) New York, where her status as FLOTUS and last name guaranteed her the seat.

Secretary of State?

prize in the bottom of the Cracker Jack box for stopping her campaign, (which was also losing) in favor of Obama and possibly a promise POTUS was hers when he left office.

So, no

She hasn't worked for anything in her life

So she was A) smart enough to not go for a seat in a state she wasn't from, B) smart enough to not go for a seat in a place where she wouldn't win and C) she managed to get the the seat in a place where she would win.

She had to fight in a primary to get to run in that seat. She defeated Mark McHanon and she got 82% of the votes. In the actual race she beat Lazio who spent $40 million to Hillary's $29 million and yet she won 800,000 more votes than he did. She gained 2% on the last Democrat to win this seat. How did she get the money? o doubt she had to work to get the money.

She was made Secretary of State, not because she's a lazy ass, but probably because Obama saw that she could actually work.

But hey, you keep pretending.
Better than electing a woman with the mentality that it was hers without needing to work for it.

She didn't work for it? She didn't spend an entire career working for it?



She was handed everything she got.

I don't like the woman, but you're talking complete bullshit.

What did she ever 'work' for?

First Lady of Arkansas?
Married into the job

Married into the job

Instead of working to win her seat in (Red) Arkansas, she carpet bagged to (Blue) New York, where her status as FLOTUS and last name guaranteed her the seat.

Secretary of State?

prize in the bottom of the Cracker Jack box for stopping her campaign, (which was also losing) in favor of Obama and possibly a promise POTUS was hers when he left office.

So, no

She hasn't worked for anything in her life

Don't leave out the fact that she is up to her armpits in a pedo child sex trafficking ring out of Haiti.......that's a "biggie" to me......

You mean the one that was made up, because some people decide it's easier to win by making stuff up?
Reminds me of a terrible thing I did as a kid. My brother was about two and I was a little older. I held out an M&M and got him to open his mouth waiting for the delicious piece of chocolate candy. I put it closer and closer to his mouth and just when he thought I was going to give it to him, I put it in my own mouth and ate it.

He looked so tragic, I gave him the rest of the bag. I felt terribly guilty I did that to my brother.

Trump held that piece of SOS candy to Romney. Getting closer and closer. Making Romney crawl. And just when Romney was crawling on his stomach, mouth open, Trump snatched it away.

And laughed and laughed and laughed..............

Romney has proven he has no honor or integrity. He sold his soul to the devil - only to have it publicly crushed.
Reminds me of a terrible thing I did as a kid. My brother was about two and I was a little older. I held out an M&M and got him to open his mouth waiting for the delicious piece of chocolate candy. I put it closer and closer to his mouth and just when he thought I was going to give it to him, I put it in my own mouth and ate it.

He looked so tragic, I gave him the rest of the bag. I felt terribly guilty I did that to my brother.

Trump held that piece of SOS candy to Romney. Getting closer and closer. Making Romney crawl. And just when Romney was crawling on his stomach, mouth open, Trump snatched it away.

And laughed and laughed and laughed..............
I am guessing you STILL get bullied.
Bullied? Me? Not since my hands got big.
dean using his big hand.....

Reminds me of a terrible thing I did as a kid. My brother was about two and I was a little older. I held out an M&M and got him to open his mouth waiting for the delicious piece of chocolate candy. I put it closer and closer to his mouth and just when he thought I was going to give it to him, I put it in my own mouth and ate it.

He looked so tragic, I gave him the rest of the bag. I felt terribly guilty I did that to my brother.

Trump held that piece of SOS candy to Romney. Getting closer and closer. Making Romney crawl. And just when Romney was crawling on his stomach, mouth open, Trump snatched it away.

And laughed and laughed and laughed..............

Romney has proven he has no honor or integrity. He sold his soul to the devil - only to have it publicly crushed.

I'm not so sure. As far as I can tell he went in saying "I'll take the job if this is the situation" and Trump basically wasn't happy with this, so let him go. Romney didn't get the job because he wouldn't lower himself to Trump's level, and some people see everything Trump does as positive, are making out Romney was on the bad end.
She didn't work for it? She didn't spend an entire career working for it?



She was handed everything she got.

I don't like the woman, but you're talking complete bullshit.

What did she ever 'work' for?

First Lady of Arkansas?
Married into the job

Married into the job

Instead of working to win her seat in (Red) Arkansas, she carpet bagged to (Blue) New York, where her status as FLOTUS and last name guaranteed her the seat.

Secretary of State?

prize in the bottom of the Cracker Jack box for stopping her campaign, (which was also losing) in favor of Obama and possibly a promise POTUS was hers when he left office.

So, no

She hasn't worked for anything in her life

Don't leave out the fact that she is up to her armpits in a pedo child sex trafficking ring out of Haiti.......that's a "biggie" to me......

You mean the one that was made up, because some people decide it's easier to win by making stuff up?

Nope, this shit is real....and it is disgusting.
Better than electing a woman with the mentality that it was hers without needing to work for it.

She didn't work for it? She didn't spend an entire career working for it?



She was handed everything she got.

I don't like the woman, but you're talking complete bullshit.

What did she ever 'work' for?

First Lady of Arkansas?
Married into the job

Married into the job

Instead of working to win her seat in (Red) Arkansas, she carpet bagged to (Blue) New York, where her status as FLOTUS and last name guaranteed her the seat.

Secretary of State?

prize in the bottom of the Cracker Jack box for stopping her campaign, (which was also losing) in favor of Obama and possibly a promise POTUS was hers when he left office.

So, no

She hasn't worked for anything in her life

So she was A) smart enough to not go for a seat in a state she wasn't from, B) smart enough to not go for a seat in a place where she wouldn't win and C) she managed to get the the seat in a place where she would win.

She had to fight in a primary to get to run in that seat. She defeated Mark McHanon and she got 82% of the votes. In the actual race she beat Lazio who spent $40 million to Hillary's $29 million and yet she won 800,000 more votes than he did. She gained 2% on the last Democrat to win this seat. How did she get the money? o doubt she had to work to get the money.

She was made Secretary of State, not because she's a lazy ass, but probably because Obama saw that she could actually work.

But hey, you keep pretending.

You're doing enough pretending for both of us.
a state she wasn't from?

She was First Lady in Arkansas for 10 years.
Her biggest problem was the people knew her.

and you don't think that her status as FLOTUS didn't put the votes in a Blue state in her favor?


I'm surprised it wasn't over 90%

Obama knew she could do the job?

quid pro quo

She backed him, he promised to back her.

as I previously stated, she's never had to work for what she's gotten.

Up til November, she's been the Queen of Coattails
Reminds me of a terrible thing I did as a kid. My brother was about two and I was a little older. I held out an M&M and got him to open his mouth waiting for the delicious piece of chocolate candy. I put it closer and closer to his mouth and just when he thought I was going to give it to him, I put it in my own mouth and ate it.

He looked so tragic, I gave him the rest of the bag. I felt terribly guilty I did that to my brother.

Trump held that piece of SOS candy to Romney. Getting closer and closer. Making Romney crawl. And just when Romney was crawling on his stomach, mouth open, Trump snatched it away.

And laughed and laughed and laughed..............

It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.

Payback is a bitch.

Reminds me of a terrible thing I did as a kid. My brother was about two and I was a little older. I held out an M&M and got him to open his mouth waiting for the delicious piece of chocolate candy. I put it closer and closer to his mouth and just when he thought I was going to give it to him, I put it in my own mouth and ate it.

He looked so tragic, I gave him the rest of the bag. I felt terribly guilty I did that to my brother.

Trump held that piece of SOS candy to Romney. Getting closer and closer. Making Romney crawl. And just when Romney was crawling on his stomach, mouth open, Trump snatched it away.

And laughed and laughed and laughed..............

I loved it so much. Trump made that turncoat grovel for nothing.

Eff Romney. I voted for him, and he would have been a million times better than Obama...but if Romney got his way, Hillary would be POTUS instead of Trump.

He can slurp feces and cease living.
He can slurp feces and cease living?

How did you find out Trump's plan for your kind?

What is "my kind" exactly? Careful not to stereotype. Snowflakes aren't supposed to stereotype.

Where did Dean go? He needs to explain what he meant by "your kind". It kind of sounds like a microaggression. I need to know if I need to retreat to my safe space.
Reminds me of a terrible thing I did as a kid. My brother was about two and I was a little older. I held out an M&M and got him to open his mouth waiting for the delicious piece of chocolate candy. I put it closer and closer to his mouth and just when he thought I was going to give it to him, I put it in my own mouth and ate it.

He looked so tragic, I gave him the rest of the bag. I felt terribly guilty I did that to my brother.

Trump held that piece of SOS candy to Romney. Getting closer and closer. Making Romney crawl. And just when Romney was crawling on his stomach, mouth open, Trump snatched it away.

And laughed and laughed and laughed..............

I loved it so much. Trump made that turncoat grovel for nothing.

Eff Romney. I voted for him, and he would have been a million times better than Obama...but if Romney got his way, Hillary would be POTUS instead of Trump.

He can slurp feces and cease living.
He can slurp feces and cease living?

How did you find out Trump's plan for your kind?

What is "my kind" exactly? Careful not to stereotype. Snowflakes aren't supposed to stereotype.

Where did Dean go? He needs to explain what he meant by "your kind". It kind of sounds like a microaggression. I need to know if I need to retreat to my safe space.
with dean if you dont agree with him it means you must be a righty,your "kind".....what else can you be?...
Better than electing a woman with the mentality that it was hers without needing to work for it.

She didn't work for it? She didn't spend an entire career working for it?



She was handed everything she got.

I don't like the woman, but you're talking complete bullshit.

What did she ever 'work' for?

First Lady of Arkansas?
Married into the job

Married into the job

Instead of working to win her seat in (Red) Arkansas, she carpet bagged to (Blue) New York, where her status as FLOTUS and last name guaranteed her the seat.

Secretary of State?

prize in the bottom of the Cracker Jack box for stopping her campaign, (which was also losing) in favor of Obama and possibly a promise POTUS was hers when he left office.

So, no

She hasn't worked for anything in her life

So she was A) smart enough to not go for a seat in a state she wasn't from, B) smart enough to not go for a seat in a place where she wouldn't win and C) she managed to get the the seat in a place where she would win.

She had to fight in a primary to get to run in that seat. She defeated Mark McHanon and she got 82% of the votes. In the actual race she beat Lazio who spent $40 million to Hillary's $29 million and yet she won 800,000 more votes than he did. She gained 2% on the last Democrat to win this seat. How did she get the money? o doubt she had to work to get the money.

She was made Secretary of State, not because she's a lazy ass, but probably because Obama saw that she could actually work.

But hey, you keep pretending.
She could spend a billion dollars in Cassia County, Idaho and how many votes would she get?
Hillary was a lazy ass who used her position to enhance the foundation.
Geeze, how blind can ya be.

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