Trump makes noise with his orange, fat mouth again. This time claiming Earth’s moon is part of Mars

Wow, a liberal starts a thread mocking average Americans as unintelligent. Meh, we KICKED YOUR ASS and took back the White House SUCK IT! :auiqs.jpg:

What a pathetic spin job.

TOTALLY avoid the OP and mention the election...for the twelve thousandth time (even though 'you' lost the popular vote)...because (as the economy starts to fail) that is ALL you Trumpbots have.

So...we can assume that you think the Moon is also part of Mars.

So be it.

Verdict: your IQ is 'lacking'.
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Wow, a liberal starts a thread mocking average Americans as unintelligent. Meh, we KICKED YOUR ASS and took back the White House SUCK IT! :auiqs.jpg:

Tell us again about the time you elected an orange-painted moron who thinks the moon is part of Mars, who thinks the countries between India and China are "Button" and "Nipple", who thinks "would" means "wouldn't" and who's never held a job in his life, into the most responsible job in the world, Uncle Jed.

LMAO your Trump hate outburst is noted, tissue? :auiqs.jpg:
Wow, a liberal starts a thread mocking average Americans as unintelligent. Meh, we KICKED YOUR ASS and took back the White House SUCK IT! :auiqs.jpg:

What a pathetic spin job.

TOTALLY avoid the OP and mention the election...for the twelve thousand time.

So...we can assume that you think the Moon is also part of Mars.

So be it.

You are a total moron.

Did you read the thread title dummy? Its just some triggered libtard venting about Trump again. What is this Trump TDS thread number 3,150? :itsok:
Wow, a liberal starts a thread mocking average Americans as unintelligent. Meh, we KICKED YOUR ASS and took back the White House SUCK IT! :auiqs.jpg:
Lol ah yes. The go-to “we won an election 3 years ago suck!” It’s really all you asshats have huh?
View attachment 264358
Lol what non sense. The wall couldn’t even get funding before the Dems took the House and for some reason you think this issue is some kind of win for Trump. Also, the economy was already creating jobs before Trump. The boost to the stock market on a short term basis doesn’t somehow translate to a better quality of life for the middle class and poor. You know that right? Also, republicans will never do jack shit about infrastructure. My god your naïveté is astounding.
Forbes magazine says the good economy is a spillover from the Obama administration.

That's nice....

Tell us what did obozo do to make this happen....

Was it Tax breaks?

Was it deregulation?

Was it approving the Keystone pipeline?

Or did obozo have that magic wand stuck up his ass all along?
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Wow, a liberal starts a thread mocking average Americans as unintelligent. Meh, we KICKED YOUR ASS and took back the White House SUCK IT! :auiqs.jpg:
Hahaha! And the Orange Mammon Gawd you worship lost the House. Such a great leader. Not!

Who gives a Shit Tard, the SENATE is the TRUMP card dick brain....

So does that mean you agree with Trump that the Moon is part of Mars?

Yes or No, please?
Wow, a liberal starts a thread mocking average Americans as unintelligent. Meh, we KICKED YOUR ASS and took back the White House SUCK IT! :auiqs.jpg:
Hahaha! And the Orange Mammon Gawd you worship lost the House. Such a great leader. Not!

Who gives a Shit Tard, the SENATE is the TRUMP card dick brain....

So does that mean you agree with Trump that the Moon is part of Mars?

Yes or No, please?
It's part of the planned Mars mission you stupid fuck.

Its unbelievable how easily duped fools are by FAKE NEWS
Lol ah yes. The go-to “we won an election 3 years ago suck!” It’s really all you asshats have huh?
View attachment 264358
Lol what non sense. The wall couldn’t even get funding before the Dems took the House and for some reason you think this issue is some kind of win for Trump. Also, the economy was already creating jobs before Trump. The boost to the stock market on a short term basis doesn’t somehow translate to a better quality of life for the middle class and poor. You know that right? Also, republicans will never do jack shit about infrastructure. My god your naïveté is astounding.
Forbes magazine says the good economy is a spillover from the Obama administration.

How did Obama do it?

Tax cuts : Obama copied off of Bush Jr

Stimulus: Obama copied off of
Bush Jr.

Tarp: Bush Jr

Wall Street : Janet

Obama was anti fracking, anti pipeline, anti drilling.

Obama was against jobs see the thousands he tried to prevent in South Carolina.
Yes, he was a great leader and would not allow such things as fracking.

Good think no one gave a shit what he thought , fracked away and oil prices came down

Here is the tweet:

"For all of the money we are spending, NASA should NOT be talking about going to the Moon - We did that 50 years ago," he wrote. "They should be focused on the much bigger things we are doing, including Mars (of which the Moon is a part), Defense and Science!"

He obviously was talking about the moon mission being a part of the way in going to the Mars. Fail...

Leftists just refuse to understand language, reality, or anything for that matter. It's all snark and bully.

That is not what he said. The president of the united states should not need his followers to tell us what he really meant.

He was only talking to the people with over 60 IQ, who do understand plain English.

So are you only pretending to be retarded, or an actual retard?

I love watching you worshipers twist and turn to cover for your god. This is the best part of the Trump presidency, seeing you people fight to see who can shove their head up his ass the furthest.

Hey Tard.......

Lets assume Trump said something stupid.....

Was it “More Stupider” than obozo’s 57 states?

We all know you Tards Butt Hurt has driven you insane.....

Please keep coming up with these little tidbits to show us

all just how stupid Trump is while he continues to SPANK

your Asses and you continue to elect and support Tards

that think islands can “TUMP” over...….
Wow, a liberal starts a thread mocking average Americans as unintelligent. Meh, we KICKED YOUR ASS and took back the White House SUCK IT! :auiqs.jpg:

Tell us again about the time you elected an orange-painted moron who thinks the moon is part of Mars, who thinks the countries between India and China are "Button" and "Nipple", who thinks "would" means "wouldn't" and who's never held a job in his life, into the most responsible job in the world, Uncle Jed.

LMAO your Trump hate outburst is noted, tissue? :auiqs.jpg:
If the idiot-in-chief told you the Earth was flat, you bootlicking toadies would believe him.

You are one of those people who is so stupid, you don't even realize how stupid you are.
Hey Tard.......

Lets assume Trump said something stupid.....

Was it “More Stupider” than obozo’s 57 states?

We all know you Tards Butt Hurt has driven you insane.....

Please keep coming up with these little tidbits to show us

all just how stupid Trump is while he continues to SPANK

your Asses and you continue to elect and support Tards

that think islands can “TUMP” over...….

Thanks for once again highlighting how alike Trump and Obama are. Every time one of you worshipers compare Trump to Obama all you are doing is showing how much they are the same.

one day you need to ask yourself why the best thing you can say about your god is that he is better than the 2nd worst POTUS ever.
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Wow, a liberal starts a thread mocking average Americans as unintelligent. Meh, we KICKED YOUR ASS and took back the White House SUCK IT! :auiqs.jpg:

Tell us again about the time you elected an orange-painted moron who thinks the moon is part of Mars, who thinks the countries between India and China are "Button" and "Nipple", who thinks "would" means "wouldn't" and who's never held a job in his life, into the most responsible job in the world, Uncle Jed.

LMAO your Trump hate outburst is noted, tissue? :auiqs.jpg:
If the idiot-in-chief told you the Earth was flat, you bootlicking toadies would believe him.

You are one of those people who is so stupid, you don't even realize how stupid you are.

^^^ here's another liberal idiot who doesn't know the moon is part of the Mars mission plan. Did all you dumb asses on the left flunk science? Seriously just how stupid are you people, I think the CDC needs to investigate whether you people are suffering from some kind of brain virus.
Wow, a liberal starts a thread mocking average Americans as unintelligent. Meh, we KICKED YOUR ASS and took back the White House SUCK IT! :auiqs.jpg:

Tell us again about the time you elected an orange-painted moron who thinks the moon is part of Mars, who thinks the countries between India and China are "Button" and "Nipple", who thinks "would" means "wouldn't" and who's never held a job in his life, into the most responsible job in the world, Uncle Jed.

LMAO your Trump hate outburst is noted, tissue? :auiqs.jpg:
If the idiot-in-chief told you the Earth was flat, you bootlicking toadies would believe him.

You are one of those people who is so stupid, you don't even realize how stupid you are.

^^^ here's another liberal idiot who doesn't know the moon is part of the Mars mission plan. Did all you dumb asses on the left flunk science? Seriously just how stupid are you people, I think the CDC needs to investigate whether you people are suffering from some kind of brain virus.
Doubling down on stupid I see, as usual.
Wow, a liberal starts a thread mocking average Americans as unintelligent. Meh, we KICKED YOUR ASS and took back the White House SUCK IT! :auiqs.jpg:

Tell us again about the time you elected an orange-painted moron who thinks the moon is part of Mars, who thinks the countries between India and China are "Button" and "Nipple", who thinks "would" means "wouldn't" and who's never held a job in his life, into the most responsible job in the world, Uncle Jed.

LMAO your Trump hate outburst is noted, tissue? :auiqs.jpg:
If the idiot-in-chief told you the Earth was flat, you bootlicking toadies would believe him.

You are one of those people who is so stupid, you don't even realize how stupid you are.

^^^ here's another liberal idiot who doesn't know the moon is part of the Mars mission plan. Did all you dumb asses on the left flunk science? Seriously just how stupid are you people, I think the CDC needs to investigate whether you people are suffering from some kind of brain virus.

They probably think Nasa is a diversity hire program for failed leftists to get their government bucks from. Unfortunately, the purpose of Nasa is space exploration and science, not to hire your failed asses.

And they need to up their game, absolutely. My body, my wallet... so if my money gets taken for something like Nasa it better deliver like you wouldn't even believe.
Wow, a liberal starts a thread mocking average Americans as unintelligent. Meh, we KICKED YOUR ASS and took back the White House SUCK IT! :auiqs.jpg:

Tell us again about the time you elected an orange-painted moron who thinks the moon is part of Mars, who thinks the countries between India and China are "Button" and "Nipple", who thinks "would" means "wouldn't" and who's never held a job in his life, into the most responsible job in the world, Uncle Jed.

LMAO your Trump hate outburst is noted, tissue? :auiqs.jpg:
If the idiot-in-chief told you the Earth was flat, you bootlicking toadies would believe him.

You are one of those people who is so stupid, you don't even realize how stupid you are.

^^^ here's another liberal idiot who doesn't know the moon is part of the Mars mission plan. Did all you dumb asses on the left flunk science? Seriously just how stupid are you people, I think the CDC needs to investigate whether you people are suffering from some kind of brain virus.
Doubling down on stupid I see, as usual.

Here's you

The TDS is strong in this thread. It was clear to me that our President meant that going to the moon was only part of the bigger mission of going to Mars.

Trump is indescribably stupid.
Too bad every president hasn't been as stupid as Trump.
Here is the tweet:

"For all of the money we are spending, NASA should NOT be talking about going to the Moon - We did that 50 years ago," he wrote. "They should be focused on the much bigger things we are doing, including Mars (of which the Moon is a part), Defense and Science!"

He obviously was talking about the moon mission being a part of the way in going to the Mars. Fail...

Leftists just refuse to understand language, reality, or anything for that matter. It's all snark and bully.

That is not what he said. The president of the united states should not need his followers to tell us what he really meant.
I know, right? Something as simple as that and they still blindly follow the Orange glow.
Seems pretty clear what Trump ment.

Leftists can either admit they were misled by fake news or continue to look foolish.
It's not apparent. Keep making excuses for the Chromatic Aberration.
Chromatic Aberration?

I like it.
LOL! I had to look it up, to be honest, but it is apt, I think.
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