Trump makes surprise Thanksgiving visit to troops in Afghanistan

Nothing to do with Trump, but why the heck were we ever in Afghanistan, when clearly the 9/11 attack was by Saudi Arabians, and the Taliban was our allies when the CIA armed and supported them to attack the Soviets.
The Taliban never liked or had much to do with the Arabs, and clearly never supported the 9/11 attack on the US.
It was stupid and criminal for the US to ever attack Afghanistan.
The 'West' has been sticking their fat noses into Afghanistan for two hundred years!
Leave them ALONE!!!!!!!!
NOTHING the WEST WILL EVER DO in that fucking blood drenched hell hole sand will EVER work!
Trump knows this! Leave the fuckers to sort their own problems out.
They would rather buy bullets than groceries for their wives and kids.

They were the same place after the Soviet Union attacked them and were run off and they are no better off today after the U.S. has been spinning it's wheels there now for 18 years. If you want to change a country you have to see that they have something to lose. We think we can change a country by destroying everything they have.
Trump’s talk of Afghanistan cease-fire appears to surprise the Taliban, Afghan government

"President Trump’s confident assertion that the Taliban is ready and even eager for a cease-fire demanded by the United States in Afghanistan’s 18-year-old war may be more wishful thinking than reality.

Declaring that the U.S.-Taliban talks he abruptly canceled in September are back in motion, Trump said during a Thanksgiving Day visit to troops in Afghanistan that the Taliban “wants to make a deal. And we’re meeting with them, and we’re saying it has to be a cease-fire.”

“They didn’t want to do a cease-fire, but now they do want to do a cease-fire,” Trump said of the militants. “It will probably work out that way. . . . We’ve made tremendous progress,” he added.

But on Friday neither the Taliban nor the government of Afghan President Ashraf Ghani indicated that a cease-fire was near, or even being discussed in resumed U.S. negotiations."
WHY are our troops in Afghanistan???

Because of the 911 FRAUD and the ISRAEL LOBBY.... same as SYRIA.


I give Trump credit for going to AFG. He could have had a photo-op at any US base, but chose the most dangerous ones.

The difference between Trump and Obama:

TRUMP: Goes to the most dangerous base to bring them good news of some hopeful progress.

OBAMA: Goes there for a photo op, to grin, pat himself on the back and shake hands, then off to his real destination for a good vacation in luxury while men die.
I give Trump credit for going to AFG. He could have had a photo-op at any US base, but chose the most dangerous ones.

The difference between Trump and Obama:

TRUMP: Goes to the most dangerous base to bring them good news of some hopeful progress.

OBAMA: Goes there for a photo op, to grin, pat himself on the back and shake hands, then off to his real destination for a good vacation in luxury while men die.
Figured Trump would get another doctors letter exempting him from visiting troops A yellow coward a disgusting man
Trump makes surprise Thanksgiving visit to troops in Afghanistan
President makes surprise holiday visit; Kevin Corke reports.

ME: As former Army, I love how Trump is always on the side of the regular troops, unlike the socialist Kenyan pig before him


Having fixed the economy, won a trade war battle with Red China, appointed 1/4th of the appellate judges, rolled back regulations, and cut taxes, what is next for President Donald John Trump?​

My guess is he will end the Afghanistan War next.​
Trump makes surprise Thanksgiving visit to troops in Afghanistan
President makes surprise holiday visit; Kevin Corke reports.

ME: As former Army, I love how Trump is always on the side of the regular troops, unlike the socialist Kenyan pig before him


Having fixed the economy, won a trade war battle with Red China, appointed 1/4th of the appellate judges, rolled back regulations, and cut taxes, what is next for President Donald John Trump?​

My guess is he will end the Afghanistan War next.​

What color is the sky in the world you live in?
Trump makes surprise Thanksgiving visit to troops in Afghanistan
President makes surprise holiday visit; Kevin Corke reports.

ME: As former Army, I love how Trump is always on the side of the regular troops, unlike the socialist Kenyan pig before him


Having fixed the economy, won a trade war battle with Red China, appointed 1/4th of the appellate judges, rolled back regulations, and cut taxes, what is next for President Donald John Trump?​

My guess is he will end the Afghanistan War next.​

What color is the sky in the world you live in?

Too FN bad he couldn't make a surprise visit when his country called A complete POS a republican ,,but I repeat myself

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