Trump makes surprise Thanksgiving visit to troops in Afghanistan

You never miss an opportunity to make an asshole out of yourself do you.

I am former Army, and I can tell you people that we love Trump for this stuff

I'm former Army... not all Vets are in love with Trump. The ones who understand what they were defending are horrified.

Veterans call for Trump impeachment in July 4 video

Definitely not all vets are in love with Trump (which, as a veteran I am very confident in saying) Since a majority ARE Republicans though, Trump, garners majority support among the military, retirees and veterans. I can see cracks beginning to appear, however.

Trump's Syria policy: US troops express anger at refusal to support Kurds - CNNPolitics
Nothing to do with Trump, but why the heck were we ever in Afghanistan, when clearly the 9/11 attack was by Saudi Arabians, and the Taliban was our allies when the CIA armed and supported them to attack the Soviets.
The Taliban never liked or had much to do with the Arabs, and clearly never supported the 9/11 attack on the US.
It was stupid and criminal for the US to ever attack Afghanistan.
I give Trump credit for going to AFG. He could have had a photo-op at any US base, but chose the most dangerous ones.

I am sure if we go back we will find you giving credit to Obama for doing so?

Correct. I especially liked the 3-point basket he made first try.
Other than those two highlights, his admin was horrible
Yeah horrible,,,75 straight months of 6 digit employment gains a big drop in unemployment a huge rise in employment gains and giant gains in the DOW Instead of bashing Obama Trump should be kissing his black ass
Nothing to do with Trump, but why the heck were we ever in Afghanistan, when clearly the 9/11 attack was by Saudi Arabians, and the Taliban was our allies when the CIA armed and supported them to attack the Soviets.
The Taliban never liked or had much to do with the Arabs, and clearly never supported the 9/11 attack on the US.
It was stupid and criminal for the US to ever attack Afghanistan.
The 'West' has been sticking their fat noses into Afghanistan for two hundred years!
Leave them ALONE!!!!!!!!
NOTHING the WEST WILL EVER DO in that fucking blood drenched hell hole sand will EVER work!
Trump knows this! Leave the fuckers to sort their own problems out.
They would rather buy bullets than groceries for their wives and kids.
You never miss an opportunity to make an asshole out of yourself do you.

I am former Army, and I can tell you people that we love Trump for this stuff

I'm former Army... not all Vets are in love with Trump. The ones who understand what they were defending are horrified.

Veterans call for Trump impeachment in July 4 video

If you were at all I wonder for how long and what kind of discharge you left with. Likely less than honorable. Dishonorable, bad conduct, or the one they booted fags out with, for the convience of the government.
If you were at all I wonder for how long and what kind of discharge you left with. Likely less than honorable. Dishonorable, bad conduct, or the one they booted fags out with, for the convience of the government.

Actually, honorable after 11 years of service (5 in the reserves, 6 Active Duty), and got out at the rank of E-6.

Now, to make it more clear, back in those days, I was pretty right wing... it's 28 years of working for Corporations that soured me on conservative thought.
So, deep into his third year, and as 2020 draws near, Cadet Bone Spurs finally got off his dead a$$ and visited a forward area?

Better late than never, I suppose.
Trump makes surprise Thanksgiving visit to troops in Afghanistan
President makes surprise holiday visit; Kevin Corke reports.

ME: As former Army, I love how Trump is always on the side of the regular troops, unlike the socialist Kenyan pig before him

So, to the surprise of nobody on the planet, Trump was, AGAIN, completely full of shit.

National Security
Trump’s talk of Afghanistan cease-fire appears to surprise the Taliban, Afghan government

“They didn’t want to do a cease-fire, but now they do want to do a cease-fire,” Trump said of the militants. “It will probably work out that way. . . . We’ve made tremendous progress,"

"But on Friday neither the Taliban nor the government of Afghan President Ashraf Ghani indicated that a cease-fire was near, or even being discussed in resumed U.S. negotiations."
Trump makes surprise Thanksgiving visit to troops in Afghanistan
President makes surprise holiday visit; Kevin Corke reports.

ME: As former Army, I love how Trump is always on the side of the regular troops, unlike the socialist Kenyan pig before him

ME: He probably proclaimed that he was the first president to make the trip.

ME: The orange bloated mofo got lost on the way to KFC.

ME: He must have found bush's plastic turkey for a photo-op.

ME: He has some time to attend some Kurdish funerals.
I give Trump credit for going to AFG. He could have had a photo-op at any US base, but chose the most dangerous ones.

He did, along with a quick photo op with ULTIMATE protection.
It is not like he was EVER in danger.
But, project some more.
But still, well done Mr. President for visiting Afghanistan

The pig is you. You're a disgrace to the service, assuming you actually served, which I doubt

You, at terri, idiot right wing conspiracy theory followers, that rag on or call out fellow service members as liars if they object to your stance.
Pisses me off to the hilt that actual service members would call out other service members. All due to party. POC
See the other thread about POC. That is you terripig.

Looking forward to terri defending the calling out of other service members as liars.
I give Trump credit for going to AFG. He could have had a photo-op at any US base, but chose the most dangerous ones.

I am sure if we go back we will find you giving credit to Obama for doing so?

Correct. I especially liked the 3-point basket he made first try.
Other than those two highlights, his admin was horrible
Yeah horrible,,,75 straight months of 6 digit employment gains a big drop in unemployment a huge rise in employment gains and giant gains in the DOW Instead of bashing Obama Trump should be kissing his black ass

Under Obama the rich did exceedingly well, the middle class stagnated and the poor fell further behind. The same thing is happening under Trump but Republicans champion that idea so all is good with them.

Yes people have jobs but they are low paying jobs because the good paying jobs went offshore. Despite Trump's rhetoric now he participated in this and with the hiring of illegals that also undercut wages.

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