Trump Melts Down Bigly On Truth Social As Republican Vultures Circle The Wreckage

Lots of people who supported Trump saw that from the very beginning. I bit my tongue and voted for Trump because many of his policies were good for America (and thus good for Trump). That said, I think it's time for Trump to retire from running for office. That said, I expect he will be formally his bid to run for president in 2024 next week.

I didn't vote for Trump in 2016 because of this. In 2020 I DID vote for him, because his track record supported him as a good president, and he WAS a good, great even, president.

But even a great general who turns the artillery on his own troops is useless. And that's what Trump is doing. If he wants to beat DeSantis, show that he's a better choice for decent Americans. OUR WAR is against fascism, against the democrats. Direct fire at the enemy.
If the Republicans win the House Trump may no longer be needed, and the GOP can move on. Although it would also give Trump the levers of power if he is reelected.

Republicans already won the house, we secured 216 yesterday when Ken Calvert in California was declared winner in Riverside.

The question now is margin, but the GOP has the gavel. Senate is still up for grabs, the Americans COULD still end up in control of the Senate.
DeSantis has not voiced any intent to run in 2024 - which is all the more reason it's stupid for Trump to attack his own side.

The democrats want to split the Republican base - is Trump working for the democrats?
Trump isn’t republican
Republicans already won the house, we secured 216 yesterday when Ken Calvert in California was declared winner in Riverside.

The question now is margin, but the GOP has the gavel. Senate is still up for grabs, the Americans COULD still end up in control of the Senate.
Do we have the needed 218?
You still haven't figured out that Trump never promoted anything except Trump! Really?

Is your faith in the orange god wavering?

I'm sure that he thinks that the fault lies with you - you failed to make him the emperor that he believes he deserves to be.
Again, you Nazis projected your cult of personality obsessions on your betters. If Trump serves the interests of decent Americans in our WAR against fascism and the Nazi democrats, then I support Trump - because I support the Constitution. If Trump harms to the efforts to restore America to a free Republic, under the Constitution, then I oppose Trump.

Look, Trump has 4 years of positive accomplishments - and one night of stupid comments.

I'm not going to be pushed into a conflict by you of the fascist left who are the real enemy.
I've been a staunch supporter of Trump for years. It's not me changing - Trump is firing on his own troops.

Trump just busted his ass for the party, and it's turning its back on him in favor of nothing burger DeSantis.

He's right to be angry, and the party is allowing the anti-Trump cult within it to destroy it.

Liz Cheney is chortling in glee.

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