Trump Melts Down Bigly On Truth Social As Republican Vultures Circle The Wreckage

When DeSantis gets up the balls to hit back at Trump, we'll all know that Trump has been defanged and is on the way out.

Trump is so far able to crucify DeSantis.

DeSantis can't be anything more than a 'reserve' bid being held until Trump is no longer in control. He and Trump can never go head to head for the nomination.
It appears that Desantis is ignoring Trump.
You know you can look up the explanations yourself. Why are you asking me when you obviously aren't going to believe them? Obviously you're a conspiracy theorist retard and you're just going to whine election fraud every time you lose.

I don't have to, this is all political, and intentional to cheat. It's quite simple, second time in two consecutive elections. what a dumbass you are.

Why would how close candidates are slow down counting exactly?
I don't have to, this is all political, and intentional to cheat. It's quite simple, second time in two consecutive elections. what a dumbass you are
See? You're a conspiracy theorist retard and you're not going to listen to reasonable explanations that you are provided with. You're just going to go with your baseless conspiracy theories every time you lose.
I'm quite proud of all of the folks I have voted for. Can you say the same?

Now you'll lie to us again....hop to it sonny boy.

You're right, I'm deeply ashamed of the scum you voted for.

I'm happy with who *I* voted for though.

I don't even regret voting for that pile of shit Romney - Obama was THAT bad. You know damn well from AWE that I opposed McCain.

I actually left the Republican party and became a registered Libertarian for 20 years because the GOP nominated Bush the eviler (who promptly got us into a war - as predicted) and I sure wasn't going to vote for his dynasty spawn (who promptly got us into a war - as predicted).

I'm proud that I've never voted for anyone named "Bush." Are you proud that you never voted for anyone named "Obama?" Because that would be something to be DEEPLY ashamed of.
See? You're a conspiracy theorist retard and you're not going to listen to reasonable explanations that you are provided with. You're just going to go with your baseless conspiracy theories every time you lose.
I call it as it is. You keep your head and thoughts buried.
I don't even regret voting for that pile of shit Romney - Obama was THAT bad. You know damn well from AWE that I opposed McCain.
You're proud to have voted for someone you call a "piece of shit"? LOL

Are you stupid?
I actually left the Republican party and became a registered Libertarian for 20 years because the GOP nominated Bush the eviler (who promptly got us into a war - as predicted) and I sure wasn't going to vote for his dynasty spawn (who promptly got us into a war - as predicted).

I'm proud that I've never voted for anyone named "Bush." Are you proud that you never voted for anyone named "Obama?" Because that would be something to be DEEPLY ashamed of.
Yeah...nobody believes you.
You have zero evidence for your claim. That’s what makes it a conspiracy theory. You’re just a sore loser crybaby with a tinfoil hat.
that the same two states have the same issue after being called out two years ago. I drop mic.

Trump just busted his ass for the party, and it's turning its back on him in favor of nothing burger DeSantis.

He's right to be angry, and the party is allowing the anti-Trump cult within it to destroy it.

Liz Cheney is chortling in glee.

That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

How did the party "turn their back" on Trump?

It's Trump spewing venom at his own side. DeSantis said nothing negative about Trump.

Trump is closer to Cheney politically than DeSantis is. You know this.
He got his brand handed to him on Tuesday. And now he's been all over his home style media raging about it. :auiqs.jpg:

BTW, YOU are the chowderheads keeping this turd alive. Your support, your money, your love. :)
All you have to do is renounce him....when he stops talking, we'll stop talking about him.
Boy are you guys dumb.
On Tuesday the United States discovered that when more Americans come out to vote, the MAGA world and its surrogate Republican Party are really unpopular.

One of the grand delusions in the traditional media is that Donald Trump, a man who never received the popular vote in the history of ever, was somehow popular.

It’s a relative term, of course. Donald Trump ispopular with the MAGA crowd that believes they will ascend into heaven on his back. Donald Trump is less unpopular than many of his fellow conservative leaders within his own party. But he isn’t really popular. A large part of this is because Donald Trump is a terrible person, and most people can see that.

Vultures and MAGATs. Todays Republican Party ladies and gentlemen.
Big league
sure it does.

You need to recognize the actual enemy we face.

It's not DeSantis, he's on our side. (Because I REFUSE to be pitted against you or any other conservative on this board.)

Our mutual enemy is the Nazi democrat party.

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