Trump might consider this after running by legal counsel

The 14th Amendment assumes that the census counts citizens, one might argue it "requires" that citizens be counted. Case closed. Thank you Justice Roberts, I knew you'd understand....
"Section 2 of the 14th Amendment provides that if a state denies the franchise to anyone eligible to vote, its allotment of House seats shall be "reduced in the proportion which the number of such ... citizens shall bear to the whole number of ... citizens ... in such state." This language is absolute and mandatory. Compliance is impossible without counting how many citizens live in each state."
In this case there is a matter of intent. The intention is to force a significant under-count on the census. Not going to win this one.
In this case there is a matter of intent. The intention is to force a significant under-count on the census. Not going to win this one.

Census counts citizens and LEGAL immigrants. No intention of forcing an undercount, we just count citizens and LEGAL immigrants. Hopefully Trump pursues this route.
In this case there is a matter of intent. The intention is to force a significant under-count on the census. Not going to win this one.

Census counts citizens and LEGAL immigrants. No intention of forcing an undercount, we just count citizens and LEGAL immigrants. Hopefully Trump pursues this route.
The census counts everyone at every address, period. From the start this question was misrepresented by those who want it and now they are trying to even disregard the supreme court. You want it very badly one one reason alone, to cheat the representative system laid down in the constitution. Trying to find a dodge that again misrepresents the intention is not going to do it.
The census counts everyone at every address, period. From the start this question was misrepresented by those who want it and now they are trying to even disregard the supreme court. You want it very badly one one reason alone, to cheat the representative system laid down in the constitution. Trying to find a dodge that again misrepresents the intention is not going to do it.
I want to know how many non citizens are in my country...why don't you?...who would it hurt?...and why do you think it would hurt anyone?....
Trump needs to STFU and let the Census Bureau handle the god damn census LIKE THEY ALWAYS HAVE IN THE PAST.

The census counts everyone at every address, period. From the start this question was misrepresented by those who want it and now they are trying to even disregard the supreme court. You want it very badly one one reason alone, to cheat the representative system laid down in the constitution. Trying to find a dodge that again misrepresents the intention is not going to do it.
I want to know how many non citizens are in my country...why don't you?...who would it hurt?...and why do you think it would hurt anyone?....
Not possible, not with the census anyway. There is a not unfounded suspicion that the census will be used to track down and remove non-citizens. An under-count is the intention here, quit pretending otherwise.
The 14th Amendment assumes that the census counts citizens, one might argue it "requires" that citizens be counted. Case closed. Thank you Justice Roberts, I knew you'd understand....
"Section 2 of the 14th Amendment provides that if a state denies the franchise to anyone eligible to vote, its allotment of House seats shall be "reduced in the proportion which the number of such ... citizens shall bear to the whole number of ... citizens ... in such state." This language is absolute and mandatory. Compliance is impossible without counting how many citizens live in each state."

You are wrong yet again, at least you are consistent. The second part of Section 2 is what happens for those that refuses to allow males over 21 to vote. It has nothing to do with who is counted.

Please, do us all a favor and go back and get your GED and learn what the word "but" means in a paragraph.
Trump needs to STFU and let the Census Bureau handle the god damn census LIKE THEY ALWAYS HAVE IN THE PAST.

The citizenship question has to be asked for any resemblance of accuracy
I'm not looking at the reasoning presented by the article as a slam dunk. If it was then why wasn't the point used initially as the administration's argument that was brought to the court? I'm not opposed to the citizenship question, I'm just giving the administration some credit that the situation isn't as easy as the American Thinker article makes it out to be.
Trump needs to STFU and let the Census Bureau handle the god damn census LIKE THEY ALWAYS HAVE IN THE PAST.


What branch of govt does the Bureau fall under?

Article One states the census is in Congressional hands.

The Bureau is continued as an agency within, and under the jurisdiction of, the Department of Commerce.

The trouble is that Trump's intention is to discourage Hispanic citizens from replying. The question is not going to be on the census.

Why would they be discouraged from replying?
They are on a green card, they know they aren't citizens.
The 14th Amendment assumes that the census counts citizens, one might argue it "requires" that citizens be counted. Case closed. Thank you Justice Roberts, I knew you'd understand....
"Section 2 of the 14th Amendment provides that if a state denies the franchise to anyone eligible to vote, its allotment of House seats shall be "reduced in the proportion which the number of such ... citizens shall bear to the whole number of ... citizens ... in such state." This language is absolute and mandatory. Compliance is impossible without counting how many citizens live in each state."

Section 2, is to make certain the States do not keep black men from being allowed to vote by the State, if the State is doing hanky panky to keep anyone eligible to vote from voting, the Federal Penalty of such, put on to the State breaking the constitution and law, was reducing their Federal Representatives in the House, proportionately to the number of people they disenfranchised of their vote.

Basically, it has absolutely nothing to do with what it seems you are implying.
The Constitution says very clearly, ALL RESIDENTS are to be counted in the Census so that Representatives can be allocated proportionately per total residents....

How can anyone dance around what it actually says?
The purpose of the census is to count people in districts and states to distribute federal funds and determine representation in congress. The numbers used are the total number of people both citizens and non-citizens. For the purpose of the census, citizenship is irrelevant.

The purpose of putting a citizenship question on the survey is to frighten families that contain an undocumented immigrant(s) into not filling a census form which is legally required of citizen or non-citizen.

Trump lawyers tried to justified the question by claiming the information will help protect voting rights of minorities. Two district courts and the Supreme Court have ruled against Trump. Each of the courts saw thru the defenses case immediately as being an illegal tactics to drive down census numbers, a clear violation of Article 1 Section 2 of the constitution.
The Constitution says very clearly, ALL RESIDENTS are to be counted in the Census so that Representatives can be allocated proportionately per total residents....

How can anyone dance around what it actually says?
Resident does not include ILLEGAL immigrants. Ohh and QUOTE the passage.

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