Trump must be respected, he calls NATO out to their faces. Detractors must acknowledge this

I'm watching Trump at NATO, as the nations leaders line up and he tells them to their faces that every nation needs to pay their 2% and their past obligations. Calls out the "thousands and thousands" of immigrants "pouring in" and calls out the challenge to take on terror and yes, even Russian threats.
What past obligations?
Trump is mistaken about member states being required to pay 2% of their GDP on defense. The 2% figure is an approximate guide, not an obligation. There are no past payments due as the 2% is a target to be met by 2020, three years from now. Lastly, I do not know anything about American businessmen and how they might like to push their weight around but I am pretty sure that if anyone wants to get European government leaders to agree to a plan then it is best done diplomatically, behind closed doors, and not in a public scolding on their home soil.
I'm watching Trump at NATO, as the nations leaders line up and he tells them to their faces that every nation needs to pay their 2% and their past obligations. Calls out the "thousands and thousands" of immigrants "pouring in" and calls out the challenge to take on terror and yes, even Russian threats.
What past obligations?
Trump is mistaken about member states being required to pay 2% of their GDP on defense. The 2% figure is an approximate guide, not an obligation. There are no past payments due as the 2% is a target to be met by 2020, three years from now. Lastly, I do not know anything about American businessmen and how they might like to push their weight around but I am pretty sure that if anyone wants to get European government leaders to agree to a plan then it is best done diplomatically, behind closed doors, and not in a public scolding on their home soil.


You are simply not believable because of your past history of lying.
I'm watching Trump at NATO, as the nations leaders line up and he tells them to their faces that every nation needs to pay their 2% and their past obligations. Calls out the "thousands and thousands" of immigrants "pouring in" and calls out the challenge to take on terror and yes, even Russian threats.
What past obligations?
Trump is mistaken about member states being required to pay 2% of their GDP on defense. The 2% figure is an approximate guide, not an obligation. There are no past payments due as the 2% is a target to be met by 2020, three years from now. Lastly, I do not know anything about American businessmen and how they might like to push their weight around but I am pretty sure that if anyone wants to get European government leaders to agree to a plan then it is best done diplomatically, behind closed doors, and not in a public scolding on their home soil.


You are simply not believable because of your past history of lying.

Pot. . . kettle . . . Black.

Trump hasn't even bothered to read the NATO agreement. The rest of the nation's owe the US nothing and they're not going to pay.

If the US can't afford to spend all this money on defence, them they should cut their defence spending, or raise taxes and pay for it. Stop going into debt for shit you can't afford.

Don't expect the rest of the world to enable your useless wars and obsession with military toys.
I'm watching Trump at NATO, as the nations leaders line up and he tells them to their faces that every nation needs to pay their 2% and their past obligations. Calls out the "thousands and thousands" of immigrants "pouring in" and calls out the challenge to take on terror and yes, even Russian threats.
What past obligations?
Trump is mistaken about member states being required to pay 2% of their GDP on defense. The 2% figure is an approximate guide, not an obligation. There are no past payments due as the 2% is a target to be met by 2020, three years from now. Lastly, I do not know anything about American businessmen and how they might like to push their weight around but I am pretty sure that if anyone wants to get European government leaders to agree to a plan then it is best done diplomatically, behind closed doors, and not in a public scolding on their home soil.


You are simply not believable because of your past history of lying.

Pot. . . kettle . . . Black.

Trump hasn't even bothered to read the NATO agreement. The rest of the nation's owe the US nothing and they're not going to pay.

If the US can't afford to spend all this money on defence, them they should cut their defence spending, or raise taxes and pay for it. Stop going into debt for shit you can't afford.

Don't expect the rest of the world to enable your useless wars and obsession with military toys.

Learn how we spell defense.

We want them to spend what they agreed to do.

BTW, I didn't ask you!
I'm watching Trump at NATO, as the nations leaders line up and he tells them to their faces that every nation needs to pay their 2% and their past obligations. Calls out the "thousands and thousands" of immigrants "pouring in" and calls out the challenge to take on terror and yes, even Russian threats.

Then, as a twist to the gut after the punch, he says "I'm never ever going to ask how much the new NATO building costs" and "it's beautiful". Clearly suggesting that they spend a great deal on the building but where are the 2% commitments?!?!

You could see the NATO leaders with a slight smile at times, some crossing their arms, clearly uncomfortable at times as Trump spoke the truth. Only 5 of the 28 have made their obligations, as he said "it's not fair to the U.S taxpayer".

This was vintage Trump. A stern lecture. Not from America, but to their faces. Bravo.

Really--this is what you believe their impression of Trump is? "Respect"--you're joking right;

I think they're looking at him with this in mind.

I'm watching Trump at NATO, as the nations leaders line up and he tells them to their faces that every nation needs to pay their 2% and their past obligations. Calls out the "thousands and thousands" of immigrants "pouring in" and calls out the challenge to take on terror and yes, even Russian threats.

Then, as a twist to the gut after the punch, he says "I'm never ever going to ask how much the new NATO building costs" and "it's beautiful". Clearly suggesting that they spend a great deal on the building but where are the 2% commitments?!?!

You could see the NATO leaders with a slight smile at times, some crossing their arms, clearly uncomfortable at times as Trump spoke the truth. Only 5 of the 28 have made their obligations, as he said "it's not fair to the U.S taxpayer".

This was vintage Trump. A stern lecture. Not from America, but to their faces. Bravo.

Really--this is what you believe their impression of Trump is? "Respect"--you're joking right;

I think they're looking at him with this in mind.


He was giving a speech to socialist leaders, many who are more on message and refined than any politician you would see in America. They have thousands of potential terror threats in nations which are much smaller than America, and far less of a global presence.

Yes he lectured them. Yes, he didn't make any new friends or get their loyalties. He wants allies, but not those who think that a larger National Security Threat exists with global warming than terrorists hell bent on killing their most vulnerable citizens.

It doesn't take a leader to just follow the others, he is expressing what his voters want. America is tired of being taken advantage of, and you can be sure, they are. As Wilbur Ross stated, it's not fair for America to be the global trade deficit king for the sake of the rest of the world prospering.
I'm watching Trump at NATO, as the nations leaders line up and he tells them to their faces that every nation needs to pay their 2% and their past obligations. Calls out the "thousands and thousands" of immigrants "pouring in" and calls out the challenge to take on terror and yes, even Russian threats.

Then, as a twist to the gut after the punch, he says "I'm never ever going to ask how much the new NATO building costs" and "it's beautiful". Clearly suggesting that they spend a great deal on the building but where are the 2% commitments?!?!

You could see the NATO leaders with a slight smile at times, some crossing their arms, clearly uncomfortable at times as Trump spoke the truth. Only 5 of the 28 have made their obligations, as he said "it's not fair to the U.S taxpayer".

This was vintage Trump. A stern lecture. Not from America, but to their faces. Bravo.

Really--this is what you believe their impression of Trump is? "Respect"--you're joking right;

I think they're looking at him with this in mind.


He was giving a speech to socialist leaders, many who are more on message and refined than any politician you would see in America. They have thousands of potential terror threats in nations which are much smaller than America, and far less of a global presence.

Yes he lectured them. Yes, he didn't make any new friends or get their loyalties. He wants allies, but not those who think that a larger National Security Threat exists with global warming than terrorists hell bent on killing their most vulnerable citizens.

It doesn't take a leader to just follow the others, he is expressing what his voters want. America is tired of being taken advantage of, and you can be sure, they are. As Wilbur Ross stated, it's not fair for America to be the global trade deficit king for the sake of the rest of the world prospering.
No European leaders have asked U.S. politicians to comply with the desires of American industrial military interests.
What I find hilarious is a bunch of Liberals whining because people are being asked to pay their fair share.
The pussy grabber continues to do and say the wrong thing. He's a fat hot mess and no clue about how NATO works. He should have learned this the last time he stupidly demanded money but of course, he's just too dumb. And, to make it worse, he even said he 'had not asked how much the building cost'.

WTH is wrong with this idiot?

I see no problem with what he said. You have serious issues to deal with and every other nation pretends that security is free. America has been the world police while everyone else looks to exploit America.

These same nations are chirping about everyone meeting their climate change obligations and "not building walls", yet, for years they haven't made their 2% minimum commitment they agreed to. Considering how many more terror risks are present in the E.U and how many mass successes there, and how many don't meet their financial obligations to NATO, they have little room to lecture.

How many times more than Russia does NATO have to spend?

And by the way, you can spend all you want but it helps when you don't hire a guy who was compromised by your enemy...

NATO members were not thinking about 2% but how much information has to be shared with the orange guy in front of them...

Trump can't be trusted with sensitive information...
Trump's already pissed off the real econ driver in Nato/EU, Germany, and all of the EU is pissed at our best ally the UK, and now we've pissed on their terror investigation. It seems Trump engendered a lot of fear that he's blow up Nato, but now he's on board. Our complaints about their defense spending are long seeded and go pat % of gdp, esp with Germany. The i
The pussy grabber continues to do and say the wrong thing. He's a fat hot mess and no clue about how NATO works. He should have learned this the last time he stupidly demanded money but of course, he's just too dumb. And, to make it worse, he even said he 'had not asked how much the building cost'.

WTH is wrong with this idiot?

I see no problem with what he said. You have serious issues to deal with and every other nation pretends that security is free. America has been the world police while everyone else looks to exploit America.

These same nations are chirping about everyone meeting their climate change obligations and "not building walls", yet, for years they haven't made their 2% minimum commitment they agreed to. Considering how many more terror risks are present in the E.U and how many mass successes there, and how many don't meet their financial obligations to NATO, they have little room to lecture.

Oh for pete's sake. I said nothing of the kind. Of course security comes at a cost.

He made an ass of himself by choosing that place and that time to deliver a lecture.

Can't someone get his big mouth under control? He blabs secrets to our enemies and insults our allies. Not once in that idiotic speech did he even mention the purpose of NATO and/or our role in it. The reason he did not say that is that he simply does not know.

And now he wants to fundamentally expand the mission. They'll be polite and wish him a nice trip home to his bed.

A UUUge problem is his ignorance. He has no idea what he believes and he changes at the drop of a hat. Worse is, he is incapable of learning.

Think about this way... If Trump asked NATO to invade a country in the ME, how many would agree.... How many NATO Countries could convince their people to follow Trump's lead?

I say hell all...
International opinion polling for the United States presidential election, 2016 - Wikipedia

Trump was not popular before and still remains unpopular...
Quit Being an Outhouse for the Eurine Union

Selfish NATO wouldn't help us fight Communism in Vietnam, so set them adrift. Soon they will be Allies of Allah anyway.
I see no problem with what he said. You have serious issues to deal with and every other nation pretends that security is free. America has been the world police while everyone else looks to exploit America.

These same nations are chirping about everyone meeting their climate change obligations and "not building walls", yet, for years they haven't made their 2% minimum commitment they agreed to. Considering how many more terror risks are present in the E.U and how many mass successes there, and how many don't meet their financial obligations to NATO, they have little room to lecture.

How many times more than Russia does NATO have to spend?

And by the way, you can spend all you want but it helps when you don't hire a guy who was compromised by your enemy...

NATO members were not thinking about 2% but how much information has to be shared with the orange guy in front of them...

Trump can't be trusted with sensitive information...
Trump's already pissed off the real econ driver in Nato/EU, Germany, and all of the EU is pissed at our best ally the UK, and now we've pissed on their terror investigation. It seems Trump engendered a lot of fear that he's blow up Nato, but now he's on board. Our complaints about their defense spending are long seeded and go pat % of gdp, esp with Germany. The i
I see no problem with what he said. You have serious issues to deal with and every other nation pretends that security is free. America has been the world police while everyone else looks to exploit America.

These same nations are chirping about everyone meeting their climate change obligations and "not building walls", yet, for years they haven't made their 2% minimum commitment they agreed to. Considering how many more terror risks are present in the E.U and how many mass successes there, and how many don't meet their financial obligations to NATO, they have little room to lecture.

Oh for pete's sake. I said nothing of the kind. Of course security comes at a cost.

He made an ass of himself by choosing that place and that time to deliver a lecture.

Can't someone get his big mouth under control? He blabs secrets to our enemies and insults our allies. Not once in that idiotic speech did he even mention the purpose of NATO and/or our role in it. The reason he did not say that is that he simply does not know.

And now he wants to fundamentally expand the mission. They'll be polite and wish him a nice trip home to his bed.

A UUUge problem is his ignorance. He has no idea what he believes and he changes at the drop of a hat. Worse is, he is incapable of learning.

Think about this way... If Trump asked NATO to invade a country in the ME, how many would agree.... How many NATO Countries could convince their people to follow Trump's lead?

I say hell all...
International opinion polling for the United States presidential election, 2016 - Wikipedia

Trump was not popular before and still remains unpopular...
Quit Being an Outhouse for the Eurine Union

Selfish NATO wouldn't help us fight Communism in Vietnam, so set them adrift. Soon they will be Allies of Allah anyway.
Vietnam never attacked Europe.
How's this for respect?

Look at this big dummy as he is told who the most important person is. Macron left him hanging. This will haunt $45 for the rest of his life.

How many times more than Russia does NATO have to spend?

And by the way, you can spend all you want but it helps when you don't hire a guy who was compromised by your enemy...

NATO members were not thinking about 2% but how much information has to be shared with the orange guy in front of them...

Trump can't be trusted with sensitive information...
Trump's already pissed off the real econ driver in Nato/EU, Germany, and all of the EU is pissed at our best ally the UK, and now we've pissed on their terror investigation. It seems Trump engendered a lot of fear that he's blow up Nato, but now he's on board. Our complaints about their defense spending are long seeded and go pat % of gdp, esp with Germany. The i
Oh for pete's sake. I said nothing of the kind. Of course security comes at a cost.

He made an ass of himself by choosing that place and that time to deliver a lecture.

Can't someone get his big mouth under control? He blabs secrets to our enemies and insults our allies. Not once in that idiotic speech did he even mention the purpose of NATO and/or our role in it. The reason he did not say that is that he simply does not know.

And now he wants to fundamentally expand the mission. They'll be polite and wish him a nice trip home to his bed.

A UUUge problem is his ignorance. He has no idea what he believes and he changes at the drop of a hat. Worse is, he is incapable of learning.

Think about this way... If Trump asked NATO to invade a country in the ME, how many would agree.... How many NATO Countries could convince their people to follow Trump's lead?

I say hell all...
International opinion polling for the United States presidential election, 2016 - Wikipedia

Trump was not popular before and still remains unpopular...
Quit Being an Outhouse for the Eurine Union

Selfish NATO wouldn't help us fight Communism in Vietnam, so set them adrift. Soon they will be Allies of Allah anyway.
Vietnam never attacked Europe.

Did Afghanistan ever attack Europe? NATO went balls-deep in Afghanistan!
The pussy grabber continues to do and say the wrong thing. He's a fat hot mess and no clue about how NATO works. He should have learned this the last time he stupidly demanded money but of course, he's just too dumb. And, to make it worse, he even said he 'had not asked how much the building cost'.

WTH is wrong with this idiot?

I see no problem with what he said. You have serious issues to deal with and every other nation pretends that security is free. America has been the world police while everyone else looks to exploit America.

These same nations are chirping about everyone meeting their climate change obligations and "not building walls", yet, for years they haven't made their 2% minimum commitment they agreed to. Considering how many more terror risks are present in the E.U and how many mass successes there, and how many don't meet their financial obligations to NATO, they have little room to lecture.

How many times more than Russia does NATO have to spend?

And by the way, you can spend all you want but it helps when you don't hire a guy who was compromised by your enemy...

NATO members were not thinking about 2% but how much information has to be shared with the orange guy in front of them...

Trump can't be trusted with sensitive information...
Says the moron that nominated and voted for a POS that transferred Top Secret info to her unsecured personal server and then allowed it to to shared with an accused pediophile.
I'm watching Trump at NATO, as the nations leaders line up and he tells them to their faces that every nation needs to pay their 2% and their past obligations. Calls out the "thousands and thousands" of immigrants "pouring in" and calls out the challenge to take on terror and yes, even Russian threats.

Tough on our democratic European allies, gentle with Russian and Saudi autocrats - the Trump doctrine is just the sort of change Putin can believe in.
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