Trump needs to nominate some Non-whites and women

There is no place for them in Trump's Amerika

It must really kill you to know south Carolina has a woman governor and one black senator and one white homosexual senator

And how diverse is your state?
No. Does it kill you?

Nice dig at Graham there btw. Thanks for reminding everyone that republicans want him gone and call him gay as an insult and means to slander him to his constituents.

Just got to remind them he is a RINO and I hate that prick.. BTW you still don't want to tell me where you live?

OK I will check your profile
Btw all 3 of the people you mentioned opposed Trump. And I live in Virginia.


You are a an elite.. A person who lives in Virginia and works in the capital

Who are you?

Holy shit you are an insider
There is no place for them in Trump's Amerika

It must really kill you to know south Carolina has a woman governor and one black senator and one white homosexual senator

And how diverse is your state?
No. Does it kill you?

Nice dig at Graham there btw. Thanks for reminding everyone that republicans want him gone and call him gay as an insult and means to slander him to his constituents.

Just got to remind them he is a RINO and I hate that prick.. BTW you still don't want to tell me where you live?

OK I will check your profile
Btw all 3 of the people you mentioned opposed Trump. And I live in Virginia.


You are a an elite.. A person who lives in Virginia and works in the capital

Who are you?

Holy shit you are an insider
Wrong about everything except me living in Virginia. Though maybe compared to the slack-jawed yokels of the alt-right, I guess I could be an elite.
It must really kill you to know south Carolina has a woman governor and one black senator and one white homosexual senator

And how diverse is your state?
No. Does it kill you?

Nice dig at Graham there btw. Thanks for reminding everyone that republicans want him gone and call him gay as an insult and means to slander him to his constituents.

Just got to remind them he is a RINO and I hate that prick.. BTW you still don't want to tell me where you live?

OK I will check your profile
Btw all 3 of the people you mentioned opposed Trump. And I live in Virginia.


You are a an elite.. A person who lives in Virginia and works in the capital

Who are you?

Holy shit you are an insider
Wrong about everything except me living in Virginia. Though maybe compared to the slack-jawed yokels of the alt-right, I guess I could be an elite.

You can't bullshit me only two types live in Virginia

The crazy ass hill Billy's


The elites that left the high taxes of D.C. But still comute there

Your way to sophisticated to be a hill billy.

Don't lie.. I figured you out my friend.
Trump needs to nominate some Non-whites and women
Why that hasn't worked out so well for the current administration
Trump needs to nominate half of his cabinet with women and non-whites. No more old white males...

He also needs to consider transgender and homosexuals.

RUSH: Meanwhile, Donald Trump has announced three people for his cabinet. He's got Jeff Sessions over at attorney general, not Ted Cruz. Sessions is great, folks. This is a personal, a hugely personal -- he would never admit this, by the way -- but this is a hugely personal achievement for him.

Jeff Sessions was long ago nominated to be a federal district court judge, I think, by Nixon, if I'm not mistaken, and the Democrats rejected his nomination on the basis that he wasn't qualified for the usual racist, sexist, from the South. That's when Jeff Sessions decided to run for office, and this completes the loop for him. It's been a long time coming. Congratulations to Senator Sessions.

A Cabinet That Thinks Like America - The Rush Limbaugh Show
No. Does it kill you?

Nice dig at Graham there btw. Thanks for reminding everyone that republicans want him gone and call him gay as an insult and means to slander him to his constituents.

Just got to remind them he is a RINO and I hate that prick.. BTW you still don't want to tell me where you live?

OK I will check your profile
Btw all 3 of the people you mentioned opposed Trump. And I live in Virginia.


You are a an elite.. A person who lives in Virginia and works in the capital

Who are you?

Holy shit you are an insider
Wrong about everything except me living in Virginia. Though maybe compared to the slack-jawed yokels of the alt-right, I guess I could be an elite.

You can't bullshit me only two types live in Virginia

The crazy ass hill Billy's


The elites that left the high taxes of D.C. But still comute there

Your way to sophisticated to be a hill billy.

Don't lie.. I figured you out my friend.
No. Does it kill you?

Nice dig at Graham there btw. Thanks for reminding everyone that republicans want him gone and call him gay as an insult and means to slander him to his constituents.

Just got to remind them he is a RINO and I hate that prick.. BTW you still don't want to tell me where you live?

OK I will check your profile
Btw all 3 of the people you mentioned opposed Trump. And I live in Virginia.


You are a an elite.. A person who lives in Virginia and works in the capital

Who are you?

Holy shit you are an insider
Wrong about everything except me living in Virginia. Though maybe compared to the slack-jawed yokels of the alt-right, I guess I could be an elite.

You can't bullshit me only two types live in Virginia

The crazy ass hill Billy's


The elites that left the high taxes of D.C. But still comute there

Your way to sophisticated to be a hill billy.

Don't lie.. I figured you out my friend.

Dude you can't bull shit me your a Harvard or Yale graduate

who trys to play dumb
Just got to remind them he is a RINO and I hate that prick.. BTW you still don't want to tell me where you live?

OK I will check your profile
Btw all 3 of the people you mentioned opposed Trump. And I live in Virginia.


You are a an elite.. A person who lives in Virginia and works in the capital

Who are you?

Holy shit you are an insider
Wrong about everything except me living in Virginia. Though maybe compared to the slack-jawed yokels of the alt-right, I guess I could be an elite.

You can't bullshit me only two types live in Virginia

The crazy ass hill Billy's


The elites that left the high taxes of D.C. But still comute there

Your way to sophisticated to be a hill billy.

Don't lie.. I figured you out my friend.

West point?
Just got to remind them he is a RINO and I hate that prick.. BTW you still don't want to tell me where you live?

OK I will check your profile
Btw all 3 of the people you mentioned opposed Trump. And I live in Virginia.


You are a an elite.. A person who lives in Virginia and works in the capital

Who are you?

Holy shit you are an insider
Wrong about everything except me living in Virginia. Though maybe compared to the slack-jawed yokels of the alt-right, I guess I could be an elite.

You can't bullshit me only two types live in Virginia

The crazy ass hill Billy's


The elites that left the high taxes of D.C. But still comute there

Your way to sophisticated to be a hill billy.

Don't lie.. I figured you out my friend.

I am trying to figure out who you are.. Not sucking your dick..

But I like people with brains..
The people who voted against Trump are NOT jobless lowlifes, they are the majority of Americans representing a cross section of the voting American public.. Do I have to keep shouting the fact that these people live primarily in Blue states…the states that bankroll the federal treasury which the poorer republican led states plunder? I guess I do have to keep repeating myself when talking to a dense dunce like YOU!

Ya know..given the Nazi overtones emanated by Trump's choices in seeding his administration..he is not only alienating the majority of Americans, he is gearing for international isolation from our allies.
Meanwhile he seems willing to align himself with former KGB agent, Putin! To me that unprecedented gesture is reminiscent of the alliance between Hitler and Mussolini. 'scuse me, it is time to change my signature again….

So, Hil-liar and DumBama were both backed by the US Communist party. Sanders spent his honeymoon in the USSR.

The jobless lowlifes I speak of are those idiots in the street, breaking laws, damaging private and public property, attacking innocent civilians, and they are out there night after night. I was not talking about everybody that voted for Hillary. I don't believe in the Basket of Deplorables.

Speaking of dunce, states don't get money--people get money from the federal government. Trust me, although we are pretty red right now, we have plenty of cities that suck up that welfare state money. Those are the blue populated sections of our state.

Of course we would be glad to get rid of those people in those blue cities, but they probably wouldn't leave because they would have no way to survive. In fact I think it would be great if we all divided up by party. Liberals get one half of the country and we get the other half. Hell, if our half was chosen to be the Republican side and all the Democrats moved out, my property value would double overnight.

YOU said:
The jobless lowlifes I speak of are those idiots in the street, breaking laws, damaging private and public property, attacking innocent civilians, and they are out there night after night.

Most of the time the protestors are peaceful. But, as with any protest, infiltrators come around stirring up trouble to influence media and public attention. BTW you have no proof that any of the anti-Trump protesters are jobless…you are just talking out of your arse.

YOU said:
Speaking of dunce, states don't get money--people get money from the federal government.

Pure gibberish…. try again.

YOU said:
Of course we would be glad to get rid of those people in those blue cities, but they probably wouldn't leave because they would have no way to survive.

Uh, not all registered Democrats live in Blue states and not all registered republicans live in red states. But if you want to look at this partisan divide economically, consider this: Most US poverty is concentrated in the red states. If republicanism is so great, how can that be? What is keeping poor people down under Republican rule in those impoverished states?
The people who voted against Trump are NOT jobless lowlifes, they are the majority of Americans representing a cross section of the voting American public.. Do I have to keep shouting the fact that these people live primarily in Blue states…the states that bankroll the federal treasury which the poorer republican led states plunder? I guess I do have to keep repeating myself when talking to a dense dunce like YOU!

Ya know..given the Nazi overtones emanated by Trump's choices in seeding his administration..he is not only alienating the majority of Americans, he is gearing for international isolation from our allies.
Meanwhile he seems willing to align himself with former KGB agent, Putin! To me that unprecedented gesture is reminiscent of the alliance between Hitler and Mussolini. 'scuse me, it is time to change my signature again….

So, Hil-liar and DumBama were both backed by the US Communist party. Sanders spent his honeymoon in the USSR.

The jobless lowlifes I speak of are those idiots in the street, breaking laws, damaging private and public property, attacking innocent civilians, and they are out there night after night. I was not talking about everybody that voted for Hillary. I don't believe in the Basket of Deplorables.

Speaking of dunce, states don't get money--people get money from the federal government. Trust me, although we are pretty red right now, we have plenty of cities that suck up that welfare state money. Those are the blue populated sections of our state.

Of course we would be glad to get rid of those people in those blue cities, but they probably wouldn't leave because they would have no way to survive. In fact I think it would be great if we all divided up by party. Liberals get one half of the country and we get the other half. Hell, if our half was chosen to be the Republican side and all the Democrats moved out, my property value would double overnight.

YOU said:
The jobless lowlifes I speak of are those idiots in the street, breaking laws, damaging private and public property, attacking innocent civilians, and they are out there night after night.

Most of the time the protestors are peaceful. But, as with any protest, infiltrators come around stirring up trouble to influence media and public attention. BTW you have no proof that any of the anti-Trump protesters are jobless…you are just talking out of your arse.

YOU said:
Speaking of dunce, states don't get money--people get money from the federal government.

Pure gibberish…. try again.

YOU said:
Of course we would be glad to get rid of those people in those blue cities, but they probably wouldn't leave because they would have no way to survive.

Uh, not all registered Democrats live in Blue states and not all registered republicans live in red states. But if you want to look at this partisan divide economically, consider this: Most US poverty is concentrated in the red states. If republicanism is so great, how can that be? What is keeping poor people down under Republican rule in those impoverished states?

Most of the time the protestors are peaceful. But, as with any protest, infiltrators come around stirring up trouble to influence media and public attention. BTW you have no proof that any of the anti-Trump protesters are jobless…you are just talking out of your arse.

Infiltrators? You mean like the ones Soros us paying?

How do you have a job while at the same time, being able to protest all day and night? If you work full time, the last thing you have time for is to go out in the street to cause trouble for hours on end. You get home, have some dinner, relax for a while, and then maybe tend to chores at home. Then maybe have a drink or two and watch some television, go on the internet for a while, and then start getting ready for work the next day.

Uh, not all registered Democrats live in Blue states and not all registered republicans live in red states. But if you want to look at this partisan divide economically, consider this: Most US poverty is concentrated in the red states. If republicanism is so great, how can that be? What is keeping poor people down under Republican rule in those impoverished states?

What's keeping them down? They're Democrats. First you start off by pointing out the obvious that not everybody in a red or blue state is red or blue, and then ask a dumb question like that?

Your welfare check comes from the federal government. Your food stamps come from the federal government. Your HUD home comes from the federal government. Your Medicare mostly comes from the federal government. Your school lunch comes from the federal government. People get welfare--not states. A state can't be poor--only people can be poor. Red states can't kick the blue people out unfortunately. Wish they could. Like I said, if we could kick the Democrats out of my state, my property value would double overnight. And if you take a look at the electoral map, you'd see that most of the country is red.
The people who voted against Trump are NOT jobless lowlifes, they are the majority of Americans representing a cross section of the voting American public.. Do I have to keep shouting the fact that these people live primarily in Blue states…the states that bankroll the federal treasury which the poorer republican led states plunder? I guess I do have to keep repeating myself when talking to a dense dunce like YOU!

Ya know..given the Nazi overtones emanated by Trump's choices in seeding his administration..he is not only alienating the majority of Americans, he is gearing for international isolation from our allies.
Meanwhile he seems willing to align himself with former KGB agent, Putin! To me that unprecedented gesture is reminiscent of the alliance between Hitler and Mussolini. 'scuse me, it is time to change my signature again….

So, Hil-liar and DumBama were both backed by the US Communist party. Sanders spent his honeymoon in the USSR.

The jobless lowlifes I speak of are those idiots in the street, breaking laws, damaging private and public property, attacking innocent civilians, and they are out there night after night. I was not talking about everybody that voted for Hillary. I don't believe in the Basket of Deplorables.

Speaking of dunce, states don't get money--people get money from the federal government. Trust me, although we are pretty red right now, we have plenty of cities that suck up that welfare state money. Those are the blue populated sections of our state.

Of course we would be glad to get rid of those people in those blue cities, but they probably wouldn't leave because they would have no way to survive. In fact I think it would be great if we all divided up by party. Liberals get one half of the country and we get the other half. Hell, if our half was chosen to be the Republican side and all the Democrats moved out, my property value would double overnight.

YOU said:
The jobless lowlifes I speak of are those idiots in the street, breaking laws, damaging private and public property, attacking innocent civilians, and they are out there night after night.

Most of the time the protestors are peaceful. But, as with any protest, infiltrators come around stirring up trouble to influence media and public attention. BTW you have no proof that any of the anti-Trump protesters are jobless…you are just talking out of your arse.

YOU said:
Speaking of dunce, states don't get money--people get money from the federal government.

Pure gibberish…. try again.

YOU said:
Of course we would be glad to get rid of those people in those blue cities, but they probably wouldn't leave because they would have no way to survive.

Uh, not all registered Democrats live in Blue states and not all registered republicans live in red states. But if you want to look at this partisan divide economically, consider this: Most US poverty is concentrated in the red states. If republicanism is so great, how can that be? What is keeping poor people down under Republican rule in those impoverished states?

Most of the time the protestors are peaceful. But, as with any protest, infiltrators come around stirring up trouble to influence media and public attention. BTW you have no proof that any of the anti-Trump protesters are jobless…you are just talking out of your arse.

Infiltrators? You mean like the ones Soros us paying?

How do you have a job while at the same time, being able to protest all day and night? If you work full time, the last thing you have time for is to go out in the street to cause trouble for hours on end. You get home, have some dinner, relax for a while, and then maybe tend to chores at home. Then maybe have a drink or two and watch some television, go on the internet for a while, and then start getting ready for work the next day.

Uh, not all registered Democrats live in Blue states and not all registered republicans live in red states. But if you want to look at this partisan divide economically, consider this: Most US poverty is concentrated in the red states. If republicanism is so great, how can that be? What is keeping poor people down under Republican rule in those impoverished states?

What's keeping them down? They're Democrats. First you start off by pointing out the obvious that not everybody in a red or blue state is red or blue, and then ask a dumb question like that?

Your welfare check comes from the federal government. Your food stamps come from the federal government. Your HUD home comes from the federal government. Your Medicare mostly comes from the federal government. Your school lunch comes from the federal government. People get welfare--not states. A state can't be poor--only people can be poor. Red states can't kick the blue people out unfortunately. Wish they could. Like I said, if we could kick the Democrats out of my state, my property value would double overnight. And if you take a look at the electoral map, you'd see that most of the country is red.
Most of the PEOPLE are blue

More PEOPLE voted for Hillary than Trump
More PEOPLE voted for Democrats in the Senate and House

Well, over half this country are women and that includes non-whites. Fairness is why.
How is it "fair" to hire someone based on their skin color rather than their ability to do the best job?
That's how the country was saddled with Obama, going down as the worst President in the country's history.
You sound like an eight year old demanding a 'participation trophy'.
Yesterday on MSNBC a negro man and an asian women were asked to visit Trump regarding being possible picks for high level positions. The MSNBC kunt broadcasting and the MSNBC talking head at the studio exchanged a few 'dog whistle' snarky words about these two people living a 'White lifestyle' making them "too White" to be considered as 'real minorities' in Trump's administration.
Trump needs to nominate half of his cabinet with women and non-whites. No more old white males...

He also needs to consider transgender and homosexuals.

No, he needs to hire the best people for the job no matter what they look like. So far I'm not all that impressed.
No one Trump would ever ask to be in his administration would ever "impress" you.
Trump could ask Loretta Lynch to be on his team and you'd have some sort of problem with her.

Well, over half this country are women and that includes non-whites. Fairness is why.

it's not about people gaining coveted positions that they would like, it's about Trump appointing who he thinks will do the best job. That is the most Fair thing to do for the benefit of American citizens. If Trump makes a mistake, then he makes a mistake. But for him to put people in positions of power because he thinks its "fair" for those few people, is completely "UNfair" to the American people. Now you see part of whats wrong with establishment politicians
It all goes back to when these LIB idiots grew up expecting 'participation trophies'.
There is nothing FAIR about rewarding people for simply showing up.
It's this stupid attitude that lost the LIBs over 900 legislative seats since Obama took office.
The LIBs has their asses kicked in 2010/2014/ and especially now in 2016!
The DEMs 'solution?'. Make Keith Ellison the chairman of the DNC.
That's REALLY going to help! HAAAA HAAAAA!
Trump needs to nominate half of his cabinet with women and non-whites. No more old white males...

He also needs to consider transgender and homosexuals.
Yet another example of the regressive left stuck on identity politics...and stuck on stupid.
What other kind of politics is there? You've elected your Great White Hope and now you bray incessantly when the opposition calls for a "Rainbow" hope.
You lost, get over it. Losers don't get to choose, winners do.
But the LIB 'losers' were brought up to expect their 'participation trophy'.
Trump doesn't give trophies to losers and that's what's really got the DEMs bleeding from their eyeballs!
In this case their 'participation trophy' would be Trump appointing LIB minded minorities' b/c that would be "fair".

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