Trump needs to nominate some Non-whites and women

The majority of voting Americans don't want Trump or his picks. That is a lot of tax dollars talking, bub! Trump will soon realize that he isn't in charge at all…he works for US. We the People overwhelmingly rejected Trump at the ballot box and our voices WILL BE HEARD. Let the protests intensify until he kneels before the majority of the American People whom he works for! I don't think he can take the stress!

Right, Trump should kneel to a couple thousand jobless lowlifes that have one goal which is to disrupt our political system; some of them paid to be there.

No, Trump doesn't work for you--he works for us, the people that put him in power. He knows how we want this country run and his top priority is catering to us--not a bunch of leftist that hate his guts.

We want the border closed. We want immigration slowed down. We want Americans to get those American jobs. We want companies to compete in wages to get Americans to take those jobs. We don't want the USA to be a dumping ground for people that live in countries that are all Fd up and they don't want to fix. The buck stops here as they say.

The people who voted against Trump are NOT jobless lowlifes, they are the majority of Americans representing a cross section of the voting American public.. Do I have to keep shouting the fact that these people live primarily in Blue states…the states that bankroll the federal treasury which the poorer republican led states plunder? I guess I do have to keep repeating myself when talking to a dense dunce like YOU!

Ya know..given the Nazi overtones emanated by Trump's choices in seeding his administration..he is not only alienating the majority of Americans, he is gearing for international isolation from our allies.
Meanwhile he seems willing to align himself with former KGB agent, Putin! To me that unprecedented gesture is reminiscent of the alliance between Hitler and Mussolini. 'scuse me, it is time to change my signature again….

What a silly rant based on nothing but fear. Amazing the butt hurt on the left.
Yes....fear mongering works really well on those of low intellect. The D party LOVES low intellect Americans.
The majority of voting Americans don't want Trump or his picks. That is a lot of tax dollars talking, bub! Trump will soon realize that he isn't in charge at all…he works for US. We the People overwhelmingly rejected Trump at the ballot box and our voices WILL BE HEARD. Let the protests intensify until he kneels before the majority of the American People whom he works for! I don't think he can take the stress!

Right, Trump should kneel to a couple thousand jobless lowlifes that have one goal which is to disrupt our political system; some of them paid to be there.

No, Trump doesn't work for you--he works for us, the people that put him in power. He knows how we want this country run and his top priority is catering to us--not a bunch of leftist that hate his guts.

We want the border closed. We want immigration slowed down. We want Americans to get those American jobs. We want companies to compete in wages to get Americans to take those jobs. We don't want the USA to be a dumping ground for people that live in countries that are all Fd up and they don't want to fix. The buck stops here as they say.

The people who voted against Trump are NOT jobless lowlifes, they are the majority of Americans representing a cross section of the voting American public.. Do I have to keep shouting the fact that these people live primarily in Blue states…the states that bankroll the federal treasury which the poorer republican led states plunder? I guess I do have to keep repeating myself when talking to a dense dunce like YOU!

Ya know..given the Nazi overtones emanated by Trump's choices in seeding his administration..he is not only alienating the majority of Americans, he is gearing for international isolation from our allies.
Meanwhile he seems willing to align himself with former KGB agent, Putin! To me that unprecedented gesture is reminiscent of the alliance between Hitler and Mussolini. 'scuse me, it is time to change my signature again….

What a silly rant based on nothing but fear. Amazing the butt hurt on the left.
Yes....fear mongering works really well on those of low intellect. The D party LOVES low intellect Americans.

I didn't take those photographs… I am just exposing a reality with them and putting the focus on Trump's agenda so you shills can't say you didn't know when it comes true. BTW, the photos I posted doesn't int=still fear here on instills elation in people like YOU! HAIL JEFF SESSIONS
The majority of voting Americans don't want Trump or his picks. That is a lot of tax dollars talking, bub! Trump will soon realize that he isn't in charge at all…he works for US. We the People overwhelmingly rejected Trump at the ballot box and our voices WILL BE HEARD. Let the protests intensify until he kneels before the majority of the American People whom he works for! I don't think he can take the stress!

Right, Trump should kneel to a couple thousand jobless lowlifes that have one goal which is to disrupt our political system; some of them paid to be there.

No, Trump doesn't work for you--he works for us, the people that put him in power. He knows how we want this country run and his top priority is catering to us--not a bunch of leftist that hate his guts.

We want the border closed. We want immigration slowed down. We want Americans to get those American jobs. We want companies to compete in wages to get Americans to take those jobs. We don't want the USA to be a dumping ground for people that live in countries that are all Fd up and they don't want to fix. The buck stops here as they say.

The people who voted against Trump are NOT jobless lowlifes, they are the majority of Americans representing a cross section of the voting American public.. Do I have to keep shouting the fact that these people live primarily in Blue states…the states that bankroll the federal treasury which the poorer republican led states plunder? I guess I do have to keep repeating myself when talking to a dense dunce like YOU!

Ya know..given the Nazi overtones emanated by Trump's choices in seeding his administration..he is not only alienating the majority of Americans, he is gearing for international isolation from our allies.
Meanwhile he seems willing to align himself with former KGB agent, Putin! To me that unprecedented gesture is reminiscent of the alliance between Hitler and Mussolini. 'scuse me, it is time to change my signature again….

What a silly rant based on nothing but fear. Amazing the butt hurt on the left.
Yes....fear mongering works really well on those of low intellect. The D party LOVES low intellect Americans.

I didn't take those photographs… I am just exposing a reality with them and putting the focus on Trump's agenda so you shills can't say you didn't know when it comes true.

More left wing butt hurt, your fear mongering is pretty pathetic.
The majority of voting Americans don't want Trump or his picks. That is a lot of tax dollars talking, bub! Trump will soon realize that he isn't in charge at all…he works for US. We the People overwhelmingly rejected Trump at the ballot box and our voices WILL BE HEARD. Let the protests intensify until he kneels before the majority of the American People whom he works for! I don't think he can take the stress!

Right, Trump should kneel to a couple thousand jobless lowlifes that have one goal which is to disrupt our political system; some of them paid to be there.

No, Trump doesn't work for you--he works for us, the people that put him in power. He knows how we want this country run and his top priority is catering to us--not a bunch of leftist that hate his guts.

We want the border closed. We want immigration slowed down. We want Americans to get those American jobs. We want companies to compete in wages to get Americans to take those jobs. We don't want the USA to be a dumping ground for people that live in countries that are all Fd up and they don't want to fix. The buck stops here as they say.

The people who voted against Trump are NOT jobless lowlifes, they are the majority of Americans representing a cross section of the voting American public.. Do I have to keep shouting the fact that these people live primarily in Blue states…the states that bankroll the federal treasury which the poorer republican led states plunder? I guess I do have to keep repeating myself when talking to a dense dunce like YOU!

Ya know..given the Nazi overtones emanated by Trump's choices in seeding his administration..he is not only alienating the majority of Americans, he is gearing for international isolation from our allies.
Meanwhile he seems willing to align himself with former KGB agent, Putin! To me that unprecedented gesture is reminiscent of the alliance between Hitler and Mussolini. 'scuse me, it is time to change my signature again….

Need a tissue child.
No, I just need more ammo to prevent this:

Judicial Injustice

No innocent man was ever lynched, but a lot of guilty men have been turned loose on us by lawmakers and judges. We won't live free until they live in fear.
Trump needs to nominate the best people regardless of sex or race.

It's rather funny considering the OP used to be one of the more racist people on this forum. Now he's calling for minorities to be in Trump's cabinet. The election cycle has turned everything on its head. lol

Not really. He's still a racist who sees everyone strictly in terms of skin color (the OP, that is).
What are the breast size requirements for a woman to be named to Trumps cabinet?

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If Trump really aspires to bridge the widening partisan gap and bring American together again, he ought to diversify his administration and include a cross section of Americans from all races and ethnicities.
Fine, but y'all gotta ride in the back.
Trump needs to nominate half of his cabinet with women and non-whites. No more old white males...

He also needs to consider transgender and homosexuals.

Gender confused have mental issues, they should not be in his cabinet.

I love it ... one's sexual inclinations are no one else's business, but the left screams hire more gays.

<blink, blink>

Trump needs to nominate half of his cabinet with women and non-whites. No more old white males...

He also needs to consider transgender and homosexuals.
He just needs to nominate people that will work for Americans first. Not a tiny fraction of special interest groups.
Demographics tell us that America looks like non-Whites, women and the LGBT community. Shouldn't our government look like America?[/QUOTE}
If you wamnt stupidupi
Trump needs to nominate half of his cabinet with women and non-whites. No more old white males...

He also needs to consider transgender and homosexuals.
He just needs to nominate people that will work for Americans first. Not a tiny fraction of special interest groups.
Demographics tell us that America looks like non-Whites, women and the LGBT community. Shouldn't our government look like America?
If you want stupid back in the White House.
Are you saying that only old white men are smart?
Obviously smarter than those proving themselves to be stupid, like the idiots on the left.
The people who voted against Trump are NOT jobless lowlifes, they are the majority of Americans representing a cross section of the voting American public.. Do I have to keep shouting the fact that these people live primarily in Blue states…the states that bankroll the federal treasury which the poorer republican led states plunder? I guess I do have to keep repeating myself when talking to a dense dunce like YOU!

Ya know..given the Nazi overtones emanated by Trump's choices in seeding his administration..he is not only alienating the majority of Americans, he is gearing for international isolation from our allies.
Meanwhile he seems willing to align himself with former KGB agent, Putin! To me that unprecedented gesture is reminiscent of the alliance between Hitler and Mussolini. 'scuse me, it is time to change my signature again….

So, Hil-liar and DumBama were both backed by the US Communist party. Sanders spent his honeymoon in the USSR.

The jobless lowlifes I speak of are those idiots in the street, breaking laws, damaging private and public property, attacking innocent civilians, and they are out there night after night. I was not talking about everybody that voted for Hillary. I don't believe in the Basket of Deplorables.

Speaking of dunce, states don't get money--people get money from the federal government. Trust me, although we are pretty red right now, we have plenty of cities that suck up that welfare state money. Those are the blue populated sections of our state.

Of course we would be glad to get rid of those people in those blue cities, but they probably wouldn't leave because they would have no way to survive. In fact I think it would be great if we all divided up by party. Liberals get one half of the country and we get the other half. Hell, if our half was chosen to be the Republican side and all the Democrats moved out, my property value would double overnight.
Trump needs to nominate half of his cabinet with women and non-whites. No more old white males...

He also needs to consider transgender and homosexuals.
Spoken like a true PC-indoctrinated Liberal.

Forget your racist, feminist QUOTA - he needs to hire the most intelligent, most experienced, most qualified people he can get, no matter who that may be...period.
How much does anyone want to bet that when Trump selects a woman or a minority, the left will carve that nominee up and still criticize Trump.
How much does anyone want to bet that when Trump selects a woman or a minority, the left will carve that nominee up and still criticize Trump.

Yes, well if Trump has an all white team, Trump is a racist. If Trump puts in black administrators, they will be labeled Uncle Tom's just like Justice Thomas, Colon Powell (before he stabbed the Republicans in the back), and Condi Rice.

The left likes to refer to them as "token" blacks, because you see, Democrats never bring in black people to make themselves look good. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::afro::afro:
It's worse.

Now Matthew needs some play-doh, a colouring book and some bright coloured crayons. No blacks or dark browns, please, as they deepen the depression. Also, please no puppies. Puppies need the caring sort of love.
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