Trump needs to nominate some Non-whites and women

Trump needs to nominate half of his cabinet with women and non-whites. No more old white males...

He also needs to consider transgender and homosexuals.
Yet another example of the regressive left stuck on identity politics...and stuck on stupid.
What other kind of politics is there? You've elected your Great White Hope and now you bray incessantly when the opposition calls for a "Rainbow" hope.
You lost, get over it. Losers don't get to choose, winners do.
But the LIB 'losers' were brought up to expect their 'participation trophy'.
Trump doesn't give trophies to losers and that's what's really got the DEMs bleeding from their eyeballs!
In this case their 'participation trophy' would be Trump appointing LIB minded minorities' b/c that would be "fair".
Those born with a silver spoon in their mouths don't need participation trophies.......they expect everyone to get ahead the same way they did
It's worse.

Now Matthew needs some play-doh, a colouring book and some bright coloured crayons. No blacks or dark browns, please, as they deepen the depression. Also, please no puppies. Puppies need the caring sort of love.
The 'Liberal Indoctrination Center's office staffs have been instructed to remove all red/black/yellow and brown crayons as they may cause 'triggering' in the Snowflakes.
Those born with a silver spoon in their mouths don't need participation trophies.......they expect everyone to get ahead the same way they did

Sure they do. I've seen plenty of silver spoon people fail in life. It takes more than money to be successful. It takes a lot of hard work, dedication and desire to maintain or be even more successful.

They may not expect everybody to go as far as them, but just to better themselves and get ahead from the point they started.
Trump needs to nominate half of his cabinet with women and non-whites. No more old white males...

He also needs to consider transgender and homosexuals.

Why not just nominate the best qualified person regardless of sex, race, age, etc? Why would affirmative action on the presidential staff make it better than the best person for each job?

Your OP is racist, do you get that?
Trump needs to nominate half of his cabinet with women and non-whites. No more old white males...

He also needs to consider transgender and homosexuals.

Why not just nominate the best qualified person regardless of sex, race, age, etc? Why would affirmative action on the presidential staff make it better than the best person for each job?

Your OP is racist, do you get that?
They would only get it if you were the OP.
Trump needs to nominate half of his cabinet with women and non-whites. No more old white males...

He also needs to consider transgender and homosexuals.
Yet another example of the regressive left stuck on identity politics...and stuck on stupid.
What other kind of politics is there? You've elected your Great White Hope and now you bray incessantly when the opposition calls for a "Rainbow" hope.
You lost, get over it. Losers don't get to choose, winners do.
But the LIB 'losers' were brought up to expect their 'participation trophy'.
Trump doesn't give trophies to losers and that's what's really got the DEMs bleeding from their eyeballs!
In this case their 'participation trophy' would be Trump appointing LIB minded minorities' b/c that would be "fair".
Those born with a silver spoon in their mouths don't need participation trophies.......they expect everyone to get ahead the same way they did

I have known several "silver spooners" in my lifetime. the ones who worked hard succeeded, the lazy ones failed. Same for those who were born with nothing.

We are all guaranteed equal opportunity, not equal results.
Those born with a silver spoon in their mouths don't need participation trophies.......they expect everyone to get ahead the same way they did

Sure they do. I've seen plenty of silver spoon people fail in life. It takes more than money to be successful. It takes a lot of hard work, dedication and desire to maintain or be even more successful.

They may not expect everybody to go as far as them, but just to better themselves and get ahead from the point they started.

It does take more than money to takes business and political connections, rooms full of lawyers, politicians in your pocket, ruthlessness

Trump excelled at them all
Those born with a silver spoon in their mouths don't need participation trophies.......they expect everyone to get ahead the same way they did

Sure they do. I've seen plenty of silver spoon people fail in life. It takes more than money to be successful. It takes a lot of hard work, dedication and desire to maintain or be even more successful.

They may not expect everybody to go as far as them, but just to better themselves and get ahead from the point they started.

It does take more than money to takes business and political connections, rooms full of lawyers, politicians in your pocket, ruthlessness

Trump excelled at them all

more bullshit from the resident bullshitter.
Those born with a silver spoon in their mouths don't need participation trophies.......they expect everyone to get ahead the same way they did

Sure they do. I've seen plenty of silver spoon people fail in life. It takes more than money to be successful. It takes a lot of hard work, dedication and desire to maintain or be even more successful.

They may not expect everybody to go as far as them, but just to better themselves and get ahead from the point they started.
In my experience knowing a lot of people who are wealthy there is far more pressure on someone to succeed who has been handed a cheque by their family for a million bucks. The expectation to not fuck up is huge.
"Here's the million bucks. Now go out and turn it into a billion like your father and grandfather did.
If you fuck up and lose the money don't bother coming home for Christmas. You won't be welcome"..
Trump needs to nominate half of his cabinet with women and non-whites. No more old white males...

He also needs to consider transgender and homosexuals.
Maybe he needs to nominate competent and honest secretaries for each department.
The fact they're man, woman, black, white, transgender or whatever doesn't mean anything to the American people I guess :)
How much does anyone want to bet that when Trump selects a woman or a minority, the left will carve that nominee up and still criticize Trump.

Yes, well if Trump has an all white team, Trump is a racist. If Trump puts in black administrators, they will be labeled Uncle Tom's just like Justice Thomas, Colon Powell (before he stabbed the Republicans in the back), and Condi Rice.

The left likes to refer to them as "token" blacks, because you see, Democrats never bring in black people to make themselves look good. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::afro::afro:

You have a point. I think Trump should do what Trump does best, and not give a fart in a wind tunnel what anyone thinks of his nominees.
Trump needs to nominate half of his cabinet with women and non-whites. No more old white males...

He also needs to consider transgender and homosexuals.
Maybe he needs to nominate competent and honest secretaries for each department.
The fact they're man, woman, black, white, transgender or whatever doesn't mean anything to the American people I guess :)

That's pretty radical thinking, there.
If Trump were to nominate a woman or a minority, most of his supporters would see it as a complete betrayal

Coming from you, that means absolutely nothing.

Personally, if I see any of these people often enough to even be AWARE of their minority status, I'm going to be annoyed. The federal government should not be involved enough in people's everyday lives for me to even know the name of the Secretary of HUD without looking it up, let alone what he or she looks like.
Those born with a silver spoon in their mouths don't need participation trophies.......they expect everyone to get ahead the same way they did

Sure they do. I've seen plenty of silver spoon people fail in life. It takes more than money to be successful. It takes a lot of hard work, dedication and desire to maintain or be even more successful.

They may not expect everybody to go as far as them, but just to better themselves and get ahead from the point they started.
In my experience knowing a lot of people who are wealthy there is far more pressure on someone to succeed who has been handed a cheque by their family for a million bucks. The expectation to not fuck up is huge.
"Here's the million bucks. Now go out and turn it into a billion like your father and grandfather did.
If you fuck up and lose the money don't bother coming home for Christmas. You won't be welcome"..

Absolutely. In fact, books have been written about lottery winners that ended up broke, in debt and in depression. I knew of one girl like that who worked at a place I deliver to. A few years back, her husband won the lottery with a couple of coworkers that kicked in a few bucks every time the jackpot grew over 100 million.

As I understand it, she stopped into work to tell her employer to shove his job where the sun doesn't shine. She bragged to her fellow employees how she would never have to work another day in her life. They said she danced out of the door like a ballerina.

She came back about a year later; not to visit her former coworkers, but to beg for her job back.

As a local driver, I've been to hundreds of companies in my career. I've known a few that were handed down to the kid(s) when the owner grew too old to run it or otherwise passed away. They ran the successful business right into the ground. Like Trump, they were born with the sliver spoon. They looked down in disdain at their employees. They didn't know how to treat customers. They spent money like they themselves had an endless supply.
Trump needs to nominate half of his cabinet with women and non-whites. No more old white males...

He also needs to consider transgender and homosexuals.

No, he needs to hire the best people for the job no matter what they look like. So far I'm not all that impressed.
No one Trump would ever ask to be in his administration would ever "impress" you.
Trump could ask Loretta Lynch to be on his team and you'd have some sort of problem with her.

Why would I want Loretta Lynch in Trump's administration? She's corrupt.
Most of the time the protestors are peaceful. But, as with any protest, infiltrators come around stirring up trouble to influence media and public attention. BTW you have no proof that any of the anti-Trump protesters are jobless…you are just talking out of your arse.

RAY said:
Infiltrators? You mean like the ones Soros us paying?

How do you have a job while at the same time, being able to protest all day and night? If you work full time, the last thing you have time for is to go out in the street to cause trouble for hours on end. You get home, have some dinner, relax for a while, and then maybe tend to chores at home. Then maybe have a drink or two and watch some television, go on the internet for a while, and then start getting ready for work the next day.

You just can't help talking out your ass. Somehow the fleas from Soros' dog got in your ear and told you he paid infiltrators somewhere at some time. That is a real reliable source, I tell ya.

Even more dazzlingly stupid is the dumb retort underlying your premise that the protestors are jobless bums who somehow are able to protest day and night without sleep, food or bathroom visits. Somehow in your limited cranial capacity you think the same people are out there 24hrs a day. It never occurred to you that they are organized and protesting in shifts. Typical Trump-Bot…regurgitating spoon fed propaganda.

Uh, not all registered Democrats live in Blue states and not all registered republicans live in red states. But if you want to look at this partisan divide economically, consider this: Most US poverty is concentrated in the red states. If republicanism is so great, how can that be? What is keeping poor people down under Republican rule in those impoverished states?

Ray said:
What's keeping them down? They're Democrats. First you start off by pointing out the obvious that not everybody in a red or blue state is red or blue, and then ask a dumb question like that?

Your welfare check comes from the federal government. Your food stamps come from the federal government. Your HUD home comes from the federal government. Your Medicare mostly comes from the federal government. Your school lunch comes from the federal government. People get welfare--not states. A state can't be poor--only people can be poor. Red states can't kick the blue people out unfortunately. Wish they could. Like I said, if we could kick the Democrats out of my state, my property value would double overnight. And if you take a look at the electoral map, you'd see that most of the country is red.

I don't receive welfare checks or food stamps, unlike you right wing "patriots, I actually served my country in the military and retired quite comfortably. You are just as wrong about your wild inane supposition declaring people get welfare not states. Even as you bray loudly in dissention, you know that states receive and distribute federal funds to their welfare recipients. States governed by GOP administrations are the poorest in the country and have the highest number of welfare recipients.

Looking at the Groper's poverty laden track record, I can only shake my head in bewilderment at the programed sheep who want to make poverty a national goal by voting Republican.
Yet another example of the regressive left stuck on identity politics...and stuck on stupid.
What other kind of politics is there? You've elected your Great White Hope and now you bray incessantly when the opposition calls for a "Rainbow" hope.
You lost, get over it. Losers don't get to choose, winners do.
But the LIB 'losers' were brought up to expect their 'participation trophy'.
Trump doesn't give trophies to losers and that's what's really got the DEMs bleeding from their eyeballs!
In this case their 'participation trophy' would be Trump appointing LIB minded minorities' b/c that would be "fair".
Those born with a silver spoon in their mouths don't need participation trophies.......they expect everyone to get ahead the same way they did

I have known several "silver spooners" in my lifetime. the ones who worked hard succeeded, the lazy ones failed. Same for those who were born with nothing.

We are all guaranteed equal opportunity, not equal results.

We aren't guaranteed either equal opportunity OR equal results. That is the problem, regardless of the actual wording in the Constitution.

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