Trump needs to pay for the wall with a tax on remittances

Do you support a tax on remittances to pay for the wall?

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 55.0%
  • No

    Votes: 9 45.0%

  • Total voters
And also, there is the fact that it doesn’t get us one penny from Mexico. So Mexico still isn’t paying for the wall. I’m somewhat surprised that the Trumpians have abandoned that lie
So draining our tax base 50 billion (conservatively) dollars annually is more to your liking?

Maybe we could get Mexico to give us $50B? LOL

I was told Mexico is paying for the wall.
Now I’m told that we should raise taxes to pay for the wall.
This after we’ve shut down the government for not funding construction of the wall.
This after I was told that we could just use the military budget to build the wall.
Passing a budget does not raise taxes.
Don't quite got all your groceries bagged - doya?

Never said it did shit brains. The title of the thread….suggests we should raise taxes to pay for a wall that Mexico was supposed to be building for us for free.

You can’t be this stupid in real life, can you?
Not YOUR taxes dinglefuck. Unless you send your earnings out of country.
But since you're a democrat, I doubt you earn shit, except what you horde from taxpayers.

So by your “logic” (and I use the term loosely), AOC’s plan to tax the uber wealthy at 70% is great because it’s not YOUR money? Is that your stance shit brains?
So draining our tax base 50 billion (conservatively) dollars annually is more to your liking?

Maybe we could get Mexico to give us $50B? LOL

I was told Mexico is paying for the wall.
Now I’m told that we should raise taxes to pay for the wall.
This after we’ve shut down the government for not funding construction of the wall.
This after I was told that we could just use the military budget to build the wall.
Passing a budget does not raise taxes.
Don't quite got all your groceries bagged - doya?

Never said it did shit brains. The title of the thread….suggests we should raise taxes to pay for a wall that Mexico was supposed to be building for us for free.

You can’t be this stupid in real life, can you?
Not YOUR taxes dinglefuck. Unless you send your earnings out of country.
But since you're a democrat, I doubt you earn shit, except what you horde from taxpayers.

So by your “logic” (and I use the term loosely), AOC’s plan to tax the uber wealthy at 70% is great because it’s not YOUR money? Is that your stance shit brains?
Huh? In a more relevant statement, it looks side San Diego is moving on in the playoffs.
There is virtually no legal way to tax remittances
Bullshit. Call it a "fee" instead of a "tax"
The Remittance Fee in Oklahoma, Georgia, and in the U.S. Congress
What I have in mind is a 2 percent withholding fee on wire transfers out of the nation, i.e., on cash transfers that would include illegal aliens' remittances to their homelands, some drug trades, and some legitimate, non-corporate money transactions.

So any wire transfer is now being taxed at 2%?

Because you WON'T be able to only target illegal immigrants

How would any type program such as this be implemented with any degree of accuracy?
Conservatives for more taxes?

Trumpettes are NOT conservatives....
Got a link for that bullshit? Didn't think so....thanks for playing.

Ask some of the real conservatives that have left the Liars party....

I'm actually curious how many of the never-Trumpers will stay that way during 2020, or if they will grudgingly support Trump over a dem. Trump is not perfect by a mile, but he is still way better than any democrat. He saved the USSC and the other Fed courts, and will hopefully get a few more new justices (RBG, Thomas, Breyer) before he's done. If the economy keeps humming along his chances in 2020 look better than they were in 2016, which is good.

If by real conservatives you mean globalists like Krystal, Romney, Flake and the like, good riddance. The never-Trumpers had better leave the party, they are done.

Can we revisit this thought after the MUeller report?.....
Conservatives for more taxes?

Trumpettes are NOT conservatives....
Got a link for that bullshit? Didn't think so....thanks for playing.

Ask some of the real conservatives that have left the Liars party....

I'm actually curious how many of the never-Trumpers will stay that way during 2020, or if they will grudgingly support Trump over a dem. Trump is not perfect by a mile, but he is still way better than any democrat. He saved the USSC and the other Fed courts, and will hopefully get a few more new justices (RBG, Thomas, Breyer) before he's done. If the economy keeps humming along his chances in 2020 look better than they were in 2016, which is good.

If by real conservatives you mean globalists like Krystal, Romney, Flake and the like, good riddance. The never-Trumpers had better leave the party, they are done.

Can we revisit this thought after the MUeller report?.....
Sure, but it doesn't matter. The sooner we get the remittance fee started the better. Mueller just asked for an extension into next summer, so he still wants more time for for his witch hunt. Think he'll find anything on Trump? Maybe we can get the 2nd prosecutor going by then?
Judicial Watch
Dan Bongino
Trumpettes are NOT conservatives....
Got a link for that bullshit? Didn't think so....thanks for playing.

Ask some of the real conservatives that have left the Liars party....

I'm actually curious how many of the never-Trumpers will stay that way during 2020, or if they will grudgingly support Trump over a dem. Trump is not perfect by a mile, but he is still way better than any democrat. He saved the USSC and the other Fed courts, and will hopefully get a few more new justices (RBG, Thomas, Breyer) before he's done. If the economy keeps humming along his chances in 2020 look better than they were in 2016, which is good.

If by real conservatives you mean globalists like Krystal, Romney, Flake and the like, good riddance. The never-Trumpers had better leave the party, they are done.

Can we revisit this thought after the MUeller report?.....
Sure, but it doesn't matter. The sooner we get the remittance fee started the better. Mueller just asked for an extension into next summer, so he still wants more time for for his witch hunt. Think he'll find anything on Trump? Maybe we can get the 2nd prosecutor going by then?
Judicial Watch
Dan Bongino

He asked for an extension cause the present authoeuzation period was preparing to expire. He will not take another six months....
Got a link for that bullshit? Didn't think so....thanks for playing.

Ask some of the real conservatives that have left the Liars party....

I'm actually curious how many of the never-Trumpers will stay that way during 2020, or if they will grudgingly support Trump over a dem. Trump is not perfect by a mile, but he is still way better than any democrat. He saved the USSC and the other Fed courts, and will hopefully get a few more new justices (RBG, Thomas, Breyer) before he's done. If the economy keeps humming along his chances in 2020 look better than they were in 2016, which is good.

If by real conservatives you mean globalists like Krystal, Romney, Flake and the like, good riddance. The never-Trumpers had better leave the party, they are done.

Can we revisit this thought after the MUeller report?.....
Sure, but it doesn't matter. The sooner we get the remittance fee started the better. Mueller just asked for an extension into next summer, so he still wants more time for for his witch hunt. Think he'll find anything on Trump? Maybe we can get the 2nd prosecutor going by then?
Judicial Watch
Dan Bongino

He asked for an extension cause the present authorization period was preparing to expire. He will not take another six months....

I'll take your word for that. Lets hope that the Huber grand jury has more luck than Mueller...
Prosecutors have been using grand jury to investigate former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe
They will never be able to raise enough money for a wall doing this tax. All that will happen is that they will find another way to send money either underground or whatever loophole there is. . The receiving country taxes and the sending county taxes. If I was in OK and they were taxing this then I would go to a bordering state to send money.

Would all immigrants both legal and illegal have to pay ?

If ET wants a wall he should use his new tax breaks to pay for it
They will never be able to raise enough money for a wall doing this tax. All that will happen is that they will find another way to send money either underground or whatever loophole there is. . The receiving country taxes and the sending county taxes. If I was in OK and they were taxing this then I would go to a bordering state to send money.

Would all immigrants both legal and illegal have to pay ?

If ET wants a wall he should use his new tax breaks to pay for it

Yes, both legal and illegal would pay the tax/fee to send money. Its money that should be spent in the US, we need to eliminate loopholes. The math says there is enough money to build the wall, $138b in transfers at say 2% is about $2.7b a year. That's enough.
Why is it money that should be spent in the US

I know a lot of people who send money to their mom or other relatives who need it.

Is it wrong to send money home to your parents
Even Ann Coulter agrees that Trump needs to impose a tax on remittances, money sent out of the US, to pay for the wall. He doesn't even need congressional approval to do it.
Ann Coulter on Twitter

Bad idea. It is exactly taxes like this, that end up being expanded to hit everyday Americans.

Next we'll be getting hit with a remittance tax, when we visit Canada on Vacation.

Just don't do that. The government makes more than enough money on taxes, to pay for the wall... the incompetent congress, just needs to do it.
Disagree that the government gets adequate funding to pay for the wall, the Budget Deficit is over $1T.
We need to pay for the wall and for all government spending, especially the wars in Syria and AFG, or the interest on the Debt will kill entitlements. This thread is only about funding the wall as Trump promised, not with US tax dollars, but with a fee on money transfers out of the US.

Michael Jackson earned over a billion dollars in his lifetime. Before he died, he was on the verge of bankruptcy.

The problem wasn't that he was not getting adequate funding. The problem was he was spending too much money on things he should not have been buying.

Our government collected $3.4 Trillion dollars in taxes. The GDP of the entire economy of Germany is only $3.6 Trillion dollars. There are only 3 nations on the face of this planet, that have a large national GDP, than how much our government collects in tax revenue.

There is no lack of funding. The problem is our government gives out 65% of the budget in entitlements.

Cut entitlements.... which account for 65% of the entire budget.... and you will have so much money left over.... you could build not only a wall around the entire country, but you could build walls between each state if you desired, and still have money left over to pay down the national debt.

instead of cutting 'entitlements' why not close all the bigcorp loopholes that allow for offshore tax havens? & that there estate tax reduction in the 'tax cut' <coughcoughmoneygiveawaycoughcough> to the uber rich.. that increased from 11 million to 22 million NON taxable 'income' could help out, don'tcha think?
Even Ann Coulter agrees that Trump needs to impose a tax on remittances, money sent out of the US, to pay for the wall. He doesn't even need congressional approval to do it.
Ann Coulter on Twitter

Bad idea. It is exactly taxes like this, that end up being expanded to hit everyday Americans.

Next we'll be getting hit with a remittance tax, when we visit Canada on Vacation.

Just don't do that. The government makes more than enough money on taxes, to pay for the wall... the incompetent congress, just needs to do it.
Disagree that the government gets adequate funding to pay for the wall, the Budget Deficit is over $1T.
We need to pay for the wall and for all government spending, especially the wars in Syria and AFG, or the interest on the Debt will kill entitlements. This thread is only about funding the wall as Trump promised, not with US tax dollars, but with a fee on money transfers out of the US.

Michael Jackson earned over a billion dollars in his lifetime. Before he died, he was on the verge of bankruptcy.

The problem wasn't that he was not getting adequate funding. The problem was he was spending too much money on things he should not have been buying.

Our government collected $3.4 Trillion dollars in taxes. The GDP of the entire economy of Germany is only $3.6 Trillion dollars. There are only 3 nations on the face of this planet, that have a large national GDP, than how much our government collects in tax revenue.

There is no lack of funding. The problem is our government gives out 65% of the budget in entitlements.

Cut entitlements.... which account for 65% of the entire budget.... and you will have so much money left over.... you could build not only a wall around the entire country, but you could build walls between each state if you desired, and still have money left over to pay down the national debt.

instead of cutting 'entitlements' why not close all the bigcorp loopholes that allow for offshore tax havens? & that there estate tax reduction in the 'tax cut' <coughcoughmoneygiveawaycoughcough> to the uber rich.. that increased from 11 million to 22 million NON taxable 'income' could help out, don'tcha think?

I don't understand where you get this idea that they "allow" offshore tax havens.

Do you know how a tax haven works? The company builds a factory elsewhere in the world. They do not 'have to' bring that money back to the US. They could, and use the money earned elsewhere in the world, to invest in the US. But instead, because of taxes, they leave that money elsewhere.

You can't 'force' someone to bring money into the US. There is no law that you can pass, that will force companies to bring the money earned elsewhere in the world, back to the US.

What you can do, is drive companies out of the US.
10 iconic US companies that have left America

If you did come up with a law, that would supposedly prevent tax havens, the results would be the exact opposite of what you want.

Did you know that Burger King, Budweiser, Purina, and dozens of other companies, are all no longer American companies? Canada, Switzerland, and Belgium are the new countries where these companies are based.

Instead of getting more tax revenue, we are getting less.

What do you want to do then? Make it illegal for people to leave the country? Are we going to put up a wall to keep companies from leaving, like Berlin?

Of course not. So trying to figure out new ways to screw over companies is counter productive. Look at California. Highest tax rates in the country, and you have big name companies planning to leave the state. Why is Apply spending a billion dollars, opening up a campus in Texas? Because California is trying to screw them, so they are leaving.

Lastly, jacking up taxes on business isn't going to get you want you want, even if you could do it without them leaving. We had a nearly 40% tax rate on companies, and we were running deficits then. Barely 10% of tax revenue was from corporate taxes, before they cut them to stop driving companies out of the country.
Taxes on foreign money that should be spent here in the US creating jobs and paying taxes, YES!!

Did THIS tax scheme come up when the "great negotiator" was finalizing NAFTA 2.0???
It has nothing to do with NAFTA, and its not a scheme. Its a fee on money transfers and a simple way for Mexico, et. al. to pay for the wall.
So...we wait til the appropriate amount is collected.
Even Ann Coulter agrees that Trump needs to impose a tax on remittances, money sent out of the US, to pay for the wall. He doesn't even need congressional approval to do it.
Ann Coulter on Twitter
Nope...Mexico's paying for it...he said that numerous times.
Putting a tax/fee on remittances (money sent out of the US including Mexico) would do that.
Taxes on foreign money that should be spent here in the US creating jobs and paying taxes, YES!!

Did THIS tax scheme come up when the "great negotiator" was finalizing NAFTA 2.0???
It has nothing to do with NAFTA, and its not a scheme. Its a fee on money transfers and a simple way for Mexico, et. al. to pay for the wall.
So...we wait til the appropriate amount is collected.
Its free money, it would pay for the wall and help pay the border guards over the long term.
Even Ann Coulter agrees that Trump needs to impose a tax on remittances, money sent out of the US, to pay for the wall. He doesn't even need congressional approval to do it.
Ann Coulter on Twitter
I wouldn't rely upon Colter for support that a potus can raise taxes w/o congress.

But yeah, Trump should have gone this route when he had the House. But it was never gonna get 60 votes in the Senate. But still. It would have been a better hill to fight from than shutting down TSA and Tax Refunds.
Even Ann Coulter agrees that Trump needs to impose a tax on remittances, money sent out of the US, to pay for the wall. He doesn't even need congressional approval to do it.
Ann Coulter on Twitter
I wouldn't rely upon Colter for support that a potus can raise taxes w/o congress.

But yeah, Trump should have gone this route when he had the House. But it was never gonna get 60 votes in the Senate. But still. It would have been a better hill to fight from than shutting down TSA and Tax Refunds.
Please remember that this proposal is not a new tax on Americans. It is a fee on money transfers out of the US.
Even Ann Coulter agrees that Trump needs to impose a tax on remittances, money sent out of the US, to pay for the wall. He doesn't even need congressional approval to do it.
Ann Coulter on Twitter
I wouldn't rely upon Colter for support that a potus can raise taxes w/o congress.

But yeah, Trump should have gone this route when he had the House. But it was never gonna get 60 votes in the Senate. But still. It would have been a better hill to fight from than shutting down TSA and Tax Refunds.
Please remember that this proposal is not a new tax on Americans. It is a fee on money transfers out of the US.
It's a taking. From citizens and people here legally. You assert a potus can do this unilaterally. I disagree, unless you can support your assertion.

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