Trump News alternatives.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
Rather than the non-stop Twitter parsing and Trump bashing, how about some of this?

-Reports on the Heroin epidemic in the US
-Reports on how illegal immigrants get in, where they go and who pays for them.
-Reports on the Migrant crisis in the M.E. and which countries are doing nothing and why
-Reports on why 1/3rd of Americans can't come up with $2K within one month.
-Reports on how many people are dying every day because they won't put down their cell phones
-Reports on homeless people how they ended up there and what is being done to help them.
-Reports on Veteran health and financial problems.

I am talking about in depth coverage, not the 1 minute token spot they usually give in between Trump stories.
There are dozens of other topics of course. At this point I would rather watch Gilligan reruns than the news.
At this point I would rather watch Gilligan reruns than the news.
Clique Bait for the Minnow Mentality

Most jurinalists view what goes on in America as if they were on some faraway island with a compatible group of friends.

Yo, the OWNER of the STATION tells them what to say and ask, simple, the OWNERS are SOCIALIST DEMOCRAT PUPPETS!!!!!!


Yo, you sound like a TYPICAL RETARD, no offense, BUT TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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You have to be a Guinea with all of that capitalization and punctuation. You Dago's simply cannot disguise your emotion. I guess it's all of that Moor blood coursing through your veins.
At this point I would rather watch Gilligan reruns than the news.
Clique Bait for the Minnow Mentality

Most jurinalists view what goes on in America as if they were on some faraway island with a compatible group of friends.

Yo, the OWNER of the STATION tells them what to say and ask, simple, the OWNERS are SOCIALIST DEMOCRAT PUPPETS!!!!!!

Pied Pipers in a Puppet-Show Crate

From Far Left Pacifica to Far Right Michael Savage, they fake independents emote in the same ignorant and unstructured grammar the Mainscream Media use. What if all the media spoke with a Boston accent? Would you choose the ones most pleasing to you or would you finally realize that the spectrum is specious and represents one united clique? Would you start speaking Bostonian, believing that it would make you sound like one of the Important People?

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