Trump, no sniffles...the mic was bad

70 yr old man does not drink or use drugs suddenly using coke? Make no sense at all.
Mic was too sensitive and picked up every breath in.......not sniffing or drugs or sickness.

I've had a similar problem, but I lost my voice years ago and have to use a mic on high just to speak on the phone or Skype. My vocal cords are not able to meet and I have to use my false vocals just to try and speak. I had a stroke and was intubation for two days while in a coma, when the tube was removed my cords no longer worked. I rarely use the phone and feel like I am shouting just to be heard in a whisper, even with a program to increase the sound. The mic on that high picks up my breathing more than my voice.

Why his mic was positioned that way and on that high is a tech problem, not Trump. Might be he got to close to the podium when he leaned in to speak. Did he personally test them before he got on stage or was it tested by others?
there are serious questions about his drug use and the facial contortions from last night. just google it.

His brother died from drugs and alcohol. He does not use either. No reason to start now at his age.

It runs in his family

Many people claim Trump hides his drug problem....believe me
Many people claim that Hillary is a flaming lesbian and Obama is a Q.
70 yr old man does not drink or use drugs suddenly using coke? Make no sense at all.
Mic was too sensitive and picked up every breath in.......not sniffing or drugs or sickness.

I've had a similar problem, but I lost my voice years ago and have to use a mic on high just to speak on the phone or Skype. My vocal cords are not able to meet and I have to use my false vocals just to try and speak. I had a stroke and was intubation for two days while in a coma, when the tube was removed my cords no longer worked. I rarely use the phone and feel like I am shouting just to be heard in a whisper, even with a program to increase the sound. The mic on that high picks up my breathing more than my voice.

Why his mic was positioned that way and on that high is a tech problem, not Trump. Might be he got to close to the podium when he leaned in to speak. Did he personally test them before he got on stage or was it tested by others?

1. Since when there is cut off age when it comes to drug addiction. There are 80 years old that are addicts.
2. Listen the timing when he sniffles then stop during his sentences. That is not normal.
I do a lot of singing and I record a lot of my songs as a hobby. Some are professionally done but most are amateur.

Do they start at 70?

Cannabis beginning I understand, but coke?

Drug addiction start and end no matter how old or young you are.

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