Trump, no sniffles...the mic was bad

Limblob sez:
>> They have positioned the mic -- I don't know -- not charging anything here, but his mic was positioned in such a way that you were able to hear him inhale. <<
Bullshit. Again (because I already did this in another thread) the mics were "positioned" exactly the same, and they move. I saw Rump move his.
Not only that, because Trump is taller, the mic was farther from his snot nose than Clinton's, who obviously is not a snot nose.

Limblob sez:
>> They have positioned the mic -- I don't know -- not charging anything here, but his mic was positioned in such a way that you were able to hear him inhale. <<
Bullshit. Again (because I already did this in another thread) the mics were "positioned" exactly the same, and they move. I saw Rump move his.
Not only that, because Trump is taller, the mic was farther from his snot nose than Clinton's, who obviously is not a snot nose.

snot has nothing to do with it. many people are saying it was coke and adderall. that's why he kept making faces, that's why he lost energy and focus after the first half hour. no stamina.
It was COMPRESSION.....I don't expect Black Bat shit, or the OCDGirl to read this, but Rush explains it all...

Trump's Debate Performance Will Only Improve (And He Wasn't Sniffling) - The Rush Limbaugh Show
From YOUR link:

RUSH: The compressor here right in this drawer, right to my left, I have compression running on my audio feed just because I like to hear myself sound. I like my voice compressed rather than flat. Our stations add compression, too. By the way, it's that compression, I could come here with a huge head cold and compression would hide it. I would have to tell you I have a cold, unless it's a really severe one, and then you would notice it.

MY GOD, IT READS!!!!!! Or did you have it translated by a 5th grader?
Obviously you neither listened to him with comprehension or read with comprehension or you would have caught his obvious contradiction.
It was COMPRESSION.....I don't expect Black Bat shit, or the OCDGirl to read this, but Rush explains it all...

Trump's Debate Performance Will Only Improve (And He Wasn't Sniffling) - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Haha, bullshit.

Limblob sez:
>> They have positioned the mic -- I don't know -- not charging anything here, but his mic was positioned in such a way that you were able to hear him inhale. <<​

Bullshit. Again (because I already did this in another thread) the mics were "positioned" exactly the same, and they move. I saw Rump move his.

You have to understand, they're using (and we're hearing) the condenser mics --- the gooseneck protrusions from the podia. The lavallière mics are only pinned on as a backup, in case the condenser mic goes down, but what we hear is the condenser mic. And you can also tell that because when Rump moved his own mic, because as usual he can't keep his tiny fingers to himself ----- you can HEAR it.

That is not "compression". I have a dbx compressor right here in my rack, trust me, "Compression" would have applied to all of the audio -- meaning all three speakers. Yet Rump was the only one snorting. You can hear compression whenever somebody pauses talking --- that's when the background "room noise" rises. Didn't hear that either.

And moreover --- the snorting we heard was all intake breaths, not output which we call "sighing". Intake breaths do not blow on either mic. This is a case of Occam's Razor ---- we heard the snorting simply because it was loud enough for mics to pick up.

Moron the Limblob page:

>> Compression adds volume. And it does it by every element of a song is the same volume. If you hear Sundown by Gordon Lightfoot there's a beginning guitar riff not compressed, you hear it, but it's not there. But when you hear it compressed, it's as loud as his voice when he is singing. I happen to love it. <<​

Whelp --- no, it doesn't add volume. It adds apparent volume, by making the quieter passages as loud as the loud ones. That's not adding volume --- that's subtracting dynamic range.

>> I wish there were ways I could demo it here but I can't because we're on AM stations and they compress their signal much more than FM does. The FM guys don't do it 'cause those are audio files and they claim compression is nothing more than distortion and they're not gonna muddy up their precious signal on FM with distortion. <<​

Again, more bullshit. FM stations -- that is SOME of them -- absolutely DO compress their audio, relentlessly and to perverse degrees, to within one dB.... count 'em, one dB.... of dynamic range. Especially if they're a rock, oldies or rap station. To hear the difference, compare it with a classical music station, where dynamic range is essential.

Compression is not "distortion". Overmodulation would be distortion.

>> Well, believe me, it's something if you never know exists you're not even gonna know it until you listen to a song, you listen to I Can't Help Myself by The Four Tops, back in 1965. You listen to it on the radio back then and then go buy the album and listen to it at home or on iTunes and it's gonna sound totally different because the version you buy, there's no compression. They don't add it at the studio level, and it sounds like a whole different song to you. <<​

That could happen, but yes, most all recordings DO add compression. They just don't do it to the degree radio does. TV --- not so much. Matter of fact I can immediatey tell whether I'm hearing a radio station or an analogue channel 6 TV station at the low end of the FM dial based on the compression. If it's there it's a radio station. If not --- TV.

>> I happen to love compression. Well, you can compress. If they wanted to last night, they could compress Trump's mic. I don't know that they did. But what happens when you do it, any little noise the microphone picks up is made to sound as loud as his voice. The compressor here right in this drawer, right to my left, I have compression running on my audio feed just because I like to hear myself sound. I like my voice compressed rather than flat. Our stations add compression, too. <<​

All true. And we would have heard any little noise, including everybody's breathing, including any time anybody shuffled a paper while not talking, and the biggest giveaway --- we would have heard the background noise rise up out of nowhere whenever there was a pause in the audio. None of that happened.

>> By the way, it's that compression, I could come here with a huge head cold and compression would hide it. I would have to tell you I have a cold, unless it's a really severe one, and then you would notice it. <<​

Bullshit. A head cold changes the tone of the voice and compression does nothing for that. Actually I used to enjoy coming in to the studio with a head cold, because it meant my voice went even deeper and so did the number of my female callers.

>> It could have been his microphone placement; it could have been he was looking down and aiming at the microphone. <<​

The latter. I could see it.

>> RUSH: By the way, if you know somebody who's a broadcaster/audio engineering and you go tell 'em that Limbaugh was talking about "compression," they may not know. You tell 'em... If they're confused, just use the term "the limiter." Some broadcast engineers will think I'm talking about the limiter when I mean compression.

I know what I'm talking about. Some of them don't. The limiter just limits the peaks, lows and highs, and compresses everything down. It does the same thing. Anyway, all I'm trying to say is if you go talk to an audio engineer and you tell 'em you heard me talking about compression, they're gonna say, "No, he's talking about a limiter." You tell 'em one and the same. <<​

Better not because that's bullshit too. Compression brings low audio UP; Limiting prevents high audio from going too high. Two different things. The two functions are often (but not necessarily) combined into a single unit serving multiple functions. But they're still separate actions.
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Did he sniffle in any of his interviews AFTER the debate? Not that I heard. So how do you explain the lack of sniffling in the interviews?
Wow. Are you saying you actually believe he wasn't sniffling all during the debate? The entire country noticed, and here you are drinking down Trump's denial. This is incredible!

As for why he didn't sniffle after, gosh I'm stumped. Hey! Maybe he BLEW HIS NOSE!

Jesus H. Christ, you are willing to drink whatever piss Trump pours, aren't you. Amazing.

Then explain why there were no sniffling sounds in all his interviews immediately following the debate.

Explain how his nostrils contracted when he sniffed

Actually, nostrils expand when you sniff.
70 yr old man does not drink or use drugs suddenly using coke? Make no sense at all.
Mic was too sensitive and picked up every breath in.......not sniffing or drugs or sickness.

I've had a similar problem, but I lost my voice years ago and have to use a mic on high just to speak on the phone or Skype. My vocal cords are not able to meet and I have to use my false vocals just to try and speak. I had a stroke and was intubation for two days while in a coma, when the tube was removed my cords no longer worked. I rarely use the phone and feel like I am shouting just to be heard in a whisper, even with a program to increase the sound. The mic on that high picks up my breathing more than my voice.

Why his mic was positioned that way and on that high is a tech problem, not Trump. Might be he got to close to the podium when he leaned in to speak. Did he personally test them before he got on stage or was it tested by others?
there are serious questions about his drug use and the facial contortions from last night. just google it.

His brother died from drugs and alcohol. He does not use either. No reason to start now at his age.
I'd imagine he picked up some habits at Le Club and Studio 54. To believe otherwise is to believe everything that comes out of his mouth.
BREAKING - Trump sneaking into a rehab.

It's gonna be tremendous rehab. It'll be amazing, incredible rehab, the best in the world It will be rehab in ways you woudn't even understand, believe me, I will be the greatest rehab president that god ever created, I tell you that. And I tell you that because I'm still high.
What? NO blaming OBama? This is a shocker!!

Why blame Obama when you can blame Hillary for 50 years of ISIS attacks?
She's been fighting ISIS all her adult life as I recall.
I remember tales of a young Hillary struggling through college in the 60s as she enabled ISIS
But The Don said last night that she's been fighting them all her I'm just confused!
Hillary wrote a fourth grade paper on why we need an Islamic state

And she was a Republican then. :eek:
Limblob sez:
>> They have positioned the mic -- I don't know -- not charging anything here, but his mic was positioned in such a way that you were able to hear him inhale. <<
Bullshit. Again (because I already did this in another thread) the mics were "positioned" exactly the same, and they move. I saw Rump move his.
Not only that, because Trump is taller, the mic was farther from his snot nose than Clinton's, who obviously is not a snot nose.

snot has nothing to do with it. many people are saying it was coke and adderall. that's why he kept making faces, that's why he lost energy and focus after the first half hour. no stamina.

Sure it does --- he had snot coming out of his Wherever.
70 yr old man does not drink or use drugs suddenly using coke? Make no sense at all.
Mic was too sensitive and picked up every breath in.......not sniffing or drugs or sickness.

I've had a similar problem, but I lost my voice years ago and have to use a mic on high just to speak on the phone or Skype. My vocal cords are not able to meet and I have to use my false vocals just to try and speak. I had a stroke and was intubation for two days while in a coma, when the tube was removed my cords no longer worked. I rarely use the phone and feel like I am shouting just to be heard in a whisper, even with a program to increase the sound. The mic on that high picks up my breathing more than my voice.

Why his mic was positioned that way and on that high is a tech problem, not Trump. Might be he got to close to the podium when he leaned in to speak. Did he personally test them before he got on stage or was it tested by others?
there are serious questions about his drug use and the facial contortions from last night. just google it.

His brother died from drugs and alcohol. He does not use either. No reason to start now at his age.
many people say otherwise. just google it. it's very serious, and i wish him well, but the video is out there and i think he needs to release some answers. that wasn't natural. he clearly had some facial numbness, his sniffing, and the drop in energy all point to drugs
Just say you sniffled. People sniffle. Politics and everything aside Trump is just a weird dude.

That coke he was on wore off mid-debate.

He was out of it that last hour.

That is HILARIOUS, no pun intended. I've never heard him make more sense.

God his mouth noises are as bad as the sniffing, has no one taught this bung about microphone etiquette? What a maroon.

I've found that the more oblivious-to-everybody-but-Numero-Uno speakers are notorious for what we call "eating" the mic.
And the most narcissistic among them blame the mic.

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