Trump, no sniffles...the mic was bad

"The dog ate my homework, just ask Sean Hannity"

Honest....I spent a lot of time talking to my friend Sean Hannity about what a bad idea Iraq was...just ask him

I was LMAO when I heard that one. Why the fuck there is a need to ask his brother Hannity? Why not just publish the clippings or video if there is such a thing.

Even if there were --- it would only mean he had contradicted himself, because the Howard Stern clip already does exist.

There just ain't no way out when you're caught in a lie.
70 yr old man does not drink or use drugs suddenly using coke? Make no sense at all.
Mic was too sensitive and picked up every breath in.......not sniffing or drugs or sickness.

I've had a similar problem, but I lost my voice years ago and have to use a mic on high just to speak on the phone or Skype. My vocal cords are not able to meet and I have to use my false vocals just to try and speak. I had a stroke and was intubation for two days while in a coma, when the tube was removed my cords no longer worked. I rarely use the phone and feel like I am shouting just to be heard in a whisper, even with a program to increase the sound. The mic on that high picks up my breathing more than my voice.

Why his mic was positioned that way and on that high is a tech problem, not Trump. Might be he got to close to the podium when he leaned in to speak. Did he personally test them before he got on stage or was it tested by others?

1. Since when there is cut off age when it comes to drug addiction. There are 80 years old that are addicts.
2. Listen the timing when he sniffles then stop during his sentences. That is not normal.
I do a lot of singing and I record a lot of my songs as a hobby. Some are professionally done but most are amateur.

That coke he was on wore off mid-debate.

He was out of it that last hour.

That is HILARIOUS, no pun intended. I've never heard him make more sense.

God his mouth noises are as bad as the sniffing, has no one taught this bung about microphone etiquette? What a maroon.

I've found that the more oblivious-to-everybody-but-Numero-Uno speakers are notorious for what we call "eating" the mic.
And the most narcissistic among them blame the mic.

I agree, you find this on Youtube alot as well and the better the mic the more professional you have to be about all the noises that can be picked up. And Trump is self-uber. You'd think they would have at least trained him in proper logistics type things.
70 yr old man does not drink or use drugs suddenly using coke? Make no sense at all.
Mic was too sensitive and picked up every breath in.......not sniffing or drugs or sickness.

I've had a similar problem, but I lost my voice years ago and have to use a mic on high just to speak on the phone or Skype. My vocal cords are not able to meet and I have to use my false vocals just to try and speak. I had a stroke and was intubation for two days while in a coma, when the tube was removed my cords no longer worked. I rarely use the phone and feel like I am shouting just to be heard in a whisper, even with a program to increase the sound. The mic on that high picks up my breathing more than my voice.

Why his mic was positioned that way and on that high is a tech problem, not Trump. Might be he got to close to the podium when he leaned in to speak. Did he personally test them before he got on stage or was it tested by others?

1. Since when there is cut off age when it comes to drug addiction. There are 80 years old that are addicts.
2. Listen the timing when he sniffles then stop during his sentences. That is not normal.
I do a lot of singing and I record a lot of my songs as a hobby. Some are professionally done but most are amateur.

Do they start at 70?

Cannabis beginning I understand, but coke?
Did he sniffle in any of his interviews AFTER the debate? Not that I heard. So how do you explain the lack of sniffling in the interviews?
Wow. Are you saying you actually believe he wasn't sniffling all during the debate? The entire country noticed, and here you are drinking down Trump's denial. This is incredible!

As for why he didn't sniffle after, gosh I'm stumped. Hey! Maybe he BLEW HIS NOSE!

Jesus H. Christ, you are willing to drink whatever piss Trump pours, aren't you. Amazing.

Then explain why there were no sniffling sounds in all his interviews immediately following the debate.
Read my post again, you willfully blind retard.
Forgive her, she is from Canada.
Did he sniffle in any of his interviews AFTER the debate? Not that I heard. So how do you explain the lack of sniffling in the interviews?
Wow. Are you saying you actually believe he wasn't sniffling all during the debate? The entire country noticed, and here you are drinking down Trump's denial. This is incredible!

As for why he didn't sniffle after, gosh I'm stumped. Hey! Maybe he BLEW HIS NOSE!

Jesus H. Christ, you are willing to drink whatever piss Trump pours, aren't you. Amazing.

Then explain why there were no sniffling sounds in all his interviews immediately following the debate.

Cocaine usually wears off in an hour or two. Especially that cheap NY coke.
Pure coke wears off quicker than that, and what causes the sniffling is what it is cut with.
From the Trump bizarro land

Trump: No sniffles, the mic was bad

But on Tuesday he denied any inklings of a sickness.

“No sniffles, no. You know, the mic was very bad. Maybe it was good enough to hear breathing," Trump told Fox & Friends Tuesday morning. "There was no sniffles. I have no allergies. No cold. Every once in a while, but no cold.”

At a different point in the interview he speculated that maybe he had been given a bad mic on purpose.

God damned Hillary slipped Trump a "Sniffle mic"

You mean the cocaine was bad
70 yr old man does not drink or use drugs suddenly using coke? Make no sense at all.
Mic was too sensitive and picked up every breath in.......not sniffing or drugs or sickness.

I've had a similar problem, but I lost my voice years ago and have to use a mic on high just to speak on the phone or Skype. My vocal cords are not able to meet and I have to use my false vocals just to try and speak. I had a stroke and was intubation for two days while in a coma, when the tube was removed my cords no longer worked. I rarely use the phone and feel like I am shouting just to be heard in a whisper, even with a program to increase the sound. The mic on that high picks up my breathing more than my voice.

Why his mic was positioned that way and on that high is a tech problem, not Trump. Might be he got to close to the podium when he leaned in to speak. Did he personally test them before he got on stage or was it tested by others?
there are serious questions about his drug use and the facial contortions from last night. just google it.

His brother died from drugs and alcohol. He does not use either. No reason to start now at his age.

It runs in his family

Many people claim Trump hides his drug problem....believe me
70 yr old man does not drink or use drugs suddenly using coke? Make no sense at all.
Mic was too sensitive and picked up every breath in.......not sniffing or drugs or sickness.

I've had a similar problem, but I lost my voice years ago and have to use a mic on high just to speak on the phone or Skype. My vocal cords are not able to meet and I have to use my false vocals just to try and speak. I had a stroke and was intubation for two days while in a coma, when the tube was removed my cords no longer worked. I rarely use the phone and feel like I am shouting just to be heard in a whisper, even with a program to increase the sound. The mic on that high picks up my breathing more than my voice.

Why his mic was positioned that way and on that high is a tech problem, not Trump. Might be he got to close to the podium when he leaned in to speak. Did he personally test them before he got on stage or was it tested by others?

1. Since when there is cut off age when it comes to drug addiction. There are 80 years old that are addicts.
2. Listen the timing when he sniffles then stop during his sentences. That is not normal.
I do a lot of singing and I record a lot of my songs as a hobby. Some are professionally done but most are amateur.

Do they start at 70?

Cannabis beginning I understand, but coke?

Yeah of course not. That's what I keep telling these drones who somehow delude themselves into thinking that after seventy years of being a devoted Narcissist who takes no responsibility for anything, Orange Crash is going to suddenly pull a 180 and turn all altruistic and suddenly become "responsible". :cuckoo:

Same thing --- makes no sense. We may as well pull a homeless guy off the subway grate and expect the same thing.

The coke is a joke, and invited there by all the hair-on-fire tongue wagging about Clinton coughing. It's good for a laugh but far more serious than having congested sinuses is having the obvious mental illness.

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