Trump, no sniffles...the mic was bad

From the Trump bizarro land

Trump: No sniffles, the mic was bad

But on Tuesday he denied any inklings of a sickness.

“No sniffles, no. You know, the mic was very bad. Maybe it was good enough to hear breathing," Trump told Fox & Friends Tuesday morning. "There was no sniffles. I have no allergies. No cold. Every once in a while, but no cold.”

At a different point in the interview he speculated that maybe he had been given a bad mic on purpose.

God damned Hillary slipped Trump a "Sniffle mic"


Wow you retards are reaching.

At least our theory of Hillary being sick was spot on when she collapsed on Benghazi anniversary and admitted she had pneumonia.

Hillary lost the debate, so you guys are searching for anything, lol.
Come on, we've never witnessed him with the dry sniffles and thirstiness like he had last night, ever before so... HE IS NOT A COKE ADDICT.

(Though guaranteed if it had been Hillary doing this all night like donald, the Donald supporters would have labeled her a Coke Addict to being on her death bed at any moment)

but it was more like donald had a reaction to some medication...maybe cold medicine, maybe some sort of "upper"/stimulant that someone suggested he take? It could be a reaction to dust, for all we know?

It was a little annoying, I admit, but for goodness sakes, how are we suppose to know that we would react the way our body does, after taking a prescription or cold medicine, unless we have done it before.....?

This is why I rule out coke addict or any prescription addict, he and his followers would have known his physical reaction to it, if it was common place for him as an alleged addict... while doing these drugs or medications...
I can't believe I'm the only one who noticed that Trump breathes in through his nose when he is talking. If you watch, you will see it in his interviews, his rallies, etc. He's always done it. Must have been taught that in public speaking class. Last night I think he WAS a bit nervous (and who wouldn't be) and maybe that caused him to be louder about it--you don't usually hear it, so maybe that WAS a mic thing. Dunno. But the nose breather thing? He has always done it. Go watch.
Rush explained it.....the mic had compression on that all sounds came through equeally loud.....
Come on, we've never witnessed him with the dry sniffles and thirstiness like he had last night, ever before so... HE IS NOT A COKE ADDICT.

(Though guaranteed if it had been Hillary doing this all night like donald, the Donald supporters would have labeled her a Coke Addict to being on her death bed at any moment)

but it was more like donald had a reaction to some medication...maybe cold medicine, maybe some sort of "upper"/stimulant that someone suggested he take? It could be a reaction to dust, for all we know?

It was a little annoying, I admit, but for goodness sakes, how are we suppose to know that we would react the way our body does, after taking a prescription or cold medicine, unless we have done it before.....?

This is why I rule out coke addict or any prescription addict, he and his followers would have known his physical reaction to it, if it was common place for him as an alleged addict... while doing these drugs or medications...
I can't believe I'm the only one who noticed that Trump breathes in through his nose when he is talking. If you watch, you will see it in his interviews, his rallies, etc. He's always done it. Must have been taught that in public speaking class. Last night I think he WAS a bit nervous (and who wouldn't be) and maybe that caused him to be louder about it--you don't usually hear it, so maybe that WAS a mic thing. Dunno. But the nose breather thing? He has always done it. Go watch.

Yup. Just like his curmudgeon face.
Most people who have the sniffles do not have a highly contagious disease....just like most people who slip on the steps do not have Parkinson's disease

Yeah, she didn't slip or trip on any step, bald SS guy had to drag her stiff as a board body off the curb then chuck her into the car. The body of people who pass out goes completely limp, it doesn't stiffen up like a piece of damn plasterboard.
Rush explained it.....the mic had compression on that all sounds came through equeally loud.....
If your MessiahRushie said it, you know it is a lie.
Limpboy has the same drug induced post nasal drip. You can hear him snorting constantly in between his constipated sounding ahhhhs, so of course he will lie for his fellow drug addict.
Liberals are just unbelievable. Hillary about falls on her face on a bright sunny day and it's "nothing, it's pneumonia" but Trump possibly has the sniffles and it makes headlines?

Really liberals? Is this all ya got?

"This Kleenex is huuge, it's beautiful, and I don't need it, I mean who knows, maybe I do, but we just aren't sure, it could be, look, just because someone is sniffing and using Kleenex doesn't mean they have a running nose."

Look at whats going on with this box of tissue, Is it half full? Is it half empty? I dont know. The MEDIA says "Aww Trump is using tissue again ahhhh, whats wrong with his nose" trust me my nose is fine *SNORT* Believe me.

Ask my Doctor Jeff Daniels or you can ask Sean Hannity, no one calls him.
From the Trump bizarro land

Trump: No sniffles, the mic was bad

But on Tuesday he denied any inklings of a sickness.

“No sniffles, no. You know, the mic was very bad. Maybe it was good enough to hear breathing," Trump told Fox & Friends Tuesday morning. "There was no sniffles. I have no allergies. No cold. Every once in a while, but no cold.”

At a different point in the interview he speculated that maybe he had been given a bad mic on purpose.

God damned Hillary slipped Trump a "Sniffle mic"


Wow you retards are reaching.

At least our theory of Hillary being sick was spot on when she collapsed on Benghazi anniversary and admitted she had pneumonia.

Hillary lost the debate, so you guys are searching for anything, lol.

lol @ "benghazi anniversary."
Trump grew up as a snotty nosed little spoiled and immature privileged brat. The ailment continues to this very day.
Did he sniffle in any of his interviews AFTER the debate? Not that I heard. So how do you explain the lack of sniffling in the interviews?
Wow. Are you saying you actually believe he wasn't sniffling all during the debate? The entire country noticed, and here you are drinking down Trump's denial. This is incredible!

As for why he didn't sniffle after, gosh I'm stumped. Hey! Maybe he BLEW HIS NOSE!

Jesus H. Christ, you are willing to drink whatever piss Trump pours, aren't you. Amazing.

Then explain why there were no sniffling sounds in all his interviews immediately following the debate.
Because he snorted another line of coke.


The man doesn't drink or smoke and yet you are willing to panhandle this bullshit around that he's a coke addict.

So a person who does not drink nor smoke, can't do coke. I doubt that. That would explain his ramblings.
What is incredible about this notion is that Hitler to, never drank nor smoked and yet was a coke head in the about parallel
From the Trump bizarro land

Trump: No sniffles, the mic was bad

But on Tuesday he denied any inklings of a sickness.

“No sniffles, no. You know, the mic was very bad. Maybe it was good enough to hear breathing," Trump told Fox & Friends Tuesday morning. "There was no sniffles. I have no allergies. No cold. Every once in a while, but no cold.”

At a different point in the interview he speculated that maybe he had been given a bad mic on purpose.

God damned Hillary slipped Trump a "Sniffle mic"


Wow you retards are reaching.

At least our theory of Hillary being sick was spot on when she collapsed on Benghazi anniversary and admitted she had pneumonia.

Hillary lost the debate, so you guys are searching for anything, lol.
Not the debate i was watching .
Trump said the same old shit he always says.
That's not a win.
Wow. Are you saying you actually believe he wasn't sniffling all during the debate? The entire country noticed, and here you are drinking down Trump's denial. This is incredible!

As for why he didn't sniffle after, gosh I'm stumped. Hey! Maybe he BLEW HIS NOSE!

Jesus H. Christ, you are willing to drink whatever piss Trump pours, aren't you. Amazing.

Then explain why there were no sniffling sounds in all his interviews immediately following the debate.
Because he snorted another line of coke.


The man doesn't drink or smoke and yet you are willing to panhandle this bullshit around that he's a coke addict.

So a person who does not drink nor smoke, can't do coke. I doubt that. That would explain his ramblings.
What is incredible about this notion is that Hitler to, never drank nor smoked and yet was a coke head in the about parallel
Hitler wasn't a coke head. He was a meth addict. A speed freak.

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