Trump, no sniffles...the mic was bad

Lot of people said "on purpose", but I don't know. On purpose. Lot of people. I don't know.
From the Trump bizarro land

Trump: No sniffles, the mic was bad

But on Tuesday he denied any inklings of a sickness.

“No sniffles, no. You know, the mic was very bad. Maybe it was good enough to hear breathing," Trump told Fox & Friends Tuesday morning. "There was no sniffles. I have no allergies. No cold. Every once in a while, but no cold.”

At a different point in the interview he speculated that maybe he had been given a bad mic on purpose.

God damned Hillary slipped Trump a "Sniffle mic"


Trump joins the birther movement and says the president isn't an American. Obama's birth certificate proves he is, Trump and his derp followers eat crow.

Trump and his minions say Hillary is terribly ill for weeks to try to harm her politically. At the debate she is the one that is in perfect health and has great stamina while Trump is sniffing as if he's either got a cold or is doing lines.

Karma is out there asking Trump "you need more rope? I have plenty. Take as much as you need to hang yourself with dork. Hey I know, HRC wasn't born in America! Run with that one!"
Trump had a runny nose. He probably figured if he stopped to blow his nose, the whole country would see his boogers, or else Hillary's rubes would make SOMETHING out of him blowing his nose.

Or maybe he was worried some of his orange paint would rub off if he wiped his face with a hanky.

So he sniffed all during the debate instead.
There were points in the debate last night where dump had that straining to take a shit look on his face.
Gotta give him credit for not being his usual asshole self for the first 5 minutes.
Trump has sniffles and libs throw a hissy. Clinton has seizures and has to be medicated and dragged up stairs by the ss..Libs are silent.

Libs are loons.
Trump has sniffles and libs throw a hissy. Clinton has seizures and has to be medicated and dragged up stairs by the ss..Libs are silent.

Libs are loons.
Poor girl. Keep telling yourself that.
Trump has sniffles and libs throw a hissy. Clinton has seizures and has to be medicated and dragged up stairs by the ss..Libs are silent.

Libs are loons.

Many people are saying that Trump has been hiding his addiction for decades. His addiction to coke is YUUUGE,,,,believe me
Most people who have the sniffles do not have a highly contagious disease....just like most people who slip on the steps do not have Parkinson's disease
Thats like when I use to lie to a chick I'd tell her that I was at my friends house and call him. LMAO

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