Trump NOW Knows the Right People to help him run his Presidency


Gold Member
Aug 19, 2024

Trump says he now knows the ‘right’ people for second administration

Former President Trump on Wednesday reflected on his first term in the White House, stating he now knows the “right” people to serve in his administration should he be reelected.

“A big key to running, it is get the right people. You put the right person and the right group of people at the heads of these massive agencies, you’re going to have tremendous success,” he said. “And I know now the people and I know them better than anybody would know them.”

Nonetheless, his own history does not support that statement. Trump had the biggest (85%) turnover in his first administration ever seen in any presidency.

The long list of Trump administration officials turned critics

WashingtonCNN —
Having overseen the highest turnover rate in presidential history, President Donald Trump was bound to have a few disgruntled ex-aides.

Instead, a steady succession of ex-administration advisers – including some of his highest-ranking Cabinet officials who spoke or met with him regularly – have spoken out against his leadership and character, a remarkable break in precedent for a norm-shattering president.

One big problem that exists in Trump is that his beliefs do not allow him to hire good people and much less listen to them. Here is a statement that Trump made publicly in 2018, that shows exactly what his mentality is on this issue:

Trump: 'Always be around unsuccessful people because everybody will respect you'

Donald Trump broke from his usual political script for part of a campaign rally on Wednesday to offer advice for success to his college audience. One boastful tip from Trump: “Always be around unsuccessful people because everybody will respect you.”

The problem is that he believes he knows more than anyone about anything

He even knows more about the law than his own lawyers

How can anyone run a country by himself, without anyone competent around him? On top of that, he lies as he repeatedly says that he will hire the best of the best?
Nonetheless, his own history does not support that statement. Trump had the biggest (85%) turnover in his first administration ever seen in any presidency.

One big problem that exists in Trump is that his beliefs do not allow him to hire good people and much less listen to them. Here is a statement that Trump made publicly in 2018, that shows exactly what his mentality is on this issue:

The problem is that he believes he knows more than anyone about anything

He even knows more about the law than his own lawyers

How can anyone run a country by himself, without anyone competent around him? On top of that, he lies as he repeatedly says that he will hire the best of the best?

This time the RINO's have already flown the coop. Trump 2.0 will be far more Trumpy.
Mindless, hyper-loyal orange theocrats only.

You can fake the Christian part, obviously.

Just know going forward I have decided to not respond to people not quoting me when it is obvious they are responding to me.

A little common courtesy if that's not too much fucking trouble.
A modern female version of Adolf Hitler and Joe Stalin. surada

It is funny that instead of addressing the OP, you deflect and bring in Harris to the conversation (which the OP is not about).

Having said that, in your video, Kamala says nothing about stopping free speech. She says things like policing (not stopping) hate speech and making social media (and anyone that allows it) accountable for whatever damage is done by hate CRIMES. This is not about stopping free speech but making the haters accountable for the CONSEQENCES of what the hate speech causes.

This means putting people in jail that do unlawful things because of hate and also putting the people that ALLOWED the hate thinking to do the crimes. FOR EXAMPLE, how the judicial system is likely to find the father of Colt Gray accountable for allowing his son to kill because of the hate he spewed.

The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, enacted in 28 U.S.C. § 994 note Sec. 280003, requires the United States Sentencing Commission to increase the penalties for hate crimes committed on the basis of the actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, or gender of any person.
Much like I am when it comes to Kamala Harris, there are often things I find sketchy about Trump's reality. His ability to attract highly qualified talent is one of them.
Nonetheless, his own history does not support that statement. Trump had the biggest (85%) turnover in his first administration ever seen in any presidency.

One big problem that exists in Trump is that his beliefs do not allow him to hire good people and much less listen to them. Here is a statement that Trump made publicly in 2018, that shows exactly what his mentality is on this issue:

The problem is that he believes he knows more than anyone about anything

He even knows more about the law than his own lawyers

How can anyone run a country by himself, without anyone competent around him? On top of that, he lies as he repeatedly says that he will hire the best of the best?

Hit the nail on the head here.

5 stages Trump WH staff employ 2.jpg
One noticeable thing about this OP. Few responses from the Trump cult and the few responses from them is deflecting to Kamala (not addressing the OP).

Trumpers cannot face facts and truths that prove that Trump is not the idol that their blind-by-choice eyes see.


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