Trump OBLITERATES the Hildebeast "FOG OF WAR" With 1 Tweet!

ok. Good.

GOoooooooooooo Trump!

You support a man who lies to his entire base for votes and admits to it? It's no wonder his voting base supports bombing Alladin's fictional city of Agrabah. What won't they support?
Are you supporting a life support system for a pussy who lies any time her lips move?

If Rand Paul doesn't win the nomination I probably won't vote. Aside from that you have a choice between a big government liberal or a big government liberal.
ok. Good.

GOoooooooooooo Trump!

You support a man who lies to his entire base for votes and admits to it? It's no wonder his voting base supports bombing Alladin's fictional city of Agrabah. What won't they support?
Are you supporting a life support system for a pussy who lies any time her lips move?

If Rand Paul doesn't win the nomination I probably won't vote. Aside from that you have a choice between a big government liberal or a big government liberal.

Safe to say you're sitting this one out.
Donald J. Trump Verified account ‏@realDonaldTrump
"@jallenaip: Hillary said she was in a "Fog of War" as explanation for the lies about Benghazi. No fog allowed in WH. Vote Trump POTUS!"

Twitter seems to be Trumps WEAPON OF CHOICE...and he uses it to the hilt!

trump hasn't "obliterated" anyone.... but i know the storefront loons like you love him.

Of course he did...but little HillBillyJilly LOVES her lesbian sister, the Hildebeast!
All the hillbillies vote republican.
Disturbingly true.
Why are so many Trump supporters such crude dopes and losers?

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