Trump offered this position to Falwell Jr and he turned it down!

Jerry Falwell Jr. says Trump offered him this top job; here's why he turned it down . . .

NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am not a xtian but I would have loved having him leading that department! Bring some morality and common sense to the entire thing! Damn I would have loved that.Plus it would have had the lefties howling for the next 4 years! LMAO!
Odium, I shudder at the thought of this man having anything to do with education in this country. But fully agree that education has taken a wrong turn. Schools are now teaching far too much of what should be taught in the home and has no place in the halls of learning. Concentrating on the Three Rs as basic edu in at least K-8 or 9, then branching into electives seems proper to me. Let higher edu offer choices after the basics are embedded. That includes anything to do with religion. That's sticky since since Fundies think evolution is a slam against Christianity, which kinda dumbs down geology, but otherwise religion, shoe tie-ing, table manners, and your plea for morality should all be taught from home, where the responsibility to 'teach a child the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it' really lies. (OT, can't remember source, probably Deuteronomy)

ps, I try to be an Xtian, but usually fail in the slow-to-anger dept.
He is doing what his father started by continuing to educate young people in the truth.
He is doing what his father started by continuing to educate young people in the truth.
Eh truth not so much,morality and ethics yes. I thought about sending my kids there but we aren't raising them to be xtian zombies and have no intention of having them brainwashed at a christian college

So great is his contempt for Christ. Sad. But then so is his contempt for the country the Founders gave us

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