Trump offers a compromise with PP

Such bullshit. To the extent that federal funding allows PP to pay their rent and light bills it is funding abortion.
It's like having the government paying your mortgage and car payments but not the vacations you take with that extra cash in your pocket.
Right. It is a budgeting trick. Of course federal tax dollars are funding abortions!
Abortion should be classified as murder. Put Planned Parenthood on trial for mass murder and throw the book at them all. Non-negotiable terms because some things are non-negotiable.
That's not a compromise. That's arm twisting, which PP will not succumb to.

Then lose the money. It's the taxpayers money not PPs. Elections have consequences and this is one of them. PP will fold - it's always about the money.
Abortion is a legal medical procedure. Tax payers don't have any business deciding which legal medical procedures they will fund and which they won't. Your side will not get away with this.

Tax payers have every right to decide how tax dollars are spent. Your days of telling Americans what they will and must do are over.
It is your side trying to tell American women what they will and must do with their bodies and their lives. It's not going to go over well. Just warning ya.

"tell American women what they will and must do with their bodies"

Their bodies????

How could the victim be 'their body' since it has a different DNA, different fingerprints, often different blood type and different sex?


Do you realize how flaccid your alibi for murder sounds?
Then lose the money. It's the taxpayers money not PPs. Elections have consequences and this is one of them. PP will fold - it's always about the money.
Abortion is a legal medical procedure. Tax payers don't have any business deciding which legal medical procedures they will fund and which they won't. Your side will not get away with this.

Tax payers have every right to decide how tax dollars are spent. Your days of telling Americans what they will and must do are over.
It is your side trying to tell American women what they will and must do with their bodies and their lives. It's not going to go over well. Just warning ya.

You are incorrect. WE are not telling women what to do with their bodies. They are free to do as they please and accept the consequences for their decisions. WE ARE no longer going to pay for those consequences, however.

Are you aware of the Hyde Amendment?

"In U.S. politics, the Hyde Amendment is a legislative provision barring the use of certain federal funds to pay for abortion except to save the life of the woman, or if the pregnancy arises from incest or rape.

Do you believe a women raped should be required to go full term, delivery a baby and provide for its support until it reaches maturity?

Should the rapist be put to death?
My best guess is that PP told Trump, as politely as possible, that they are not providing services to accommodate Trump, but rather to accommodate the needs of women. I'm not sure why they even bothered to tell him that, because the entire concept is over his head.
Yes, as politely as possible they said "you better keep the government money coming".
My best guess is that PP told Trump, as politely as possible, that they are not providing services to accommodate Trump, but rather to accommodate the needs of women. I'm not sure why they even bothered to tell him that, because the entire concept is over his head.
I'm sure Hollywood, Kerry, Obama, Gore, Soros etc can cover the 3% of the PP budget. Heck, Obama just got $63M for a book deal.
“Planned Parenthood says it rejected the informal offer, noting that federal funds cannot be used for abortions anyway.”

Which is like saying people on Federal assistance do not spend their money on booze or drugs instead of food.

No, it enables them to splurge on unnecessary items.

It's not Trump's call is it?
Yes, it is.
Thanks to Obama weaponizing the White House Trump can pull billions of dollars out of his ass and he can stuff billions into his ass and out of PP's bloody hands.
“Planned Parenthood says it rejected the informal offer, noting that federal funds cannot be used for abortions anyway.”

Which is like saying people on Federal assistance do not spend their money on booze or drugs instead of food.

No, it enables them to splurge on unnecessary items.

It's not Trump's call is it?
Yes, it is.
Thanks to Obama weaponizing the White House Trump can pull billions of dollars out of his ass and he can stuff billions into his ass and out of PP's bloody hands.

What's the legal process by which Trump can unilaterally abolish the legislation that funds PP?
Yes, as politely as possible they said "you better keep the government money coming".

On the contrary. PP knows that the GOP is going to cut off their funding. They also know that their mission is more important than that funding.
Yep, they believe black babies must be killed in order to keep darkies in control.

I think I have met you before. Did you used to run the tilt-a-whirl at the state fair?
Then lose the money. It's the taxpayers money not PPs. Elections have consequences and this is one of them. PP will fold - it's always about the money.
Abortion is a legal medical procedure. Tax payers don't have any business deciding which legal medical procedures they will fund and which they won't. Your side will not get away with this.

Tax payers have every right to decide how tax dollars are spent. Your days of telling Americans what they will and must do are over.
It is your side trying to tell American women what they will and must do with their bodies and their lives. It's not going to go over well. Just warning ya.

You are incorrect. WE are not telling women what to do with their bodies. They are free to do as they please and accept the consequences for their decisions. WE ARE no longer going to pay for those consequences, however.

Are you aware of the Hyde Amendment?

"In U.S. politics, the Hyde Amendment is a legislative provision barring the use of certain federal funds to pay for abortion except to save the life of the woman, or if the pregnancy arises from incest or rape.

Do you believe a women raped should be required to go full term, delivery a baby and provide for its support until it reaches maturity?

"Do you believe a women raped should be required to go full term, delivery a baby..."

Let's see how easy it is to prove you a dishonest dunce....

Let's deal with the so very overused idea of "cases of rape or incest."
The concept that there are "cases of rape or incest" is a chimera.
They really don't exist.....well, the fact is that 98.5% of abortion don't involve either abhorrent event.

The cases in which abortion is for rape, 1%; and .5% incest.

Therefore, you must be in agreement that 98.5% of all abortions should be outlawed....

Yes, as politely as possible they said "you better keep the government money coming".

On the contrary. PP knows that the GOP is going to cut off their funding. They also know that their mission is more important than that funding.
Yep, they believe black babies must be killed in order to keep darkies in control.

I think I have met you before. Did you used to run the tilt-a-whirl at the state fair?
Not my fault PP was created by a racist to reduce the black population and today kills more black babies per capita than any other race.

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