Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus

Um... Democrats are for gun control and for gay rights.

Never seen you disagree with a Democrat on abortion or affirmative action. You keep very quiet about it.

Where did you possibly get that I said anything about parliamentary systems? What are you smoking?

And apparently government schools are no better there than here. I pointed out you're a leftist coming from accross the globe adding zero to what Democrats here say all day long. Try reading it again. Only slower this time. Sound out the words

You accuse me of 'pumping' Dem talking points. My point is, I don't think in terms of Dem and Repub. Just trying to explain why in terms our parliamentary system. Should have realised I'd have to spell it out. Putting two and two together isn't your strong point.

And this is where you are being disingenuous. You talk about two of my points being pro Dem while ignoring the two that are Repub planks. I have talked about affirmative action and abortion on many occasions. Probably not as often as some other points. But then again, they are not big issues down here. Nowhere near the issue they are in the US. I think that is especially so in the case of abortion due to lack of separation of church and state in the US (and no, I'm not talking enacted in law, I'm talking about the practicality).

I could say that same about you and Repub talking points. Go figure.
It wasn't my claim, dumb ass. eddie said we're at the bottom of how we "treat our poor." I said that's wrong. You came in with oh yeah, New Zealand! LOL. Couplaschmucks ...

Again you can't join the dots. I'm guaranteeing he was talking about first-world countries. I know, in general, I have to spell things out for Deplorables. Thinking laterally is definitely not your strong point. I guess Eddie has to do the same.
Biden actually says racist things himself.

Trump's supposed racist statements are you lying about what he said.

Biden is the actual racist. Democrats are the actual racist party. The party of slavery, Jim Crow, the KKK, lynchings, segregation and cross burning. And now if you are a black and try to leave the party, you'll learn that lynching is still a very big part of Democrats keeping blacks on the plantation. It's just electronic now.

You're the one who has to get real.

And don't be a dumb ass and vote for a Marxist. Joe's controlled by the left now. He can't even answer questions from the public without someone writing his answer on a teleprompter for him. Trump has good and bad things about him, but Biden is ALL bad

The Repubs of today are the Democrats of yesteryear. You guys keep on saying that and acting like Dixiecrats are the same thing. So you think George Wallace would have voted for Obama? Is that what you are saying?? RATFLMAO!!
How is Biden a racist and Marxist? Give examples.

Biden could have a lobotomy and he'd still be a better president than that piece of garbage in the WH. Your country is the laughing stock of the world at the moment due to him. EVERYBODY laughs at you. And no, you can't keep on talking about US exceptionalism as your country starts sliding into irrelevance as a country and you all - both sides of the aisle - bitch and moan all day how shit your country is now. The US used to be universally respected, even by its enemies. I guess all empires decline. However, most last a few hundred years. The US lasted for 70.
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Biden is now controlled by the hard left. Here's a dollar, buy a clue.

No one has put more non-violent black drug users in prison than Joe Biden.

47 years of government corruption and he hasn't done shit other than putting all the black drug users in jail. Funny how he has all the answers now when he didn't have a single answer before.

So you you have anything to add this time that any other American leftist Democrat wouldn't say themselves?

Sure. Show me the stats from reliable sources. I'm more than happy to change my mind.
I suggest that you do it also cracker is a racist term

I agree. It is a term used to CALL somebody racist, not a racist term in itself. Unlike the N word.
fucking trash foreigner I feel so much better knowing I got the chance to put my boot on the throats of a few germans and brits when I was in Germany fucking pussies everyone
Cracker, sometimes white cracker or cracka, is a derogatory term used for white people, used especially against poor rural whites in the Southern United States

If the shoe fits, Cracker....
I wonder what Woodward was thinking to himself when Trump admitted he lied to America.

"Did I just fucking hear what I think I just fucking heard?"


On the other hand, knowing who he was interviewing, he may have been expecting something like this.
my friends, no one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the american people! that's what Trump is banking on!
Biden actually says racist things himself.

Trump's supposed racist statements are you lying about what he said.

Biden is the actual racist. Democrats are the actual racist party. The party of slavery, Jim Crow, the KKK, lynchings, segregation and cross burning. And now if you are a black and try to leave the party, you'll learn that lynching is still a very big part of Democrats keeping blacks on the plantation. It's just electronic now.

You're the one who has to get real.

And don't be a dumb ass and vote for a Marxist. Joe's controlled by the left now. He can't even answer questions from the public without someone writing his answer on a teleprompter for him. Trump has good and bad things about him, but Biden is ALL bad

The Repubs of today are the Democrats of yesteryear. You guys keep on saying that and acting like Dixiecrats are the same thing. So you think George Wallace would have voted for Obama? Is that what you are saying?? RATFLMAO!!
How is Biden a racist and Marxist? Give examples.

Biden could have a lobotomy and he'd still be a better president than that piece of garbage in the WH. Your country is the laughing stock of the world at the moment due to him. EVERYBODY laughs at you. And no, you can't keep on talking about US exceptionalism as your country starts sliding into irrelevance as a country and you all - both sides of the aisle - bitch and moan all day how shit your country is now. The US used to be universally respected, even by its enemies. I guess all empires decline. However, most last a few hundred years. The US lasted for 70.
How is Biden a racist and Marxist?

Racist: If you don't vote for me, you ain't black.

One of many examples.

Marxist: Supports the New Green Deal.
Thanks, arrogant ass. I'll give that all due consideration.

What's stupid is voting for a racist, Marxist like Biden

Oh, I missed this one. Anybody who calls Biden a Marxist doesn't know jack about shit. Doesn't even know what Marxism is.

BIDEN does not know. HE is under the influence of
persons LOGICALLY called Marxists (at lease THEY
THEMSELVES fancy themselves marxists)
Another person who has no idea what Marxism is.

Why don't you enlighten us...
Thanks, arrogant ass. I'll give that all due consideration.

What's stupid is voting for a racist, Marxist like Biden

Oh, I missed this one. Anybody who calls Biden a Marxist doesn't know jack about shit. Doesn't even know what Marxism is.

BIDEN does not know. HE is under the influence of
persons LOGICALLY called Marxists (at lease THEY
THEMSELVES fancy themselves marxists)
Another person who has no idea what Marxism is.

Why don't you enlighten us...

I'll wait for Rosie's explanation of how Biden is a Marxist. Then I'll dismantle.
You're an idiot. No one thinks Chinese virus means Chinese Americans other than a few nuts who are nuts anyway. And they are nuts, there was no link to party.

You also committed a causal fallacy on the timing argument. Something happening then another does not prove causation. Duh

I’ll side with the medical community on this one and not some random Trump cultist.

The "medical community" said that harassment of Chinese was because Trump called it the Chinese virus? That's stupid, even for you
Close. The medical community says that calling it the Chinese virus can result in stigmatization and harassment of Asians, so they don’t do it.

Trump does it anyway. Asians are stigmatized and harassed.

When we talk about xenophobia and racism, this is what we are talking about.
Chinese isn't a race, Dumbfuck.
Asian is, silly. What race do you think the Chinese are?
Trump called it the CHINA virus, not the ASIAN virus, Fuckwit.

You really are dumber than a box of retarded hammers.
This isn’t complicated if you just use your brain. I don’t know why to have to explain simple concepts to supposed intelligent adults.

Asian people are harassed because people assume or believe they’re Chinese.
That makes you a racist.
I would not call Colfax a racist. Based on what he/she posted here. All I see are facts, not opinions (which could lead to a belief in racism)
That's all you good Human Lemmings. Keep defending his lies. You know is lying to you and you still defend him.

I wonder, would these same Cons be defending a President HRC if she had allowed almost 200,00 Americans DIE of Covid?
I am a conservative. No! I would not be defending a President HRC if she had allowed almost 200,000 Americans to die from Covid! I also would not be defending President Trump from charges of allowing almost 200,000 Americans from dying from Covid if I thought that he did just that.
You're an idiot. No one thinks Chinese virus means Chinese Americans other than a few nuts who are nuts anyway. And they are nuts, there was no link to party.

You also committed a causal fallacy on the timing argument. Something happening then another does not prove causation. Duh

I’ll side with the medical community on this one and not some random Trump cultist.

The "medical community" said that harassment of Chinese was because Trump called it the Chinese virus? That's stupid, even for you
Close. The medical community says that calling it the Chinese virus can result in stigmatization and harassment of Asians, so they don’t do it.

Trump does it anyway. Asians are stigmatized and harassed.

When we talk about xenophobia and racism, this is what we are talking about.
Chinese isn't a race, Dumbfuck.
Asian is, silly. What race do you think the Chinese are?
Trump called it the CHINA virus, not the ASIAN virus, Fuckwit.

You really are dumber than a box of retarded hammers.
This isn’t complicated if you just use your brain. I don’t know why to have to explain simple concepts to supposed intelligent adults.

Asian people are harassed because people assume or believe they’re Chinese.
That makes you a racist.
Okay. Please explain how that makes me a racist?
You assume an entire race belongs to ONE country. You are either a racist, or dumber than a box of retarded toenail clippings.

Which is it?
Uh, no. I did not assume an entire race belongs to one country. Where the hell did you get that impression?
From your post. Can you not keep up with your own bullshit?
No post of mine said any such thing. You’re putting words in my mouth. Getting desperate?
So you can't keep up with your own bullshit. :itsok:
I can't keep up with your warped mind putting words in my mouth.

I never said what you're accusing me of saying. But I am saying that racists don't really take the time to worry whether the person they're harassing is Chinese, Korean, Japanese or any other Asian nationality. They will take their anger out on anyone who fits the description.

Anger that is stoked by Trump.
Anger that is stoked by Trump.

Once again, I must ask you for the evidence you can't produce.............just for fun. :iyfyus.jpg:

Have you been living in a cave? Trump has been harping on China constantly about coronavirus. He is stoking anger.
President Trump is not "stoking anger". He is stating facts. People who get angry are responsible for their anger. Are you guilty of that? One could easily come to that conclusion
  • Thanks
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You're an idiot. No one thinks Chinese virus means Chinese Americans other than a few nuts who are nuts anyway. And they are nuts, there was no link to party.

You also committed a causal fallacy on the timing argument. Something happening then another does not prove causation. Duh

I’ll side with the medical community on this one and not some random Trump cultist.

The "medical community" said that harassment of Chinese was because Trump called it the Chinese virus? That's stupid, even for you
Close. The medical community says that calling it the Chinese virus can result in stigmatization and harassment of Asians, so they don’t do it.

Trump does it anyway. Asians are stigmatized and harassed.

When we talk about xenophobia and racism, this is what we are talking about.
Chinese isn't a race, Dumbfuck.
Asian is, silly. What race do you think the Chinese are?
Trump called it the CHINA virus, not the ASIAN virus, Fuckwit.

You really are dumber than a box of retarded hammers.
This isn’t complicated if you just use your brain. I don’t know why to have to explain simple concepts to supposed intelligent adults.

Asian people are harassed because people assume or believe they’re Chinese.
That makes you a racist.
Okay. Please explain how that makes me a racist?
You assume an entire race belongs to ONE country. You are either a racist, or dumber than a box of retarded toenail clippings.

Which is it?
Uh, no. I did not assume an entire race belongs to one country. Where the hell did you get that impression?
From your post. Can you not keep up with your own bullshit?
No post of mine said any such thing. You’re putting words in my mouth. Getting desperate?
So you can't keep up with your own bullshit. :itsok:
I can't keep up with your warped mind putting words in my mouth.

I never said what you're accusing me of saying. But I am saying that racists don't really take the time to worry whether the person they're harassing is Chinese, Korean, Japanese or any other Asian nationality. They will take their anger out on anyone who fits the description.

Anger that is stoked by Trump.
Anger that is stoked by Trump.

Once again, I must ask you for the evidence you can't produce.............just for fun. :iyfyus.jpg:

Have you been living in a cave? Trump has been harping on China constantly about coronavirus. He is stoking anger.
President Trump is not "stoking anger". He is stating facts. People who get angry are responsible for their anger. Are you guilty of that? One could easily come to that conclusion
No, Trump has spent a lot of time using fake accusations and innuendo to coddle irrational and misplaced hatred as a way to deflect from his own failing.
You're an idiot. No one thinks Chinese virus means Chinese Americans other than a few nuts who are nuts anyway. And they are nuts, there was no link to party.

You also committed a causal fallacy on the timing argument. Something happening then another does not prove causation. Duh

I’ll side with the medical community on this one and not some random Trump cultist.

The "medical community" said that harassment of Chinese was because Trump called it the Chinese virus? That's stupid, even for you
Close. The medical community says that calling it the Chinese virus can result in stigmatization and harassment of Asians, so they don’t do it.

Trump does it anyway. Asians are stigmatized and harassed.

When we talk about xenophobia and racism, this is what we are talking about.
Chinese isn't a race, Dumbfuck.
Asian is, silly. What race do you think the Chinese are?
Trump called it the CHINA virus, not the ASIAN virus, Fuckwit.

You really are dumber than a box of retarded hammers.
This isn’t complicated if you just use your brain. I don’t know why to have to explain simple concepts to supposed intelligent adults.

Asian people are harassed because people assume or believe they’re Chinese.
That makes you a racist.
Okay. Please explain how that makes me a racist?
You assume an entire race belongs to ONE country. You are either a racist, or dumber than a box of retarded toenail clippings.

Which is it?
Uh, no. I did not assume an entire race belongs to one country. Where the hell did you get that impression?
From your post. Can you not keep up with your own bullshit?
No post of mine said any such thing. You’re putting words in my mouth. Getting desperate?
So you can't keep up with your own bullshit. :itsok:
I can't keep up with your warped mind putting words in my mouth.

I never said what you're accusing me of saying. But I am saying that racists don't really take the time to worry whether the person they're harassing is Chinese, Korean, Japanese or any other Asian nationality. They will take their anger out on anyone who fits the description.

Anger that is stoked by Trump.
Anger that is stoked by Trump.

Once again, I must ask you for the evidence you can't produce.............just for fun. :iyfyus.jpg:

Have you been living in a cave? Trump has been harping on China constantly about coronavirus. He is stoking anger.
President Trump is not "stoking anger". He is stating facts. People who get angry are responsible for their anger. Are you guilty of that? One could easily come to that conclusion
No, Trump has spent a lot of time using fake accusations and innuendo to coddle irrational and misplaced hatred as a way to deflect from his own failing.

This is fun watching you squirm.
I wonder what Woodward was thinking to himself when Trump admitted he lied to America.

"Did I just fucking hear what I think I just fucking heard?"


On the other hand, knowing who he was interviewing, he may have been expecting something like this.
President Trump did not confess to lying. He said that he wanted people to not panic. He was being the grown-up in the room.

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