Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus

Covid 19 never was as serious as the liberal media hysteria created around it would suggest
Exactly.many sheep here incredibly after all these years still sadly have faith in our corrupt government and the idiot box in the living room that they believe eveything they tell them instead of listing to the whistleblowers who have risked their careers and livlihoods to get the truth out that it’s all a hoax for a new world order that bush,Clinton,and Obama have all spoken of in the past and it’s something the elite have had planned for us for decades now to depopulate the world. Oh and for all you trolls who think I am making this up that bush Clinton and Obama have all talked about having a new world order,wake the hell up,go you youtube and type their names in and new world order speech,youll see for yourself,Jesus Christ wake the hell up and stop being an idiot.
They love gubermint
Yeah you can’t reason with them,they have been brainwashed and conditioned by our corrupt school system indoctrinated by them that they sadly believe the idiot box in the living room and them have their best interests at heart,are looking out for them and never lie to them.
Can anyone tell me, what would be the benefit of trump lying about it? You can't say reelection because this was essentially a year before elections.

If trump had knowledge that this was going to be way worse than what he said it was...what was the benefit?

Lying about it would only serve to hurt his re election. If he knew about all of this in advance, then he would have known that people would see the truth eventually and prove him a liar. So, i ask again...what was the upside to trump lying about it?
As I have written Trump lied and people died. It is as clear as day now that he was lying the whole time he was downplaying Covid. The two-faced President was telling Woodward just how dangerous it was while telling the people it will magically disappear.

How many people died because of Trump's lies. 20,000..50.,000..120,000?

Trump's apologists will make fools of themselves once arguing that Trump did not say or mean what he obviously said and meant.

Just when you think Trump has hit bottom..he once again proves us wrong by reaching even greater depths of depravity.

He is responsible for the deaths and the dying from this virus, and the economy.

Trump is also responsible for your acne and the mole in your back yard.

Cut the stupid shit. The Chinese are responsible for the people dying. Of course Joe didn't need to try to help them by undercutting the President while he tried to deal with it.

Now Joe's advertising his Biden virus plan ... to do what Trump is doing now ...

Why can’t you guys ever hold Trump responsible for anything?
I will.

What is he responsible for?

The dude shut down travel from China and you motherfuckers called him a racist for it. Now you're backtracking and trying to act like you didn't call him a racist for shutting down travel to China ChiCom Commie fuck.

We should never trade with China again and neither should any of the rest of the world. Those motherfuckers need to be North Fucking Korea.

I propose a regime change in China. It's time for the ChiComs to give up all power.

Regime change in China.
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There is nothing left to be said.
So, im curious. Let's say trump had come out with the truth. Let's say he would have gone on national TV and said "folks, im going to level with you, there is a virus coming, and its going to be big, bigger than anything we've seen before. This virus will likely kill hundreds of thousands of people, will shut down the economy for at least 6 months, but we can't exactly say how long it could last. It could be nearly 2 years before we are back to normal..."

The panic and economic calamity that would have caused would have been massive. How would that have been any better than him downplaying it? Maybe, and im just spit balling here, but maybe he down played it to help soften the blow to prevent all out collapse of the system?
This is supposed to be an intelligent question, worthy of an intelligent answer? Get the fuck out of here. There is no intelligent answer for asking absolutely insulting, retarded, questions.
So, do you not see how telling a country the worst right up front may not be the best course of action. People tend to panic. We saw this happen even when the "downplayed" version was told. What would have happened if the full strength version would have been told?
As I have written Trump lied and people died. It is as clear as day now that he was lying the whole time he was downplaying Covid. The two-faced President was telling Woodward just how dangerous it was while telling the people it will magically disappear.

How many people died because of Trump's lies. 20,000..50.,000..120,000?

Trump's apologists will make fools of themselves once arguing that Trump did not say or mean what he obviously said and meant.

Just when you think Trump has hit bottom..he once again proves us wrong by reaching even greater depths of depravity.
Perhaps it wouldn't have made much difference. At that point, the virus was not very well understood. They didnt have enough information to be able to tell people what to do. I dont know...
My God, where do these people come from? So, the next best thing to do is lie to them before they die? Where is your friggin brain?
So, there was little known about the virus early on. Even fauci said Americans should not be worried about it.

With little information to go on, what is it that trump should have done?
Yeah but if you dont get near other people you can't catch it or infect anyone else. Not sure how something so simply to understand goes over your head that easily.
Except that you're wrong. This is no different than the chef in the kitchen with hepatitis preparing food.
You go nowhere near him. So you think you can't catch it.

This virus lives for hours in the air, and for days on surfaces. If you get onto an empty elevator, you're far from safe. You're exposed to what the people on there before had.
Yeah I left all that out. However, if we are cleaning surfaces, social distancing, and masking we drastically drop the ability for the virus to infect people vs letting everyone catch it and hoping for herd immunity.

Herd immunity won't work.

Anti bodies stay in the person for up to 4 months. That's it. After that the person is no longer immune.

People have been getting the virus twice. Some say that the second time was worse than the first.

So, reading the transcript, what it really says is that trump knew it could be bad be he also said he thought it could be good. He said even the experts didn't know, they were watching China, to see what happened there.

Overall, what he said was, he didn't want to be negative about this, he wanted to be positive. He said it would have been easy to be negative and go to the people and tell them the worst, be he wanted to give hope.

Remember, at that time, litte was known about the virus. Had he come right out and told everyone how bad it was goi g to be, would it have made any difference, if they didnt understand exactly what they were dealing with?

Social distancing wasn't even suggested until March and face masks weren't recommended until April.

Before that, there wasn't really any plan of action that anyone could act on.
Yeah but if you dont get near other people you can't catch it or infect anyone else. Not sure how something so simply to understand goes over your head that easily.
Except that you're wrong. This is no different than the chef in the kitchen with hepatitis preparing food.
You go nowhere near him. So you think you can't catch it.

This virus lives for hours in the air, and for days on surfaces. If you get onto an empty elevator, you're far from safe. You're exposed to what the people on there before had.
Yeah I left all that out. However, if we are cleaning surfaces, social distancing, and masking we drastically drop the ability for the virus to infect people vs letting everyone catch it and hoping for herd immunity.

Herd immunity won't work.

Anti bodies stay in the person for up to 4 months. That's it. After that the person is no longer immune.

People have been getting the virus twice. Some say that the second time was worse than the first.
Sounds like a lifestyle change until there is cure then.

There is nothing left to be said.

Trump pretty much MURDERED 200,000 Americans. Disgusting piece of orange turd.
Hey, don't worry about that Chinese flu. No big deal. We've got it taken care of. It's a hoax.

Go out, be with people, have fun, don't worry about spreading it, MAGA.

Fuckin' sociopath.
If you are afraid of living and in constantly in fear of dying and pursuing a normal life stay home, buy what you need online or have whatever delivered. Let everyone else who isn't as scared of living and dying when their time comes continue on with their life in pursuit of their own happiness. That is just to darn simple for you to grasp evidently.
You don't mind that people no doubt spread the virus because they listened to him.

That is sociopathic, just like Trump.
People cannot spread what they do not have. Your fear mongering and name calling accusations get you no where with me as they merely show what an ignorant asshat you are trying to control other peoples lives like they owe that to you. If you are scared stay the fuck home. If you think you are immune compromised stay home. It just doesn't get any more simple than that. Only a true psychopath would call another using common sense a sociopath.
I don't know if you're ignorant or lying.

But it's all coming out now, as we speak. Trump ADMITS he knew, and looking back at WHAT HE SAYING THEN, he was lying to us.

You can't change that with your spin.
The president is just like any other human in a position of authority that depends on others for accurate information. He shared what information he was getting at the time. That doesn't make him a liar as you claim but you calling him one because he shared what he knew as he learned it from others that were supposed to be the experts does just show your true colors as an insatiable prick with ears; and "you can't change that with your spin"
No. the fatass is a incompetent fuckup and liar that knew in Nov that the virus was highly contagious.
And his sheep are literally culpable, as they followed him and no doubt spread the virus.

They're complicit in this.

That's one thing I can't get over.

trump knew how communicable and deadly this is yet he kept having large gatherings without masks. He had rallies without masks. He sent out tweets to liberate states because the democratic governors took steps to protect their people.

He knew how deadly this is yet he not just didn't do anything about it, most of his actions he took made it worse and he knew it. He put the lives of his own followers in jeopardy and didn't care.

It's just incredible.

There is nothing left to be said.
None of his cultish followers will care.

February 7 Trump told Bob Woodward:
"It goes through the air," Trump said. "That's always tougher than the touch. You don't have to touch things. Right? But the air, you just breathe the air and that's how it's passed. And so that's a very tricky one. That's a very delicate one. It's also more deadly than even your strenuous flus.

Feb 26 Trump told the rest of America:
This is a flu. This is like a flu."

Trumplicans won't care that he lied. Because they never care that he lies.
why is it that you idiots forget it was the demoncrats that insisted the borders stay open? wtf...stupidity, ignorance , stupidity...demoncrats--waste of oxygen
February 7: “It’s also more deadly than even your strenuous flu... This is deadly stuff” (Private taped interview)

February 26: "You treat this like the flu. We'll essentially have a flu shot for this in a fairly quick manner. We view this, the same as the flu. This is a flu. This is like a flu. Like if you have the flu, you recuperate. You get better."

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There is nothing left to be said.

Trump pretty much MURDERED 200,000 Americans. Disgusting piece of orange turd.
again, it was the demoncrats that cried when the borders were to be closed. wake up retard
As I have written Trump lied and people died. It is as clear as day now that he was lying the whole time he was downplaying Covid. The two-faced President was telling Woodward just how dangerous it was while telling the people it will magically disappear.

How many people died because of Trump's lies. 20,000..50.,000..120,000?

Trump's apologists will make fools of themselves once arguing that Trump did not say or mean what he obviously said and meant.

Just when you think Trump has hit bottom..he once again proves us wrong by reaching even greater depths of depravity.
Perhaps it wouldn't have made much difference. At that point, the virus was not very well understood. They didnt have enough information to be able to tell people what to do. I dont know...
My God, where do these people come from? So, the next best thing to do is lie to them before they die? Where is your friggin brain?
So, there was little known about the virus early on. Even fauci said Americans should not be worried about it.

With little information to go on, what is it that trump should have done?
You are a coward who cannot address the deceit that has been Trump from the beginning. Trump explained in detail what was known about the virus to Woodward, whether he knew it or not. Then the deceit by downplaying it to the public, talking about children couldn't get it either. What Trump did was nothing short of demonic, and he set this country up for murder. You should be ashamed for defending what cannot be defended. Your post says more about who and what you are rather than Trump. This was by far his worst moment. We cannot have this monster in the WH.
It truly is a cult, who are the bulk of his base.
It's so damn close. Group pathology, a throwback to the 30s and 40s.

I'm sitting here, wondering if I'm surprised. Up until this, I'd say nothing surprises me any more. Not sure.

I lived through and remember the bush boy years. They followed the bush boy from day one. They treated him the same way they are treating trump now.

I stopped being surprised by these people in the 90s.

I have never stopped being disgusted and sickened.
Hey, don't worry about that Chinese flu. No big deal. We've got it taken care of. It's a hoax.

Go out, be with people, have fun, don't worry about spreading it, MAGA.

Fuckin' sociopath.
If you are afraid of living and in constantly in fear of dying and pursuing a normal life stay home, buy what you need online or have whatever delivered. Let everyone else who isn't as scared of living and dying when their time comes continue on with their life in pursuit of their own happiness. That is just to darn simple for you to grasp evidently.
You don't mind that people no doubt spread the virus because they listened to him.

That is sociopathic, just like Trump.
People cannot spread what they do not have. Your fear mongering and name calling accusations get you no where with me as they merely show what an ignorant asshat you are trying to control other peoples lives like they owe that to you. If you are scared stay the fuck home. If you think you are immune compromised stay home. It just doesn't get any more simple than that. Only a true psychopath would call another using common sense a sociopath.
I don't know if you're ignorant or lying.

But it's all coming out now, as we speak. Trump ADMITS he knew, and looking back at WHAT HE SAYING THEN, he was lying to us.

You can't change that with your spin.
The president is just like any other human in a position of authority that depends on others for accurate information. He shared what information he was getting at the time. That doesn't make him a liar as you claim but you calling him one because he shared what he knew as he learned it from others that were supposed to be the experts does just show your true colors as an insatiable prick with ears; and "you can't change that with your spin"
You sycophants own this. Enjoy. Your hero.
Your hero?
Report was debunked. Fake News.
It's on tape. Read the article.
Tapes can be FAKED. LOL

Trump may win. I never thought the gop would let blacks vote in Fla and Ga. I never even considered a Biden win until the gop "convention." Can Trump win by simply running on the "RACE RIOTS" card? Maybe. Most still approve of him on the economy.

But yeah, Woodward has the hard evidence that Trump lied about the danger of Corvid, and he continues to lie.

We'll see if that's enough. Along with denigrating service people who sacrificed everything.

And Democrats continue to lie and hype the Biden virus. Again, even if what you said is true, why is it somehow OK to hype a virus for political benefit and not downplay it? Your dishonesty is better than someone else's?
It's not okay, but it's just playing politics in hyper drive by the socialist democrats.
It has affected everyday Americans in such a negative on several levels.
It comes down to the never ever Trump mentality.

I was always a never tramper.

"tramper," wow. The incredible wit :bowdown:
Yeah she obviously has reading comprehension problems the fact she can’t even spell his name
:auiqs.jpg: still not debating anything.:auiqs.jpg:
You’re a Chinese troll
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February 7: “This is deadly stuff” (Private interview)

March 19: "I intended to always play it down.” (Private interview)

June 20: "Slow the testing down, please!" (Trump rally)

There is nothing left to be said.

Trump pretty much MURDERED 200,000 Americans. Disgusting piece of orange turd.
again, it was the demoncrats that cried when the borders were to be closed. wake up retard
What's that shit got to do with Trump's lies and his murdering? Nothing! Step up and debate the thread coward.

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