Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus

Still waiting on more bs arguments by the Right defending this murdering fucking monster. What a fucked up mess.

He murdered no one. Now Cuomo and several other Blue State Governors ordered nursing homes to accept people infected with the Wuhan virus.
*****AFTER HE KNEW*****


In an article published on March 26 in the NEJM Fauci et all said the Wuhan virus would be like a severe flu season. So President Trump was basing what he said there on what they were telling him.
What a fucking liar. If that were true, Trump wouldn't have been giving his expert opinion on February 7th to Woodward. How do you come here and just flat out lie? "Blood on his hands": WH medical veteran hits Trump as he admits virus scam on tape

*****AFTER HE KNEW*****


In an article published on March 26 in the NEJM Fauci et all said the Wuhan virus would be like a severe flu season. So President Trump was basing what he said there on what they were telling him.
What a fucking liar. If that were true, Trump wouldn't have been giving his expert opinion on February 7th to Woodward. How do you come here and just flat out lie? "Blood on his hands": WH medical veteran hits Trump as he admits virus scam on tape

Trump merely said he was not wanting to panic the American people. That's it. You, you seem in panic mode 24/7.

The swamp hates Trump. They'll says anything to attempt to be rid of him. See you in 2024.
February 7: “This is deadly stuff” (Private interview)

March 19: "I intended to always play it down.” (Private interview)

June 20: "Slow the testing down, please!" (Trump rally)
Context please. Never mind. Leftists are fake news liars.

Go look it up if you're interested. You have the the dates and the quotes.

Frankly, I think the context is obvious unless you haven't been paying attention.
Let's face it america has failed with dealing with the virus. Epically. Hopefully we learn from this most devastating illness. It's time to allocate billions on readiness. There is zero excuse for not having spent that money to be ready.
How stupid does one have to be to believe Trump didn't want Americans to panic over something he new was serious, when he made zero preparations for protective equipment for a pandemic he new was going to be a huge problem? Instead, he decided to ignore the problem, lie to us, and let people die. That's what he has done.
In an article published on March 26 in the NEJM Fauci et all said the Wuhan virus would be like a severe flu season. So President Trump was basing what he said there on what they were telling him.
Trump was basing ALL his corona virus information and decisions based on the advice of career technocrat
and fan of China, Anthony Faucci.

So you can say Trump's faith was misplaced. But you cannot say he was blindly going about this policy of his.
Let's face it america has failed with dealing with the virus. Epically. Hopefully we learn from this most devastating illness. It's time to allocate billions on readiness. There is zero excuse for not having spent that money to be ready.
Thanks for letting us know what Trump knew about 8 months a go, but decided to keep it a secret. This will go down as the biggest fuck up in American history.
In an article published on March 26 in the NEJM Fauci et all said the Wuhan virus would be like a severe flu season. So President Trump was basing what he said there on what they were telling him.
Trump was basing ALL his corona virus information and decisions based on the advice of career technocrat
and fan of China, Anthony Faucci.

So you can say Trump's faith was misplaced. But you cannot say he was blindly going about this policy of his.
Trump only has lies. Faith he wouldn't know about.
Report was debunked. Fake News.
It's on tape. Read the article.
Tapes can be FAKED. LOL

Trump may win. I never thought the gop would let blacks vote in Fla and Ga. I never even considered a Biden win until the gop "convention." Can Trump win by simply running on the "RACE RIOTS" card? Maybe. Most still approve of him on the economy.

But yeah, Woodward has the hard evidence that Trump lied about the danger of Corvid, and he continues to lie.

We'll see if that's enough. Along with denigrating service people who sacrificed everything.
"I never thought the gop would let blacks vote in Fla and Ga"
More historical retardation. Democrats are the party that tried to stop black people from voting, not Republicans.
He did say he “never thought”. I believe him.
February 7: “This is deadly stuff” (Private interview)

March 19: "I intended to always play it down.” (Private interview)

June 20: "Slow the testing down, please!" (Trump rally)
Context please. Never mind. Leftists are fake news liars.

Go look it up if you're interested. You have the the dates and the quotes.

Frankly, I think the context is obvious unless you haven't been paying attention.
You’re the one who brought them up you provide the context. Sound familiar?
February 7: “This is deadly stuff” (Private interview)

March 19: "I intended to always play it down.” (Private interview)

June 20: "Slow the testing down, please!" (Trump rally)
Context please. Never mind. Leftists are fake news liars.

Go look it up if you're interested. You have the the dates and the quotes.

Frankly, I think the context is obvious unless you haven't been paying attention.
You’re the one who brought them up you provide the context. Sound familiar?

Nope. Do some work yourself. It’s easy. Let’s see if you have the skills.
February 7: “This is deadly stuff” (Private interview)

March 19: "I intended to always play it down.” (Private interview)

June 20: "Slow the testing down, please!" (Trump rally)
Context please. Never mind. Leftists are fake news liars.

Go look it up if you're interested. You have the the dates and the quotes.

Frankly, I think the context is obvious unless you haven't been paying attention.
You’re the one who brought them up you provide the context. Sound familiar?

Nope. Do some work yourself. It’s easy. Let’s see if you have the skills.
You are such a hypocrite. Are you even listening to yourself? I love it. You’re case in point that Leftists are hypocrites. Thank you. You may run along now. I accept your surrender.
February 7: “This is deadly stuff” (Private interview)

March 19: "I intended to always play it down.” (Private interview)

June 20: "Slow the testing down, please!" (Trump rally)
Context please. Never mind. Leftists are fake news liars.

Go look it up if you're interested. You have the the dates and the quotes.

Frankly, I think the context is obvious unless you haven't been paying attention.
You’re the one who brought them up you provide the context. Sound familiar?

Nope. Do some work yourself. It’s easy. Let’s see if you have the skills.
You are such a hypocrite. Are you even listening to yourself? I love it. You’re case in point that Leftists are hypocrites. Thank you. You may run along now. I accept your surrender.

Typical Leftist. Just keeps asking and asking. You’re trolling now. We are done.

There is nothing left to be said.

Trump pretty much MURDERED 200,000 Americans. Disgusting piece of orange turd.
Another sheep who believes the inflated numbers of the corrupt

There is nothing left to be said.

"Trump On Tape" :auiqs.jpg:

Where is the tape?

It reminds me of this...

February 7: “This is deadly stuff” (Private interview)

March 19: "I intended to always play it down.” (Private interview)

June 20: "Slow the testing down, please!" (Trump rally)
Context please. Never mind. Leftists are fake news liars.

Go look it up if you're interested. You have the the dates and the quotes.

Frankly, I think the context is obvious unless you haven't been paying attention.
You’re the one who brought them up you provide the context. Sound familiar?

Nope. Do some work yourself. It’s easy. Let’s see if you have the skills.
You are such a hypocrite. Are you even listening to yourself? I love it. You’re case in point that Leftists are hypocrites. Thank you. You may run along now. I accept your surrender.

Typical Leftist. Just keeps asking and asking. You’re trolling now. We are done.
I accept your surrender.
They followed the bush boy from day one. They treated him the same way they are treating trump now.
Well, considering he took us into an founded war based on a lie and lead us into the worse recession since 1929, why the fk shouldn’t he take a little abuse. You were complaining about Obama wearing tan suits.. That’s a laugh. Trump ? You are living in a cave. Another recession and nearly 200k dead . I’m sure you Humpers would have excused Hillary and been nice to her.

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