Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus

They followed the bush boy from day one. They treated him the same way they are treating trump now.
Well, considering he took us into an founded war based on a lie and lead us into the worse recession since 1929, why the fk shouldn’t he take a little abuse. You were complaining about Obama wearing tan suits.. That’s a laugh. Trump ? You are living in a cave. Another recession and nearly 200k dead . I’m sure you Humpers would have excused Hillary and been nice to her.
LMaO....”he” are really sad.
Report was debunked. Fake News.
It's on tape. Read the article.
Tapes can be FAKED. LOL

Trump may win. I never thought the gop would let blacks vote in Fla and Ga. I never even considered a Biden win until the gop "convention." Can Trump win by simply running on the "RACE RIOTS" card? Maybe. Most still approve of him on the economy.

But yeah, Woodward has the hard evidence that Trump lied about the danger of Corvid, and he continues to lie.

We'll see if that's enough. Along with denigrating service people who sacrificed everything.

And Democrats continue to lie and hype the Biden virus. Again, even if what you said is true, why is it somehow OK to hype a virus for political benefit and not downplay it? Your dishonesty is better than someone else's?
There are tapes.
Play em....let's hear it. There were also so called tapes where he used the "N" word. Oh wait. That was fake news.

dude, he has ADMITTED to saying it.
Lives were lost the consequence of Trump’s incompetence:

“Trump never did seem willing to fully mobilize the federal government and continually seemed to push problems off on the states,” Woodward writes of the pandemic. “There was no real management theory of the case or how to organize a massive enterprise to deal with one of the most complex emergencies the United States had ever faced.”

February 7: “This is deadly stuff” (Private interview)

March 19: "I intended to always play it down.” (Private interview)

June 20: "Slow the testing down, please!" (Trump rally)
Context please. Never mind. Leftists are fake news liars.

Go look it up if you're interested. You have the the dates and the quotes.

Frankly, I think the context is obvious unless you haven't been paying attention.
You’re the one who brought them up you provide the context. Sound familiar?

Nope. Do some work yourself. It’s easy. Let’s see if you have the skills.
You are such a hypocrite. Are you even listening to yourself? I love it. You’re case in point that Leftists are hypocrites. Thank you. You may run along now. I accept your surrender.

Typical Leftist. Just keeps asking and asking. You’re trolling now. We are done.
I accept your surrender.

Whatever helps you feel better.

There is nothing left to be said.

Correct, there is nothing left to be said on how our POTUS handled the COVID virus, because he did all that could be done, the fact that you think someone else could have done anything different is laughable to put it nicely. The fear mongers such as yourself can’t deal with reality. The disease is going to kill people without a vaccine and even then people are going to die still. You’ve politicized a serious health crisis because you don’t like the fact he’s exposed all the crooks we have in elected office. It’s so amazing how destroying the global economy is more important than exposing the POS’s who don’t give a rats ass about anyone else, but theirselves, keep eating their crap...
They followed the bush boy from day one. They treated him the same way they are treating trump now.
Well, considering he took us into an founded war based on a lie and lead us into the worse recession since 1929, why the fk shouldn’t he take a little abuse. You were complaining about Obama wearing tan suits.. That’s a laugh. Trump ? You are living in a cave. Another recession and nearly 200k dead . I’m sure you Humpers would have excused Hillary and been nice to her.

I think you are directing your post to the wrong person.

I didn't support the bush boy, I didn't vote for him and I certainly have no problem saying the truth about him. He was a traitor to our nation. He is a war criminal and belongs on trial for his war crimes then put into prison for those crimes. He lied us into wars. Tortured people and destroyed our economy. He lied through his teeth and divided our nation. I have absolutely nothing nice to say about that man other than he's not our president anymore.

I never complained about Obama in a tan suit beyond saying how ridiculous it was for the right to make a big deal about the tan suit.

I was a delegate for Obama in both 2008 and 2012 at my state's democratic convention even though I'm a registered Independent.

I don't support trump. I have never supported trump. In fact I was saying that I wasn't surprised by the trump people's behavior and excusing all of the lies, crime and corruption of trump because I saw the same people do the same thing with the bush boy.

Read my post better.


Stop calling me a humper.

I have been a registered Independent since 1978. I have voted a variety of parties through the decades but one party I have never voted for is the Republican Party. I'm proud to say I've never voted for a republican in my life.

You seriously need to pay more attention to my posts and not misunderstand them.

Oh, by the way, I voted for Hillary. I taught my daughter and my mom about her and they both loved Hillary.

I loved Hillary and supported her so much I actually worked with her once in 2008. I worked with her husband Bill twice. Once in 2006 and then again in 2010.

Get your facts straight before you post a bunch of garbage that is so wrong you make a fool of yourself to everyone who has ever read my posts.
Last edited:

There is nothing left to be said.
He also formed a taskforce and implemented a travel ban weeks before the first confirmed case, while the democrats called him a xenophobe and warned us that this flu across the pacific was just a distraction from impeachment.

Even if I agreed with your take on Trump's performance, why would I vote for the people who thought he was OVER reacting?
So, you'd rather vote for a liar then.
This is presidential politics, dummy. There are only liars on the ballot.
You don't even know which thread you're replying to.
Report was debunked. Fake News.
It's on tape. Read the article.
Nope. John Bolton (no friend of Trump) said that is not what happened. Next....

He said it about McCain not about soldiers who died in world wars.

Here is the link before you ask.

You have to admit, it's not easy keeping up with the chaos. One day Trump is insulting the dead, the next he's admitting he lied and people died.

A person can fall behind a bit.
Report was debunked. Fake News.
It's on tape. Read the article.
Tapes can be FAKED. LOL

Trump may win. I never thought the gop would let blacks vote in Fla and Ga. I never even considered a Biden win until the gop "convention." Can Trump win by simply running on the "RACE RIOTS" card? Maybe. Most still approve of him on the economy.

But yeah, Woodward has the hard evidence that Trump lied about the danger of Corvid, and he continues to lie.

We'll see if that's enough. Along with denigrating service people who sacrificed everything.
It is hyperbole. He didn't "know" how dangerous it is. Hell we still don't know. "Corvid"?
Its as dangerous as the cold or a flu.....unless you are older or have pre-existing problems or both.
Trump's words:
"It goes through the air," Trump said. "That's always tougher than the touch. You don't have to touch things. Right? But the air, you just breathe the air and that's how it's passed. And so that's a very tricky one. That's a very delicate one. It's also more deadly than even your strenuous flus.

So when was Trump lying- when he said it was much more dangerous than the flu- or when he said it was just like the flu?
The "President" purposely mis-led the American people about a deadly pandemic headed their way.

That's a fact.
Hey, don't worry about that Chinese flu. No big deal. We've got it taken care of. It's a hoax.

Go out, be with people, have fun, don't worry about spreading it, MAGA.

Fuckin' sociopath.
If you are afraid of living and in constantly in fear of dying and pursuing a normal life stay home, buy what you need online or have whatever delivered. Let everyone else who isn't as scared of living and dying when their time comes continue on with their life in pursuit of their own happiness. That is just to darn simple for you to grasp evidently.
You don't mind that people no doubt spread the virus because they listened to him.

That is sociopathic, just like Trump.
People cannot spread what they do not have. Your fear mongering and name calling accusations get you no where with me as they merely show what an ignorant asshat you are trying to control other peoples lives like they owe that to you. If you are scared stay the fuck home. If you think you are immune compromised stay home. It just doesn't get any more simple than that. Only a true psychopath would call another using common sense a sociopath.
I don't know if you're ignorant or lying.

But it's all coming out now, as we speak. Trump ADMITS he knew, and looking back at WHAT HE SAYING THEN, he was lying to us.

You can't change that with your spin.
The president is just like any other human in a position of authority that depends on others for accurate information. He shared what information he was getting at the time. That doesn't make him a liar as you claim but you calling him one because he shared what he knew as he learned it from others that were supposed to be the experts does just show your true colors as an insatiable prick with ears; and "you can't change that with your spin"
No. the fatass is a incompetent fuckup and liar that knew in Nov that the virus was highly contagious.
And his sheep are literally culpable, as they followed him and no doubt spread the virus.

They're complicit in this.

That's one thing I can't get over.

trump knew how communicable and deadly this is yet he kept having large gatherings without masks. He had rallies without masks. He sent out tweets to liberate states because the democratic governors took steps to protect their people.

He knew how deadly this is yet he not just didn't do anything about it, most of his actions he took made it worse and he knew it. He put the lives of his own followers in jeopardy and didn't care.

It's just incredible.

Trying not to "panic" the country is an argument that can be made -- although not a good one. But what he did and allowed AFTER HE KNEW is downright criminal. AND he CONSTANTLY MOCKED Americans for taking precautions.

If he gets away with this, this country is broken.
It truly is a cult, who are the bulk of his base.
It's so damn close. Group pathology, a throwback to the 30s and 40s.

I'm sitting here, wondering if I'm surprised. Up until this, I'd say nothing surprises me any more. Not sure.

I lived through and remember the bush boy years. They followed the bush boy from day one. They treated him the same way they are treating trump now.

I stopped being surprised by these people in the 90s.

I have never stopped being disgusted and sickened.
And remember - the people who are claiming to be anti-war today, are the same people who were screaming USA USA and making excuses when Bush took us to those wars.

They have no shame whatsoever.
*****AFTER HE KNEW*****


In an article published on March 26 in the NEJM Fauci et all said the Wuhan virus would be like a severe flu season. So President Trump was basing what he said there on what they were telling him.
What a fucking liar. If that were true, Trump wouldn't have been giving his expert opinion on February 7th to Woodward. How do you come here and just flat out lie? "Blood on his hands": WH medical veteran hits Trump as he admits virus scam on tape
They have to lie. They have sold their soul to this person and they're stuck.

He lied to us with a deadly pandemic bearing down on the country, and then he mocked those who tried to take precautions.

That's undeniable now.
Report was debunked. Fake News.
It's on tape. Read the article.
Tapes can be FAKED. LOL

Trump may win. I never thought the gop would let blacks vote in Fla and Ga. I never even considered a Biden win until the gop "convention." Can Trump win by simply running on the "RACE RIOTS" card? Maybe. Most still approve of him on the economy.

But yeah, Woodward has the hard evidence that Trump lied about the danger of Corvid, and he continues to lie.

We'll see if that's enough. Along with denigrating service people who sacrificed everything.

And Democrats continue to lie and hype the Biden virus. Again, even if what you said is true, why is it somehow OK to hype a virus for political benefit and not downplay it? Your dishonesty is better than someone else's?
There are tapes.
Play em....let's hear it. There were also so called tapes where he used the "N" word. Oh wait. That was fake news.

dude, he has ADMITTED to saying it.
It doesn't matter. They don't care.
In one sense, I can understand that he may have been trying to calm people down.

But it’s unbelievably careless for him to try to do that by LYING about the seriousness of this virus.

Unbelievable. At least it should be.
In one sense, I can understand that he may have been trying to calm people down.
But it’s unbelievably careless for him to try to do that by LYING about the seriousness of this virus.
Unbelievable. At least it should be.
1. He lacks the capacity to understand that there is more than one way to prevent panic. He lacks the capacity to find the right words to communicate with normal people. His impulse, as always, was to lie, so that's what he did.
2. After he knew, he allowed large crowds to gather and openly and regularly mocked Americans who tried to take precautions. A normal, intelligent, empathetic adult wouldn't even think to do something like that.

Yeah. This should be the final straw. But something tells me it won't be.

There is nothing left to be said.

Correct, there is nothing left to be said on how our POTUS handled the COVID virus, because he did all that could be done, the fact that you think someone else could have done anything different is laughable to put it nicely. The fear mongers such as yourself can’t deal with reality. The disease is going to kill people without a vaccine and even then people are going to die still. You’ve politicized a serious health crisis because you don’t like the fact he’s exposed all the crooks we have in elected office. It’s so amazing how destroying the global economy is more important than exposing the POS’s who don’t give a rats ass about anyone else, but theirselves, keep eating their crap...

There is one thing another president could have done that Trump didn't. Not lie about it.

There is nothing left to be said.

Correct, there is nothing left to be said on how our POTUS handled the COVID virus, because he did all that could be done, the fact that you think someone else could have done anything different is laughable to put it nicely. The fear mongers such as yourself can’t deal with reality. The disease is going to kill people without a vaccine and even then people are going to die still. You’ve politicized a serious health crisis because you don’t like the fact he’s exposed all the crooks we have in elected office. It’s so amazing how destroying the global economy is more important than exposing the POS’s who don’t give a rats ass about anyone else, but theirselves, keep eating their crap...

There is one thing another president could have done that Trump didn't. Not lie about it.
It's all he knows.

There is nothing left to be said.
..he didn't lie ---you people have had TDS since 2016 and make crap up about anything
please explain..... how did he not lie, when he was telling us the complete opposite, of what he knew to be true??
He can't. The show up on this forum just to lie.

Trump supporters are so uneducated, unprepared, and dishonest. They are like the dog chasing its tail. They accomplish nothing by posting on this forum. They never say anything.
you just described the demoncrats---congrats, you may finally opening up the other side of your brain
Then show me where my video links are a lie then. And if you don't you are a pos liar. Get going.
Then show me where the video links are a not a lie then. And if you don't you are a pos liar. Get going.
..he didn't lie ---you people have had TDS since 2016 and make crap up about anything
It was proven. And lying to yourself doesn't change that reality either.
I'm wondering what degree of evidence they think is sufficient to prove that Trump lied. Witnesses, audio tape, video tape. Even transcripts aren't enough evidence to these kool-aid swallowers.
...hahhahahaha people are perceiving it's lying because of your TDS

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