Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus

There is nothing left to be said.
..he didn't lie ---you people have had TDS since 2016 and make crap up about anything
please explain..... how did he not lie, when he was telling us the complete opposite, of what he knew to be true??
....just because you think it's lying, doesn't mean it's true-just like police brutality and racism

There is nothing left to be said.

Correct, there is nothing left to be said on how our POTUS handled the COVID virus, because he did all that could be done, the fact that you think someone else could have done anything different is laughable to put it nicely. The fear mongers such as yourself can’t deal with reality. The disease is going to kill people without a vaccine and even then people are going to die still. You’ve politicized a serious health crisis because you don’t like the fact he’s exposed all the crooks we have in elected office. It’s so amazing how destroying the global economy is more important than exposing the POS’s who don’t give a rats ass about anyone else, but theirselves, keep eating their crap...

Tramp destroyed the economy, along with over 190,000 dead and dying. He could of said to not panic and told the truth, instead he denied the truth to people.
He can't. The show up on this forum just to lie.

Trump supporters are so uneducated, unprepared, and dishonest. They are like the dog chasing its tail. They accomplish nothing by posting on this forum. They never say anything.
He can't. They show up on this forum just to lie.

Biden supporters are so uneducated, unprepared, and dishonest. They are like the dog chasing its tail. They accomplish nothing by posting on this forum. They never say anything.

There is nothing left to be said.

Correct, there is nothing left to be said on how our POTUS handled the COVID virus, because he did all that could be done, the fact that you think someone else could have done anything different is laughable to put it nicely. The fear mongers such as yourself can’t deal with reality. The disease is going to kill people without a vaccine and even then people are going to die still. You’ve politicized a serious health crisis because you don’t like the fact he’s exposed all the crooks we have in elected office. It’s so amazing how destroying the global economy is more important than exposing the POS’s who don’t give a rats ass about anyone else, but theirselves, keep eating their crap...

Tramp destroyed the economy, along with over 190,000 dead and dying. He could of said to not panic and told the truth, instead he denied the truth to people.
sure he did, sure

There is nothing left to be said.

Correct, there is nothing left to be said on how our POTUS handled the COVID virus, because he did all that could be done, the fact that you think someone else could have done anything different is laughable to put it nicely. The fear mongers such as yourself can’t deal with reality. The disease is going to kill people without a vaccine and even then people are going to die still. You’ve politicized a serious health crisis because you don’t like the fact he’s exposed all the crooks we have in elected office. It’s so amazing how destroying the global economy is more important than exposing the POS’s who don’t give a rats ass about anyone else, but theirselves, keep eating their crap...

Tramp destroyed the economy, along with over 190,000 dead and dying. He could of said to not panic and told the truth, instead he denied the truth to people.
He lied about a deadly pandemic headed our way, and then he openly and repeatedly mocked Americans who tried to take precautions.

Only obedient Trump sheep can deny either of those facts now.
Since when does 'playing it down' equate to a lie?

The phrase simply means you emphasize the good facts and information over the bad, but it is not a lie.

It is simply a choice of where to place the emphasis.

Jeebus, Dems seem to want everyone to run around like their hair is on fire screaming 'L:eek:ck 'em up! Lock EVERYONE up!'

These folks remind me of the Bush sycophants who would twist themselves into pretzels to justify invading Iraq...they would call anyone who disagreed with them, terrorists and anti-american for opposing the war in Iraq and not bowing down to Bush...

They would jump thru hoops to explain why Saddam was behind 9/11 and why it was mandatory that we invade Iraq.....Now you can't find these since time has passed -- these people pretend they were never Bushees and they were always against invading Iraq....

100's of thousands of lives have been lost....trillions of dollars wasted.....the Patriot Act was created, civil liberties violated, still to this day, you can't take a 3 oz bottle on a plane because of our fear of another 9/11 -- yet we are willing to stage a second civil war over wearing a mask on that same plane...
These folks remind me of the Bush sycophants who would twist themselves into pretzels to justify invading Iraq...they would call anyone who disagreed with them, terrorists and anti-american for opposing the war in Iraq and not bowing down to Bush...

They would jump thru hoops to explain why Saddam was behind 9/11 and why it was mandatory that we invade Iraq.....Now you can't find these since time has passed -- these people pretend they were never Bushees and they were always against invading Iraq....

100's of thousands of lives have been lost....trillions of dollars wasted.....the Patriot Act was created, civil liberties violated, still to this day, you can't take a 3 oz bottle on a plane because of our fear of another 9/11 -- yet we are willing to stage a second civil war over wearing a mask on that same plane...
Iraq was justified
they violated the cease fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DUH
These folks remind me of the Bush sycophants who would twist themselves into pretzels to justify invading Iraq...they would call anyone who disagreed with them, terrorists and anti-american for opposing the war in Iraq and not bowing down to Bush...

They would jump thru hoops to explain why Saddam was behind 9/11 and why it was mandatory that we invade Iraq.....Now you can't find these since time has passed -- these people pretend they were never Bushees and they were always against invading Iraq....

100's of thousands of lives have been lost....trillions of dollars wasted.....the Patriot Act was created, civil liberties violated, still to this day, you can't take a 3 oz bottle on a plane because of our fear of another 9/11 -- yet we are willing to stage a second civil war over wearing a mask on that same plane...
TDS is a cult of sycophants

There is nothing left to be said.

"Trump On Tape" :auiqs.jpg:

Where is the tape?

It reminds me of this...

In the article.
They followed the bush boy from day one. They treated him the same way they are treating trump now.
Well, considering he took us into an founded war based on a lie and lead us into the worse recession since 1929, why the fk shouldn’t he take a little abuse. You were complaining about Obama wearing tan suits.. That’s a laugh. Trump ? You are living in a cave. Another recession and nearly 200k dead . I’m sure you Humpers would have excused Hillary and been nice to her.

I think you are directing your post to the wrong person.

I didn't support the bush boy, I didn't vote for him and I certainly have no problem saying the truth about him. He was a traitor to our nation. He is a war criminal and belongs on trial for his war crimes then put into prison for those crimes. He lied us into wars. Tortured people and destroyed our economy. He lied through his teeth and divided our nation. I have absolutely nothing nice to say about that man other than he's not our president anymore.

I never complained about Obama in a tan suit beyond saying how ridiculous it was for the right to make a big deal about the tan suit.

I was a delegate for Obama in both 2008 and 2012 at my state's democratic convention even though I'm a registered Independent.

I don't support trump. I have never supported trump. In fact I was saying that I wasn't surprised by the trump people's behavior and excusing all of the lies, crime and corruption of trump because I saw the same people do the same thing with the bush boy.

Read my post better.


Stop calling me a humper.

I have been a registered Independent since 1978. I have voted a variety of parties through the decades but one party I have never voted for is the Republican Party. I'm proud to say I've never voted for a republican in my life.

You seriously need to pay more attention to my posts and not misunderstand them.

Oh, by the way, I voted for Hillary. I taught my daughter and my mom about her and they both loved Hillary.

I loved Hillary and supported her so much I actually worked with her once in 2008. I worked with her husband Bill twice. Once in 2006 and then again in 2010.

Get your facts straight before you post a bunch of garbage that is so wrong you make a fool of yourself to everyone who has ever read my posts.
Sorry, ;)
For the mistake..
Jeebus, Dems seem to want everyone to run around like their hair is on fire screaming 'L:eek:ck 'em up! Lock EVERYONE up!'
Well, they all came into office as criminals under investigation. His own campaign staff has been prosecuted, served time or been pardon. If Hillary had done 1/100 what Trump is involved in, you’d be crying, lock her up too. Oh, you guys did for months.....and then could find nothing.

There is nothing left to be said.

When President Trump declared a public health emergency and banned flights from China way back in January it was obvious how serious this was. Why did you and Democrats ignore it? Oh right, because you hate the President.

There is nothing left to be said.

When President Trump declared a public health emergency and banned flights from China way back in January it was obvious how serious this was. Why did you and Democrats ignore it? Oh right, because you hate the President.
Trump called the virus hoax, told us it would fade away, said it was like a flu when he knew it was all a lie. 190,000 people are now dead. Trump lied and Americans died.
Trump called the virus hoax, told us it would fade away, said it was like a flu when he knew it was all a lie. 190,000 people are now dead. Trump lied and Americans died.
And the Trumpsters don't give a shit.
Many of those that died were elderly veterans who fought for this country. This fact should anger everyone. Well, we all know how much they disdain our serviceman anyway. Their silence speaks volumes.
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and he didn't shut down all travel from and to China:

TRUMP: “We would’ve had thousands of people additionally die if we let people come in from heavily infected China. But we stopped it. We did a travel ban in January. ... By closing up, we saved millions, potentially millions of lives.” — Rose Garden remarks Tuesday.

TRUMP: He didn’t ban travel from China. He restricted it. Dozens of countries took similar steps to control travel from hot spots before or around the same time the U.S. did.

The U.S. restrictions that took effect Feb. 2 continued to allow travel to the U.S. from China’s Hong Kong and Macao territories over the past five months. The Associated Press reported that more than 8,000 Chinese and foreign nationals based in those territories entered the U.S. in the first three months after the travel restrictions were imposed.

Additionally, more than 27,000 Americans returned from mainland China in the first month after the restrictions took effect. U.S. officials lost track of more than 1,600 of them who were supposed to be monitored for virus exposure.


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