Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus

These folks remind me of the Bush sycophants who would twist themselves into pretzels to justify invading Iraq...they would call anyone who disagreed with them, terrorists and anti-american for opposing the war in Iraq and not bowing down to Bush...

They would jump thru hoops to explain why Saddam was behind 9/11 and why it was mandatory that we invade Iraq.....Now you can't find these since time has passed -- these people pretend they were never Bushees and they were always against invading Iraq....

100's of thousands of lives have been lost....trillions of dollars wasted.....the Patriot Act was created, civil liberties violated, still to this day, you can't take a 3 oz bottle on a plane because of our fear of another 9/11 -- yet we are willing to stage a second civil war over wearing a mask on that same plane...

I literally never witnessed one person claim that Saddam was behind 911, no one.
The USA went into Iraq representing the UN and to enforce UN sanctions.
United Nations - you know those guys that leftists love .

They love the UN until they don't - Like Big Blue EC walls.
Rewriting history again ? Eventually according to the right, Trump will become a scientist.

No rewrite -
He will not become a scientist - Science has become too politicized for his taste.
Why would Trump playing it down be more dishonest than the Democrats hyping the virus?

Um, 190,000 dead. No one "hyped" the Virus. It's as bad as everyone says it is.

80k died from the flu in 2017 and we all know the reported COVID death numbers are high, not low. According to the NY Times, 41% of COVID deaths(68000+) are from nursing homes.

Yup and how many infected to Cuomo shove into NY nursing homes?
Actually none. The plan was to make some nursing homes covert only And quarantine infected people.

None?? I think you better check again there bucko.
He is guilty of dereliction of duty. He knew and kept it away from the public.

Seems Penelope can't read. Everything Trump did is listed on this thread and it goes back to January. I'd say the only dereliction of duty I've seem is from the Dems who called Trump a racist when he wanted to stop flights into the US. Pelousy everyone to chill and enjoy the Chinese New Year. Talk about dereliction of duty.

She screams about Trump but says nary a word about the dereliction of the Dems.

She's a hypocritical whiny asshole.
Dems ? They haven’t been in control for 4 years. They did their job, the impeached Trump. It’s the senate who was derelict.
80k died from the flu in 2017 and we all know the reported COVID death numbers are high, not low. According to the NY Times, 41% of COVID deaths(68000+) are from nursing homes.

Wow, buddy, squirm and dance.

80K in 2017? Don't think so.

But you inbred fucks go on with "Granny would have died, anyway." That's going to go over really well with Granny right before she votes for Biden.
These folks remind me of the Bush sycophants who would twist themselves into pretzels to justify invading Iraq...they would call anyone who disagreed with them, terrorists and anti-american for opposing the war in Iraq and not bowing down to Bush...

They would jump thru hoops to explain why Saddam was behind 9/11 and why it was mandatory that we invade Iraq.....Now you can't find these since time has passed -- these people pretend they were never Bushees and they were always against invading Iraq....

100's of thousands of lives have been lost....trillions of dollars wasted.....the Patriot Act was created, civil liberties violated, still to this day, you can't take a 3 oz bottle on a plane because of our fear of another 9/11 -- yet we are willing to stage a second civil war over wearing a mask on that same plane...

I literally never witnessed one person claim that Saddam was behind 911, no one.
The USA went into Iraq representing the UN and to enforce UN sanctions.
United Nations - you know those guys that leftists love .

They love the UN until they don't - Like Big Blue EC walls.
Rewriting history again ? Eventually according to the right, Trump will become a scientist.

No rewrite -
He will not become a scientist - Science has become too politicized for his taste.
There is only one science. The right knows nothing about it, other then what’s written in the Bible and Trumps pea brain.

There is nothing left to be said.
I don't think it's necessarily a bad idea to play down things that might cause the sheep to panic.

There is nothing left to be said.

Trump pretty much MURDERED 200,000 Americans. Disgusting piece of orange turd.
again, it was the demoncrats that cried when the borders were to be closed. wake up retard
What's that shit got to do with Trump's lies and his murdering? Nothing! Step up and debate the thread coward.
murdering would be the fault of demoncrats for wanting to keep OUR borders open---DUH...lying is what the demoncrats do daily, they hope you believe whatever comes out of these asswipes mouth---debate that retard
He is guilty of dereliction of duty. He knew and kept it away from the public.

Seems Penelope can't read. Everything Trump did is listed on this thread and it goes back to January. I'd say the only dereliction of duty I've seem is from the Dems who called Trump a racist when he wanted to stop flights into the US. Pelousy everyone to chill and enjoy the Chinese New Year. Talk about dereliction of duty.

She screams about Trump but says nary a word about the dereliction of the Dems.

She's a hypocritical whiny asshole.
Dems ? They haven’t been in control for 4 years. They did their job, the impeached Trump. It’s the senate who was derelict.

No the Senate was far from derelict.

The House wasted three years on trying to get Trump on anything they could.

The Russia thing was a bust. Kavanaugh was a bust. The Ukraine was a bust. All they did was waste tax dollars and time and if you don't think voters are watching you are a stupid as I believe you are.

The Dems did their job?? Wasting millions of tax dollars on their Trump hunt??

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMFAO at your stupid self.
They followed the bush boy from day one. They treated him the same way they are treating trump now.
Well, considering he took us into an founded war based on a lie and lead us into the worse recession since 1929, why the fk shouldn’t he take a little abuse. You were complaining about Obama wearing tan suits.. That’s a laugh. Trump ? You are living in a cave. Another recession and nearly 200k dead . I’m sure you Humpers would have excused Hillary and been nice to her.

I think you are directing your post to the wrong person.

I didn't support the bush boy, I didn't vote for him and I certainly have no problem saying the truth about him. He was a traitor to our nation. He is a war criminal and belongs on trial for his war crimes then put into prison for those crimes. He lied us into wars. Tortured people and destroyed our economy. He lied through his teeth and divided our nation. I have absolutely nothing nice to say about that man other than he's not our president anymore.

I never complained about Obama in a tan suit beyond saying how ridiculous it was for the right to make a big deal about the tan suit.

I was a delegate for Obama in both 2008 and 2012 at my state's democratic convention even though I'm a registered Independent.

I don't support trump. I have never supported trump. In fact I was saying that I wasn't surprised by the trump people's behavior and excusing all of the lies, crime and corruption of trump because I saw the same people do the same thing with the bush boy.

Read my post better.


Stop calling me a humper.

I have been a registered Independent since 1978. I have voted a variety of parties through the decades but one party I have never voted for is the Republican Party. I'm proud to say I've never voted for a republican in my life.

You seriously need to pay more attention to my posts and not misunderstand them.

Oh, by the way, I voted for Hillary. I taught my daughter and my mom about her and they both loved Hillary.

I loved Hillary and supported her so much I actually worked with her once in 2008. I worked with her husband Bill twice. Once in 2006 and then again in 2010.

Get your facts straight before you post a bunch of garbage that is so wrong you make a fool of yourself to everyone who has ever read my posts.
then you are as deranged for believing the DEPLORABLE demoncrats. BARRAG o , fat hillary--both treasonist pieces of shit
Lives were lost the consequence of Trump’s incompetence:

“Trump never did seem willing to fully mobilize the federal government and continually seemed to push problems off on the states,” Woodward writes of the pandemic. “There was no real management theory of the case or how to organize a massive enterprise to deal with one of the most complex emergencies the United States had ever faced.”

and look where the garbage you are pushing came from...unreliable garbage companies

There is nothing left to be said.


News travels slow to Gaza.

This particular bit of demagoguery has already been debunked, moron.


UPDATE: Dr. Anthony Fauci has responded to the controversy on Fox News. He tells John Roberts that he did not get the sense that President Trump was "distorting anything" about the coronavirus. His conversations with the president, Fauci said, were always "straightforward."

"I didn't see any discrepancies between what we told [Trump] and what he told the public."


No wonder you Hamas scum lose every engagement...
What did the POS know and when did he know it ?? Now the scum calls it a hit job? Maybe ah republicans might think this is worse than shooting some one on 5th ave? God bless America and God bless President Biden
Lives were lost the consequence of Trump’s incompetence:

“Trump never did seem willing to fully mobilize the federal government and continually seemed to push problems off on the states,” Woodward writes of the pandemic. “There was no real management theory of the case or how to organize a massive enterprise to deal with one of the most complex emergencies the United States had ever faced.”

and look where the garbage you are pushing came from...unreliable garbage companies
Still waiting for millions of dead....
..he didn't lie ---you people have had TDS since 2016 and make crap up about anything
It was proven. And lying to yourself doesn't change that reality either.
I'm wondering what degree of evidence they think is sufficient to prove that Trump lied. Witnesses, audio tape, video tape. Even transcripts aren't enough evidence to these kool-aid swallowers.
...hahhahahaha people are perceiving it's lying because of your TDS
your demoncrats lie daily and hope a bunch of retards believe the shit they spew out...BARRAG o lied, fat hill-ary lied about emails, if this douchebag had no clue, how the fuck was IT put in a position that could harm AMERICA---lying douchebag---and you idiots believe this ---you are just as sick as BARRAG o and fat pig hill-ary
What did the POS know and when did he know it ?? Now the scum calls it a hit job? Maybe ah republicans might think this is worse than shooting some one on 5th ave? God bless America and God bless President Biden

Tell me, Is President Biden like Madam President?? Seems Madam President didn't make it and neither will President Biden.

God bless America and President Trump.
It didn't turn out to be true
He didn't call vets losers and suckers.
Yes Dorothy. Click your heals and repeat it three times and it will go away.

False stuff tends to go away on it's own
See - last 4 years
Yep, Russia is still a grave threat to our elections.

Maybe you should focus your attention on China. President Xi Jinping and the Bidens are besties.
you cant tell these morons any facts. they will twist it to suit, and the sad part is their dead brains dont know how to comprehend anything but lies---poor demoncrats

There is nothing left to be said.


News travels slow to Gaza.

This particular bit of demagoguery has already been debunked, moron.


UPDATE: Dr. Anthony Fauci has responded to the controversy on Fox News. He tells John Roberts that he did not get the sense that President Trump was "distorting anything" about the coronavirus. His conversations with the president, Fauci said, were always "straightforward."

"I didn't see any discrepancies between what we told [Trump] and what he told the public."


No wonder you Hamas scum lose every engagement...

And Fauci should know. He was in contact with Trump since the whole thing started.

Funny the lefty loons seem to have no problem with Trump being called a racist when he wanted to stop flights into the US and they sure have no problem with Pelousy telling everyone to chill and that the virus was nothing. She told everyone to enjoy the Chinese New Year.

The left are a whiny bunch of hypocritical liars.
I don't think it's necessarily a bad idea to play down things that might cause the sheep to panic.
The sheep in South Korea didn't panic in late January when their country and the US reported their first Covid-19 case; today SK deaths from the virus number in the hundreds while US deaths number in the hundreds of thousands. Too much winning?

There is nothing left to be said.


News travels slow to Gaza.

This particular bit of demagoguery has already been debunked, moron.


UPDATE: Dr. Anthony Fauci has responded to the controversy on Fox News. He tells John Roberts that he did not get the sense that President Trump was "distorting anything" about the coronavirus. His conversations with the president, Fauci said, were always "straightforward."

"I didn't see any discrepancies between what we told [Trump] and what he told the public."


No wonder you Hamas scum lose every engagement...
It was ONLY 1 person ....Only 15??? It will disappear like magic??? This Trump pos should be dragged out of the WH and beaten .......... Trump lied people died Dishonest lying leadership NOW he didn't want to panic people ?? When that's all the Scum does?
Why would Trump playing it down be more dishonest than the Democrats hyping the virus?

Um, 190,000 dead. No one "hyped" the Virus. It's as bad as everyone says it is.

80k died from the flu in 2017 and we all know the reported COVID death numbers are high, not low. According to the NY Times, 41% of COVID deaths(68000+) are from nursing homes.

Yup and how many infected to Cuomo shove into NY nursing homes?
Actually none. The plan was to make some nursing homes covert only And quarantine infected people.

None?? I think you better check again there bucko.

Amazing that anyone would give that answer.

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