Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus

He lied about the severity of the virus, then he mocked Americans for trying to protect themselves

Tell me, which is worse:

President Trump lying about the PROJECTED severity of the virus to keep from panicking citizens...and 'mocking them to protect himself'....

Or President Obama bringing in Syrian terrorists into the US among against the desire of the American people and mocking them for being 'afraid of women / widows and children /orphans'...only to have one of those Syrian terrorists conduct an attack in California several weeks later thatresulted in the deaths of US citizens?

Tells us all about it, snowflake....
He lied about the severity of the virus, then he mocked Americans for trying to protect themselves.

Those are now facts, and the Trumpsters are stuck having to spin and deflect.

Tough shit. You enable it, you own it.
Great comedy act.....the libber parrot standup show.
Did I say something that was incorrect, Trumpster?
You ALWAYS say something that is incorrect
Okay, what did I say that was incorrect, Trumpster?
He lied about the severity of the virus, then he mocked Americans for trying to protect themselves

Tell me, which is worse:

President Trump lying about the PROJECTED severity of the virus to keep from panicking citizens...and 'mocking them to protect himself'....

Or President Obama bringing in Syrian terrorists into the US among against the desire of the American people and mocking them for being 'afraid of women / widows and children /orphans'...only to have one of those Syrian terrorists conduct an attack in California several weeks later thatresulted in the deaths of US citizens?

Tells us all about it, snowflake....
More deflection.

Yeah all Trump had to do was be a straight shooter and no one would have blamed him for the deaths and crashing economy. But it’s in his DNA to lie. How anyone can support this piece of shit is beyond me.
The phrase simply means you emphasize the good facts and information over the bad, but it is not a lie.

It is a lie by ommission, you dope. You don't ignore the facts and attempt to paint a rosy picture to the public when you know a deadly pandemic is about to hit your country. It is criminal incompetence and an incredible shirking of responsibility to the health of his constituents. He is more interested in reelection than human lives. He is a leacherous traitor, and he won't be able to deflect this blatant irresponsible mistake away from him. He is done.

Cuomo murdered 11,000 elderly NY citizens....when are you TDS-suffering pansies going to call for his arrest / 'head'?

Trump withheld information to prevent a panic. Cuomo publicly declared the elderly were more susceptible to death from the virus then knowingly, intentionally packed nursing homes with virus-infected patients.....

Enlighten us with you butt-hurt TDS-suffering intellect about how what President Trump did was worse than pre-meditated, pre-planned murder of 11,000 Americans.
And we test at a rate of 270,000 per million which if the other countries also tested at that rate would likely classify more deaths as Covid, right snowflake? IF you dont test as much, fewer cases and fewer Covid deaths.
No tests: No deaths, right?
Drink more bleach??
How do you explain the fact the US has 4% of the world's population and 25% of global deaths?
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Actually 21% of global deaths....a big part of that was NY and NJ combining for more deaths than any global country in just their 2 states right snowflake?? And yes, no tests, no cases, no Covid deaths is that a hard concept to understand??
Yeah all Trump had to do was be a straight shooter and no one would have blamed him for the deaths and crashing economy. But it’s in his DNA to lie. How anyone can support this piece of shit is beyond me.
Group pathology. This is a sickness. We somehow didn't learn from Europe of the 30s and 40s.

They feel they have to protect a lying, sociopathic buffoon. Tough shit, that's on them.
Yeah all Trump had to do was be a straight shooter and no one would have blamed him for the deaths and crashing economy. But it’s in his DNA to lie. How anyone can support this piece of shit is beyond me.
Baloney you wackos attack anything he does or says.
He lied about the severity of the virus, then he mocked Americans for trying to protect themselves

Tell me, which is worse:

President Trump lying about the PROJECTED severity of the virus to keep from panicking citizens...and 'mocking them to protect himself'....

Or President Obama bringing in Syrian terrorists into the US among against the desire of the American people and mocking them for being 'afraid of women / widows and children /orphans'...only to have one of those Syrian terrorists conduct an attack in California several weeks later thatresulted in the deaths of US citizens?

Tells us all about it, snowflake....
More deflection.

Not a deflection, a flamethrower to your whiny, partisan BS attack on the President and your 'silence is violence' defense of the largest mass murderer in US history who did not commit a 'crime of omission', as Democrats claim Trump is guilty of, but instead committed a pre-meditated, pre-planned act of sentencing 11,000 elderly to die in NY.
And now to add on to the moron trumps woes is a whistle blower with a stay away from Russia investigation charge
He lied about the severity of the virus, then he mocked Americans for trying to protect themselves

Tell me, which is worse:

President Trump lying about the PROJECTED severity of the virus to keep from panicking citizens...and 'mocking them to protect himself'....

Or President Obama bringing in Syrian terrorists into the US among against the desire of the American people and mocking them for being 'afraid of women / widows and children /orphans'...only to have one of those Syrian terrorists conduct an attack in California several weeks later thatresulted in the deaths of US citizens?

Tells us all about it, snowflake....
More deflection.

Not a deflection, a flamethrower to your whiny, partisan BS attack on the President and your 'silence is violence' defense of the largest mass murderer in US history who did not commit a 'crime of omission', as Democrats claim Trump is guilty of, but instead committed a pre-meditated, pre-planned act of sentencing 11,000 elderly to die in NY.
He lied to America, then he mocked Americans for trying to protect themselves.

You people have no shame.

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.

With his own voice! Who "debunked" this story?

Trump lied to the American people, that includes you. And yet you deny it.

Thus cults work in poison.
Awwwk! Awwwwk! Libber Polly wanna cracker! Awwwwk!
Well argued.

You deny facts. Why should your immaturity be rewarded by debate? You cannot be taught, informed or respected.
Which facts? You mean like the 2.8% mortality the President has lowered our country down to, after the 8% mass murderer Killer Cuomo and his band of Democrat hit men killed 90,000 people? We are lower than the global average despite NY and NJ causing more deaths than most countries....we have conducted 90 million tests to lead the globe there too....those facts??
4% of world population yet 25% of coronavirus cases.

Trump saying he knows the lethality, communicability, and effects on all age groups, yet publically calling the pandemic a "hoax" (a word he uses as projection) and saying it will just 'go away'! Americans need facts to make decisions. Trump is telling us what to think.

And you just go along.
Is that why WHO said travel restrictions were not required and you Leftards called Trump a racist for putting travel restrictions in place?
Yeah all Trump had to do was be a straight shooter and no one would have blamed him for the deaths and crashing economy. But it’s in his DNA to lie. How anyone can support this piece of shit is beyond me.

1. Do you truly believe panicking the nation would hace been the right thing to do? You yourself just stated doing so would have crashed the economy....

2. Again, where the hell were the Democrats in the House whose job it as to keep an eye on 'what was coming down the road'?

3. Would have declaring how bad the virus was PROJECTED to be have resulted in the Democrats getting on board with doing more to combat the virus, instead of telling people there was nothing to it, to go about their lives...would it have prevented Democrats from opposing the Travel Ban - which they admitted later was the right thing to do...would it have prevented Cuomo from murdering 11,000 elderly NY citizens?

4. Do you REALLY think every President shares the truth with American citizens?

Before you answer, again, you might want to remember how Clinton lied his ass off to protect his own sexual deviant ass and how Barry lied to Americans to push his liberal agenda....
He admitted that he purposely mis-led the American people as a deadly global pandemic was bearing down on us.

Yes, he admitted that he did so to maintain calm and stability instead of instilling fear and panic, both in the American people as well as the financial sectors.

That's what GOOD leaders, do, dumbass. It is obvious that you have never served in positions of leadership, as you do not understand key principles of leadership.

Again, I understand the Democrats love to engage in Fear-Mongering to initiate panic to manipulate citizens into doing things they want, but true leaders do not engage in such reckless practices.

If President Trump had declared the virus would be disastrous, would devastate the economy and kill MILLIONS' of Americans as the piss-poor model used predicted, DO YOU THINK IT WOULD HAVE MADE A TREMENDOUS DIFFERENCE? DO YOU THINK DEMOCRATS WOULD HAVE DONE THINGS DIFFERENTLY?

Engaging in such fear-mongering and initiating such panic would have caused the market to plunge faster farther due to the panic being spread by the govt....

It would have given Democrats even more 'power' and 'justification' to deny Americans of their Constitutional and Civil Rights, allowed them to damage / devastate our economy even more by shuttering even more businesses.....

At the very start Democrats immediately opposed the Travel Ban because it was Trump who imposed it. They didn't give a damn about the virus, as you should recall - they were solely focused on opposing and taking down Trump. They opposed the LIFE SAVING Travel Ban, calling it Xenophobic while authoring legislation to block it.

AND WHERE THE F* WAS THE HOUSE, ADAM 'TRAITOR' SCHIFF? Why did they not see this coming, know what it was / how bad it was? Oh yeah, THEYWERE TOO BUSUY CONDUCTING THE 1ST POLITICALLY BIASED IMPEACHMENT IN US HISTORY BASED ON ZERO CRIME, ZERO EVIDENCE (except the illegal personally authored false evidence Schiff authored himself), and ZERO WITNESSES!

If Trump had engaged in FEAR-MONGERING, would Cuomo and 3 other Liberal governors made different choices instead of the ones that resulted in the deaths of THOUSANDS of American lives?

- You can't blame President Trump for the 11,000 elderly Americans murdered by the largest mass murderer in US history, Gov Cuomo!

- -You can't claim that because Trump did not tell Americans exactly how bad the virus was being PROJECTED to be (by the model almost all scientists say was the worst one to use to predict the virus' impact), Cuomo made bad decisions. Cuomo publicly declared the elderly were most at risk to die from the virus, so he obviously KNEW how deadly it was to them already. HE immediately after that made the decision to force virus patients into nursing homes, resulting in over 11,000 elderly deaths in NY alone. The deaths of those 11,000 elderly New Yorkers is on CUOMO'S hands, no one else's!

President Trump could have single-handedly prevented the spread of the virus into the US except for the lives of 2 BPAs who perished in the act & Democrats would still be attacking him....

Because they are unstable, TDS-suffering, hate-driven, anti-Trump LOSERS still pissed about the most criminal candidate ever running for President LOSING - being REJECTED - in 2016... much so that they are running /. defending an old, WHITE, elitist, self-enriching, influence-peddling, proven traitorous, china-puppet, pu$$y-grabbing, child-sniffing/groping, Dementia-suffering POS Democrat who has been in politics for over 40 years with nothing to show for it except a 'Best Of...' gaffe reel and a fat financial portfolio from selling out this country and enriching himself and his family.

As far as lying to the American people, STFU already:

President Trump held the full truth back from the American people to present the much-needed appearance of strength and calm... opposed to Bill Clinton, who lied to the world to protect his own ass, to Hillary Clinton - who lied to the world to save her own ass and achieve her own personal agenda, and to Barry - who lied constantly to the American people to advance HIS/the party's agendas.
Here ya go everyone.

Someone applauding Trump for keeping them ignorant to the threat our country faces.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is what’s wrong with our country.
It's not even about keeping people ignorant. The only people not realizing the danger covid was AND STILL IS are those who were AND ARE determined to ignore what is happening globally inorder to stick by Trump's staying in power. They didn't need Trump to be honest to realize the truth, but they needed Trump's dishonesty for a justification for their own lies.
And now to add on to the moron trumps woes is a whistle blower with a stay away from Russia investigation charge
Wow eddie the broken....broken...broken....record
And no bad no devastating
And now to add on to the moron trumps woes is a whistle blower with a stay away from Russia investigation charge
Wow eddie the broken....broken...broken....record
And no mater how awful how devastatingly Trump handles Americas business you FN traitors still support the douchbag?

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