Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus

45 knew in early February that coronavirus posed a unique and deadly threat to the United States, and was “More Deadly Than Even Your Strenuous Flus.” At the time, Trump repeatedly publicly downplayed the virus as no more dangerous than the flu.


This one horrindous lie has killed over One Hundred Ninety-Four Thousand Americans.


What 45 has done is murder Tens of Thousands of Americans.

But I'm sure his followers do not mind.
Actually your idiot Dem governors knocked off about 90,000 in their 6 states right off the bat and and an 8% mortality rate.
Man you read my mind,you took them to school just as I have in this whole
Wasn't our fault all the virus infected from China and Europe came into America through NY BUT now NY is one of the cleanest states while Red states are dropping like sick dogs

The primary source for the U.S. infection was Europe. For all of empty boasts about closing down entry from China, well another in a long line of lies. Over 100,00 People entered the U.S. From China after the outbreak.
Give us your detailed plan to stop the Kung Flu. What would you have done in Jan, Feb, Mar.....

Be specific.

In January he'd have attacked Trump for trying to divert from his impeachment.

In February he'd have called Trump a racist for travel restrictions

In March, he'd do February's plan again

In April he'd say the travel restrictions weren't strong enough

In May he'd say we need to shut down the economy until after the election

In June he'd have said we should shut down the economy again while he attacked Trump for the economic impacts of the first shut down

In July, he'd follow June's plan again

In August, he'd follow June's plan again
"""" It'll disappear ,like a miracle lt'll disappear""" ""It's a hoax"" Trump is a lying SOB and I'm amazed that the 1 or 2 smart republicans here don't get it

And you keep lying and hyping the Biden virus. How is hyping it less dishonest than downplaying it?
Yeah Kaz My lying ears deceive me . Trump lied 1000's died ,and you, like Cruz and graham 2 cowards, can't get yourself to call Trump for what he is? A lying POS?? Shame on you

45 LIED!!!!

The Lying 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Coward called COVID "A Hoax", he knew how dangerous it was as early as December of last year.

45 LIED!!!!

The Pussy Grabbing Russian Loving Orange Shit Stain claimed children "Were Almost Immune". He knew they were NOT and he is demanding schools reopen.

45 LIED!!!!

"Anyone Who Wants A Test Can Get One."

45 FUCKING LIED!!!!!!!!!!!

As of today. Friday September 11, 2020 One Hundred NInety-Six Thousand Four Hundred Four (196,404) Americans have died because the deliberate indifference, the incompetence, the callous disregard for human life of one sick pathetic individual.


And Biden didn't take the Biden virus seriously until March, schmuck
In all, between April 2009 when 2009 H1N1 flu first emerged and April 2010, CDC held 60 related media events – 39 press briefings and 22 telebriefings – for a total of more than 35,000 participants.

Great post Penelope. The contrast between the two presidents in handling their situations is readily apparent. Also in discussing the differences it is worthwhile to note that this struck the "amateur" president only 3 months into his administration, 3 years for the other. It is obvious which one hit the ground running while the other one stumbled.

April 26, 2009:

As it is obvious which one was a racist America hater and which one wasn't.

Notice how professional they acted, and how there were upfront with Americans.

Obammy professional? Hahahahahahahaha biggest racist in the US next to Oprah, apologizing all over the globe for being an American.
Trump 2020
2020 ? That’s a little high for fatso Trumps weight, but you’re headed in the righ5 direction.

Don't quit your day job, you suck at this. I do like a lard ass Hillary voter worrying about weight though ...

Still have the hots for seventy year old grandmothers I see.

OK, so by your standard you just said you have the hots for a 74 year old man. Didn't think that insult through, did you? Democrats are the dumbest people on the planet. Then you have to be for the survival of the party

You actually Believe Trump the dumbest a-hole ever and lust after Putin. How dumb and unpatriotic do repugnants have to be.

You need to give your talking point machine a good knock. The needle is stuck on 2018. Turns out the Democrats lied about Russia and Trump. Try to keep up, thanks

Did the Republicans lie too about Russia helping trump?

How did they "help" did they provide fake votes?

Russians bought $100K in facebook ads. Hillary couldn't afford that since she only raised $1.2 billion.

Oh wait ...
Trump 2020
2020 ? That’s a little high for fatso Trumps weight, but you’re headed in the righ5 direction.

Don't quit your day job, you suck at this. I do like a lard ass Hillary voter worrying about weight though ...

Still have the hots for seventy year old grandmothers I see.

OK, so by your standard you just said you have the hots for a 74 year old man. Didn't think that insult through, did you? Democrats are the dumbest people on the planet. Then you have to be for the survival of the party

You actually Believe Trump the dumbest a-hole ever and lust after Putin. How dumb and unpatriotic do repugnants have to be.

You need to give your talking point machine a good knock. The needle is stuck on 2018. Turns out the Democrats lied about Russia and Trump. Try to keep up, thanks

Did the Republicans lie too about Russia helping trump?

How did they "help" did they provide fake votes?

A disinformation campaign in certain areas that they knew the race was close They got that info from republican traitors

So why do you protect the Russians then? The Russians did interfere, but they just wanted to disrupt. They helped/hurt both sides.

You hate them, so why protect them by making it a partisan issue so the Republicans can't work with you?
it is a shame the DemoRats failed with russiagate then ukraine impeachment, cause now all the got is one sentence, maybe the fools in america can turn this into a impeachable crime
It’s a shame TrumpHoles cant recognize another failed republican govt. Another recession, the biggest trade deficit with China ever and closing on 200k dead. MAGA is really MRGA, make Russia great again.
No, the shame is you wackos attacking a president who stands for American values and law enforcement so you can insert your socialist pimp.
How can you stand for America when you stand with Putin over our own military.
45 knew in early February that coronavirus posed a unique and deadly threat to the United States, and was “More Deadly Than Even Your Strenuous Flus.” At the time, Trump repeatedly publicly downplayed the virus as no more dangerous than the flu.


This one horrindous lie has killed over One Hundred Ninety-Four Thousand Americans.


What 45 has done is murder Tens of Thousands of Americans.

But I'm sure his followers do not mind.
Actually your idiot Dem governors knocked off about 90,000 in their 6 states right off the bat and and an 8% mortality rate.
Man you read my mind,you took them to school just as I have in this whole
Wasn't our fault all the virus infected from China and Europe came into America through NY BUT now NY is one of the cleanest states while Red states are dropping like sick dogs

The primary source for the U.S. infection was Europe. For all of empty boasts about closing down entry from China, well another in a long line of lies. Over 100,00 People entered the U.S. From China after the outbreak.
Give us your detailed plan to stop the Kung Flu. What would you have done in Jan, Feb, Mar.....

Be specific.

In January he'd have attacked Trump for trying to divert from his impeachment.

In February he'd have called Trump a racist for travel restrictions

In March, he'd do February's plan again

In April he'd say the travel restrictions weren't strong enough

In May he'd say we need to shut down the economy until after the election

In June he'd have said we should shut down the economy again while he attacked Trump for the economic impacts of the first shut down

In July, he'd follow June's plan again

In August, he'd follow June's plan again
"""" It'll disappear ,like a miracle lt'll disappear""" ""It's a hoax"" Trump is a lying SOB and I'm amazed that the 1 or 2 smart republicans here don't get it

And you keep lying and hyping the Biden virus. How is hyping it less dishonest than downplaying it?
Yeah Kaz My lying ears deceive me . Trump lied 1000's died ,and you, like Cruz and graham 2 cowards, can't get yourself to call Trump for what he is? A lying POS?? Shame on you

Literally every list of Trump lies I read failed at the first supposed lie. The leftist list makers lied, not Trump.

The latest was that Trump lied that Biden supported defunding the police. Biden said he PROPOSED moving money OUT of the police budget. That IS defunding the police. The leftists lied, not Trump.

Over and over
Why are you scratching Trumps ass?? The man is a pos from the Mueller report when he couldn't testify , to his pal Putin who helps him win an election and is trying again , all the way to lying to America causing many 1000's of deaths
Killer Cuomo and his Band of Democrat Hitmen.......90k murders...

No according to this guidance:

Quote the part that says force nursing homes to accept actively infected Kung Flu patients.
: crickets from Penelope
Why don't you read the document?

The document doesn't say that infected patients should be forced into retirement homes even if they didn't have the facilities to meet the standards. Sorry toots
Trump 2020
2020 ? That’s a little high for fatso Trumps weight, but you’re headed in the righ5 direction.

Don't quit your day job, you suck at this. I do like a lard ass Hillary voter worrying about weight though ...

Still have the hots for seventy year old grandmothers I see.

OK, so by your standard you just said you have the hots for a 74 year old man. Didn't think that insult through, did you? Democrats are the dumbest people on the planet. Then you have to be for the survival of the party

You actually Believe Trump the dumbest a-hole ever and lust after Putin. How dumb and unpatriotic do repugnants have to be.

You need to give your talking point machine a good knock. The needle is stuck on 2018. Turns out the Democrats lied about Russia and Trump. Try to keep up, thanks

Did the Republicans lie too about Russia helping trump?

How did they "help" did they provide fake votes?

A disinformation campaign in certain areas that they knew the race was close They got that info from republican traitors

So why do you protect the Russians then? The Russians did interfere, but they just wanted to disrupt. They helped/hurt both sides.

You hate them, so why protect them by making it a partisan issue so the Republicans can't work with you?

Because it is a partisan issue How many of trumps people have met with big deal Russians ? Think Trump didn't know about that ?? Giuliani dealing with a Russian spy??? And while no proof ,all fingers point to a putin trump mutual admiration society where trump owes putin big time
Trump 2020
2020 ? That’s a little high for fatso Trumps weight, but you’re headed in the righ5 direction.

Don't quit your day job, you suck at this. I do like a lard ass Hillary voter worrying about weight though ...

Still have the hots for seventy year old grandmothers I see.

OK, so by your standard you just said you have the hots for a 74 year old man. Didn't think that insult through, did you? Democrats are the dumbest people on the planet. Then you have to be for the survival of the party

You actually Believe Trump the dumbest a-hole ever and lust after Putin. How dumb and unpatriotic do repugnants have to be.

You need to give your talking point machine a good knock. The needle is stuck on 2018. Turns out the Democrats lied about Russia and Trump. Try to keep up, thanks

Did the Republicans lie too about Russia helping trump?

How did they "help" did they provide fake votes?

A disinformation campaign in certain areas that they knew the race was close They got that info from republican traitors

So why do you protect the Russians then? The Russians did interfere, but they just wanted to disrupt. They helped/hurt both sides.

You hate them, so why protect them by making it a partisan issue so the Republicans can't work with you?

Because it is a partisan issue How many of trumps people have met with big deal Russians ? Think Trump didn't know about that ?? Giuliani dealing with a Russian spy??? And while no proof ,all fingers point to a putin trump mutual admiration society where trump owes putin big time

...and while no proof, delusional wackos continue to parrot the same lines over and over...aaawwwk!
it is a shame the DemoRats failed with russiagate then ukraine impeachment, cause now all the got is one sentence, maybe the fools in america can turn this into a impeachable crime
It’s a shame TrumpHoles cant recognize another failed republican govt. Another recession, the biggest trade deficit with China ever and closing on 200k dead. MAGA is really MRGA, make Russia great again.
No, the shame is you wackos attacking a president who stands for American values and law enforcement so you can insert your socialist pimp.
How can you stand for America when you stand with Putin over our own military.
45 knew in early February that coronavirus posed a unique and deadly threat to the United States, and was “More Deadly Than Even Your Strenuous Flus.” At the time, Trump repeatedly publicly downplayed the virus as no more dangerous than the flu.


This one horrindous lie has killed over One Hundred Ninety-Four Thousand Americans.


What 45 has done is murder Tens of Thousands of Americans.

But I'm sure his followers do not mind.
Actually your idiot Dem governors knocked off about 90,000 in their 6 states right off the bat and and an 8% mortality rate.
Man you read my mind,you took them to school just as I have in this whole
Wasn't our fault all the virus infected from China and Europe came into America through NY BUT now NY is one of the cleanest states while Red states are dropping like sick dogs

The primary source for the U.S. infection was Europe. For all of empty boasts about closing down entry from China, well another in a long line of lies. Over 100,00 People entered the U.S. From China after the outbreak.
Give us your detailed plan to stop the Kung Flu. What would you have done in Jan, Feb, Mar.....

Be specific.

In January he'd have attacked Trump for trying to divert from his impeachment.

In February he'd have called Trump a racist for travel restrictions

In March, he'd do February's plan again

In April he'd say the travel restrictions weren't strong enough

In May he'd say we need to shut down the economy until after the election

In June he'd have said we should shut down the economy again while he attacked Trump for the economic impacts of the first shut down

In July, he'd follow June's plan again

In August, he'd follow June's plan again
"""" It'll disappear ,like a miracle lt'll disappear""" ""It's a hoax"" Trump is a lying SOB and I'm amazed that the 1 or 2 smart republicans here don't get it

And you keep lying and hyping the Biden virus. How is hyping it less dishonest than downplaying it?
Yeah Kaz My lying ears deceive me . Trump lied 1000's died ,and you, like Cruz and graham 2 cowards, can't get yourself to call Trump for what he is? A lying POS?? Shame on you

Literally every list of Trump lies I read failed at the first supposed lie. The leftist list makers lied, not Trump.

The latest was that Trump lied that Biden supported defunding the police. Biden said he PROPOSED moving money OUT of the police budget. That IS defunding the police. The leftists lied, not Trump.

Over and over
Why are you scratching Trumps ass?? The man is a pos from the Mueller report when he couldn't testify , to his pal Putin who helps him win an election and is trying again , all the way to lying to America causing many 1000's of deaths
Killer Cuomo and his Band of Democrat Hitmen.......90k murders...

No according to this guidance:

Quote the part that says force nursing homes to accept actively infected Kung Flu patients.
: crickets from Penelope
Why don't you read the document?
I did. nowhere in it does it advise Cuomo to force actively infected Kung Flu patients into nursing homes.
Note: Nursing homes should admit any individuals that they would normally admit to their facility, including individuals from hospitals where a case of COVID-19 was/is present. Also, if possible, dedicate a unit/wing exclusively for any residents coming or returning from the hospital. This can serve as a step-down unit where they remain for 14 days with no symptoms (instead of integrating as usual on short-term rehab floor, or returning to long-stay original room).
it is a shame the DemoRats failed with russiagate then ukraine impeachment, cause now all the got is one sentence, maybe the fools in america can turn this into a impeachable crime
It’s a shame TrumpHoles cant recognize another failed republican govt. Another recession, the biggest trade deficit with China ever and closing on 200k dead. MAGA is really MRGA, make Russia great again.
No, the shame is you wackos attacking a president who stands for American values and law enforcement so you can insert your socialist pimp.
How can you stand for America when you stand with Putin over our own military.
45 knew in early February that coronavirus posed a unique and deadly threat to the United States, and was “More Deadly Than Even Your Strenuous Flus.” At the time, Trump repeatedly publicly downplayed the virus as no more dangerous than the flu.


This one horrindous lie has killed over One Hundred Ninety-Four Thousand Americans.


What 45 has done is murder Tens of Thousands of Americans.

But I'm sure his followers do not mind.
Actually your idiot Dem governors knocked off about 90,000 in their 6 states right off the bat and and an 8% mortality rate.
Man you read my mind,you took them to school just as I have in this whole
Wasn't our fault all the virus infected from China and Europe came into America through NY BUT now NY is one of the cleanest states while Red states are dropping like sick dogs

The primary source for the U.S. infection was Europe. For all of empty boasts about closing down entry from China, well another in a long line of lies. Over 100,00 People entered the U.S. From China after the outbreak.
Give us your detailed plan to stop the Kung Flu. What would you have done in Jan, Feb, Mar.....

Be specific.

In January he'd have attacked Trump for trying to divert from his impeachment.

In February he'd have called Trump a racist for travel restrictions

In March, he'd do February's plan again

In April he'd say the travel restrictions weren't strong enough

In May he'd say we need to shut down the economy until after the election

In June he'd have said we should shut down the economy again while he attacked Trump for the economic impacts of the first shut down

In July, he'd follow June's plan again

In August, he'd follow June's plan again
"""" It'll disappear ,like a miracle lt'll disappear""" ""It's a hoax"" Trump is a lying SOB and I'm amazed that the 1 or 2 smart republicans here don't get it

And you keep lying and hyping the Biden virus. How is hyping it less dishonest than downplaying it?
Yeah Kaz My lying ears deceive me . Trump lied 1000's died ,and you, like Cruz and graham 2 cowards, can't get yourself to call Trump for what he is? A lying POS?? Shame on you

Literally every list of Trump lies I read failed at the first supposed lie. The leftist list makers lied, not Trump.

The latest was that Trump lied that Biden supported defunding the police. Biden said he PROPOSED moving money OUT of the police budget. That IS defunding the police. The leftists lied, not Trump.

Over and over
Why are you scratching Trumps ass?? The man is a pos from the Mueller report when he couldn't testify , to his pal Putin who helps him win an election and is trying again , all the way to lying to America causing many 1000's of deaths
Killer Cuomo and his Band of Democrat Hitmen.......90k murders...

No according to this guidance:

Quote the part that says force nursing homes to accept actively infected Kung Flu patients.
: crickets from Penelope
Why don't you read the document?
I did. nowhere in it does it advise Cuomo to force actively infected Kung Flu patients into nursing homes.
Note: Nursing homes should admit any individuals that they would normally admit to their facility, including individuals from hospitals where a case of COVID-19 was/is present. Also, if possible, dedicate a unit/wing exclusively for any residents coming or returning from the hospital. This can serve as a step-down unit where they remain for 14 days with no symptoms (instead of integrating as usual on short-term rehab floor, or returning to long-stay original room).
And boom, 11,000 dead there to add to the 35,000 total murders.
In all, between April 2009 when 2009 H1N1 flu first emerged and April 2010, CDC held 60 related media events – 39 press briefings and 22 telebriefings – for a total of more than 35,000 participants.

Great post Penelope. The contrast between the two presidents in handling their situations is readily apparent. Also in discussing the differences it is worthwhile to note that this struck the "amateur" president only 3 months into his administration, 3 years for the other. It is obvious which one hit the ground running while the other one stumbled.

April 26, 2009:

As it is obvious which one was a racist America hater and which one wasn't.

Notice how professional they acted, and how there were upfront with Americans.

Obammy professional? Hahahahahahahaha biggest racist in the US next to Oprah, apologizing all over the globe for being an American.

Brownie You in the KKK ? Be honest now
In all, between April 2009 when 2009 H1N1 flu first emerged and April 2010, CDC held 60 related media events – 39 press briefings and 22 telebriefings – for a total of more than 35,000 participants.

Great post Penelope. The contrast between the two presidents in handling their situations is readily apparent. Also in discussing the differences it is worthwhile to note that this struck the "amateur" president only 3 months into his administration, 3 years for the other. It is obvious which one hit the ground running while the other one stumbled.

April 26, 2009:

As it is obvious which one was a racist America hater and which one wasn't.

Notice how professional they acted, and how there were upfront with Americans.

Obammy professional? Hahahahahahahaha biggest racist in the US next to Oprah, apologizing all over the globe for being an American.

Brownie You in the KKK ? Be honest now

No I am a Republican.
it is a shame the DemoRats failed with russiagate then ukraine impeachment, cause now all the got is one sentence, maybe the fools in america can turn this into a impeachable crime
It’s a shame TrumpHoles cant recognize another failed republican govt. Another recession, the biggest trade deficit with China ever and closing on 200k dead. MAGA is really MRGA, make Russia great again.
No, the shame is you wackos attacking a president who stands for American values and law enforcement so you can insert your socialist pimp.
How can you stand for America when you stand with Putin over our own military.
45 knew in early February that coronavirus posed a unique and deadly threat to the United States, and was “More Deadly Than Even Your Strenuous Flus.” At the time, Trump repeatedly publicly downplayed the virus as no more dangerous than the flu.


This one horrindous lie has killed over One Hundred Ninety-Four Thousand Americans.


What 45 has done is murder Tens of Thousands of Americans.

But I'm sure his followers do not mind.
Actually your idiot Dem governors knocked off about 90,000 in their 6 states right off the bat and and an 8% mortality rate.
Man you read my mind,you took them to school just as I have in this whole
Wasn't our fault all the virus infected from China and Europe came into America through NY BUT now NY is one of the cleanest states while Red states are dropping like sick dogs

The primary source for the U.S. infection was Europe. For all of empty boasts about closing down entry from China, well another in a long line of lies. Over 100,00 People entered the U.S. From China after the outbreak.
Give us your detailed plan to stop the Kung Flu. What would you have done in Jan, Feb, Mar.....

Be specific.

In January he'd have attacked Trump for trying to divert from his impeachment.

In February he'd have called Trump a racist for travel restrictions

In March, he'd do February's plan again

In April he'd say the travel restrictions weren't strong enough

In May he'd say we need to shut down the economy until after the election

In June he'd have said we should shut down the economy again while he attacked Trump for the economic impacts of the first shut down

In July, he'd follow June's plan again

In August, he'd follow June's plan again
"""" It'll disappear ,like a miracle lt'll disappear""" ""It's a hoax"" Trump is a lying SOB and I'm amazed that the 1 or 2 smart republicans here don't get it

And you keep lying and hyping the Biden virus. How is hyping it less dishonest than downplaying it?
Yeah Kaz My lying ears deceive me . Trump lied 1000's died ,and you, like Cruz and graham 2 cowards, can't get yourself to call Trump for what he is? A lying POS?? Shame on you

Literally every list of Trump lies I read failed at the first supposed lie. The leftist list makers lied, not Trump.

The latest was that Trump lied that Biden supported defunding the police. Biden said he PROPOSED moving money OUT of the police budget. That IS defunding the police. The leftists lied, not Trump.

Over and over
Why are you scratching Trumps ass?? The man is a pos from the Mueller report when he couldn't testify , to his pal Putin who helps him win an election and is trying again , all the way to lying to America causing many 1000's of deaths
Killer Cuomo and his Band of Democrat Hitmen.......90k murders...

No according to this guidance:

Quote the part that says force nursing homes to accept actively infected Kung Flu patients.
: crickets from Penelope
Why don't you read the document?
I did. nowhere in it does it advise Cuomo to force actively infected Kung Flu patients into nursing homes.
Note: Nursing homes should admit any individuals that they would normally admit to their facility, including individuals from hospitals where a case of COVID-19 was/is present. Also, if possible, dedicate a unit/wing exclusively for any residents coming or returning from the hospital. This can serve as a step-down unit where they remain for 14 days with no symptoms (instead of integrating as usual on short-term rehab floor, or returning to long-stay original room).

Nursing homes don't "normally admit" patients that have a disease that will kill everyone they come into contact with, Moron. That doesn't say what you, and the murdering Cuomo, claim it says.

Grow a brain.
Trump 2020
2020 ? That’s a little high for fatso Trumps weight, but you’re headed in the righ5 direction.

Don't quit your day job, you suck at this. I do like a lard ass Hillary voter worrying about weight though ...

Still have the hots for seventy year old grandmothers I see.

OK, so by your standard you just said you have the hots for a 74 year old man. Didn't think that insult through, did you? Democrats are the dumbest people on the planet. Then you have to be for the survival of the party

You actually Believe Trump the dumbest a-hole ever and lust after Putin. How dumb and unpatriotic do repugnants have to be.

You need to give your talking point machine a good knock. The needle is stuck on 2018. Turns out the Democrats lied about Russia and Trump. Try to keep up, thanks

Did the Republicans lie too about Russia helping trump?

You're delusional. Democrats lied about that, not Republicans. Do you ever watch the news?

Fix news ? That’s like watching any third world dictators propaganda machine.

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