Trump orders American troops to retreat

well that goes back to my original question asking whether you are speaking In platitudes or if you have knowledge about and are speaking to this specific situation

My knowledge of the situation is that we cannot fix the Middle East. They are, for the foreseeable future, going to be a fucking mess.

Do you have information to challenge that point?
I won’t challenge that point, I agree. I also don’t see what it has to do with this situation
how about to uphold a promise. Protect the Kurds? If we say we will do something, work with thousands of people to disarm and Watch them die fighting with is on a common cause, don’t you think we have a responsibility to be smart, tactical and collaborative about how we pull out?

did you support Obama’s move when he pulled out of Iraq? Are you happy with the results of that?

Because thus, there is no point to them being there. As I already stated.

Who promised the Kurds that we would always be there? And on who's Authority did he do that?
this is why I’m asking if you’ve read up on this situation. Do you know anything about our relationship with the Kurds? Our history and agreements with them? Don’t you think you should learn about that before drawing conclusions?
My knowledge of the situation is that we cannot fix the Middle East. They are, for the foreseeable future, going to be a fucking mess.

Do you have information to challenge that point?
I won’t challenge that point, I agree. I also don’t see what it has to do with this situation
how about to uphold a promise. Protect the Kurds? If we say we will do something, work with thousands of people to disarm and Watch them die fighting with is on a common cause, don’t you think we have a responsibility to be smart, tactical and collaborative about how we pull out?

did you support Obama’s move when he pulled out of Iraq? Are you happy with the results of that?

Because thus, there is no point to them being there. As I already stated.

Who promised the Kurds that we would always be there? And on who's Authority did he do that?
this is why I’m asking if you’ve read up on this situation. Do you know anything about our relationship with the Kurds? Our history and agreements with them? Don’t you think you should learn about that before drawing conclusions?

No, because the point is, nothing we do there, will fix the middle east. It is all a waste of blood and treasure.

We cannot protect ourselves by fixing the source of the terrorism.

Anti-war leftists are mad that Trump wants to end one portion of a war, and insist the war must be continued.

If Trump tweeted that oxygen was a good thing, these morons would put plastic bags over the heads.

Uh-oh. Double uh-oh! Now there is a second whistleblower, this one with first-hand knowledge of events.

So, what does Trump do? What he always does. He replaces one moronic decision -- asking two foreign powers to interfere in our Presidential election -- with another moronic decision. Why? To change the subject, of course. In this case, ordering the retreat of American troops in Syria, enabling the Turks to annihilate our allies, the Kurds, in northern Syria. Turkey regards the Kurds as terrorists, and Kurdish rebellions against the Turks go back two centuries.

It is important to know that it was the Kurds, along with the Syrian rebels, who did the fighting and destroyed the ISIS caliphate in Syria. The Kurds were the effective fighting force that eliminated the ISIS caliphate in Iraq. The Iraqi army contributed.

Now Trump orders the abandonment of that ally. Betrayed by Trump and forced to fight a potentially bloody conflict with Turkey, the Kurdish-led forces will likely abandon any further effort to control ISIS. The U.S. troops in Syria will then be forced to withdraw entirely, which would be a major victory for Russia and open the way for Iran to entrench its forces along Israel’s northern border. U.S. allies around the world meanwhile will have reason to question whether they should cooperate with the Trump government that so casually abandons military partners.

It goes to the depravity of our military's leadership under the non-military Trump that Joint Chief Chairman Gen. Mark Milley and Defense Secretary Mark Esper were not surprised by Trump's decision.

The militarily ignorant Trump intends to replace American troops with rhetoric. “As I have stated strongly before, and just to reiterate, if Turkey does anything that I, in my great and unmatched wisdom, consider to be off limits, I will totally destroy and obliterate the Economy of Turkey (I’ve done before!),Trump tweeted.

"In my great and unmatched wisdom." One of two things are true. Trump has become a stand-up comic or he is losing his mind. In any case, he is not the least bit funny.

However, not to worry. This is a con. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and Syria envoy Brett McGurk resigned from their positions in December over Trump’s call for a complete U.S. withdrawal, which Trump later reversed because of the heat he received from Republicans. The same thing is happening all over again. Even Mitch McConnell and Fox and Friends joined the chorus of abuse heaped upon our Commander-in-Chief (please don't laugh). When the Framers gave command of the military to the President they never dreamed that Americans would chose an incompetent idiot like Trump.

Trump will take this Republican abuse for a day or two, then he will change his mind and blame the decision on someone else. After all, the cowardly decision was only meant as a diversion from the impeachment drama.

I have no idea why over 60 million Americans support Trump. I wonder if they know why. They don't support him very well. Trump's detractors walk all over Trump, and his fans say very little.

This source contributed to this report:
Trump ran on getting out of these endless wars in the Middle East. While troops are pulling out, necessary military ordnance and intelligence services will continue to be provided. Although personally, I would set up and maintain a strong military base in the Kurdish territory of Iraq. I said years ago, that Iraq should have been divided into three nation states, Kurdish, Sunni and Shiite.
Trump asked the other nations to look into the foreign interference regarding the Democrats in the 2016 election.
The Democratic party is now a Leninist/Marxist organization that will dismantle the Constitution and eliminate our individual liberties. Frankly, the so-called Democratic party is actually, now the enemy of our great nation.
I won’t challenge that point, I agree. I also don’t see what it has to do with this situation
how about to uphold a promise. Protect the Kurds? If we say we will do something, work with thousands of people to disarm and Watch them die fighting with is on a common cause, don’t you think we have a responsibility to be smart, tactical and collaborative about how we pull out?

did you support Obama’s move when he pulled out of Iraq? Are you happy with the results of that?

Because thus, there is no point to them being there. As I already stated.

Who promised the Kurds that we would always be there? And on who's Authority did he do that?
this is why I’m asking if you’ve read up on this situation. Do you know anything about our relationship with the Kurds? Our history and agreements with them? Don’t you think you should learn about that before drawing conclusions?

No, because the point is, nothing we do there, will fix the middle east. It is all a waste of blood and treasure.

We cannot protect ourselves by fixing the source of the terrorism.
So you applauded Obama when he pulled out of Iraq and didn’t mind the rise of Isis? Is that right?
Uh-oh. Double uh-oh! Now there is a second whistleblower, this one with first-hand knowledge of events.

So, what does Trump do? What he always does. He replaces one moronic decision -- asking two foreign powers to interfere in our Presidential election -- with another moronic decision. Why? To change the subject, of course. In this case, ordering the retreat of American troops in Syria, enabling the Turks to annihilate our allies, the Kurds, in northern Syria. Turkey regards the Kurds as terrorists, and Kurdish rebellions against the Turks go back two centuries.

It is important to know that it was the Kurds, along with the Syrian rebels, who did the fighting and destroyed the ISIS caliphate in Syria. The Kurds were the effective fighting force that eliminated the ISIS caliphate in Iraq. The Iraqi army contributed.

Now Trump orders the abandonment of that ally. Betrayed by Trump and forced to fight a potentially bloody conflict with Turkey, the Kurdish-led forces will likely abandon any further effort to control ISIS. The U.S. troops in Syria will then be forced to withdraw entirely, which would be a major victory for Russia and open the way for Iran to entrench its forces along Israel’s northern border. U.S. allies around the world meanwhile will have reason to question whether they should cooperate with the Trump government that so casually abandons military partners.

It goes to the depravity of our military's leadership under the non-military Trump that Joint Chief Chairman Gen. Mark Milley and Defense Secretary Mark Esper were not surprised by Trump's decision.

The militarily ignorant Trump intends to replace American troops with rhetoric. “As I have stated strongly before, and just to reiterate, if Turkey does anything that I, in my great and unmatched wisdom, consider to be off limits, I will totally destroy and obliterate the Economy of Turkey (I’ve done before!),Trump tweeted.

"In my great and unmatched wisdom." One of two things are true. Trump has become a stand-up comic or he is losing his mind. In any case, he is not the least bit funny.

However, not to worry. This is a con. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and Syria envoy Brett McGurk resigned from their positions in December over Trump’s call for a complete U.S. withdrawal, which Trump later reversed because of the heat he received from Republicans. The same thing is happening all over again. Even Mitch McConnell and Fox and Friends joined the chorus of abuse heaped upon our Commander-in-Chief (please don't laugh). When the Framers gave command of the military to the President they never dreamed that Americans would chose an incompetent idiot like Trump.

Trump will take this Republican abuse for a day or two, then he will change his mind and blame the decision on someone else. After all, the cowardly decision was only meant as a diversion from the impeachment drama.

I have no idea why over 60 million Americans support Trump. I wonder if they know why. They don't support him very well. Trump's detractors walk all over Trump, and his fans say very little.

This source contributed to this report:
babbling bullshit
how about to uphold a promise. Protect the Kurds? If we say we will do something, work with thousands of people to disarm and Watch them die fighting with is on a common cause, don’t you think we have a responsibility to be smart, tactical and collaborative about how we pull out?

did you support Obama’s move when he pulled out of Iraq? Are you happy with the results of that?

Because thus, there is no point to them being there. As I already stated.

Who promised the Kurds that we would always be there? And on who's Authority did he do that?
this is why I’m asking if you’ve read up on this situation. Do you know anything about our relationship with the Kurds? Our history and agreements with them? Don’t you think you should learn about that before drawing conclusions?

No, because the point is, nothing we do there, will fix the middle east. It is all a waste of blood and treasure.

We cannot protect ourselves by fixing the source of the terrorism.
So you applauded Obama when he pulled out of Iraq and didn’t mind the rise of Isis? Is that right?

NOt really. But I did not attack him for it.
I wouldn't want any of my sons over there and would be the worst of any hypocritic if I was against wanting a descendent of yours pulled out from the region.

Who promised the Kurds that we would always be there? And on who's Authority did he do that?
this is why I’m asking if you’ve read up on this situation. Do you know anything about our relationship with the Kurds? Our history and agreements with them? Don’t you think you should learn about that before drawing conclusions?

No, because the point is, nothing we do there, will fix the middle east. It is all a waste of blood and treasure.

We cannot protect ourselves by fixing the source of the terrorism.
So you applauded Obama when he pulled out of Iraq and didn’t mind the rise of Isis? Is that right?

NOt really. But I did not attack him for it.
Are you happy with the move and the results?
Who promised the Kurds that we would always be there? And on who's Authority did he do that?
this is why I’m asking if you’ve read up on this situation. Do you know anything about our relationship with the Kurds? Our history and agreements with them? Don’t you think you should learn about that before drawing conclusions?

No, because the point is, nothing we do there, will fix the middle east. It is all a waste of blood and treasure.

We cannot protect ourselves by fixing the source of the terrorism.
So you applauded Obama when he pulled out of Iraq and didn’t mind the rise of Isis? Is that right?

NOt really. But I did not attack him for it.
Are you happy with the move and the results?

I will be happy, when or if we ever take any steps to actually protect ourselves from our enemies.
this is why I’m asking if you’ve read up on this situation. Do you know anything about our relationship with the Kurds? Our history and agreements with them? Don’t you think you should learn about that before drawing conclusions?

No, because the point is, nothing we do there, will fix the middle east. It is all a waste of blood and treasure.

We cannot protect ourselves by fixing the source of the terrorism.
So you applauded Obama when he pulled out of Iraq and didn’t mind the rise of Isis? Is that right?

NOt really. But I did not attack him for it.
Are you happy with the move and the results?

I will be happy, when or if we ever take any steps to actually protect ourselves from our enemies.
that wasn’t my question. I asked if you were happy with Obama’s move to pull out of Iraq and the subsequent results
No, because the point is, nothing we do there, will fix the middle east. It is all a waste of blood and treasure.

We cannot protect ourselves by fixing the source of the terrorism.
So you applauded Obama when he pulled out of Iraq and didn’t mind the rise of Isis? Is that right?

NOt really. But I did not attack him for it.
Are you happy with the move and the results?

I will be happy, when or if we ever take any steps to actually protect ourselves from our enemies.
that wasn’t my question. I asked if you were happy with Obama’s move to pull out of Iraq and the subsequent results

Pretty much. I think we did more than anyone could have reasonably expected for Iraq, and that their destiny is on them now. And should have been from sometime, half way though Bush's second term.
So you applauded Obama when he pulled out of Iraq and didn’t mind the rise of Isis? Is that right?

NOt really. But I did not attack him for it.
Are you happy with the move and the results?

I will be happy, when or if we ever take any steps to actually protect ourselves from our enemies.
that wasn’t my question. I asked if you were happy with Obama’s move to pull out of Iraq and the subsequent results

Pretty much. I think we did more than anyone could have reasonably expected for Iraq, and that their destiny is on them now. And should have been from sometime, half way though Bush's second term.
how about the power void that resulted in the rise of Isis? Thoughts?
Fahrettin Altun is Turkey’s communications director.

During a phone call with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Sunday, President Trump agreed to transfer the leadership of the counter-Islamic State campaign to Turkey.
The Turkish military, together with the Free Syrian Army, will cross the Turkish-Syrian border shortly.
America has borne the brunt of the counter-Islamic State campaign for too long. Turkey, which has NATO’s second-largest army, is willing and able to take the lead now and drive it home, bringing millions of refugees back to Syria in the process.
What would you say if the Kurds where the ones who died at the hands of the Turkish army?

Turkey hosts 3.6 million Syrian refugees without killing them.
Terrorists need to surrender or be fought by anti-terror campaign.
After the area is cleared the refugees will be sent back to Syria and will be provided service by Turkey in their home country.

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