Trump orders federal departments, agencies to provide citizenship records: We will leave no stone un

IRS chief: Agency encourages illegal immigrant theft of SSNs to file tax returns

What we learned is that ... the IRS continues to process tax returns with false W-2 information and issue refunds as if they were routine tax returns, and say that's not really our job," Coats said. "We also learned the IRS ignores notifications from the Social Security Administration that a name does not match a Social Security number, and you use your own system to determine whether a number is valid."

Asked to explain those practices, Koskinen replied, "What happens in these situations is someone is using a Social Security number to get a job, but they're filing their tax return with their [taxpayer identification number]." What that means, he said, is that "they are undocumented aliens … . They're paying taxes. It's in everybody's interest to have them pay the taxes they owe."

As long as the information is being used only to fraudulently obtain jobs, Koskinen said, rather than to claim false tax returns, the agency has an interest in helping them. "The question is whether the Social Security number they're using to get the job has been stolen. It's not the normal identity theft situation," he said.

So if they're filing taxes using THEIR OWN TIN would they not be documented since they applied for their TIN?

These same people paying through a ssn that is stolen are at least paying into the system and not getting anything out when they retire because at that point since IRS knew all along it was stolen is not paying them ss benefits. Right?
The article and IRS.........admits they are undocumented aliens..............Now you try to spin that.

They have been doing this since 1986
I do enjoy the scenario you girls cook up... Some guy travels a thousand miles, pays a coyote to take him across the river or through the desert, lives in hiding, avoids the authorities where he can but is somehow determined to vote every Election Day.

you girls are funny

I know it's amazing what they think. Most illegals if not criminals want to stay hidden and live under the radar and have to be rolling in laughter when they hear they're being accused of voting.

I can see it now on election day: Hey Paco let's' go vote and get thrown out of the country it took us 10 years to get here.

Yeah, they want to stay hidden and under the radar. Ask the thousands standing outside the DMV's in NYC who are now allowed to get drivers licenses how under the radar they wish to stay.
These same people paying through a ssn that is stolen are at least paying into the system and not getting anything out when they retire because at that point since IRS knew all along it was stolen is not paying them ss benefits. Right?
As you justify Identity theft which is a Felony..........

And as you ignore how they get Tax Credits when they aren't even a citizen.......
I do enjoy the scenario you girls cook up... Some guy travels a thousand miles, pays a coyote to take him across the river or through the desert, lives in hiding, avoids the authorities where he can but is somehow determined to vote every Election Day.

you girls are funny

I know it's amazing what they think. Most illegals if not criminals want to stay hidden and live under the radar and have to be rolling in laughter when they hear they're being accused of voting.

I can see it now on election day: Hey Paco let's' go vote and get thrown out of the country it took us 10 years to get here.

Yeah, they want to stay hidden and under the radar. Ask the thousands standing outside the DMV's in NYC who are now allowed to get drivers licenses how under the radar they wish to stay.

Thanks for making my point for me.
Nice spin away from the point............but in regards to the Wall.........300 to 400 miles will be complete by 2020 if they can overcome the last court challenge that is holding up 175 miles.

In regards to killing the illegals getting Tax Credits..........well they found a way around that as well.

Do you believe Illegals should get Tax Credits............Secondly do you have NO PROBLEM with them FORGING IDS and SSNs............

Speak into the microphone.
And after 13 pages there is still no evidence that anything has been accomplished on this front since the Photo Op back in July.
And out of them all you have one person that is proven to have actually voted.

That's because it's very difficult to bust illegals when they do vote. Why would an illegal register to vote if they had no intention of voting?

A person goes to vote, the poll worker doesn't accept their form of identification, do they call the cops? Do they report it to the media? No, they just simply turn the voter away. I seen it happen in front of me one time. Nobody knows a thing.

So you saw the system work.

And that means it works all the time?

Until you or anyone prove otherwise and there have been plenty of people who have tried. North Carolina proved that cheating can be uncovered.

One of my links are out of NC. Much voter fraud cannot be detected because not enough safeguards are in place. Anytime the Republicans want to institute safeguards, the Democrats cause a stink about it. You know it--I know it. It's something that can't be denied.

As I showed earlier, there are safeguards in place to HIDE and COVER UP election fraud.
Nice spin away from the point............but in regards to the Wall.........300 to 400 miles will be complete by 2020 if they can overcome the last court challenge that is holding up 175 miles.

Are they using tax credits to fund the wall? It was a pretty simple question.
Nice spin away from the point............but in regards to the Wall.........300 to 400 miles will be complete by 2020 if they can overcome the last court challenge that is holding up 175 miles.

Are they using tax credits to fund the wall? It was a pretty simple question. you sidestep the main point of my article......

I asked you specific questions.........and you aren't answering them for a reason.....

keep spinning.
Millions of illegals vote every election in California, with the full knowledge and approval of the state.

When will you stop peddling that lie to excuse your failure as a party in that state?

The only lie is from those who deny it's done, right out in the open.

California promotes and protects illegal alien voting.

Bill Text - AB-1461 Voter registration: California New Motor Voter Program.

Now show me proof of the illegal voting, ass clown



19 foreign nationals indicted for illegally voting in 2016 elections

You said there were millions

You said no proof..

Move those goal posts, Del.

Voting by illegals is systematic, as the California law cited proves.
And after 13 pages there is still no evidence that anything has been accomplished on this front since the Photo Op back in July.
They are using data from agencies to go after employers vis ICE HSI AUDITS.......

That is going a rate quadroupled to 2017.
I-9 Audits and Investigations of Employers Have Nearly Quadrupled in 2018

How many employers have been charged? How many have had to pay fines or spend time in jail?

Investigations are basically meaningless if there is not something that results from them. This has always been the weak link, we never hold employers accountable
Isn't this like a TDS drone...........demand I answer his questions......which I did, but will not answer mine.

I've given MILLIONS of examples via articles of how they screw the system......get jobs.......and are FELONS.....

but they just look the other way.....and say PROVE THEY VOTE.

Jesus ..............too many people without any common sense in this world.
And after 13 pages there is still no evidence that anything has been accomplished on this front since the Photo Op back in July.
They are using data from agencies to go after employers vis ICE HSI AUDITS.......

That is going a rate quadroupled to 2017.
I-9 Audits and Investigations of Employers Have Nearly Quadrupled in 2018

How many employers have been charged? How many have had to pay fines or spend time in jail?

Investigations are basically meaningless if there is not something that results from them. This has always been the weak link, we never hold employers accountable
As you still don't answer my questions.....asking more....

Why aren't you answering my questions...........and the questions you just asked are because they use the legal system for protection........they have id's and ssns.........and the employer goes WE DIDN'T KNOW.

Now I've answered 2 of your answer mine.
So you saw the system work.

And that means it works all the time?

Until you or anyone prove otherwise and there have been plenty of people who have tried. North Carolina proved that cheating can be uncovered.

One of my links are out of NC. Much voter fraud cannot be detected because not enough safeguards are in place. Anytime the Republicans want to institute safeguards, the Democrats cause a stink about it. You know it--I know it. It's something that can't be denied.

Odd, it wasn't that hard to catch the Republicans cheating in North Carolina. Illegals are going to risk getting caught?

Are you arguing that we need to put more safegaurds on the Republican party in North Carolina?

You keep talking about it and brought that up about a half-dozen times now. Post a link already.

LOL, seriously? You were seriously unaware that the election was overturned over this?

How Republicans Tried to Rig an Election in North Carolina (And Almost Got Away With It)

North Carolina Had No Choice
That's because it's very difficult to bust illegals when they do vote. Why would an illegal register to vote if they had no intention of voting?

A person goes to vote, the poll worker doesn't accept their form of identification, do they call the cops? Do they report it to the media? No, they just simply turn the voter away. I seen it happen in front of me one time. Nobody knows a thing.

So you saw the system work.

And that means it works all the time?

Until you or anyone prove otherwise and there have been plenty of people who have tried. North Carolina proved that cheating can be uncovered.

One of my links are out of NC. Much voter fraud cannot be detected because not enough safeguards are in place. Anytime the Republicans want to institute safeguards, the Democrats cause a stink about it. You know it--I know it. It's something that can't be denied.

As I showed earlier, there are safeguards in place to HIDE and COVER UP election fraud.

Of course. Does anybody think when Rafael the illegal gets his drivers license in California, that Selena working at the DMV will question whether he's a citizen or not? No, they just mark them down as a legal voter and off he goes.
Nice spin away from the point............but in regards to the Wall.........300 to 400 miles will be complete by 2020 if they can overcome the last court challenge that is holding up 175 miles.

Are they using tax credits to fund the wall? It was a pretty simple question. you sidestep the main point of my article......

I asked you specific questions.........and you aren't answering them for a reason.....

keep spinning.

Your questions had nothing to do with my question. I saw no reason to answer them since you did not answer mine.

I do not think illegals should get anything, least of all tax credits.

If they forge SSNs they and the people that helped them do it should spend a good long time in jail.
And after 13 pages there is still no evidence that anything has been accomplished on this front since the Photo Op back in July.
They are using data from agencies to go after employers vis ICE HSI AUDITS.......

That is going a rate quadroupled to 2017.
I-9 Audits and Investigations of Employers Have Nearly Quadrupled in 2018

How many employers have been charged? How many have had to pay fines or spend time in jail?

Investigations are basically meaningless if there is not something that results from them. This has always been the weak link, we never hold employers accountable
As you still don't answer my questions.....asking more....

Why aren't you answering my questions...........and the questions you just asked are because they use the legal system for protection........they have id's and ssns.........and the employer goes WE DIDN'T KNOW.

Now I've answered 2 of your answer mine.

I did.

So, why do we not have a real, workable system for employers to verify SSN and IDs?

If the IRS can figure out that I made a mistake on my taxes from 3 years ago in regards to can we not come up with a system of verifying work eligibility?
And after 13 pages there is still no evidence that anything has been accomplished on this front since the Photo Op back in July.
They are using data from agencies to go after employers vis ICE HSI AUDITS.......

That is going a rate quadroupled to 2017.
I-9 Audits and Investigations of Employers Have Nearly Quadrupled in 2018

How many employers have been charged? How many have had to pay fines or spend time in jail?

Investigations are basically meaningless if there is not something that results from them. This has always been the weak link, we never hold employers accountable
As you still don't answer my questions.....asking more....

Why aren't you answering my questions...........and the questions you just asked are because they use the legal system for protection........they have id's and ssns.........and the employer goes WE DIDN'T KNOW.

Now I've answered 2 of your answer mine.

I did.

So, why do we not have a real, workable system for employers to verify SSN and IDs?

If the IRS can figure out that I made a mistake on my taxes from 3 years ago in regards to can we not come up with a system of verifying work eligibility?
Spin know why.......they don't prosecute because the Chamber of Commerce and their boot licking politicians from both sides wants the cheap labor.

E-Verify is failing miserably at that as well.

E-Verify is a joke.

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